• Title/Summary/Keyword: 창작의식

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The Aesthetic Values of Chinese poetry written by this time of the 21st Century - Aesthetic boundary of Geasan Kwon Seung Geun Chinese poetry literature - (21세기, 이 시대인(時代人)이 짓는 한시의 미학적 가치 - 계산(溪山) 권승근(權丞根) 한시문학(漢詩文學)의 심미경계(審美境界))

  • Kwon, Yun Heee
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.193-204
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    • 2020
  • According to science technology development, information society has progressed rapidly in the 21st century. Our consciousness and tradition have become entangled in the tide of Westernization. Therefore, the education of Chinese characters was neglected, and Chinese poetry literature was naturally neglected. This led to the abundance of material civilization, however, from the mental aspects, the daily life of modern people became insecure. There is a poet who has lived a lonely life of creation of Chinese poetry in this era. He is a Geasan Kwon Seung Geun(1940~) who writes only poem while being friends with nature. His Chinese poems were revealed through life experiences in nature, which is inspiring sympathy. The origin of his theme is nature. The poetry obtained from nature is rustic simple and pure. Therefore His poems have the style and taste of nature. The Chinese poetry literature of Geasan has been embodied the elements of self-interest, self-satisfaction, self-contentment and living in free at his literatue. On its basis, his Chinese literature has aesthetic boundary of remaining aloofness(自然而然的 超然)·rambling talk, living peacfully and play around with leisure·(閒遠物遊的 閑淡)·deviation rhyme of vividly and beautifully(生趣淸遠的 逸韻) The aesthetic boundary of Chinese poetry of Geasan can be seen as having a depth. This is the aesthetic boundary of Chinese poetry written by this generation in the 21st century.

한국근대미술의 인상파 도입과정과 아카데미즘 형성에 관하여

  • Im, Chang-Seop
    • Journal of Science of Art and Design
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    • v.9
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    • pp.89-115
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    • 2006
  • 한국근대미술은 유화 도입기인 1910년대를 한국미술사의 중요한 시작점이다. 1910년경부터 형성되기 시작한 유화 도입배경과 그것이 당시 사회의 절실한 요청에 의한 것이었는지, 그렇다면 그것이 무엇인지 규명하는 것이 한국근대미술 초기를 알 수 있는 중요한 문제일 것이다. 일본근대 유화의 역사는 국수주의와 서구주의 물결이 반복하는 과정에서 점차 일본화된 소재의 등장과 일본정서에 부합하는 화풍을 만들어 나가게 되는 것이 1890년대부터 1910때까지의 일본근대 유화계의 상황이라고 할 수 있다. 이 시기를 다시 요약하면 외광파와 인상파가 절충된 양식에 일본의 메이지낭만주의에 부합하는 소재 즉 일본전통이라고 할 수 있는 풍경에 대한 애착 등이 전체 유화의 기류로 나타나는 시기라고 할 수 있다. 실제 새로운 문화의 하나였던 유화는 점차 세계의 다양한 미술사조 속에서 일본화다운 것으로 발전하는 모습을 보여준다. '구로다 세이키'(黑田淸輝) 이전에 이미 형성되었던 일본근대 유화양식과 구로다의 외광파 양식, 또 외광파가 일본 근대유화의 주류로 형성하게 되는 계기, 여기에 프랑스에서 직접 배워 온 작가들에 의한 인상파 도입 그리고 일본 '메이지낭만주의'(明治浪漫主義)의 등장으로 인한 사회 환경구조의 변화 속에서 양성된 그들의 절충양식의 초기유학생들에게 큰 영향을 미쳤다. 우리근대미술은 '민족적 자부심'과 '민족적 열등감'이 동시에 존재하는 사회적 배경논리에서 출발하지 않으면 안 된다. 즉 근대미술의 사상적 배경에는 민족 개량주의적 발상과 계몽주의적 문화 활동에 있었다고 할지라도 근본적으로는 미술자체를 근대사회 발전의 연장선 속에서 파악하지 못했고, 따라서 미술자체를 새로운 문명수입이라는 근대적 풍물 정도로만 파악했던 것이 어쩔 수 없는 근대미술의 한계라고 할 수 있다. 이 시기에 미술을 주목한 이유는 근대적 사회로 발전하기 위한 하나의 필수적인 요소로 미술자체를 파악하고 나아가, 식산흥업(殖産興業)의 수단으로 인식 했던 신지식층에 의해 시작되었다고 할 수 있다. 문명의 발달이 미술의 발달에서 연원한다는 '미술문명론' 같은 시각이 미술자체가 성격이나 창작의 방향과는 무관하게 어떤 미술이든 그것을 활성화시키는 것이 근대 즉 문명화된 세계로 나아갈 수 있다고 하는 관점에서 비롯된 것이라고 할 수 있다. 한국근대미술에 있어서 아카데미즘 역시 일본근대미술과 불가분의 관계가 있음을 부인할 수 없다. 초기유학생들은 그 당시 일본의 잡지나 화단에서 일어나는 여러 가지 시안들을 피상적으로 이해하는 정도였을 것으로 파악할 수 있다. 이러한 맥락에서 보면 한국근대미술에 있어서 초기유학생들의 작품과 그 이후 선전에서 입선하는 작품들은 일본아카데미즘의 영향 밑에 있다고 해야 할 것이다. 일본 근대 유화에서 형성된 외광파의 요소와 인상파 요소들이 일본 낭만주의로 표면화된 하나의 일본근대 유화의 형식 그대로가 한국아카데미즘의 성격을 결정하고 있다고 할 수 있다. 게다가 1922년에 시작된 선전은 심사위원 대부분이 동경미술학교 교수이면서 구로다의 제자이거나 동료였다는 것은 이러한 사실을 더욱 확고하게 뒷받침하고 있는 것이다. 초기유학생들이 남긴 작품들은 완전한 인상파에 대한 지식이나 깊은 자아의식을 가지고 제작된 것은 아니라, 일본 동경미술학교에서 가르치고 있었던 것들을 그대로 수용했다고 할 수 있다. 따라서 이들의 그림은 구로다의 외광파라고 부르는 것들의 영향보다는, 인상파를 보고 배웠던 동경미술학교 교수들의 영향을 더 많이 받았다고 할 수 있다. 그리고 이들의 영향은 그대로 한국 근대미술의 아카데미즘을 형성하는데 커다란 영향을 미치고 있음을 부인할 수 없다.

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A Study on the Characteristics of the Children's Hanbok for the formal Ceremonies of Korea (아동용 한복의 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Ji, Yoon-Young;Lee, Hye-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.26 no.12
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    • pp.1727-1738
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    • 2002
  • 세계화, 국제화, 개방화 시대에 살고 있는 우리가 통과의례나 전통 명절과 같은 특별한 행사에 의례복으로 한복을 애용하는 것은 한복이 한국의 문화적 이미지를 강하게 간직하고 있는 한국적 조형물 중의 하나이기 때문이다. 더우기 의례복은 특별한 행사 자체를 위해 착용되었던 만큼 당시대의 내 적 가치를 가장 현저하게 표출하고 있는 복식으로 인정 할 수 있기 때문이다. 본 연구의 목적은 시대 적으로 현대 전통 한복의 기본 형 식을 제공한 조선시대와 그 이후의 복식 중에서 특히 분명한 착용동기와 목적, 복식을 통해 나타내고자 하는 상징성 등을 함축하고 있는 아동용 의례복을 대상으로 복식의 형태, 색채, 문양, 소재 등의 조형 요소를 고찰하는 것이다. 또한 양식적 특성을 살펴보고, 그러한 조형적 특성을 형성시킨 당시대의 사상적 가치를 추론해 보는 것이다. 구체 적인 연구 방법은 먼저 관련된 문헌 고찰을 통한 이론적 배경을 토대로 하여 아동용 의례복의 범주를 설정하고 현재 보전중인 실물과 또는 사진, 풍속화에 나타난 복식 자료들을 수집하였다. 그리고 당시대의 사상적 배경에 대한 고찰을 병행하여 이들에 내재된 문화적 가치를 추출해 보았다. 연구 결과 양식적 특징으로는 남아의 두루마기나 전복 그리고 쓰개류 등에서 기능성을 고려한 변형적 양식이 나타나고 있었다. 색채 역시 음양 보색이나, 오행색을 바탕으로 한 기본색의 구성 이외 에도 소매나 섶에 응용된 색의 배열이나 맞깃 전복의 깃에 나타난 색의 조화는 다양한 색의 조형미를 표현하고 있었다. 특히 색동 등에 나타난 오행색의 배열, 안감과 겉감, 상의와 하의, 외의와 내의에 사용된 색의 조화는 미의식에 관한 문화적 가치를 추론해 볼 수 있다. 더우기 장식 표현에 주로 쓰인 자연물 문양이나 글자 문양은 당시의 지배 사상이 지향하는 덕목 이외에도 전통적으로 내재된 수명과 복록, 부귀와 영화에 대한 내적 가치들을 반영하는 조형적 상징들이라 할 수 있다. 소재는 비교적 계절을 고려하여 사용되고 있었지만 의례적 성격을 지닌 외의나 쓰개류의 경우 계절적 구분을 고려하지 않은 경우도 많이 나타나고 있었다. 장신구의 경우는 많이 사용되는 것은 아니나 역시 상징적 인 가치를 표현하는 실물들을 미적으로 재구성한 사례들이 나타나고 있었다. 이상의 연구를 통해 아동용 전통 의례복은 형태, 색채, 문양, 소재, 장신구 등에서 양식의 다양성과 변형들을 알 수 있었다. 또한 적극적인 내적 가치의 상징들을 복식을 통해 표현하고 있었음을 알 수 있었다. 현대 복식의 디자인에 있어 아동용 의례복에 나타난 창조적인 양식의 변형과 다양성 그리고 복식을 통한 내적 가치의 반영 등이 현대 사회와 조화를 이룬 실질적인 복식 디자인 제시 및 창작에 작은 영감으로 작용하길 바란다.

A Study about the Function of Culture Welfare Programs for Dissolving Social Exclusion about the Social Vulnerable Classes - A Qualitative Research Focused on the Culture Welfare Practitioners - (사회적 취약계층의 사회적 배제에 대한 문화복지 프로그램의 기능 - 문화복지실천가 대상 질적연구 -)

  • Choi, Jong-Hyug;Lee, Yun;Yu, Young-Ju;Ahn, Tae-Sook
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.62 no.1
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    • pp.291-316
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    • 2010
  • This study aimed to look for the possibility of dissolving social exclusion about the social vulnerable classes through the culture welfare programs. For this purpose, we analyzed interview records focused on the culture welfare practitioners applying the Modified Grounded Theory Approach worked out by Kinosita. The results showed that the culture welfare programs functionated of dissolving social exclusion about the social weaks by enhancing latent faculties and the sense of self-respect of them through providing various opportunities of culture fruition. It was appeared that the culture welfare programs promoted creative competence and the sense of self-respect, and strengthened the sense of solidarity of the participants by using the approaching strategies of offering various opportunities of creational experience, atypical operating programs centered on the process, establishing of the participants' subjecthood, and communal activities. That is, it was proved that actually the social weaks experienced the change of life with feeling emotional satisfaction, promoting family and human relationship, establishing positive identity, empowerment, participating communal activities, and so on, through the culture welfare programs. From these results we can know that if we provide the programs mixing the culture welfare programs with social welfare services which traditionally reinforced social exclusion about the social vulnerable classes by stigma, the social exclusion about them can be dissolved.

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A Study on the African Image Expressed in 2005 S/S Collections (2005 S/S 컬렉션에 나타난 아프리카 이미지 연구)

  • Lee, Keum-Hee;Kim, Wan-Joo;Kim, So-Ra
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.31 no.6 s.165
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    • pp.911-922
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    • 2007
  • In this study, for the purpose of correct viewing on the image of Africa and understanding of modem fashion, African image and art, the general characteristics of African costume, the background of fashion subjecting African image, and the trend according to ages were examined based on theoretical background. Then the researcher drew African image by analyzing the works in four 2005 S/S major fashion collections to designers and design factors. The ten voted designers' and brands' works in 2005 S/S collections had four concepts of African image; 'Wild Erotic', 'Abstract Primitive', 'Natural Elegant' and 'Sporty Romantic'. The viewpoint of modem fashion on African image from the aspect of design, designer and fashion trend can be examined as below. First, African costume, which was religious and ceremonial, appeared to emphasize its esthetic side with decorative details in modem fashion design and designers competed to choose a method to harmonize tradition and modem style and by adopting these from occult to decorative meaning, Second, fashion designers presented city unpolished beauty of modem women to a special style and made african image to be recognized as a code of fashion culture by integrating it with modem people's mind to go back to the past and admiration for the purity of nature. Third, thanks to the instinctive vitality hidden in the primitive life, inspiration for creative design that is found in the esthetic mind of the Indians, foreign taste emphasizing ethnic trend, and admiration to naturalism due to the increase of concern over ecology, 'African image' led the beginning of 21C trend by being settled as a in fashion trend.

The Post modern parodies in "The Congress" (<더 콩그레스 The Congress>에 나타난 포스트모던 패러디)

  • Moon, Jae-Cheol;Choi, Sook-Young
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.39
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    • pp.157-182
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    • 2015
  • Mr. Folman, an Israeli director, used a highly stylized form of animation in a decidedly adult way to make his documentary about the 1982 war in Lebanon, "Waltz With Bashir," in 2008. After 5 years, he has used another distinctive approach, fusing animation with live action in his latest film, a trippy and surreal undertaking called "The Congress." He dismantled the means through parodies, the core of post-modernism art and built a new meaning to create a unique world view and unique aesthetics. In this study, parodies of the modern concept of post-modernism being used as a major strategy in the creation of art have appeared the four characteristics of post-modern parody: 1) intertextuality, 2) dissolution and fusion of genres, and 3) strengthening of irony, and 4) pastiche. This study is characteristic of post-modern parody that discusses the relevance of contemporary parody and postmodernism being developed by analyzing how they appear on the practical work. Furthermore, through analysis of "The Congress", this study discusses the post-modernist world view and the creative way of creating an experimental art with parody.

The Issue of the Korean-Chinese Poetic Criticism in 1990's - Focusing on the Magazine Literature and Art(Munhakwayesul), Zhangbaikshan (1990년대 중국조선족 시문학 비평의 쟁점들 - 『문학과 예술』, 『장백산』을 중심으로)

  • Jang, Eun-Young
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.40
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    • pp.159-183
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    • 2015
  • This study examined the issue of criticism in Korean Chinese literature in 1990's. This is transitional time why China introduced a market economy system. It had an important effect on Korean Chinese society not the cultural climate but also literature. Besides, Diplomatic Relation between Korea and China in 1992 gave an impulsion to changing literature. So this study tried to take note of directionality of Korean Chinese literature through the Korean Chinese magazine Literature and Art(Munhakwayesul) and Zhangbaikshan. First issue of Korean Chinese literature in early 1990's is crisis and restoration of criticism genre. At that time criticism faced with what is modernity. Some critics insisted that criticism should to improve. So it was necessary to accept foreign theory. Then they were concerned postmodernism and deideology tendency. What was important thing is that they would find their culture identity. So few critics tried to communicated with world literature. Especially they emphasized communication with Korean writer who lives in other country. Ultimately they thought that Korean Chines literature must get literal universality and ethnic speciality. For example poet Nam-YoungJeon's totem poetry is representative work. The issues of Korean Chines criticism in 1990's are not directivity of literature but also directivity of culture identity. Korean Chines literature had departed from Socialistic realism little by little and had getting diversity. Above all things criticism aimed for international sense and ethnic culture identity.

Discussion on Chilgeojiak and Discourse of Married Couples in Okhwangibong (<옥환기봉>에 나타난 칠거지악 논쟁과 부부 담론)

  • Park, Eun-jeong
    • Journal of Korean Classical Literature and Education
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    • no.39
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    • pp.99-135
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    • 2018
  • This study aims at examining the discussions of Chilgeojiak, meaning seven vices that can be valid causes of divorce, and the discourse on a married couple shown in the deposal of Empress Kwak in Okhwangibong. The study first analyzes the relationship between the incidents of expelling wives from homes in the Joseon Dynasty Era and the seven vices. The divorce of Yi Mi and Shin Taeyeong and the deposal of Queen Yun by King Seongjong show that the standards of judgement in most of the seven vices are unclear or controversial. In Okhwangibong, the arguments about Chilgeojiak are examined through the form of a novel with the expulsion of Empress Kwak. Empress Kwak was deposed by her husband, Emperor Kwangmu, due to jealousy and evil deeds. However, she was devoted to her parents-in-law, bore sons, and above all, she was the emperor's first wife and had gone through hard times and supported her husband. Considering these circumstances, her deposal is not quite agreeable. Readers have the same question, and this has become a cause of the creation of a series. The reasons for Empress Kwak's jealousy lie in Okhwan-a jade ring, the existence of Empress Eum, and the partial love of Emperor Kwangmu. That is, it is not Empress Kwak's fault. Additionally, unrealistic elements involved in Empress Kwak's evil deeds and the story structure focused on her work as factors that make readers support Empress Kwak. Therefore, Okhwangibong displays the realities regarding the discourse of husbands and wives of the era rather than the love in Okhwan, the jade ring, between Emperor Kwangmu and Empress Eum. Such understanding continues to exist in the following series and is a valid problem in the present time.

A Study on the Strategy of Revealing 'Sex' in and its Transferring to Media Narrative (<변강쇠가>에 나타난 '성'의 표면화 전략과 미디어서사로의 전이)

  • Jeong, Jeho
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.72
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    • pp.97-126
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    • 2018
  • has many sexual elements among our literature. So is considered obscene. But if you take a closer look at , you can see that he is dealing with the real problem. Especially, the conflict between Gangsoe and Jangseung shows the contradiction of reality. However, it can not be questioned because it is hidden behind sexual elements. 's strategy of revealing is similar in Media Narrative. has been made into a film since the 1980s. However, these films stayed at the level of B-erotic movies. The real meaning of is gone, and the sexual image is more emphasized. Incidentally, this aspect is related to reality at the time. At that time, the military was in control of politics. So I wanted the people not to be interested in politics. For this reason, many erotic movies were created. Eventually, the strategy of revealing was even more maximized in Media Narrative. But recently there was a new attempt like . This was a new attempt to go beyond the standardized approach. Future interpretations of are expected more.

The Remembrance of War and Overcoming its Aftermath through Literature: Focusing on the post Manchu's Invasion Period (전란의 기억과 문학적 극복 - 정묘·병자호란 이후 17세기 후반에 나타난 문학적 현상에 주목하여 -)

  • Baek, Jin-woo
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.68
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    • pp.69-97
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    • 2017
  • In this paper, I tried to examine the aspects of overcoming the aftermath of war through literary works. As history is continuously being reinterpreted and reevaluated, historical figures are described differently and given new meanings especially in the field of literature. It is not only important to examine these interpretations from previous generations themselves; it is also important to analyze them from a modern day perspective and look closely at their meanings. This research, by focusing on the post Manchu's invasion period, I examined the contemporary discussion. Literary works which were written in the post Manchu's invasion had different meaning comparing to the other time. Scholars at that time wanted to use historical figures as an allegory of temporary national situation. And this social phenomena was deeply related to the temporary discourses such like wipe off a disgrace by taking revenge on Qing (boksu $s{\breve{o}}lch^{prime}I$, 復讐雪恥) or loyalty to the Ming dynasty ($taemy{\breve{o}}ng$ ${\breve{u}}iri$, 對明義理). So that this research takes genre, time period, and nationality as the main variables to interpret typical historical figures and study their aspects.