• 제목/요약/키워드: 처짐 변형

검색결과 206건 처리시간 0.093초

Experimental Evaluation of Internal Blast Resistance of Prestressed Concrete Tubular Structure according to Explosive Charge Weight (프리스트레스트 콘크리트 관형 구조물의 폭발량에 따른 내부폭발저항성능에 관한 실험적 평가)

  • Choi, Ji Hun;Choi, Seung Jai;Yang, Dal Hun;Kim, Jang-Ho Jay
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • 제39권3호
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    • pp.369-380
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    • 2019
  • When a extreme loading such as blast is applied to prestressed concrete (PSC) structures and infrastructures for an instantaneous time, serious property damages and human casualties occur. However, a existing design procedure for PSC structures such as prestressed containment vessel (PCCV) and gas storage tank do not consider a protective design for extreme internal blast scenario. Particularly, an internal blast is much more dangerous than that of external blast. Therefore, verification of the internal blast loading is required. In this paper, the internal blast resistance capacity of PSC member is evaluated by performing internal blast tests on RC and bi-directional PSC scaled down specimens. The applied internal blast loads were 22.68, 27.22, and 31.75 kg (50, 60, and 70 lbs) ANFO explosive charge at 1,000 mm standoff distance. The data acquisitions include blast pressure, deflection, strain, crack patterns, and prestressing force. The test results showed that it is possible to predict the damage area to the structure when internal blast loading occurs in PCCV structures.

Developments of Advanced Connection Type for Improvements of Mixed Structures (II) (혼합구조의 성능 향상을 위한 개선된 접합부의 개발 (II): 개선된 접합방식의 성능확인을 위한 모형실험 및 해석)

  • Yun, Ik Jung;Lho, Byeong Cheol;Kim, Moon Kyum;Cho, Sung Young
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • 제28권2A호
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    • pp.207-214
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    • 2008
  • This study presents a way to validate the quality level of the proposed connection type and verify the experimental test, and performs a 3D nonlinear analysis corresponding to the experimental test. Two mixed-structure beams were cast and tested under a four-point static loading. Force-displacement relation, force-strain relation, force-opening width, and failure mode were observed from comparing the numerical results of the adopted FE model. Nonlinear analysis of mixed structures was carried out by utilizing the contact elements of a general purpose structural analysis computer program (ABAQUS). The results of numerical and experimental simulation show that the proposed L-shaped connection has greater stiffness under flexural loading and better structural performance with regard to the connection.

Layered Section Analysis for PSC Girder with Variable Cross Section Using SI Technique (SI기법을 이용한 변단면 PSC 거더의 층상화 단면해석)

  • Kim, Byeong Hwa;Park, Taehyo;Jeon, Hye-Kwan
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • 제30권6A호
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    • pp.581-590
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    • 2010
  • This study introduces a layered sectional analysis for a PSC girder with a vaiable cross section and curved tendons. To consider the shear equilibrium at a concrete layer with curved tendons, the shear stress distribution has been computed at each section. In addition, to improve the convergence to the solution, a system identification technique is newly adopted in the solution process for strain computation. To examine the feasibility of the proposed approach, a static load test has been conducted for a full scale PSC girder with variable cross section. The prediction shows a good agreement with experiment. It is seen that a uniform cross section has the same moment capacity with a variable cross section while the variable cross section has more shear capacity than the uniform cross section. It is also noted that the maximum displacement of a variable cross section is a little smaller than a uniform cross section.

Development and Implementation of a Low-noise and Safe Dismantling Method for Full-Span Aluminum Slab Formwork Supported by Filler Supports (필러겸용 스포터로 지지되는 전구간 알루미늄 슬래브 거푸집의 저소음 안전낙하 공법개발 및 적용연구)

  • Lim, Nam-Gi
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • 제24권2호
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    • pp.261-271
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    • 2024
  • The widespread adoption of aluminum slab formwork in modern construction, evident in both domestic and international projects, offers numerous advantages. However, a critical challenge persists regarding the dismantling process for these slabs. The current industry standard involves dropping the slabs to the ground floor upon removal. This practice raises several concerns, notably the generation of significant noise pollution that disrupts nearby communities. More importantly, the risk of worker injuries due to falls from height during the dismantling process is a serious safety hazard. Additionally, the impact from dropping the slabs can damage the aluminum itself, leading to increased replacement costs. These drawbacks necessitate the exploration of alternative dismantling techniques that prioritize worker safety, material sustainability, and overall process efficiency. Accordingly, in this study, when the entire first-generation slab formwork of an apartment house is simultaneously lowered to a reachable position for workers, it is then disassembled and lifted for transport to the next floor. This approach has the potential to demonstrate improvements in safety, quality, economy, and process efficiency.

A Study on Constructability Improvement of LB-DECK Panel (LB-DECK 패널의 시공성 향상에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Hyun-Chul;Lho, Byeong-Cheol;Cho, Gyu-Dae;Choi, Kyu-Hyung
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • 제13권2호통권54호
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    • pp.122-128
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    • 2009
  • This study is to improve constructability of LB-DECK construction in site such as inconvenience of main and distribution bars in arrangements LB-DECK Panel which is work is applied to many bridges these days as a permanent formwork. So, the constructability is improved by changing the method of allocation of main reinforcing bar and distribution bar which is reviewed for improving efficiency of design and construction process among the suggested methods. The crack shapes, deflections, and strains under static load of the improvement of LB-DECK Panel are compared and analyzed to former LB-DECK Panel. As a result, 13% of strength compared to before the improvement of LB-DECK Panel, and 10% of strength is increased in the case of slab.

Behavior of Truss Railway Bridge Using Periodic Static and Dynamic Load Tests (주행 열차의 정적 및 동적 재하시험 계측 데이터를 이용한 트러스 철도 교량의 주기적 거동 분석)

  • Jin-Mo Kim;Geonwoo Kim;Si-Hyeong Kim;Dohyeong Kim;Dookie Kim
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • 제27권6호
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    • pp.120-129
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    • 2023
  • To evaluate the vertical loads on railway bridges, conventional load tests are typically conducted. However, these tests often entail significant costs and procedural challenges. Railway conditions involve nearly identical load profiles due to standardized rail systems, which may appear straightforward in terms of load conditions. Nevertheless, this study aims to validate load tests conducted under operational train conditions by comparing the results with those obtained from conventional load tests. Additionally, static and dynamic structural behaviors are extracted from the measurement data for evaluation. To ensure the reliability of load testing, this research demonstrates feasibility through comparisons of existing measurement data with sensor attachment locations, train speeds, responses between different rail lines, tendency analysis, selection of impact coefficients, and analysis of natural frequencies. This study applies to the Dongho Railway Bridge and verifies the applicability of the proposed method. Ten operational trains and 44 sensors were deployed on the bridge to measure deformations and deflections during load test intervals, which were then compared with theoretical values. The analysis results indicate good symmetry and overlap of loads, as well as a favorable comparison between static and dynamic load test results. The maximum measured impact coefficient (0.092) was found to be lower than the theoretical impact coefficient (0.327), and the impact influence from live loads was deemed acceptable. The measured natural frequencies approximated the theoretical values, with an average of 2.393Hz compared to the calculated value of 2.415Hz. Based on these results, this paper demonstrates that for evaluating vertical loads, it is possible to measure deformations and deflections of truss railway bridges through load tests under operational train conditions without traffic control, enabling the calculation of response factors for stress adjustments.

Free Vibration Analysis of a Degenerated Timoshenko Beam Including the Effect of Shear Deformation and Rotatory Inertia (전단변형(剪斷變形)과 회전관성(回轉慣性)을 고려(考慮)한 Timoshenko 보의 자유진동(自由振動) 해석(解析))

  • Byun, Dong Kyun;Shin, Young Shik;Jang, Jong Tak
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • 제3권4호
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    • pp.109-122
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    • 1983
  • An accurate thick beam element (TB4) which includes the effects of the shear deformation and rotatory inertia has been degenerated from the three dimensional continuum by employing the Timoshenko beam assumptions. The proposed TB4 element has four nodes and two degrees of freedom at each node, totally eight degrees of freedom. The transverse deflection W and plane rotation ${\theta}$ with the cubic interpolation functions are selected as nodal variables. The element characteristics are formulated by discretizing the beam equations of motion, using the Galerkin weighted residual method, and are numerically integrated by the reduced shear integration technique, using the three-point Gauss quadrature with the various shear coefficients. Several numerical examples are analyzed to demonstrate the accuracy and the monotonic convergence behavior of the proposed TB4 beam element. The result indicates that the TB4 element shows the more excellent performance and the monotonic convergence behavior than the other existing Timoshenko beam type elements for the whole range of the beam aspect ratios, in both static and free vibration analyses.

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Experimental Study for the Bending Behavior of Precast Concrete Panel and Composite Deck for Railway Bridge (철도교 바닥판용 프리캐스트 패널과 합성 바닥판의 휨거동에 대한 실험적 연구)

  • Seol, Dae-Ho;Lee, Kyoung-Chan;Youn, Seok-Goo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • 제19권3호
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    • pp.21-31
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    • 2018
  • This paper presents an experimental investigation on the structural performance of precast ribbed panel specimens and bridge deck specimens fabricated from the panels. The panel specimens are developed for permanent deck forms of railway bridges (PSC girder). The decks of railway bridges have short lengths compared with highway bridges. Therefore, precast panels for railway bridges are different from those of highway bridges. The precast panels have ribs designed for crack control at the bottom of the sections. Two kinds of specimens were examined: one with 400-mm width and one with 1200-mm width. Three specimens of each type were fabricated, and a total of 12 specimens were tested. In this test, the ultimate load, strain of the reinforcement and concrete, crack width, deformation, and slip were measured. The structural performance of the specimens was assessed using the Korea railway bridge design code and Eurocode. All specimens met the current design criteria for structural strength and serviceability.

Variation of Natural Frequency and Dynamic Behavior of Railway Open-Steel-Plate-Girder Bridge with Installing Disk Bearings (디스크 받침에 의한 철도 판형교의 고유진동수 및 동적 거동 변화)

  • Choi, Eun Soo;Lee, Hee Up;Kim, Sung Il;Kim, Lee Hyeon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • 제18권4호
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    • pp.437-446
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    • 2006
  • Open-steel-plate-girder(OSPG) bridges are one of the most prevalent bridge types among Korean railway bridges. They account for about 40% of all Korean railway bridges. However, the line-type bearings used for OSPG bridges generate several problems with respect to the bridges' dynamic behavior and maintenance. The replacement of the existing bearings with polyurethane disk bearings could be a possible solution to this problem. This type of disk bearing is an elastic bearing using a polyurethane disk. This study estimated the variations in the natural frequency of a bridge when disk bearings were installed and the bridge's dynamic behavior with a running locomotive and running trains. The first natural frequency of the bridge was 3% lower than that of the as-built bridge after the installation of the disk lower, respectively. Also, the second and third frequencies were 7 and 15% lower, respectively. The disk bearings increased the vertical displacement of the bridge, but the pure displacement, excluding the disk deformation, did not vary. The vertical acceleration did not increase when the disk bearing was installed, with trains running. The shear pin in the disk bearing reduced the lateral displacement and the acceleration of the bridge.

Safety Evaluation of Radioactive Material Transport Package under Stacking Test Condition (방사성물질 운반용기의 적층시험조건에 대한 안전성 평가)

  • Lee, Ju-Chan;Seo, Ki-Seog;Yoo, Seong-Yeon
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.37-43
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    • 2012
  • Radioactive waste transport package was developed to transport eight drums of low and intermediate level waste(LILW) in accordance with the IAEA and domestic related regulations. The package is classified with industrial package IP-2. IP-2 package is required to undergo a free drop test and a stacking test. After free drop and stacking tests, it should prevent the loss or dispersal of radioactive contents, and loss of shielding integrity which would result in more than 20 % increase in the radiation level at any external surface of the package. The objective of this study is to establish the safety test method and procedure for stacking test and to prove the structural integrities of the IP-2 package. Stacking test and analysis were performed with a compressive load equal to five times the weight of the package for a period of 24 hours using a full scale model. Strains and displacements were measured at the corner fitting of the package during the stacking test. The measured strains and displacements were compared with the analysis results, and there were good agreements. It is very difficult to measure the deflection at the container base, so the maximum deflection of the container base was calculated by the analysis method. The maximum displacement at the corner fitting and deflection at the container base were less than their allowable values. Dimensions of the test model, thickness of shielding material and bolt torque were measured before and after the stacking test. Throughout the stacking test, it was found that there were no loss or dispersal of radioactive contents and no loss of shielding integrity. Thus, the package was shown to comply with the requirements to maintain structural integrity under the stacking condition.