• 제목/요약/키워드: 채광부

검색결과 50건 처리시간 0.03초

Evaluating the Wind-induced Response of Tall Building Changed by Arrangements of the Buildings (건물배치변화에 따른 고층건축물의 풍응답 평가)

  • Cho, Sang Kyu;Ha, Young Cheol;Kim, Jong Rak;Kim, Kyu Suk
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • 제16권3호통권70호
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    • pp.305-314
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    • 2004
  • Many residential buildings and mixed-use (i.e., residential and commercial) buildings that are currently under construction in the country mainly consist of building clusters rather than single structures. Recent trends show single buildings that actually consist of two houses. The lower part of the building consists of a single dwelling space. However, the upper part of the building is split into two dwellings, considering the aspects of commercialism and appearance, such as ventilation and lighting. These tall and complex buildings not only have low mass and damping. They also depend on wind loads for their structural stability and serviceability, due to the interaction between the building groups and the wind. In architectural design, however, the interaction effects among neighboring houses within a building group have yet to be identified. In addition, it is difficult to predict these interaction effects. In this regard, this thesis aims to model patterns of architecture, which consist of two houses that are existing or under construction. Current structures are investigated by comparing their wind-reduced response interaction effects, based on the measured distance between two buildings, and the acceleration response through the wind tunnel test. The results of this study are expected to provide basic data for wind-induced response interaction effects of building groups. Furthermore, the outcomes are also intended to be used as data for more rational and economical structure design.

Optimum Design of Underwater Connector Hole Arrangement for Deep-sea Pressure Vessel Cover Plate (심해 압력용기 덮개판의 수중 커넥터홀 배치 최적설계)

  • Lee, Minuk;Park, Soung-Jea;Yeu, Tae-Kyeong;Ki, Hyong-Woo;Hong, Sup;Cho, Su-Gil;Jang, Jun-Yong;Lee, Tae Hee;Choi, Jong-Su
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • 제36권12호
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    • pp.1627-1633
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    • 2012
  • A deep-sea pressure vessel needs to protect the internal electrical equipment from the high external pressure. Thus, the pressure vessel should be designed to be watertight and structurally safe. In this study, a cylindrical-type pressure vessel comprising a hollow cylinder and cover plates at both ends is investigated. For communication between the internal electronic equipment and the external device, holes are bored on the cover plate to install underwater connectors. Considering the type of internal equipment and underwater connector specifications, multiple holes may be required. These holes can affect the structural safety of the pressure vessel cover plate. In this study, the optimum design of the hole arrangement in consideration of the structural safety of the cover plate was performed.

A Study on Synthesis of CaCO3 & MgO/Mg(OH)2 from Dolomite Using the Strong Acidic Cation Exchange Resin (강산성 양이온 교환수지를 통한 백운석으로부터 CaCO3 및 MgO/Mg(OH)2 합성에 관한 연구)

  • Hwang, Dae Ju;Yu, Young Hwan
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • 제57권6호
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    • pp.812-825
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    • 2019
  • Two dolomite samples mined from the different mines were calcined using a batch-type microwave kiln ($950/60min^{\circ}C$) to produce $CaO{\cdot}MgO$. The hydration of the $CaO{\cdot}MgO$ samples shows different reactivity. MgO was separated by reacting with a strong acid cation exchange resin using the reactivity of the hydration properties of light dolomite ($CaO{\cdot}MgO$). Calcium ($Ca-(R-SO_3)_2$) was separated from the prepared $CaO{\cdot}MgO$ by the cation exchange resin ($CaO{\cdot}MgO:R-SO_3H=1:12mass%$). High purity MgO (higher than 94 mass %) with unburned $CaCO_3$ (1~2 mass %) was obtained by the separation process. The separated MgO was heated at $950^{\circ}C$ for 60 minutes to afford high purity MgO with MgO content higher than 96%. And High-grade $CaCO_3$ was prepared from the reaction with calcium adsorbed resin ($Ca-(R-SO_3)_2$) and NaOH, $CO_2$ gas.

Field Experiment on Iron and Aluminum Removal from Acid Mine Drainage Using an Apatite Drain System (인회석 배수시스템을 이용한 산성수의 철 및 알루미늄 제거에 대한 현장경험)

  • Choi, Jung-Chan;West, Terry R.
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • 제29권3호
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    • pp.315-323
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    • 1996
  • An apatite drain was constructed on September 30, 1994 at the Green Valley Abandoned Coal Mine site near Terre Haute in west central Indiana. The primary objective of this experiment is to evaluate the long-term ability of the apatite drain to mitigate acid mine drainage (AMD) under field conditions. The drain 9 m long, 3.3 m wide, and 0.75 m deep, contain 95 rum to No. 30 mesh-size apatite ore (francolite) and receive AMD seepage from reclaimed gob piles, and designed according to the laboratory testing. The apatite drain was covered with limestone riprap and filter fabric to protect the drainage system from stormwater and siltation. The drain consists of about 50 metric tons of apatite ore obtained from a phosphate mine in Florida. A gabion structure was constructed downstream of the apatite drain to create a settling pond to collect precipitates. Apatite effectively removed iron up to 4,200 mg/l, aluminum up to 830 mg/l and sulfate up to 13,430 mg/l. The pH was nearly constant for the influent and effluent, ranging between 3.1 and 4.3. Flow rate measured at the gabion structure ranged from 3 to 4.5 l/m. Precipitates of iron and aluminum phosphate (yellow and white suspendid solids) continued to accumulate in the settling pond.

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The Review of a Standardized Method in Retention-Enema: a Clinical Study (보류관장의 표준화된 방법을 위한 고찰: 임상논문을 중심으로)

  • Song, Eun-Young;Lee, Eui-Ju;Bu, Yong-Min;Shin, Seung-Won;Chai, Kwang-Min;Yoo, Jung-Hee;Kim, Hyo-Jin;Baek, Jong-Heon;Lee, Jun-Hee;Koh, Byung-Hee
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • 제25권2호
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    • pp.108-114
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    • 2013
  • Objectives This study was aimed to review a standardized method of retention enema by extracting elements associated with methods of retention enema from papers involved. Methods 1) Data sources : Retrieval was made, using 'Enema' or 'Retention Enema' as search words in MEDLINE, The Cochrane Library, KISS, RISS, and NDSL DB. 2) Study selection : Two authors excluded irrelevant papers and chose qualified abstracts in the rest of the papers. The chosen studies were reviewed fully by the authors so that they could screen the significant papers based on the exclusion criteria. 3) Data extraction : Data on the total number of subjects, the target disease, the type, quality, length, diameter of catheter, the insertion length of catheter, the sample, the sample volume, the process of retention enema and the number of performing retention enema were extracted from the selected studies. Results & Conclusions The retention enema can be applied to gastrointestinal diseases, genitourinary diseases, metabolic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes, headaches and neurological disorders. The standardized treatment method is as following: 1) inserting a rental tube of 18-28 Fr that measures 20 to 30 cm into the patient's anus, 2) injecting herbal medicines which have purgative action or benefit on stomach and intestinal tract at the rate of 4 ml/min, and 3) holding them for 10 to 15 minutes.

Evaluation of Traffic Vibration Effect for Utilization of Abandoned Mine Openings (휴·폐광산 채굴 공동 활용을 위한 교통 진동 영향 평가)

  • Hyeon-Woo Lee;Seung-Joong Lee;Sung-Oong Choi
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • 제33권2호
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    • pp.95-107
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    • 2023
  • In this study, the effect of repeated traffic vibration on the long-term stability of mine openings is analyzed for re-utilization of abandoned mine galleries. The research mine in this study is an underground limestone mine which is developed by room-and-pillar mining method, and a dynamic numerical analysis is performed assuming that the research mine will be utilized as a logistics warehouse. The actual traffic vibration generated by the mining vehicles is measured directly, and its waveform is used as input data for dynamic numerical analysis, As a results of dynamic numerical analysis, after 20,000 repetitions of traffic vibration, the mine openings is analyzed to be stable, but an increase in the maximum principal stress and an additional area of plastic zone are observed in the analysis section. As shown in the changes of displacement, volumetric strain, and maximum principal stress which are measured at the mine opening walls. It is confirmed that if the repeated traffic vibration is continuously applied, the instability of the mine openings can be increased. Authors expect that the results of this study can be used as a reference for basic study on utilization of abandoned mine.

Exploration and Development of the Taebaek Orebody in the Yeonwha Pb-Zn Mine (연화광산(蓮花鑛山)의 태백광체탐사(太白鑛體探査)와 개발현황(開發現況))

  • Je, Young-Kun;Lee, Eun-Jae
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • 제20권4호
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    • pp.273-288
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    • 1987
  • 연화(蓮花) 연(鉛) 아연광산(亞鉛鑛山)은 광체(鑛體)의 분포(分布)에 따라 본산지구(本山地區), 동점지구(銅店地區) 및 태백지구(太白地區)로 구분할 수 있다. 태백지구(太白地區)에 대한 본격적인 탐광(探鑛)이 시작되기 전인 1981년 당시, 약 25년 동안 채광작업(採鑛作業)이 진행되어 온 본산지역(本山地域)은 주종광체(主宗鑛體)인 월암(月岩) 및 남산광체(南山鑛體)가 -600m level에서 하한(下限)이 드러남에 따라 광량(鑛量)이 크게 소진(消盡)된 상태였으며, 동점지성(銅店地城)은 상하(上下)의 광황변화(鑛況變化)는 크지 않으나 광체(鑛體)의 규모(規模)가 비교적 작아, 조업(操業)의 안정(安定)을 위해서는 신광화대(新鑛化帶)의 개발(開發)이 시급(時急)한 과제(課題)로 대두되었다. 이에 따라 평천(平川), 태백(太白), 동점역(銅店驛), 방터골, 삼방산광화대(三芳山鑛化帶) 등 연화(蓮花) 전역(全域)에 걸쳐 모암(母岩)의 분포(分布), 지질구조(地質構造), 광징(鑛徵) 등을 검토한 결과 탐광대상(探鑛對象)에서 제외되어 왔던 태백지구(太白地區)가 다음과 같은 점에서 유망(有望)한 탐사후보지(探査候補地)로 부각되었다. 첫째, 지표(地表)에서는 풍촌석회암층(豊村石灰岩層)이 분포(分布)되지 않으나 지질구조(地質構造)를 검토한 결과 -300m level 하부(下部)에서는 이의 전층(全層)이 분포(分布)할 것으로 예상되며, 둘째, 두무동층(斗務洞層) 및 동점규암층내(銅店珪岩層內)에서 발견된 광징(鑛徵)들이 하부(下部)의 풍촌석회암내(豊村石灰岩內)로 연장(延長)되면 부광부(富鑛部)를 이룰 것으로 기대되고, 셋째, 지층(地層)의 경사(傾斜)가 $50^{\circ}$ 이상(以上)인 점, 석영반암(石英斑岩)이 분포(分布)하는 점 등은 광상배태(鑛床胚胎)에 양호(良好)한 조건(條件)이고, 넷째, 본산지구(本山地區)의 월곡(月谷), 월암(月岩), 남산(南山)등 주종광화대(主宗鑛化帶)의 연장부(延長部)인 점, 다섯째, 중앙견갱(中央堅坑)으로부터 약 2km 거리로 탐사단계(探査段階)에 별도의 신규투자(新規投資) 없이 굴진(掘進)이 가능하다는 개발조건상(開發條件上)의 이점(利點)이 있었다. 이에 따라 태백지구(太白地區)에 대한 지표정사(地表精査), 물리탐사(物理探査) 및 지화탐(地化探)을 실시하고, 20여년간 축적된 연화광산(蓮花鑛山)의 지질(地質), 광상자료(鑛床資料)를 정리(整理), 그 특성(特性)을 태백지구(太白地區) 탐사(探査)의 가설(假說)로 적용하여 시추계획(試錐計劃)을 수립, 1982년 구조시추(構造試錐)를 실시한 결과 지질구조(地質構造), 풍촌석회암층(豊村石灰岩層)의 분포(分布) 등이 거의 예상했던 대로 밝혀졌으며 태백(太白) 1호광체(號鑛體)의 일단(一端)이 확인되기에 이르렀다. 1983년(年) 7월(月) 본산지구(本山地區) -600m level에서 태백(太白) 크로스 탐광굴진(探鑛掘進)이 착수되었으며, 1985년에 마침내 갱내(坑內)에서 태백(太白) 1호(號), 2호(號) 광체(鑛體)가 착광(着鑛)되었다. -600m level에서의 태백(太白) 1호광체(號鑛體)의 규모(規模)는 연장(延長) 300m, 평균맥폭(平均脈幅) 8.5m이며, 품위(品位)는 Pb 4.5%, Zn 4.5%, Ag 109g/t이다. 태백광화대(太白鑛化帶)의 지질학적(地質學的) 예상광량(豫想鑛量)은 1,000만(萬)t 이상(以上)이 될 것으로 추정(推定)되며, 현재 -480m level에서 -720m level에 이르기까지 5개 level에서 가행(稼行)되고 있다. 현재 level에서 태백(太白) 1호(號) 광체(鑛體)는 풍촌석회암층(豊村石灰岩層) 및 화절층(花折層)을 모암(母岩)으로 하여 맥상광상(脈狀鑛床)으로 생산(生産)되며, 맥석광물(脈石鑛物)은 능망간석, Mn-방해석(方解石), 방해석(方解石), 석영(石英) 등이고 광석광물(鑛石鑛物)은 섬아연석(閃亞鉛石), 방연석(方鉛石), 황철석(黃鐵石), 자유철석(磁硫鐵石), 유비광석(硫砒鑛石), 황동석(黃銅石), 사면동석(四面銅石), 엘렉트럼 등이다. 태백지구(太自地區)는 광상(鑛床)의 산출상태(産出狀態) 및 지질(地質), 광상학적(鑛床學的) 환경(環境)이 본산지구(本山地區)와 거의 동일(同一)함이 밝혀지고 있다. 태백지구(太白地區)에서는 현재 태백(太白) 1호(號), 2호(號), 3호(號), 5호(號) 및 절골 1호(號), 2호(號) 등 6개 광화대(鑛化帶)에 대한 탐광(探鑛)이 진행되고 있다.

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Material Characteristics and Provenance Interpretation for Chloritic Beads from the Boseong Geoseokri and Haenam Buntori Sites, Korea (보성 거석리 및 해남 분토리 유적 출토 녹니석제 구슬의 재질특성과 원산지 해석)

  • Kim, Ji-Young;Lee, Chan-Hee;Kim, Jin-Young
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • 제23권
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    • pp.25-37
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    • 2008
  • This study focuses on identification of mineralogical and geochemical characteristics and interpretation of raw material sources for prehistoric chlorite beads excavated from Geoseokri site in Boseong and Buntori site in Haenam, Korea. These prehistoric beads consist of three grayish blue ring-shaped beads, one dark green tubular bead and one greenish black tubular bead that show acicular-columnar and fibrous microtexture. The beads are composed of $SiO_2$, $Al_2O_3$, MgO and FeO as majors and a trace amount of $K_2O$, CaO and Na_2O$. Mineral species is mostly chlorite with a small amount of quartz and feldspar. Quantitative analysis indicates that the grayish blue ring-shaped beads and the dark green tubular bead belong to clinochlore and the greenish black tubular bead does to the boundary between clinochlore and sheridantie. Chlorite is a hydrous phyllosilicate mineral and it shows various microtexture of acicular, sheeted, earthy, granular andfibrous shapes. As its hardness is 2, chlorite is easily engraved due to its softness. It has aesthetic worthy as it shows green, black and greenish gray colors and pearly to greasy luster as well. These factors would lead to the extensive use of chloritic beads as ornaments from prehistoric times. Though the mineral sources of the chlorite beads can be found in central western region of Chungnam and Iwon of Hamnam, those areas are too distant from the two relic sites. Instead, chlorite ores commonly occur as altered products in wall rock alteration zone of every hydrothermal deposit. Therefore, it is probable that raw materials of chlorite were supplied from neighboring hydrothermal environment rather than far deposits. The result needs further study to verify raw material provenance interpretation, supply, manufacture and distribution on the basis of archaeological points of view.

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Rare Earth Elements (REE)-bearing Coal Deposits: Potential of Coal Beds as an Unconventional REE Source (함희토류 탄층: 비전통적 희토류 광체로서의 가능성에 대한 고찰)

  • Choi, Woohyun;Park, Changyun
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • 제55권3호
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    • pp.241-259
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    • 2022
  • In general, the REE were produced by mining conventional deposits, such as the carbonatite or the clay-hosted REE deposits. However, because of the recent demand increase for REE in modern industries, unconventional REE deposits emerged as a necessary research topic. Among the unconventional REE recovery methods, the REE-bearing coal deposits are recently receiving attentions. R-types generally have detrital originations from the bauxite deposits, and show LREE enriched REE patterns. Tuffaceous-types are formed by syngenetic volcanic activities and following input of volcanic ash into the basin. This type shows specific occurrence of the detrital volcanic ash-driven minerals and the authigenic phosphorous minerals focused at narrow horizon between coal seams and tonstein layers. REE patterns of tuffaceous-types show flat shape in general. Hydrothermal-types can be formed by epigenetic inflow of REE originated from granitic intrusions. Occurrence of the authigenic halogen-bearing phosphorous minerals and the water-bearing minerals are the specific characteristics of this type. They generally show HREE enriched REE patterns. Each type of REE-bearing coal deposits may occur by independent genesis, but most of REE-bearing coal deposits with high REE concentrations have multiple genesis. For the case of the US, the rare earth oxides (REO) with high purity has been produced from REE-bearing coals and their byproducts in pilot plants from 2018. Their goal is to supply about 7% of national REE demand. For the coal deposits in Korea, lignite layers found in Gyungju-Yeongil coal fields shows coexistence of tuff layers and coal seams. They are also based in Tertiary basins, and low affection from compaction and coalification might resulted into high-REE tuffaceous-type coal deposits. Thus, detailed geologic researches and explorations for domestic coal deposits are required.

Studies on the Breeding of Cold Hardiness and Technique of Overwintering Cultivation in Citrus (감귤(柑橘)의 내한성(耐寒性) 품종육성(品種育成) 및 내한(耐寒) 재배기술(栽培技術)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Chi-moon;Song, Ho-kyung;Kim, Chung-suk
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • 제4권2호
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    • pp.126-140
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    • 1977
  • Present studies were carried out for breeding cold resistant clones of Citrus, improving overwintering techniques of Citrus in Jeju island as well as other southern region, Result obtained were as follows 1. In the vinyl house covered with two sheets of straw mat, 12 indivuals were found as non-injury and 15 were slightly injured by leaf freeging test at $-9^{\circ}C$ for 2 hours treatment. 2. In the condition of vinyl house covered with straw mat and viny film mulching and heat-in by sun-light, the inside temperature of vinyl house were not lowered below $-3^{\circ}C$ and the ground temperatura in vinyl house keeps above $0^{\circ}C$ during winter though outdoor temperature were lower by $-15^{\circ}C$(Daejeon area). 3. The vinyl tunnel inside the vinyl house and vinyl film mulching on ground position showed greater effectiveness for preventing heat loss from house but there were no significant difference between the color of vinyl film covered the tunnel. 4. In the vertical distribution of maximum temperature in vinyl house, the upper space was slightly higher than the lower position at high temperature condition, while minimum temperature was distributed as higher as the middle position, ground surface and upper position in order at low temperature condition 5. In the horizontal distribution of temperature in vinyl house, ground and surface-temperature of north side was lower than the other sides, and citrus planted within 30cm from north side wall died by cold injury and in the other side near wall appeared slight symptom of cold injury. 6. The insulating trench ($30{\times}30{\times}30cm$) packed with straw bundle installed under north wall might be effective to prevent heat loss of ground temperature. 7. In cloudy and snowy day, the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor were less, and the indoor temperature were maintained highly during night due to the effect of prevention of heat loss. 8. The highest temperature in a day was observed at about P.M. 3 both inside and outside of vinyl house and the lowest temperature was observed at about A.M. 6. The difference between the highest and lowest temperature of indoor in a sunny day was $19^{\circ}C$, compared with $9^{\circ}C$ on a cloudy or snowy day in late November. Especially, lowering of temperature in a snowy day was so less that the curve of temperature change was comparatively constant, 9. If the effective methods of citrus cultivation in vinyl house with improved clone such as hardiness. semi-dwarf and spur type are applied, it might be possible to cultivate the citrus tree safely in Jeju island as well as other southern rejion and to magnity the cultivation of citrus tree.

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