• 제목/요약/키워드: 질적관리

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A Study on the use of student workers as human resources of the University Library (대학도서관의 인적자원으로서 학생근로자 활용방안에 관한 연구)

  • Song, In-No;Park, So-Hyun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Information Management Conference
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    • 2014.08a
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    • pp.183-186
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    • 2014
  • 본 연구는 대학도서관 내 학생근로자를 인적자원의 요소로서 접근하여 그들의 업무 현황 및 영역을 파악하고, 발전적인 활용방안을 모색해보고자 하였다. 이를 위해 수도권 대학도서관을 대상으로 전화 및 이메일을 통한 설문지법으로 학생근로자의 업무 실태를 조사하였다. 연구 결과, 대학도서관에서의 학생근로자는 도서관 업무의 전반적인 분야에서 점차 중요한 인적자원으로 활용되고 있어 체계적인 관리의 필요성이 증대되고 있었다. 또한, 일부 대학도서관에서는 학생근로자의 전공 및 우수한 재능을 업무영역에 활용한 사례가 있으며, 이러한 학생근로자의 특화된 업무 영역을 적극적으로 개발한다면 도서관 서비스의 질적 향상을 기대해 볼 수 있을 것이라 생각한다.

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The necessity of Program Management in Urban Regeneration (도시재생사업에서 종합사업관리의 필요성)

  • Kwon, Hae-Rim;Yu, Jung-Ho;Kim, Chang-Duk
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.583-586
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    • 2008
  • As We experienced the onrush of industrialization, unplanned cities that had been grown rapidly are declining. The Urban Redevelopment is an alternative which is physical and functional improvement of declined cities. It has many types of undertaking by related law in Korea. But this undertaking has a problem. Whole designated district is separated several zones. And these zones are managed individually Therefore it has a difficulty to achieve overall goal of the urban redevelopment. The Urban Redevelopment should be managed over all. So we suggest application possibility of Program Management in Urban Redevelopment.

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An Effective View Management in a Mediator System for the Integration of Heterogeneous Distributed Database (미디에이터 시스템에서의 이질 분산데이타베이스의 통합을 위한 효율적인 뷰관리 방법)

  • Joo, Kil-Hong;Lee, Won-Suk
    • Journal of KIISE:Databases
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.620-632
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    • 2001
  • This paper proposes a mediator system which can provide a view management function in the today's heterogeneous computing environment including operating system database management systems and other software. while most mediators use view modification mechanism only, the use of view materialization is also considered in this research. In order to optimize the management cost for materialized views the proposed method applies a decay factor for modeling the access behaviors of views In other words, the most recently access pattern gets the highest attention in the optimization process all the necessary it with the CORBA.

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Practice and Improvement Scheme of Management of Human Resources in Korean Private Security Service Industry (한국 민간경비 인적자원 확보관리의 실태 및 개선방안)

  • Suh, Sang-Yul;Park, Jun-Seok
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.16
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    • pp.81-99
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    • 2008
  • Despite its legal, systematic and quantitative growth, Korean private security has not been showing satisfactory level of qualitative growth comparing to quantitative growth as it socially shocked with recent occurrence of the events and accidents. People on demand of security are making use of private security service to offset insufficient supply of security power as, especially, the incendiarism at Sungryemun last February brought out security issues for nationally important facilities and cultural assets, and other cases showed that the police would not cope with the appropriate security services under the current security system for protecting the life and property of people. For the supplementation of security power, the private security service is prevalent, but lots of service providers would not overcome its small business scale, except some large-sized security providers. There are some problem occurred as some providers employed staff who would not have the stuff for performing security service and they even committed illegal actions. Some opinions pointed out that it should come up with measures as they socially lose their credit. Therefore, this research suggests the recognition of the importance and the improvement measures of human resources management as follows. Security Service needs: 1. control of criteria for the employment/recruitment of human resources; 2. inducement of qualitative improvement of security service by ensuring excellent quality of human resources; 3. elevation of morale of organizational members with the operation of efficient promotion system; 4. introduction of professional certification system for the inflow of excellent quality of human resources.

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Senior Center Based Diabetes Self-management Program: An Action Research Approach (노인복지관 당뇨병 자기관리 프로그램의 과정과 평가: 실행연구방법)

  • Ko, Hana;Song, Misoon
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.169-185
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study examined the feasibility and efficacy of a senior center-based diabetes self-management program applying action research approach. The cyclical action research method was applied for this study: plan, act, evaluate, and reflect in delivering three waves of the intervention program. Three waves of a 12 weeks-length small group diabetes self-management program were offered during the period of 15 months in a senior center in Seoul. Planning of $2^{nd}$ and $3^{rd}$ wave program were based on reflection of $1^{st}$ and $2^{nd}$ program evaluation respectively. Among the 46 participants, 93.48% (N=43) completed the program. The quantitative evaluation showed statistically significant improvement in HbA1C(p<.001), fasting plasma glucose(p<.001), BMI(p=.016), waist circumference(p=.001), systolic blood pressure(p=.036), diabetes self-management behavior(p<.001) and health knowledge(p=.008). Qualitative data revealed that individual management was very helpful in empowering and adhering for own diabetes care for the participants. Participants reported high satisfaction towards the program with mean satisfaction score of 65.12. Application of the Diabetes Self-management program with action study strategy was successful in community setting for improving participants' subjective and objective outcomes. Action research method guides the practitioner to tailor the program to respond for the participants and field needs.

An Analysis of the Managerial Level's Gender Gap and "Glass Ceiling" of the Corporation (기업 관리직의 젠더 격차와 "유리천장" 분석)

  • Cho, Heawon;Hahm, Inhee
    • 한국사회정책
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.49-81
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    • 2016
  • This study agrees with the idea that a situation centered perspective provides a useful contribution in understanding women's attitude on organizations. Women's occupational experiences are less related to their "femaleness" than to the structural constraints inherent in the occupational positions women fill. So characteristics of the organizational situation including gender composition and hierarchical status may "shape and define" women's experience on the job. The present study examined the managerial level's gender gap and "glass ceiling" of the corporation. According to Kanter, if the ratio of women to men in organizations begins to shift, as affirmative action and new hiring and promotion policies promised, forms of relationships and corporate culture should also change. However, the mere presence of women on workplace may not, in itself, result in women-friendly work condition. This study analyzes "Korean Women Manger Panel survey(2010 3rd. wave)" to examine how much gender gap of the managerial level persists and when the glass ceiling effect emerges. Using t-test and ANOVA, various aspects of the gender gap within managerial level were verified. The most significant finding is the glass ceiling effect starts from very low level of management. Policy implications from the statistical analysis of the Panel survey are: 1) We need to increase the absolute number of the women managers for securing middle level women leadership pipe line. 2) We need to confront the fact that the glass ceiling starts from the very low managerial level, and to explore more realistic way to break up the vicious circle for the tokenism. and 3) We need to looking beyond numbers in approaching women's matter at work. At the cultural and institutional level, work-family programs and policies, women's ratings of their competence, and family-friendly organization's climate should be considered.

Qualitative Study on Experiences of Responding to COVID-19 of Therapists in Long-term Care Hospitals (요양병원 치료사의 코로나19 대응 경험에 대한 질적 연구)

  • Bae, Won-Jin;Park, Ju-Young
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.337-347
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    • 2021
  • This study is a qualitative study conducted to provide basic data for therapists working in long-term care hospitals to improve their countermeasure strategies for new infectious diseases and improvement of the treatment room infection management system, and to help therapists understand their infection management work. Colaizzi's phenomenological research method was applied as the research method. Telephone interviews were conducted with nine occupational therapists and physical therapists working in nursing hospitals. The contents of the interview were recorded with the consent of the study subjects, and additional confirmation was received by email. The recorded content was analyzed after transcription, and the meaning and nature of the experience coping with COVID-19 were described. The content was organized into 6 themes, 17 main meaning and 49 meaning units. In accordance with the COVID-19 situation, the infection control system has been strengthened by reinforcing infection control education in nursing hospitals, practicing infection control, and supervising infection control outside business hours. It was found that the treatment environment was changed due to the restriction of treatment activities by practicing distancing in the treatment room, adjusting rest and meal times during working hours, and strengthening infection control. In addition, the therapist's role has been expanded and the paradigm of treatment has changed, such as considering the untact intervention, and they have experienced cohort quarantine, pre-tested for COVID-19, vaccinations, and side effects from COVID-19. However, due to the infection work, the therapist's work burden is increased, and the person is experiencing fear, depression, and work stress from the spread of COVID-19. They were also aware of the need for nursing hospital care personnel support, such as guaranteeing rest after vaccination and providing infection control tools and equipment. The results of this study are expected to be used as basic data for human and physical support for the development of infectious disease response strategy programs in nursing hospital treatment rooms and for infection control in nursing hospitals.

Developments of Evaluation System of Mission Oriented Government-Supported Research Institute by Article Citation Method (피인용 특성 분석을 통한 출연(연) 임무중심형 기관평가 개선 방향)

  • Lee, Moon Young;Yi, Chan Goo
    • Proceedings of the Korea Technology Innovation Society Conference
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    • 2016.05a
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    • pp.404-430
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    • 2016
  • This study started from the awareness of the issue if the citation index newly introduced to evaluate the quality of papers satisfies the proper timing matter, which is a component of performance indicators for the evaluation of government-funded R&D institutes. Accordingly, the study will propose improvement ways to shift the previous evaluation system to quality evaluation for mission-oriented R&D institutes by analysing and using the periodical characteristics such as citation half-life and immediacy index of papers. As a result, it turned out that the speed of academic change is getting faster in proportion to the dependency on the technological development but that the citation speed in the field of public technology is relatively slower and the speed of knowledge transfer in the fields related to industry is faster. In addition, the citation index among the R&D fields showed no differences, and the minimum period for citation index measurement with validity should be over 6 years. The problems of evaluation for mission-oriented R&D institutes were deducted based on the technical and statistical analysis results of the temporal characteristic of citation necessary for quality evaluation of performance among R&D fields. To solve the problems, policy alternatives for object and valid quality evaluation were proposed from the points of evaluation period, evaluation criteria, and evaluation management.

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Business Process Improvement of Defect Management in Apartment Housing Project (공동주택 하자관리 업무프로세스 개선)

  • Oh, Jung-Hwan;Song, Young-Woong;Choi, Yoon-Ki;Lim, Hyoung-Chul
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.16-27
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    • 2009
  • Recently construction companies expand position for apartment house in construction market because of house supply rate increase and its amount. In addition, because the focus of house sale market has moved to customer from supplier, the importance of defect management is being issued currently. However, current apartment defect management is not satisfied with customer's demand for the lack of business process management, management organization, information feedback, and readiness for defect in construction phase. To solve this problem, this study proposed business process management improvement model for defect management. Proposed improvement model make information feedback, defect management business quality improvement, and improper process improvement through integrating defect management and quality management. It is expected to contribute to customer's satisfaction improvement and reliance improvement for construction companies.

국내 초고압 케이블의 현황과 향후 과제

  • 황순철;최창수
    • 전기의세계
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.5-12
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    • 1993
  • 현재 우리나라 발전설비 용량은 2,100만kW에 이르나, 2001년에는 4,700만kW의 전력이 필요할 것으로 예측되며 전력수요의 급증에 따라 발전량의 증대가 불가피하고 전력의 질적 향상도 중요한 과제로 등장하고 있다. 양질의 전력공급 측면에서 정전사고가 발생시 우리 사회 전반적으로 미치는 파급효과는 막대하므로 전력설비의 보전과 절연진단 기술의 확립이 필요로 대두되고 있다. 그러므로 이에 따른 첨단 계측 기술의 도입과 컴퓨터를 이용한 - 부분방전의 계측과 해석 - 전기 TREE 시스템의 집중관리 - 절연진단 기술에의 컴퓨터의 이용 - 공간전하 분포의 측정 등의 절연진간 기술연구가 기업, 학계, 연구소 등이 공동으로 활발히 진행되고 있다.

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