• Title/Summary/Keyword: 천이시 간

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척추 탈출 디스크 제거를 위한 미세 플라즈마 발생 장치 연구

  • Kim, Gon-Ho;Yun, Seong-Yeong;Gwon, Ho-Cheol
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2010.02a
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    • pp.46-46
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    • 2010
  • 최근 상압 저온 플라즈마에서 발생되는 UV와 화학적 활성종들을 이용한 체내 조직 분해 처리, 피부 및 혈관 표면 처리, 대기 및 액체 정화 처리 등의 생체 의료적 응용이 활발하게 연구되고 있다. 이러한 플라즈마에서는 처리 대상 외의 생체 조직의 손상을 최소화 할 수 있는 기술이 필요하며, 이 조건이 확보된 상태에서 처리 목표 대상에 따른 플라즈마 특성, 즉 선택적 생성종 제어와 플라즈마 온도를 안정적으로 관리할 수 있어야 한다. 인체 내부 조직에 대하여 유효 활성종 등의 직접적인 작용이 필요할 경우 밀리미터 크기 이하의 미세침습성 플라즈마를 활용하게 된다. 이 경우 방전 특성을 간접적으로만 관측 가능하여 주변 조직과 플라즈마 간의 상호 영향 등이 고려되어야 하므로 직접적인 관측이 가능한 인체 외부에서 발생된 플라즈마에 비해서 더욱 정교한 제어가 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 미세 침습성 플라즈마의 발생 메커니즘 및 특성 분석을 수행하여 척추 디스크 탈출 치료 시술에 활용하기 위한 연구를 수행하였다. 처리 대상 조직으로의 접근 시 주변 조직의 손상을 막기 위하여 수 밀리미터 이하의 미세한 전극을 이용하였으며 전기 전도성을 띄는 인체 내부에서 절연공간의 확보를 위해 전극 표면에서 기포를 발생시켜 플라즈마 방전이 가능한 조건을 확보하였다. 또한 플라즈마 방전이 중단되거나 혹은 갑작스런 열 플라즈마로의 천이로 인해 생체에 심각한 열 손상을 초래하는 현상을 방지하기 위하여 발생 플라즈마와 주변 디스크간의 상호 영향을 통한 플라즈마의 동적인 특성 변화 및 안정적인 플라즈마 발생을 위한 조건을 도출하였다. 이를 실제 임상 실험에 활용한 결과를 소개하고 아울러 차세대 의료용 플라즈마 발생 장치 개발을 위한 플라즈마 학계의 관심을 이끌어 보고자 한다.

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Water Hammer Impact of Diversion Tunnel with Operation Gate using the Numerical Model and Mathmatical Analysis (수치모형과 수리분석을 활용한 도수터널 운영에 따른 수충격 영향 검토)

  • Jang, Suk-Hwan;Oh, Kyoung-Doo;Oh, Ji Hwan;Jo, Jun Won
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2017.05a
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    • pp.323-323
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    • 2017
  • 본 연구 대상인 주암댐-주암조절지댐간 도수터널은 저수지 간 연계운영을 통하여 서 남해안 일대의 용수 공급하기 위하여 건설되어 운영되었으나, 터널의 구조적 불안정성이 제기됨에 따라 향후 발생 가능성이 있는 용수공급 중단을 방지하기 위하여 신규 도수터널이 제안되었다. 계획된 신규 도수 터널의 주요 시설물은 크게 양방향 운영이 가능한 터널(D=3.3 m, L=11.23 km), 각 저수지 상황별 운영을 위한 취수문비 2개소, 도수가 이루어지는 상황에서 수문 돌발 폐쇄시 수충격을 감쇄하기 위한 배기구(air vents) 2개소가 계획되었다. 이에 따라 본 연구에서는 주암댐에서 주암조절지댐으로 최대 유량이 통수되는 상태에서, 수문폐쇄에 따른 수충격을 정량적으로 분석하고자 Joukowsky 공식에 적용하여 완폐쇄와 급폐쇄시 도수터널의 안정성을 검토하였으며, 수문 폐쇄로 인한 천이적인 흐름상태 등 수충격 모의가 가능한 1차원 ITM 모형을 적용하여, 수리분석과 수치모형과 결과 비교하고, 계획된 배기구의 유무에 따른 효과를 알아보고자 하였다. 분석 결과, 계획된 0.3 m/min으로 수문을 폐쇄할 경우, 도수터널의 안정성에는 문제가 없을 것으로 분석되었으나, 수문을 급 폐쇄 할 경우, 압력수두가 크게 증가하여 도수터널에 위험이 있을 것으로 분석되었으며 배기구 유무에 따른 수충격 검토 결과 도수터널 내의 수압상승을 적절히 조절하는 조압수조의 역할을 만족스럽게 수행할 것으로 분석되었다.

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A Study of Transient Liquid Phase Bonding with Ni-foam/Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu Composite Solder for EV Power Module Package Application (Ni-foam/Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu 복합 솔더 소재를 이용한 EV 파워 모듈 패키지용 천이 액상 확산 접합 연구)

  • Young-Jin Seo;Min-Haeng Heo;Jeong-Won Yoon
    • Journal of the Microelectronics and Packaging Society
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.55-62
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    • 2023
  • In this study, Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu (wt.%, SAC305) solder dipping process was performed between Ni-foam skeleton with different pore per inch (PPI) to fabricate Ni-foam/SAC305 composite solder, and then applied to the transient liquid phase (TLP) bonding process to evaluate the microstructure and mechanical properties of the bonded joint. The Ni-foam/SAC305 composite solder preform consisted of Ni-foam and SAC305, and an intermetallic compound (IMC) having a (Ni,Cu)3Sn4 composition was formed at the Ni-foam interface. During TLP bonding process, the IMC at the Ni-foam interface was converted to (Ni,Cu)3Sn4+Au, and as the bonding time increased, the Ni-foam and SAC305 continuously reacted, and the bonded joint was converted into an IMC. And it was confirmed that the 130 PPI Ni-foam/SAC305 composite solder joint was converted into an IMC at the fastest rate. As a result of performing a shear test to confirm the effect of Ni-foam on mechanical properties, solder joints under all conditions exhibited excellent mechanical properties of 50 MPa or more in the early stages of the TLP bonding process, and the shear strength tends to increase as the bonding time increases.

Economic Valuation of Alternatives for Rehabilitation of Hydrologic Cycle Using Choice Experiments (다속성선택법을 적용한 물순환 건전화를 위한 대안의 경제적 가치추정)

  • Yoo, Jin-Chea;Kong, Ki-Seo;Lee, Kil-Seong;Chung, Eun-Sung
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.254-258
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    • 2006
  • 경제발전 과정에서 급격한 도시화로 인해 건기의 하천 수량은 줄어들고, 비점오염 발생량은 증가하였으며 심지어 하천이 복개되고 직강화되어 홍수 피해 및 수질오염은 더욱 증가하고 있다. 다행히 최근 소득수준의 증가와 여가시간이 확대됨에 따라, 그 동안의 도시화와 산업화로 인한 오염된 하천을 다시 복원하려는 운동이 활발하게 진행되고 있다. 안양천은 이 같은 하천 중 가장 대표적인 하천 중 하나이다. 본 연구에서는 다속성선택법(CE: choice experiments)을 적용하여 안양천이 어떠한 속성을 갖고 있으며 각각의 속성에 대해 안양천 유역주민들의 사회적인 경험과 인식, 그리고 각 속성의 수준간의 상쇄관계(trade-off)를 고려함으로써 소비자선호에 근거한 한계가치(marginal value)를 추정하였다. 2차례에 걸친 예비조사를 통해 안양천이 가진속성을 홍수피해위험, 가뭄시 하천유량, 수질등급, 하천형태로 설정하였고 설문지 작성을 위해 개별 속성들간의 직교성(orthogonality)을 보장해 주는 주효과 직교설계(orthogonal main effects design) 방법을 이용하였다. 작성된 설문지를 이용해 안양천 유역 10개 지자체 거주민을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였고 설문조사 결과를 통해 추정된 각 속성에 대한 가구당 매월 한계지불의사액은 하류구간의 잠재적 홍수피해(PFD가 0.5)가 보통일 경우는 1,764.8원/월, 낮을(PFD가 0.5이하) 경우는 1,783.8원/월, 가뭄시 하천수가 목표유지유량보다 는 작지만 매말라 있지 않은 경우에는 1,496.8원/월, 가뭄시 하천수가 목표유지유량 이상 유지될 경우에는 2,274.9원/월, 수질 등급 3등급일 경우 1,721.5원/월, 수질 등급 2등급일 경우 1,764.4원/월, 하천둔치를 체육공원과 산책로를 조성할 경우 2,078.1원/월, 하천둔치를 자연친화형 하천으로 보존할 경우 2,441.7원/월으로 분석되었다. 또한 추정된 가구당 매월 한계지불의사액을 통해 각 지자체별 정책대안의 기대효과에 대한 편익을 추정하였다. 각 기대효과는 치수, 수량확보, 수질, 생태로서 각각의 기대효과에 대해 가장 높은 편익을 나타내는 것은 부천시의 하수처리장 건설로서 이는 매년 926.8억원의 편익이 발생되며 그 다음으로는 부천의 하수관거정비(역곡)로서 이는 매년 601.5억원의 편익이 발생하는 것으로 추정되었다.

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Development of Optimized State Assignment Technique for Testing and Low Power (테스팅 및 저전력을 고려한 최적화된 상태할당 기술 개발)

  • Cho Sangwook;Yi Hyunbean;Park Sungju
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.81-90
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    • 2004
  • The state assignment for a finite state machine greatly affects the delay, area, power dissipation, and testabilities of the sequential circuits. In order to improve the testabilities and power consumption, a new state assignment technique . based on m-block partition is introduced in this paper. By the m-block partition algorithm, the dependencies among groups of state variables are minimized and switching activity is further reduced by assigning the codes of the states in the same group considering the state transition probability among the states. In the sequel the length and number of feedback cycles are reduced with minimal switching activity on state variables. It is inherently contradictory problem to optimize the testability and power consumption simultaneously, however our new state assignment technique is able to achieve high fault coverage with less number of scan nfp flops by reducing the number of feedback cycles while the power consumption is kept low upon the low switching activities among state variables. Experiment shows drastic improvement in testabilities and power dissipation for benchmark circuits.

Transient Surge Motion of A Turret Moored Body in Random Waves (불규칙파 중에 Turret 계류된 부유체의 천이운동해석)

  • 김동준
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.92-99
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    • 1991
  • A moored body in the sea is subjected to second-order wave forces as well as to linear oscillatory ones. The second-order farces contain slowly-varying components, of which the characteristic frequency can be as low as the natural frequency of horizontal motions of the moored body. As a consequence, the slowly-varying force can excite unexpectedly large horizontal excursion of the body, which may cause a serious damage on the mooring system. In design analysis of Turret-type mooring system which is one of the interesting mooring systems for a floating body. the slowly-varying drift forces and the transient motion of the system during weathervaning are very important. In this paper the slowly-varying drift forces were calculated by using the Quadratic Transfer Function with considering the second order free-wave contributions. Additionaly the transient surge motion of the moored body was simulated with including the roll of the time-memory effect. In this simulation the spring constant of the spread Turret mooring system is updated at every time step for considering the nonlinear effect.

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Analysis of the Effects by Multi-Stacking of Superstrates on Circular-Polarized Patch Antenna (원형편파 패치안테나에서 상부덮개의 다중 적층에 의한 효과 분석)

  • Lee, Sangrok
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.51 no.3
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    • pp.202-209
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, we analyzed the effects by multi-stacking superstrates over the circular-polarized patch antenna. The previous works considered a single-layered superstrate or a superstrate with multiple layers, and did not almost consider the axial ratio at the performance analysis. First, the effect of center frequency shift is analyzed by the variation of air-gap height between patch antenna and superstrate. The center frequency is down-shifted at the smaller air-gap height and has almost the same frequency as patch antenna at the air-gap height of $005{\lambda}_0$. Second, the antenna performance is analyzed by multi-stacking superstrates with the air-gap height of $005{\lambda}_0$. As the number of multi-stacked superstrates increase, antenna gain has a linear increase and axial ratio is exponentially deteriorated. In addition, it has also been observed that the antenna performance has the same trend with the number of multi-stacked superstrates as the thickness of superstrate increases. Finally, we confirmed that it is possible to design the CP patch antenna with the scalable gain and less than 3dB axial ratio by stacking the superstrate.

Stable lateral-shearing interferometer for in-line inspection of aspheric pick-up lenses (생산 라인에서의 광 Pick-up용 비구면 대물 렌즈 측정을 위한 안정된 층밀리기 간섭계)

  • 조우종;김병창;김승우
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.189-193
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    • 1997
  • Aspheric pick-up lenses are increasingly used in consumer products such as computer and multimedia, as their mass production has become possible owing to the injection molding process. However still much work needs to be done for more effective manufacture of aspheric lenses, one area of which is the in-line inspection of produced lenses. In this paper, we present a lateral-shearing interferometer that has specially been designed to have a high immunity to external vibration and atmospheric disturbance. The interferometer comprises four prisms. They are directly attached to each other using an immersion oil so that relative sliding motions between the prisms are allowed. Their relative displacement can readily generate necessary lateral-shearing and phase-shifting to determine the wavefront of the beam collimated by the lens under inspection. A special phase-measuring algorithm of arbitrary-bucket is adopted to compensate the phase-shifting error caused by the thickness reduction in the immersion oil. Zernike polynomial fitting has done for determinating quantitative aberration of aspheric pick-up lenses. The interferometer built in this work is robust to external mechanical vibration and atmospheric disturbance so that experimental results show that it has a repeatability of less than λ/100.

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Design of Uplink Initial Ranging Algorithm for Large-Cell Coverage Fixed Wireless Communication System (광범위 고정형 무선 통신 시스템을 위한 상향 링크 초기 레인징 기법 설계)

  • Lee, Kyung-Hoon;Hwang, Won-Jun;Choi, Hyung-Jin
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.37 no.7A
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    • pp.569-580
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, an enhanced initial ranging algorithm for large-cell coverage fixed wireless communication system is proposed. In typical wireless communication system such as WiBro, because a round-trip delay between a transmitter and a receiver is within one OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) symbol duration, a frequency-domain differential correlation method is generally used. However, the conventional method cannot be applied due to an increase of a maximum time delay in large-cell system. In case of an accumulative differential method, estimation errors can occur because of frequent sign transitions. In this paper, therefore, we propose an algorithm which can estimate a total timing offset in a ranging channel structure for 15 km cell. The proposed method can improve performance by sign comparison based sign error correction rule between the estimated values and using a weighting scheme based on channel correlation, the number of accumulations, and the noise reduction effect in normalization process. Also, it can estimate the integer timing offset of symbol duration by comparing peak-powers after compensating for the fractional timing offset of symbol duration.

Growth Environment Characteristics and Decline in Mt. Seunghak's Miscanthus sinensis Community (승학산 참억새군락의 생육환경 특성 및 쇠퇴에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Seul-Gi;Choi, Song-Hyun;Hong, Suk-Hwan;Lee, Sang-Cheol;Yu, Chan-Yeol
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.45 no.5
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    • pp.14-28
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    • 2017
  • Mt. Seunghak's Miscanthus sinensis community is not only a landscape resource in terms of cultural services within the Ecosystem Services but also a site that is visited by many mountaineers in autumn. As the current Miscanthus sinensis community has been experiencing a rapid decline due to Korean forest succession characteristics, ongoing artificial management is thought to be needed for landscape resource use. The purpose of this study was to determine growth environment characteristics and the cause of the rapid decline of the Miscanthus sinensis community in Mt. Seunghak, which is located inside a large city with a large scale and outstanding accessibility. As the Miscanthus sinensis community is the representative early vegetation that appears temporarily in dry, barren soil, the Miscanthus sinensis community in Korean forest succession tends to be unsustainable. As the current soil on Mt. Seunghak is inappropriately fertile for the Miscanthus sinensis community, other wetland woody plant communities are anticipated to succeed it. If Miscanthus sinensis community maintenance is needed for Miscanthus sinensis landscape scenery, various alternatives apart from overall Miscanthus sinensis community maintenance should be determined for cost-effective management. For example, while many byways toward the inside of the Miscanthus sinensis community have affected the Miscanthus sinensis community growth environment, the installation of wooden fences and ropes has been a control in approach. As a result of this positive effect, many byways toward the inside of Miscanthus sinensis community have been restored naturally. Through viewable range analysis, as good scenery sites on the observatory have a good viewable range on the main trail as well, if these scenery sites are intensively managed, effective Miscanthus sinensis ccommunity management will be done despite maintenance budget cutbacks. This study is expected to be used as a basic material regarding the alternatives for a sustained Miscanthus sinensis community and the possibility of cultivating other growth in poor soils of fallow fields and unused land.