• Title/Summary/Keyword: 촉매 가수분해 반응

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Supercritical Water Hydrolysis of Waste Logs after Oak Mushroom Production (초임계수를 이용한 표고버섯 골목의 가수분해)

  • Koo, Bon-Wook;Lee, Jae-Won;Choi, Joon-Weon;Choi, Don-Ha;Choi, In-Gyu
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.81-95
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    • 2006
  • In order to investigate the possibility of waste logs after oak mushroom production as a source of an alternative energy and to obtain the fundamental data of supercritical water hydrolysis that has been paid attention as a new saccharification method of lignocellulosics, supercritical water hydrolysis of normal log woods (Quercus acutissima Carruth) and waste logs was carried out. With the increase of reaction time and temperature, the color of the degradation products has been dark and the degradation rate and the crystalline index increased. However the increase of reaction pressure affected the color of the degradation products and the degradation rate at only low reaction temperature. In the early stage of the reaction, the degradation of hemicellulose was progressed, while in the late stage, the cellulose was degraded. The increase of reaction time and reaction temperature (less than $415^{\circ}C$) improved the sugar yield, while at high temperature(more than $415^{\circ}C$), the sugar yield was decreased. Based on the result of the sugar yield, the optimal hydrolysis condition of Q. acutissima Carruth by supercritical water was determined to be $415^{\circ}C$, 60 seconds and 230 pressure bar with the sugar yield of 2.68% (w/w). At the optimal condition, the supercritical water hydrolysis of waste logs after the mushroom production was carried out and the sugar yield was increased to 358% (w/w). The major degradation products of waste logs by supercritical water hydrolysis were 1,1'-oxybis-benzene and 1,2-benzendicarboxylic acid by the GC-MS analysis. At the reaction condition with low degradation rate, the fatty acids such as pentadecanoic acid, 14-methyl-heptadecanoic acid were identified. With the increase of the reaction temperature and time, the amounts of phenol and benzene were increased, but the reaction pressure did not affect the kinds of degradation products. Holocellulose content was 60.6~79.2% in the water insoluble residue and the monosaccharide yield of the water insoluble residue was 49.2~675% by the acid hydrolysis. The monosaccharide yield of water-soluble portion was increased largely by the second hydrolysis using dilute acid.

Effect of External and Intramolecular Nucleophiles on Nature of Products of Carboxypeptidase A-Catalyzed Hydrolysis of Esters. Attempted Trapping of Acyl-Enzyme Intermediate (카르복시펩티다제A의 에스테르 가수분해 반응생성물의 종류에 대한 외부 및 분자내 친핵체의 영향. 아실-효소중간체의 포획시도)

  • Junghun Suh;Emil Thomas Kaiser
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.164-172
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    • 1978
  • Carboxypeptidase A-catalyzed hydrolysis of ester substrates was carried out at room temperature in the presence of a number of external reagents. If the acyl-enzyme intermediate, an anhydride, is attacked by the external reagents, products formed by trapping at the acyl portion or at the enzyme portion of the anhydride group can be obtained. Examination of the uv/vis spectral properties of the reaction products and of changes in enzyme activity indicated that such trapping reactions did not occur. Also performed was evaluation of enzymatic rate parameters for the the hydrolysis of O-(o-hydroxyphenylacetyl)-L-${\beta}$-phenyllactate. Detection of 2-coumaranone possibly formed by attack of the o-hydroxy group as an intramolecular trapping group at the acyl-enzyme intermediate was tried, but no evidences for the intramolecular trapping reaction were obtained. Failure to trap the intermediate was discussed in terms of steric hindrance imposed on the approach of the trapping reagents to the anhydride group of the acyl-enzyme intermediate and of the fast enzymatic breakdown of the intermediate.

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Synthesis of TiO2 Fine Powder by Sol-Gel Process and Reaction Mechanism(I): Hydrolysis of Titanium Isopropoxide (졸-겔법에 의한 TiO2 미분말 합성과 반응메카니즘(I): Titanium isopropoxide의 가수분해)

  • Myung, Jung-Jae;Chung, Yong-Sun;Kyong, Jin-Bum;Kim, Ho-Kun
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.794-801
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    • 1996
  • $TiO_2$ fine powders were synthesized via hydrolysis reaction of titanium isopropoxide in isopropanol solvent and the reaction rates were studied by use of UV spectroscopic method. The reactions were controlled to proceed to pseudo-first-order reaction in the presence of excess water in isopropanol solvent. The rate constants which varied with temperature and concentration of water were calculated by Guggenheim method. Reactions using $D_2O$ were also carried out to determine the catalytic character of water. n value of water molecules in transition state and the thermodynamic parameters showed that the reaction proceeded by $S_N2$ mechanism. $TiO_2$ powders synthesized in this reaction were almost spheric forms and had average particle size of $0.3{\mu}m$ diameter.

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Acid-Catalyzed Hydrolysis Reaction of Poly(vinyl acetate) (폴리(비닐 아세테이트)의 산촉매 가수분해 반응)

  • Park, Sang-Soo;Yoon, Hi-Sook
    • Polymer(Korea)
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.304-307
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    • 2005
  • The acid-catalyzed hydrolysis reaction of poly(vinyl acetate) (PVAc) in water/acetic acid solution at $35^{circ}C$ was studied at two different solvent compositions. The mole fractions of vinyl acetate (Vac) and vinyl alcohol (VA) during the course of the reaction were determined by NMR, and the equilibrium constant $K_{eq}$ of the reaction was determined using the molar ratio of VAc to VA at the chemical equilibrium. $K_{eq}$ was 0.75 (${\pm}0.01$) when the VAc mole faction at the equilibrium was 0.78 (${\pm}0.01$) and it was 0.69 (${\pm}0.01$) when the VAc mole fraction was 0.57 (${\pm}$0.02). The reaction was found to be a pseudo 1-st order reaction with the rate coefficient at $3.4{\times}10^{-6}/sec$.

Mesoporous Silica-Carbon Composite Membranes for Simultaneous Hydrolysis and Separation of Chiral Epoxide (카본/메조세공 실리카 복합 막을 응용한 키랄 에폭사이드의 가수분해반응과 동시 분리)

  • Choi, Seong Dae;Jeon, Sang Kwon;Park, Geun Woo;Yang, Jin Young;Kim, Geon-Joong
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.503-509
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    • 2014
  • The carbon/porous silica composite membrane was fabricated in a simple manner, which could be successfully for the simultaneous separation and production of chiral epoxides and 1,2-diols, based on their differences in hydrophilic/hydrophobic natures. The chiral Co(III)-$BF_3$ salen catalyst adopted in the membrane reactor system has given the very high enantioselectivity and recyclability in hydrolysis of terminal epoxides such as ECH, 1,2-EB, and SO. The optically pure epoxide and the chiral catalyst were collected in the organic phase after hydrolysis reaction. The hydrophilic water-soluble 1,2-diol product hydrolyzed by chiral salen diffused into the aqueous phase through the SBA-16 or NaY/SBA-16 silica composite layer during the reaction. The water acted simultaneously as a reactant and a solvent in the membrane system. One optical isomer was obtained with high purity and yield, and furthermore the catalysts could be recycled without observable loss in their activity in the continuous flow-type membrane reactor.

Determination of Reactivities by MO Theory (XV). Theoretical Studies on Conformations and Acid Catalysis of Acetamides (MO 理論에 依한 反應性의 決定 (第15報). 아세트아미드류의 형태와 산촉매반응에 관한 이론적 연구)

  • Ikchoon Lee;Dong Whan Park
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.358-367
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    • 1979
  • EHT and CNDO/2 calculations have been performed to determine conformations of acetamides and diacetamides, and of their protonated forms. Results show that: protonation is always favored on the cis position with respect to N due to greater attractive potential between $H^+$ and N; the trans-trans conformer of diacetamides gives the most preferred protonated form although the cis-trans conformer is the most stable one for the unprotonated diacetamides. Protonation on a carbonyl oxygen is predicted to increase both charge and orbital controlled $S_N$SN reactivities of the protonated carbonyl carbon due to increases in positive charge and AO coefficient of ${\pi}$-LUMO of the carbon atom. In the acid catalyzed hydrolysis of diacetamides therefore it appears highly probable that the rate determining attack by a water molecule occurs at the carbon of the protonated carbonyl group and the carbonyl carbon-nitrogen bond scission follows subsequently. This mechanism is consistent with that generally accepted for the hydrolysis of amides in dilute acid solution but disagrees with that proposed by Laureut et al., for acid hydrolysis of N-acetyl-lactams.

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Micellar Catalysis on the Hydrolysis of the Fungicidal N-[1-(benzotriazol-1-yl)benzyl]aniline (항균성, N-[1-(benzotriazol-1-yl)benzyl]aniline의 가수분해 반응에 미치는 미셀 촉매효과)

  • Sung, N.D.;Park, C.K.;Lim, C.W.
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.189-193
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    • 1994
  • The hydrolysis of fungicidal N-[1-(benzotriazol-1-yl)benzyl]aniline (BBA) molecule in the presence of cationic cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTABr) and anionic sodium laurylsulfate (NaLs) micellar solutions has been studied kinetically. The Micellar catalysis effect shows that the rate is slightly accelerated by the addition of the anionic NaLs at high pH and the binding constant (Ks) is $1.45{\times}10^4M^{-1}$. This result presumably is due to the electrostatic stabilization by the anionic micelle of the developing carbocation in the transition state rather than the hydrophobic character (${\pi}$: 4.93) of (BBA).

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Understand the Molecular Orbital Theory on the Hydrolytic Reactivity of Herbicide Flumioxazine (제초제 Flumioxazine의 가수분해 반응성에 관한 분자 궤도론적 이해)

  • Sung, Nack-Do;Jung, Hoon-Sung
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.265-271
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    • 2004
  • Hydrolytic reactivities of N-phenylphthalimid herbicide flumioxazine (S) were disccused using molecular orbital (MO) theoretical method. It is revealed that below pH 5.0, the protonation $(SH^+)$ to carbonyl oxygens atom $(O_{21})$ of 1,2-dicarboximino group by general acid catalysis $(k_A)$ with hydronium ion $(H_3O^+)$ proceeds via charge controled reaction. Whereas, the specific base catalysis $(k_{OH})$ with hydroxide anion via orbital controled reaction occurs above pH 8.0. We may concluded that in the range of pH $5.0\sim8.0$, the hydrolysis proceeds through nucleophilic addition elimination $(Ad_{N-E})$ reaction, these two reactions occur competitively.

Elution of Plasticizer fvom PVC Sheet in Alkaline Solutions (알카리수용액중에서 PVC Sheet로부터 가소제의 추출)

  • 신선명;전석호;한오형
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.14-19
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    • 2002
  • PVC sheet was treated in O~10M NaOH solutions at $80~150^{\circ}C$ for O~7 hour, in order to study the leaching phenomena of plasticizer. The yield of phthalic acid produced by hydrolysis of DOP was increased greatly with increasing temperature and NaOH concentration by accelerating of alkali catalyst. The yield of phthalic acid was reached ca. 100% in 10M NaOH at $150^{\circ}C$ over 3 hours. Therefore, the plasticizer containing 30% in PVC sheet could be hydrolyzed in alkali solutions before the occurrence of dehydrochlorination. Besides, in the thermal reaction, the pores were produced in the PVCsheet by the hydrolysis of DOP.