• Title/Summary/Keyword: 체외순환

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The Effects of Packed Red Blood Cell Washing and Circuit Precirculation-Ultrafiltration on the Production of Cytokines by Open Heart Surgery (충전용 농축적혈구의 세척 및 체외순환로의 전순환-초여과법이 개심수술에 의한 사이토카인 형성에 미치는 영향)

  • 전태국;노준량
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.199-208
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    • 2002
  • Background: The washing of packed red blood cells could remove pro-inflammatory mediators, cell debris, and micro-particles contained in packed red blood cells, and the preci-rculation-ultrafiltration (recirculation and ultrafiltration of circuit itself before cardiopulmonary bypass) could attenuate the initial inflammatory reaction and remove the initial proinflam-matory mediators. This study was performed to evaluate whether the washing of packed red blood cells and precirculation-ultrafiltration can reduce the production of cytokines that have an important role in myocardial reperfusion injury. This study investigated the effects of washing the packed red blood cells and precirculation-ultrafiltration on the production of cytokines during and after cardiopulmonary bypass and open heart surgery. Material and Method: Forty eight infants with VSD undergoing open heart surgery under cardiopulmonary bypass were randomized into control group (group C, n=12), washing group (group W, n= 12), precirculation-ultrafiltration group (group F, n: 12), and combined group(washing and precirculation-ultrafiltration, group WF, n=12). Blood samples were obtained before, during, and after the bypass to assess plasma level of tumor necrosis factor-$\alpha$(TNF-$\alpha$), interleukin-6(IL-6), and interleukin-8 (IL-8). Results: Expressions of TNF-$\alpha$ were significantly reduced in combined group (group WF) compared with group C, group W, and group F (p<0.05). Expression of IL-6 were significantly reduced in group W, group F, and group WF compared with group C (p<0.05), but similar among group W, group F, and group WF (p=0.053). Expression of IL-8 were reduced in group W and group WF compared with group C (p<0.05), but similar among group W, group F, and group WF (p=0.067). Conclusion: In conclusion, the washing of packed red blood cells and precirculation-ultrafiltration blunted the increase of TNF-$\alpha$ , IL-6, and IL-8 during and after open heart surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass. However, the clinical benefits of these treatments remains unproven.

Blood Protein Adsorption and Platelet Activation on an Ultra-hydrophilic Substrate (초친수성 표면에서 혈장 단백의 흡착 및 혈소판의 변화에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Nam-Hee;Chun, Bae-Hyeock;Je, Hyung-Gon;Lee, Jun-Wan;Lee, Jae-Won
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.40 no.4 s.273
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    • pp.273-279
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    • 2007
  • Background: We evaluate the efficacy of ultra-hydrophilic coated bypass circuits in comparison with uncoated bypass circuits in a porcine cardiopulmonary bypass model. Material and Method: Normothermic cardiopulmonary bypass was peformed in 10 anesthetized pigs via the left atrium and ascending aorta with a centrifugal biopump. Ultra-hydrophilic coated bypass circuits wore used in 5 pigs (the study group) and uncoated bypass circuits were used for the control group. Platelet counts and platelet aggregation tests were peformed. The thrombin-antithrombin(TAT) complex level and total protein level were evaluated. Result: There were no significant changes En the platelet counts and aggregation ability of both groups. The TAT complex levels were not different between the two groups. The total protein level was significantly lower in the control group after cessation of cardiopulmonary bypass. Conclusion: The clinical effects of ultra-hydrophilic coating circuits were not remarkable, in terms of reducing inflammatory reaction and protection of platelet function. However, the effect of protection for blood protein adsorption might be acceptable.

The Effects of Leukocyte Depleted Priming Solution on the Gastric Mucosal $Co_{2}$ Partial Pressure and Serum IL-8 Level during Cardiopulmonary Bypass in Korean Mongrel Dogs (한국산 잡견에서 백혈구 제거 충진액이 체외순환 중 위점막 이산화탄소 농도와 IL-8 수준에 미치는 영향)

  • Park Kuhn;Lee Jong Ho;Kim Jin Ho;Jin Ung;Kwon Jong Bum;Kim Chi Kyeong;Wang Young Pil
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.38 no.12 s.257
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    • pp.807-814
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    • 2005
  • Background: Cardiopulmonary bypass is an essential process to maintain circulation for saving life during the cardiac surgery, But it is a process in which systemic inflammation was evoked inevitably because of the exposure of blood to foreign surface. The injuries to distal organs during the cardiopulmonary bypass were resulted from systemic inflammation and the disturbances of micro-circulations in the organs. We designed this study to research the effects of leukocyte depletion from pump-oxygenator priming solution on the systemic inflammation, and the micro-circulation of gastric mucosa that is suggested by the gastric mucosal $CO_{2}$ partial pressure and acidity. Material and Method: The dogs were divided into three groups according to the different pump-oxygenator priming solutions; non-hemic crystalloid solution; leukocyte-depleted homologous blood; and non leukocyte-depleted homo-logous blood. Each priming solution group contained five dogs. In all three groups, 2 hours of cardiopulmonary bypass, and 4 consecutive hours of general anesthesia was maintained on the mechanical ventilation. Each dog was evaluated for the gastric mucosal pH, $CO_{2}$ partial Pressure, arterial pH, $CO_{2}$ partial pressure, the exhaled air $CO_{2}$ partial pressure and the level of IL-8 on before the cardiopulmonary bypass, 1 hour after the cardiopulmonary bypass, 2 hours after the cardiopulmonary bypass, 2 hours after the restoration of normal circulation, and 4 hours after the restoration of normal circulation after the cardiopulmonary bypass. The levels of IL-8 were measured with ELISA (enzyme linked immunosorbent assay) technique. Result: 1. There were significant differences of gastric mucosal $CO_{2}$ partial pressure between the leukocyte-depleted homologous blood group and other two groups(vs non leukocyte-depleted homologous blood group; P=0.02, vs non-hemic crystalloid solution group; P=0,01). 2. The gastric mucosal pH of leukocyte-depleted homologous blood group was significantly different from non leukocyte-depleted homologous blood group (p=0.01). 3. The levels of IL-8, which examine the systemic inflammation, showed signi- ficantly better results in leukocyte-depleted homologous blood group and non-hemic crystalloid solution group than non leukocyte-depleted homologous blood group (p=0.01, 0.01). Conclusion: Based upon these results, we concluded that the leukocyte depletion from the pump-oxygenator priming solution has a beneficial effects in reducing systemic inflammation and the preserving of gastric mucosal micro-circulation.

The Role of Perfusionists during the COVID-19 Pandemic and Clinical Laboratory Technologists: Comparison of Training Systems in Japan and the United States (코로나19를 통해서 바라본 체외순환사의 역할과 임상병리사: 일본과 미국의 양성체계를 비교)

  • Dong-Ok, Aum;Dae Jin, Kim;Dae Eun, Kim;Myong Soo, Kim;Bon-Kyeong, Koo
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science
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    • v.54 no.4
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    • pp.293-297
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    • 2022
  • In 2022, Korea reported a total of 224 perfusionists, employing nurses or clinical laboratory technologists (also known as medical technologists) to provide hospital self-education or reliable education. In 2021, the total number of perfusionists in Japan was 2,100, mainly supported by clinical engineering technologists. During the same period, the number of perfusionists reported in the United States was 4,212, who had received training in the master's program, post-bachelor certificate program, and bachelor's program. Most personnel in the USA were graduates of healthcare sciences or life sciences. Perfusionists must be knowledgeable in heart anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, pathology, hemodynamics, laboratory analysis, and quality assurance, as well as techniques to operate the cardiopulmonary bypass machine (heart-lung bypass machine). These are jobs similarly handled by clinical laboratory technologists. The importance of perfusionists became more prominent during two major crises: the MERS-CoV and COVID-19 pandemic. Currently, perfusionists play a significant role in the rapidly expanding field of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) and extracorporeal circulation during cardiac surgery. Results of the current study indicate that hospitals offering cardiac surgery and infectious disease hospitalization need to be institutionalized to secure a certain number of qualified perfusionists. In the future, we look forward to establishing a perfusion technology association under the Korean Society for Clinical Laboratory Physiology to provide academic exchanges.

Comparison of Effects of Normothermic and Hypothermic Cardiopulmonary Bypass on Cerebral Metabolism During Cardiac Surgery (체외순환 시 뇌 대사에 대한 정상 체온 체외순환과 저 체온 체외순환의 임상적 영향에 관한 비교연구)

  • 조광현;박경택;김경현;최석철;최국렬;황윤호
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.420-429
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    • 2002
  • Moderate hypothermic cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) has commonly been used in cardiac surgery. Several cardiac centers recently practice normothermic CPB in cardiac surgery, However, the clinical effect and safety of normothermic CPB on cerebral metabolism are not established and not fully understood. This study was prospectively designed to evaluate the clinical influence of normothermic CPB on brain metabolism and to compare it with that of moderate hypothermic CPB. Material and Method: Thirty-six adult patients scheduled for elective cardiac surgery were randomized to receive normothermic (nasopharyngeal temperature >34.5 $^{\circ}C$, n=18) or hypothermic (nasopharyngeal temperature 29~3$0^{\circ}C$, n=18) CPB with nonpulsatile pump. Middle cerebral artery blood flow velocity (VMCA), cerebral arteriovenous oxygen content difference (CAVO$_{2}$), cerebral oxygen extraction (COE), modified cerebral metabolic rate for oxygen (MCMRO$_{2}$), cerebral oxygen transport (TEO$_{2}$), cerebral venous desaturation (oxygen saturation in internal jugular bulb blood$\leq$50 %), and arterial and internal jugular bulb blood gas analysis were measured during six phases of the operation: Pre-CPB (control), CPB-10 min, Rewarm-1 (nasopharyngeal temperature 34 $^{\circ}C$ in the hypothermic group), Rewarm-2 (nasopharyngeal temperature 37 $^{\circ}C$ in the both groups), CPB-off and Post-CPB (skin closure after CPB-off). Postoperaitve neuropsychologic complications were observed in all patients. All variables were compared between the two groups. Result: VMCA at Rewarm-2 was higher in the hypothermic group (153.11$\pm$8.98%) than in the normothermic group (131.18$\pm$6.94%) (p<0.05). CAVO$_{2}$ (3.47$\pm$0.21 vs 4.28$\pm$0.29 mL/dL, p<0.05), COE (0.30$\pm$0.02 vs 0.39$\pm$0.02, p<0.05) and MCMRO$_{2}$ (4.71 $\pm$0.42 vs 5.36$\pm$0.45, p<0.05) at CPB-10 min were lower in the hypothermic group than in the normothermic group. The hypothermic group had higher TEO$_{2}$ than the normothermic group at CPB-10 (1,527.60$\pm$25.84 vs 1,368.74$\pm$20.03, p<0.05), Rewarm-2 (1,757.50$\pm$32.30 vs 1,478.60$\pm$27.41, p<0.05) and Post-CPB (1,734.37$\pm$41.45 vs 1,597.68$\pm$27.50, p<0.05). Internal jugular bulb oxygen tension (40.96$\pm$1.16 vs 34.79$\pm$2.18 mmHg, p<0.05), saturation (72.63$\pm$2.68 vs 64.76$\pm$2.49 %, p<0.05) and content (8.08$\pm$0.34 vs 6.78$\pm$0.43 mL/dL, p<0.05) at CPB-10 were higher in the hypothermic group than in the normothermic group. The hypothermic group had less incidence of postoperative neurologic complication (delirium) than the normothermic group (2 vs 4 patients, p<0.05). Lasting periods of postoperative delirium were shorter in the hypothermic group than in the normothermic group (60 vs 160 hrs, p<0.01). Conclusion: These results indicate that normothermic CPB should not be routinely applied in all cardiac surgery, especially advanced age or the clinical situations that require prolonged operative time. Moderate hypothermic CPB may have beneficial influences relatively on brain metabolism and postoperative neuropsychologic outcomes when compared with normothermic CPB.

Coronary Artery Bypass Grafti ng without Extracorporeal Ci rculation One Case Report (체외순환을 사용하지 않은 관상동맥우회술-1례보고-)

  • 임창영;이헌재
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.326-329
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    • 1997
  • Coronary artery bypass grafting(CABG) without cardiopulmonary bypass(CPB) is now an accepted technique of myocardial revascularization in selective cases of coronary arterial occlusive disease. The lesion was total(100%) occlusion of proximal right coronary artery(RCA) without any evidence of dis,Base in the rest of coronary arteries. Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty(PTCA) was tried but unsuccessful. We herein report a case of successful CABG to right coronary artery without CPB on a patient with complete occlusion of RCA and symptomatic wit minimal activity.

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Veno-Venous Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation of Acute Respiratory Failure due to Near-drowning -2 case reports- (물놀이 사고로 유발된 급성호흡부전 환자에서 정정맥 체외순환막형산화요법의 적용 - 2예 보고 -)

  • Kim, Hyoung-Soo;Han, Sang-Jin;Lee, Chang-Youl;Lee, Sun-Hee;Jung, Jae-Han;Kim, Sung-Jun
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.164-167
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    • 2010
  • Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) during acute respiratory failure due to any cause aids in the recovery of respiratory function. The use of ECMO for acute respiratory failure due to near drowning was reported to be a successful therapeutic option in those patients who do not respond to optimal conventional therapies. We performed veno-venous ECMO for 2 acute respiratory failures due to near-drownings. All cannulations were performed percutaneously via both femoral veins. The 2 patients were successfully weaned off ECMO, but one patient experienced diffuse hypoxic brain damage and a subarachnoid hemorrhage.

The Influences of Perfusion Temperature on Inflammatory and Hematologic Responses during Cardiopulmonary Bypass (체외순환시 염증과 혈액학적 반응에 대한 관류온도의 영향)

  • 김상필;최석철;박동욱;한일용;이양행;조광현;황윤호
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.37 no.10
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    • pp.817-826
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    • 2004
  • Background: Several studies have demonstrated that conventional hypothermic cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) causes cellular injury, abnormal responses in peripheral vascular beds and increased postoperative bleeding, whereas normothermic CPB provides protection of the hypothermic-induced effects and better cardiac recovery. The present study was prospectively performed to compare the effects of normothermic CPB to those of hypothermic CPB on the inflammatory and hematologic responses during cardiac surgery. Material and Method: Thirty-four adult patients scheduled for elective cardiac surgery were randomly assigned to hypothermic CPB (nasopharyngeal temperature $26~28^{\circ}C,$ n=17) or normothermic CPB (nasopharyngeal $temperature>35.5^{\circ}C,$ n=17) group. In both groups, cold $(4^{\circ}C)$ crystalloid cardioplegia was applied for myocardial protection. Blood samples were drawn from radial artery before (Pre-CPB), 10 minutes after starting (CPB-10) and immediately after ending (CPB-OFF) CPB. Total leukocyte and platelet counts, interleukin-6 (IL-6) level(expressed as percent to the baseline of Pre-CPB), D-dimer level, protein C and protein S activity were measured with the blood samples. The amount of bleeding for postoperative 24 hours and blood transfusion after operation were also assessed. All parameters were compared between the two groups. Result: The total leukocyte counts $(10,032\pm65/mm^3)$ and the increased ratio of IL-6 $(353\pm7.0%)$ at CPB-OFF in the normothermic group were higher than that $(7,254\pm48/mm^3$ and $298\pm7.3%)$ of the hypothermic group(p=0.02 and p=0.03). In the normothermic group, protein C activity $(32\pm3.8%)$ and protein S activity $(35\pm4.1%)$ at CPB-OFF were significantly lower than that $(45\pm4.3%$ and $51\pm3.8%)$ of the hypothermic group (p=0.04 and p=0.009). However, there were no differences in platelet counts and D-dimer concentration. In the normothermic group, the amount of bleeding for postoperative 24 hours $(850\pm23.2$ mL) and requirements for blood transfusion after operation such as packed cell $(1,402\pm20.5$ mL), fresh frozen plasma $(970\pm20.8$ mL) and platelet $(252\pm6.4$ mL) were higher than that $(530\pm21.5$ mL, $696\pm15.7$ mL, $603\pm18.2$ mL and $50\pm0.0$ mL) of the hypothermic group. Conclusion: These results indicate that normothermic CPB with cold crystalloid cardioplegia was associated with higher increase in inflammatory response, hemostatic abnormalities and postoperative bleeding problem than moderate hypothermic CPB.

Hematologic Changes and Factors Related to Postoperative Hemorrhage Following Cardiopulmonary Bypass (체외순환에 따른 혈액학적 변화와 술후 출혈에 관계하는 인자에 관한 연구)

  • 김하늘루;황윤호;최석철;최국렬;김승우;조광현
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.31 no.10
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    • pp.952-963
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    • 1998
  • Background: Cardiopulmonary bypass(CPB)-induced hemostatic defects may result increased possibility of excessive hemorrhage and additional multiple transfusion reactions or reoperation. Particularly, fibrinolytic activation and decreased platelet count and function by CPB were proposed as a predictor of hemorrhage during postoperative periods in several reports. Materials and methods: Present study, which was conducted in 20 adult patients undergoing CPB, was prospectively designed to examine the hematologic changes, including fibrinolytic activation during and after CPB and to clarify the relationships between these changes and the magnitude of the postoperative nonsurgical blood loss. The serial blood samples for measurment of hematologic parameters were taken during operation and postoperative periods. Blood loss was respectively counted via thoracic catheter drainage at postoperative 3, 6, 12, 24, 48 hours and total period. Results: The results were obtained as follows:Platelet count rapidly declined following CPB(p<0.01), which its decreasing rate was an inverse proportion to total bypass time(TBT, r=0.55, p=0.01), And platelet count in postoperative 7th day was barely near to its control value. Fibrinogen degradating product(FDP) and D-dimer level significantly increased during CPB(p<0.0001, p<0.0001, respectively), and both of fibrinogen and plasminogen concentration correlatively decreased during CPB(r=0.57, p<0.01), implying activation of fibrinolytic system. Postoperative bleeding time (BT), postoperative activated partial thromboplastin time(aPTT) and postoperative prothrombin time (PT) were significantly prolonged as compare with each control value (p=0.05, p<0.0001, p<0.0001, respectively). Total blood loss was positively correlated with patient's age, aortic clamping time (ACT) and TBT, while there was negative correlation between platelet count and blood loss at pre-CPB, CPB-off and the 1st postoperative day, and in some periods. Postoperative aPTT and postoperative PTwere positively related to postoperative 6 hr and 48 hr blood loss(r=0.53, p=0.02; r=0.43, p=0.05) but not to total blood loss, whereas there was no relationship between postoperative BT and blood loss at any period. Conclusions: These observations suggest that CPB results various hematologic changes, including fibrinolytic activation and severe reduction in platelet count. Diverse factors such as age, platelet count, ACT, TBT and postoperative aPTT and PT may magnify the postoperative bleeding. This study will be a basic reference in understanding CPB-induced hemostatic injuries and in decreasing the postoperative hemorrhage

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Transpulmonary Sequestration of Leukocyte and Changes of Peripheral Leukocyte Counts with Card iopu Imonary Bypass (체외순환에 따른 백혈구의 폐내정체와 말초혈액내 숫적 동태에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Yun-Gyu;Kim, Yang-Won;Choe, Seok-Cheol;Jo, Gwang-Hyeon
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.29 no.7
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    • pp.700-712
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    • 1996
  • Transpulmonary sequestration of leukocyte following cardiopulmonary bypass(CPB) has been recognized as one of main causes of postoperative pulmonary dysfunction. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of a single dose of prebypass corticosteroid on pulmonary leukostasis and postoperative pulmonary dysfunction. The study was performed prospectively in randomized-blind fas ion for 50 patients from January 1995 to June 1995. All patients were divided into two groups; In the steroid group(n=25), corticosteroid(Solu-Medrol 30mg1kg) was injected prior to CPB and in the placebo group (n=25), normal saline was injected before CPB. The results were summarized as follows. 1. Total peripheral leukocyte counts decreased significantly at 5 minutes of CPB in all patients(P<0.01), and began to increase progressively at later periods of CPB with neutrophilia. The significant rise remained at postoperative 7th day. 2. During partial CPB, transpulmonary leukostasis occurred in placebo group(P< 0.001), whereas it was prevented in steroid group. 3. In both groups, peripheral Lymphocyte counts were stable during CPB, but began to reduce at time of intensive care unit(ICV) and the Iymphocytopenia remained until postoperative )rd day. The Iympho- cyte counts recovered on postoperative 7th day. 4. In both groups, peripheral counts of monocyte were relatively stable in the e rly peroid of CPB, and increased gradually in the later periods of CPB. This significant monocytosis remained throughout postoperative periods(P< 0.05). 5. The mean value of postoperative PaOa was lower than that of pre-CPB In placebo group(P=0.01), but in steroid group, there was no significant difference(P=0. 90) and fever was higher in placebo group compared to steroid group(P=0.001).

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