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Hepatitis B Vaccination Coverage and Related Factors among Aged 19 or Older in Republic of Korea (한국 19세 이상 성인들의 B형간염 백신 접종률 및 관련 요인)

  • Lee, Sok Goo;Jeon, So Youn
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.99-108
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    • 2022
  • Objectives: This study aimed to identify the vaccination coverage for hepatitis B among aged 19 or older, and at the same time to determine the reasons for vaccination or non-vaccination. Methods: The survey was conducted through a Mixed-Mode Random Digit Dialing Survey (RDD) method. The survey included hepatitis B vaccination status, reasons of vaccination and non-vaccination, sources of information on vaccination, and other related factors. Results: The vaccination coverage for hepatitis B among adults 19 years of age and older were 38.0%, 32.5%, and 26.9% for the first, second, and third doses. A related factors with high rate of hepatitis B vaccination was women, younger than 65 years of age, rural residents, having a job, highly educated, health insurance subscribers, living with spouse, family members living together. In addition, the vaccination rate was higher in those who was aware of the states recommended adult vaccination, were explained by a doctor about the need for adult vaccination, kept their vaccination records, and recognized that it helped prevent infectious diseases, and had seen promotional materials. Conclusions: In the future, it is necessary to check the antibody retention rate along with the hepatitis B vaccination coverage of adults on a regular basis. In addition, in order to accurately and quickly identify the hepatitis B vaccination coverage, it is necessary to prepare a plan to improve the computerized registration rate to manage adult vaccination records.

A Study on the Information Poverty of North Korean Refugees in South Korea: Based on Chatman's Information Poverty (북한이탈주민의 정보빈곤에 관한 연구: Chatman의 정보빈곤이론을 기반으로)

  • Min, Soo Jin;Yi, Yong Jeong
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.241-261
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    • 2022
  • The present study aims to investigate the effects of information poverty on North Korean refugees' social adaptation to South Korea based on Chatman's Theory of Information Poverty (1996). Based on the Theory of Information Poverty, information poverty consists of four variables: Secrecy, Deception, Risk-taking, and information acceptance in response to situational relevance. And based on the previous studies, adaptation to South Korean life is divided into social adaptation and psychological adaptation. From August 4 to August 30, 2021, after approval by the IRB through the North Korean refugee support organization , surveys were conducted with North Korean refugees who had lived in South Korea for at least one year and were aged 19 or older. The 100 collected valid data were analyzed using frequency analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, and multiple linear regression analysis. Findings of the study indicated that information poverty had significant effects on North Korean refugees' social and psychological adaptation. In particular, the "deception" variable had negative effects on social and psychological adaptation. The study has theoretical implications that it explains North Korean refugees' adaptation to South Korea based on Theory of Information Poverty by defining them as information poor. Above all, it attempts a quantitative approach through operationalization of key concepts unlike previous studies that were conducted with qualitative approaches.

Comparative Study of Institutional Approaches to Children's Playgrounds for Ensuring the Right to Play (놀이권 보장 측면에서 본 국내외 어린이놀이터 관련 법제 비교 연구)

  • Song, Yun-Jeong;Lee, Sang-Min;Kang, Hyunmi;Kim, Suin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.51 no.6
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    • pp.33-45
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    • 2023
  • The importance of play from a Children's Rights perspective has been continuously emphasized, and the need for play facilities and spaces has been reiterated. Meanwhile, in South Korea, despite the continuous increase in the number of play facilities, efforts to improve children's play spaces are required. Therefore, this study reevaluated the current regulations and policies concerning play and play spaces from the perspective of securing the right to play. An analysis of the legal concept of domestic playgrounds, related laws, construction standards, and regulations was conducted. The systems and characteristics of the related regulations in the UK, Canada, and Germany were analyzed. Based on the results of the comparative analysis, our directions for improving the system of playgrounds to ensure the children's right to play were proposed. First, a legal definition of the concept and scope of playgrounds should be established. Second, beyond safety-focused facility regulations, there is a need for institutional enhancements to ensure the right to play. Third, comprehensive management of playgrounds is required as a spatial concept rather than as individual facilities. Fourth, qualitative management is needed through specific guidelines and guidelines related to the establishment of playgrounds. These results can serve as a basis for establishing systems and promoting policy projects to ensure children's right to play in various fields, including urban planning, child welfare, and education in the future.

Assessment of wetland ecosystem services for ecological management in the border area of the Han River Estuary (한강하구 접경지역 습지 생태계 서비스 평가를 통한 생태적 관리 방안 분석)

  • Hyun-Ah Choi;Donguk Han;Woo-Kyun Lee;Cholho Song
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.683-696
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    • 2023
  • The conservation of wetland ecosystems has a significant role in climate change. Notably, the Han River Protected Area, including the Siam-ri wetland and Janghang wetland, provides high biodiversity value. Thus, it is necessary to comprehensively evaluate the function and value of wetland ecosystems. This study evaluated the ecosystem services of Siam-ri and Janghang Wetlands located in the Han River Protected Area using the Rapid Assessment Wetland Ecosystem Services approach, a function-oriented ecosystem analysis. The results were calculated using the Ecosystem Services Index formula to analyze wetland ecosystem services. We also assessed the key ecosystem services based on a focus group interview. We identified that the supporting and cultural services index scores were relatively high in the study area. The results can provide helpful information for sustainable wetland conservation, conservation planning as primary data, and raising awareness for the Han River Protected Area.

Microbial Population Diversity of the Mud Flat in Suncheon Bay Based on 16S rDNA Sequences and Extracellular Enzyme Activities (남해안 갯벌 미생물의 세포외효소 활성 및 16S rDNA 분석에 의한 다양성 조사)

  • Kim, Yu-Jeong;Kim, Sung-Kyum;Kwon, Eun-Ju;Baik, Keun-Sik;Kim, Jung-Ho;Kim, Hoon
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.268-275
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    • 2007
  • Diversity of the mud flat microbial population in Suncheon Bay was investigated by studying extracellular enzyme activities and 16S rDNA sequences. Four culturable bacterial strains with CMCase, xylanase and protease activities were isolated from the wetland and the mud flat. All the strains produced more xylanase activity than CMCase or protease activity, and the properties of the isolate enzymes from the wetland were similar to those from the mud flat. About 2,000 clones were obtained with the 16S rDNA amplified from the metagenomic DNA isolated from the mud samples. Based on the restriction pattern(s), seventeen clones were selected for base sequence analysis. Of the 17 clones, only 35% (6 clones) were found to be cultured strains and 65% (11 clones) to be uncultured strains. The similarities in the base sequences of the clones ranged from 91.0% to 99.9% with an average similarity of 97.3%. The clones could be divided into 7 groups, Proteobacteria (9 clones, 52.9%), Firmicutes (3 clones, 17.6%), Bacteroidetes (1 clone), Flavobacteria (1 clone), Verrucomicrobia (1 clone), Acidobacteria (1 clone), and Chloroflexi (1 clone). Most of the Proteobacteria clones were gamma Proteobacteria associated with oxidation-reduction of sulfur.

An Exploratory Study of REID Benefits for Apparel Retailing (의류소매업에서의 RFID 이점에 대한 탐색적 연구)

  • Kim, Hae-Jung;Kim, Eun-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.30 no.12 s.159
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    • pp.1697-1707
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    • 2006
  • Relentless advances in information technology are constantly transforming market dynamics of the retail industry. RFID is an emerging innovative technology that can reduce labor costs, improve inventory control and increase sales by effective business processes. Apparel retailers need to recognize the benefits of RFID and identify critical success factors. By focusing on apparel retailers, this study attempts (1) to identify the reality of RFID associated with benefits; and (2) to prospect the implementation of RFID in apparel retailing. We conducted a focus group interview with selected six panels who were experts of retail industry in the United States to obtain data regarding RFID attributes. Content analysis was used to generate related excerpts and classify 31 attributes of RFID benefits from the meaningful 173 responses. For experience of RFID, retailers were familiar with RFID technology and expressed the belief that RFID basically would support an existing retail system for speed to markets. However, retailers addressed the level of experience with RFID technology that they were still in the early adoption stage among few innovative companies. The content analysis identified five dimensions of RFID benefits for apparel retailing: Visibility and Velocity, Revenue Enhancement, Customer Service, Security, and Employee Productivity. This result lends support to the belief that RFID has a significant potential to streamline supply chain management, store operation and customer service for apparel retailing. This study provides intellectual and managerial implications far practitioners and researchers by postulating the effective use of RFID in the apparel retail industry.

Effects of Non-ionic Surfactant Tween 80 on the in vitro Gas Production, Dry Matter Digestibility, Enzyme Activity and Microbial Growth Rate by Rumen Mixed Microorganisms (비이온성 계면활성제 Tween 80의 첨가가 반추위 혼합 미생물에 의한 in vitro 가스발생량, 건물소화율, 효소활력 및 미생물 성장율에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Shin-Ja;Kim, Wan-Young;Moon, Yea-Hwang;Kim, Hyeon-Shup;Kim, Kyoung-Hoon;Ha, Jong-Kyu;Lee, Sung-Sil
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.17 no.12
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    • pp.1660-1668
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    • 2007
  • The non-ionic surfactant (NIS) Tween 80 was evaluated for its ability to influence invitro cumulative gas production, dry matter digestibility, cellulolytic enzyme activities, anaerobic microbial growth rates, and adhesion to substrates by mixed rumen microorganisms on rice straw, alfalfa hay, cellulose filter paper and tall fescue hay. The addition of NIS Tween 80 at a level of 0.05% increased significantly (P<0.05) in vitro DM digestibility, cumulative gas production, microbial growth rate and cellulolytic enzyme activity from all of substrates used in this study. In vitro cumulative gas production from the NIS-treated substrates; rice straw, alfalfa hay, filter paper and tall fescue hay was significantly (P<0.05) improved by 274.8, 235.2, 231.1 and 719.5% compared with the control, when substrates were incubated for 48 hr in vitro. The addition of 0.05% NIS Tween 80 to cultures growing on alfalfa hay resulted in a significant increase in CMCase (38.1%), xylanase (121.4%), Avicelase (not changed) and amylase (38.2%) activities after 36 h incubation. These results indicated that the addition of 0.05% Tween 80 could greatly stimulate the release of some kinds of cellulolytic enzymes without decreasing cell growth rate in contrast to trends reported with aerobic microorganism. Our SEM observation showed that NIS Tween. 80 did not influence the microbial adhesion to substrates used in the study. Present data clearly show that improved gas production, DM digestibility and cellulolytic enzyme activity by Tween 80 is not due to increased bacterial adhesion on the substrates.

Present Status of the Quality Assurance and Control (QA/QC) for Korean Macrozoobenthic Biological Data and Suggestions for its Improvement (해양저서동물의 정량적 자료에 대한 정도관리 현실과 개선안)

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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.263-276
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    • 2021
  • Marine benthic organisms have been used as the indicators for the environment assessment and recently considered as a very important component in the biodiversity and ecosystem restoration. In Korean waters, the quantitative data on marine benthos was used as one of major components for the marine pollution assessment for 50 years since 1970s. The species identification which is an important factor for the quantitative biological data was mainly performed by the marine benthic ecologists. This leads to the deterioration of the data quality on marine benthos from the misidentication of major taxonomic groups due to the lack of taxonomic expertise in Korea. This taxonomic problem has not been solved until now and remains in most data from national research projects on the marine ecosystems in Korean waters. Here we introduce the quality assurance and control (QA/QC) system for the marine biological data in UK, that is, NMBAQC (Northeast Atlantic Marine Biological Analytic and Quality Control) Scheme which has been performed by private companies to solve similar species identification problems in UK. This scheme asks for all marine laboratories which want to participate to any national monitoring programs in UK to keep their identification potency at high level by the internal quality assurance systems and provides a series of taxonomic workshops and literature to increase their capability. They also performs the external quality control for the marine laboratories by performing the Ring Test using standard specimens on various faunal groups. In the case of Korea, there are few taxonomic expertise in two existing national institutions and so they can't solve the taxonomic problems in marine benthic fauna data. We would like to provide a few necessary suggestions to solve the taxonomic problems in Korean marine biological data in short-terms and long-terms: (1) the identification of all dominant species in marine biological data should be confirmed by taxonomic expertise, (2) all the national research programs should include taxonomic experts, and (3) establishing a private company, like the Korea marine organism identification association (KMOIA), which can perform the QA/QC system on the marine organisms and support all Korean marine laboratories by providing taxonomic literature and species identification workshops to enhance their potency. The last suggestion needs more efforts and time for the establishment of that taxonomic company by gathering the detailed contents and related opinions from diverse stakeholders in Korea.

A Study on Women's Casino Security Employees (여성 카지노 시큐리티 종사원에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hyeong-seok
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.62
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    • pp.135-158
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    • 2020
  • In casinos, security personnel who manage the safety of customers and employees play a very important role. In particular, there is a high percentage of female employees in casinos, and because the ratio of female and male employees is similar, the probability of female customers or female employees experiencing accidents may be similar to or higher than that of males. Women's security agents who handle women's case accidents can provide female customers and employees with a security service that only women can do. However, most of the agents doing security work at casinos are male, and the proportion of women is very low. Therefore, this research is about employees who are currently working as women in casinos and conducted qualitative research to find out about various experiences they experienced while working in the casino. A total of five study participants were interviewed three times to analyze and categorize the data collected. The first question is the professor's recommendation, his personal information search and his acquaintance's recommendation. The second question, the factors behind the necessary skills at work, are various athletic skills, good physical conditions and foreign language skills. In the third question, the satisfaction factors of the task are the scarcity value of the work, the satisfaction of the pay, the suitability of the individual and the expectation of the future, and the unsatisfactory factors of the work are the risk of the work, the stress on the customer, the discrimination against the sex, the gaze around, the tiredness of the shift work. In the fourth question, factors on the need for female casino security agents are providing differentiated services to female customers, protecting female employees and providing opportunities for women in related majors. The results of this study were interviewed by an expert of more than 20 years in the casino security business, and female casino security agents said that since it is a necessary requirement, they should seek a direction for development through institutional and cognitive improvement.

Development of Indicators to Assess the Quality of Ubiquitous-Ecological Cities (유비쿼터스 에코시티 평가지표 개발 및 적용 연구)

  • Kim, Han-Saem;Jeong, Yeun-Woo
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.111-123
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    • 2011
  • A Ubiquitous-Ecological City (U-Eco City) is the new urban paradigm integrated with ubiquitous-city (U-City) connecting the high-tech IT technology to the urvan space with the concept of the sustainable eco-city. As a U-Eco City is attempted for the first time domestically and internationally, there is insufficient discussions for its develoment goal, planned design proposal, technology and service element and others. Even if there are plans to build up it, policy and technology, service structuring business and others, it is difficult to assess how it would bring the efficacy. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to present the indicators system to assess a U-Eco City. The results of this study revealed the following; First, the conceptual framework, which was established to achieve sustainable urban quality, can be suggested by establishing its notion of the U-Eco City. The concept of a U-Eco City as established in this study suggests that the economic development in growth-oriented level has to be conducted not only quality of urban environment but also in terms of sustainable to consider the complex impact of various development; Secondly, the developed assessment system has heightened the completeness as the evaluation index through the attitude survey. As a result of questionnaire survey with the subject of specialists and interested party of this study, the urban qualitative aspect is formulated for the stability as a relatively important aspect. For the urban continuity aspect, society, environment and economy have all similar importance, but the environment element was shown to be highest. And finally, subject area was selected on the basis of the evaluation system and the analysis was made on the basis of the implementation design plan of the area. As a result of the assessment, safety and economy have shown to be high. This is indirectly indicated for the priority in economic growth driven development plan unlike the importance of environmental continuity obtained through the attitude survey. When planning on urban development, there is a need for supplementing the environment part and it has to present the connection plan between the economic growth and environmental continuity.