• Title/Summary/Keyword: 진료 형태

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A Study on Job Stress and Eating Behavior and Habits of Dental Hygienists (치과위생사의 직무스트레스와 식행동 및 식습관에 관한 연구)

  • Koong, Hwa-Soo;Kim, Seong-Min
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.525-534
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    • 2012
  • Study the effect of stress factors and increases in stress at work on the changes in eating behavior and habits and the influence of these changes on the health of dental hygienists. Use the responses of 273 dental hygienists who work in or around the Seoul area after surveying them by post or face to face. The biggest reason for skipping breakfast was having no time (60.4%) and the most desired change in eating habits was over eating (33.0%) while 51.6% responded that they over ate or binge ate due to stress. The largest stress factor was work load 39.6% and subjects responded that after stress the amount of food consumed increased very much for 12.1%, very for 49.8%, indicating increased food consumption than usual. The group with the most job stress had a high level of self stress awareness (p<0.001), nervousness (p<0.01), back pains (p<0.001), optical fatigue (p<0.01), headache (p<0.01) and indigestion (p<0.01). The higher the job stress, the poorer the eating behavior was (p<0.01) and job stress was high for dental hygienists working in dental clinics with less than three dental hygienists (p<0.05). Low eating behavior scores could be seen in groups that took 4 night shifts per week (p<0.05). Job stress scores for high for groups with no break time during work (p<0.001) and these groups showed low eating behavior scores (p<0.01). Furthermore, if high levels of self stress awareness was present, job stress was very high (p<0.001) and eating behavior scores were the lowest (p<0.05). Job stress of dental hygienists impede the eating behavior and habits therefore has a negative influence on their health. There is a need for more efforts to solve this problem and thus maintain the health of dental hygienists.

Final Impact of Anti-Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Treatment in Age-related Macular Degeneration (연령관련황반변성 환자에서 항혈관내피성장인자의 치료 방법과 재정 영향 분석)

  • Yang, Jangmi;Shin, Sang Jin;Suh, Jae Kyung;Cho, Songhee;Tchoe, Hajin;Kang, Min Joo;Jee, Donghyun
    • Journal of The Korean Ophthalmological Society
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    • v.59 no.11
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    • pp.1039-1048
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: To evaluate the effects of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) treatment on the healthcare-related finances of patients with age-related macular degeneration. Methods: Changes in health care financing due to newly introduced benefit standards were predicted over the coming 5-year period (2018-2022). We also analyzed the financial impact of scenarios in which agents similar to anti-VEGF, such as the over-licensed drug bevacizumab, were introduced. For this purpose, the future number of patients receiving anti-VEGF treatments was estimated for various scenarios based on National Health Insurance Corporation claims data followed by an estimate of the financial burden. Results: In the case of age-related macular degeneration, the current standard of care (14 times in a lifetime) was maintained in scenario 1. In 2018, the insurance budget for the coming 5-year period was estimated at approximately 440.3 billion won. The insurance cost for that period was estimated at approximately 560.1 billion won under the revised standard of December 2017 (scenario 2). For scenarios wherein, after 2020, similar treatments (scenario 3) and bevacizumab (scenario 4) were introduced, the estimated health insurance costs were 521 billion won and 419.7 billion won, respectively. Conclusions: Health insurance costs are projected to increase substantially due to the elimination of the 14 time pay standard; however, the actual budget will only moderately increase, due to new limitations of visual acuity ${\leq}0.1$ or in case of scarring/atrophic lesions. Clinically similar agents and bevacizumab could be considered as alternatives to anti-VEGF treatment for age-related macular degeneration.

A Study of the Health Promoting Life Style in Rural Area (일부 농촌주민의 건강증진 생활양식 수행정도)

  • Jung, Young-Ok;Kim, Sang-Soon
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.133-148
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    • 1995
  • This study was to identify the factors affecting the performance in health promoting lifestyle and measuring health promoting lifestyle. The subjects for this study were all adult in rural area, Kakbuk Nyun, Chung-do Gun, Kyungpook, Korea. The data were collected during the period from April 1 to April 30, 1995. The instruments used for this study were the health promoting lifestyle by Park(1995). The results of this study are as follows. Health condition felt by the subjects was worse in female group and was getting worse according as the age increase. According to health promoting life style implementation questionnaire, more than half of the subjects responded "never" in deep breathing 3 times a day item and non-smoking item; more than half of the subjects responded "yes" in 3 meal a day item, home-cooked meals item, never to omit breakfast item and frequent wearing of cotton underwear item. Health promoting life style implementation by health condition is higher in healthy group and frequency of consulting a specialist is higher in unhealthy group. Health promoting life style implementation by sex is higher in male group. Frequency, of consulting a specialist and non-excessive drinking are higher in female group. Health promoting life style implementation by age showed that the implementation of never omitting breakfast, keeping early hours and proper sleeping is higher in old age group ; that of enjoying hobby, pastime, cleaning as well as reading health books is higher in young age group. Health promoting life style implementation by religion showed that the implementation of deep breathing 3 times more a day, regular checking of blood pressure, never having non-healthful food and keeping right posture in sitting and standing is higher in religion group. Health promoting life style implementation by education is higher in highly-educated group ; the implementation of keeping early hours is higher in low-educated group. Health promoting life style implementation by marriage state showed that the implementation of deep breathing 3 times more a day, twenty minutes of brisk physical movement three or four times a week, enjoying his or her own time, relaxation to relieve from tension and pressure and equalized movement of each part of body is higher in unmarred group ; that of having elaborately cooked food, never omitting three meals a day and keeping early hours is higher in married group. Health promoting life style implementation by the number of family members showed that more-member-group has more plans and objectives for their future. Health promoting life style implementation by family type showed that the implementation of reading health books and articles, living with positive way of thinking and enjoying favorite hobby in pastime is higher in nuclear families ; that of having three meals a day never omitting breakfast is higher in large families.

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Clinical review of acute seizures among children who visited the emergency room in Masan Samsung hospital from 2004 to 2006 (최근 3년간(2004-2006년) 응급실로 내원한 소아환자 중 급성 발작으로 인한 환자들에 대한 임상적 고찰)

  • Lee, Won Deok;Yoo, Jae Wook;Lee, Ju Suk;Lee, Jun Hwa;Cho, Kyung Lae
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.51 no.4
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    • pp.420-425
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    • 2008
  • Purpose : The purpose of this study was to evaluate acute childhood seizures, one of the most important causes of emergency room visits, to provide appropriate medical services. Methods : We reviewed the medical records of 433 (4.6%) pediatric patients with acute seizures that visited the emergency room at Masan Samsung hospital from 2004 to 2006. Results : The male to female ratio was 1.4:1 and the mean age was $40.9{\pm}34.9$ months range. The order of geographical distribution was Masan, Changwon, Haman, and others. Fever was present in 40.6% of patients; December (14.8%) was the most frequent month for visits and generalized tonic clonic seizures (62.7%) were the most common type of seizure. The average frequency and duration of the seizure was $1.5{\pm}1.0$ and $6.7{\pm}13.2$ minutes respectively. Febrile seizures were present in 69.7% of patients and afebrile seizures in 30.3%. The causes of the febrile seizures were acute pharyngotonsillitis (44.6%), acute bronchitis, gastroenteritis, pneumonia, urinary tract infection, and unknown origin, in order of frequency. The most common cause of an afebrile seizure was epilepsy (71.5%) followed by a benign convulsion with mild gastroenteritis (BCwMG), sequela of a perinatal brain injury or brain malformation, and acute CNS infection. Evaluation of the causes of an acute seizure according to age showed that febrile seizures, epilepsy, and the sequela of perinatal brain injuries were more common between 2 and 6 years of age and epilepsy, febrile seizures and acute CNS infection, in order of frequency, were common between 6 and 15 years of age. Many patients, 49.4%, were discharged without admission. Conclusion : The common characteristics of pediatric patients presenting to the emergency room were male gender, an age between 2-6 years, presenting during the month of December, with generalized tonic clonic seizures due to acute pharyngitis. The most common presentation for the group less than 6 years of age was a febrile seizure and in the group more than 6 years of age, it was epilepsy. In many cases, the seizures stopped by the time the family presented to the emergency room.

The Analysis of the Current Status of Medical Accidents and Disputes Researched in the Korean Web Sites (인터넷 사이트를 통해 살펴본 의료사고 및 의료분쟁의 현황에 관한 분석)

  • Cha, Yu-Rim;Kwon, Jeong-Seung;Choi, Jong-Hoon;Kim, Chong-Youl
    • Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.297-316
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    • 2006
  • The increasing tendency of medical disputes is one of the remarkable social phenomena. Especially we must not overlook the phenomenon that production and circulation of information related to medical accidents is increasing rapidly through the internet. In this research, we evaluated the web sites which provide the information related to medical accidents using the keyword "medical accidents" in March 2006, and classified the 28 web sites according to the kinds of establishers. We also analyzed the contents of the sites, and checked and compared the current status of the web sites and problems that have to be improved. Finally, we suggested the possible solutions to prevent medical accidents. The detailed results were listed below. 1. Medical practitioners, general public, and lawyers were all familiar with and prefer the term "medical accidents" mainly. 2. In the number of sites searched by the keyword "medical accidents", lawyer had the most sites and medical practitioners had the least ones. 3. Many sites by general public and lawyers had their own medical record analysts but there was little professional analysts for dentistry. 4. General public were more interested in the prevention of medical accidents but the lawyers were more interested in the process after medical accidents. The sites by medical practitioners dealt with the least remedies of medical accidents, compared with other sites. 5. General public wanted the third party such as government intervention into the disputes including the medical dispute arbitration law or/and the establishment of independent medical dispute judgment institution. 6. In the comparison among the establishers of web sites, medical practitioners dealt with the least examples of medical accidents. 7. The suggestion of cases in counseling articles related to dental accidents were considered less importantly than the reality. 8. Whereas there were many articles about domestic cases related to the bloody dental treatment, in the open counseling articles the number of dental treatment regarding to non insurance treatment was large. 9. In comparing offered information of medical accidents based on the establishers, general public offered vocabularies, lawyers offered related laws and medical practitioners offered medical knowledge relatively. 10. They all cited the news pressed by the media to offer the current status of domestic medical accidents. Especially among the web sites by general public, NGOs provided the plentiful statistical data related to medical accidents. 11. The web sites that collect the medical accidents were only two. As a result of our research, we found out that, in the flood of information, medical disputes can be occurred by the wrong information from third party, and the medical practitioners have the most passive attitudes on the medical accidents. Thus, it is crucial to have the mutual interchange and exchange of information between lawyer, patients and medical practitioners, so that based on clear mutual comprehension we can solve the accidents and disputes more positively and actively.

Roles and Preparation for the Future Nurse-Educators (미래 간호교육자의 역할과 이를 위한 준비)

  • Kim Susie
    • The Korean Nurse
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    • v.20 no.4 s.112
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    • pp.39-49
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    • 1981
  • 기존 간호 영역 내 간호는 질적으로, 양적으로 급격히 팽창 확대되어 가고 있다. 많은 나라에서 건강관리체계가 부적절하게 분배되어 있으며 따라서 많은 사람들이 적절한 건강관리를 제공받지 못하고 있어 수준 높은 양질의 건강관리를 전체적으로 확대시키는 것이 시급하다. 혹 건강관리의 혜택을 받는다고 해도 이들 역시 보다 더 양질의 인간적인 간호를 요하고 있는 실정이다. 간호는 또한 간호영역 자체 내에서도 급격히 확대되어가고 있다. 예를들면, 미국같은 선진국가의 건강간호사(Nurse practitioner)는 간호전문직의 새로운 직종으로 건강관리체계에서 독자적인 실무자로 그 두각을 나타내고 있다. 의사의 심한 부족난으로 고심하는 발전도상에 있는 나라들에서는 간호원들에게 전통적인 간호기능 뿐 아니라 건강관리체계에서 보다 많은 역할을 수행하도록 기대하며 일선지방의 건강센터(Health center) 직종에 많은 간호원을 투입하고 있다. 가령 우리 한국정부에서 최근에 시도한 무의촌지역에서 졸업간호원들이 건강관리를 제공할 수 있도록 한 법적 조치는 이러한 구체적인 예라고 할 수 있다. 기존 간호영역내외의 이런 급격한 변화는 Melvin Toffler가 말한 대로 ''미래의 충격''을 초래하게 되었다. 따라서 이러한 역동적인 변화는 간호전문직에 대하여 몇가지 질문을 던져준다. 첫째, 미래사회에서 간호영역의 특성은 무엇인가? 둘째, 이러한 새로운 영역에서 요구되는 간호원을 길러내기 위해 간호교육자는 어떤 역할을 수행해야 하는가? 셋째 내일의 간호원을 양성하는 간호교육자를 준비시키기 위한 실질적이면서도 현실적인 전략은 무엇인가 등이다. 1. 미래사회에서 간호영역의 특성은 무엇인가? 미래의 간호원은 다음에 열거하는 여러가지 요인으로 인하여 지금까지의 것과는 판이한 환경에서 일하게 될 것이다. 1) 건강관리를 제공하는 과정에서 컴퓨터화되고 자동화된 기계 및 기구 등 새로운 기술을 많이 사용할 것이다. 2) 1차건강관리가 대부분 간호원에 의해 제공될 것이다. 3) 내일의 건강관리는 소비자 주축의 것이 될 것이다. 4) 간호영역내에 많은 새로운 전문분야들이 생길 것이다. 5) 미래의 건강관리체계는 사회적인 변화와 이의 요구에 더 민감한 반응을 하게 될 것이다. 6) 건강관리체계의 강조점이 의료진료에서 건강관리로 바뀔 것이다. 7) 건강관리체계에서의 간호원의 역할은 의료적인 진단과 치료계획의 기능에서 크게 탈피하여 병원내외에서 보다 더 독특한 실무형태로 발전될 것이다. 이러한 변화와 더불어 미래 간호영역에서 보다 효과적인 간호를 수행하기 위해 미래 간호원들은 지금까지의 간호원보다 더 광범위하고 깊은 교육과 훈련을 받아야 한다. 보다 발전된 기술환경에서 전인적인 접근을 하기위해 신체과학이나 의학뿐 아니라 행동과학 $\cdot$ 경영과학 등에 이르기까지 다양한 훈련을 받아야 할 필요가 있다. 또한 행동양상면에서 전문직인 답게 보다 진취적이고 표현적이며 자동적이고 응용과학적인 역할을 수행하도록 훈련을 받아야 한다. 그리하여 간호원은 효과적인 의사결정자$\cdot$문제해결자$\cdot$능숙한 실무자일 뿐 아니라 소비자의 건강요구를 예리하게 관찰하고 이 요구에 효과적인 존재를 발전시켜 나가는 연구자가 되어야 한다. 2. 미래의 간호교육자는 어떤 역할을 수행해야 하는가? 간호교육은 전문직으로서의 실무를 제공하기 위한 기초석이다. 이는 간호교육자야말로 미래사회에서 국민의 건강요구를 충족시키기는 능력있는 간호원을 공급하는 일에 전무해야 함을 시사해준다. 그러면 이러한 일을 달성하기 위해 간호교육자는 무엇을 해야 하는가? 우선 간호교육자는 두가지 측면에서 이 일을 수정해야 된다고 본다. 그 하나는 간호교육기관에서의 측면이고 다른 하나는 간호교육자 개인적인 측면엣서이다. 우선 간호교육기관에서 간호교육자는 1) 미래사회에서 요구되는 간호원을 교육시키기 위한 프로그램을 제공해야 한다. 2) 효과적인 교과과정의 발전과 수정보완을 계속적으로 진행시켜야 한다. 3) 잘된 교과과정에 따라 적절한 훈련을 철저히 시켜야 한다. 4) 간호교육자 자신이 미래의 예측된 현상을 오늘의 교육과정에 포함시킬 수 있는 자신감과 창의력을 가지고 모델이 되어야 한다. 5) 연구 및 학생들의 학습에 영향을 미치는 중요한 의사결정에 학생들을 참여시키도록 해야한다. 간호교육자 개인적인 측면에서는 교육자 자신들이 능력있고 신빙성있으며 간호의 이론$\cdot$실무$\cdot$연구면에 걸친 권위와 자동성$\cdot$독창성, 그리고 인간을 진정으로 이해하려는 자질을 갖추도록 계속 노력해야 한다. 3. 미래의 간호원을 양성하는 능력있는 간호교육자를 준비시키기 위한 실질적이면서도 현실적인 전략은 무엇인가? 내일의 도전을 충족시킬 수 있는 능력있는 간호교육자를 준비시키기 위한 실질적이고 현실적인 전략을 논함에 있어 우리나라의 실정을 참조하겠다. 전문직 간호교육자를 준비하는데 세가지 방법을 통해 할 수 있다고 생각한다. 첫째는 간호원 훈련수준을 전문직 실무를 수행할 수 있는 단계로 면허를 높이는 것이고, 둘째는 훈련수준을 더 향상시키기 위하여 학사 및 석사간호교육과정을 발전시키고 확대하는 것이며, 셋째는 현존하는 간호교육 프로그램의 질을 높이는 것이다. 첫째와 둘째방법은 정부의 관할이 직접 개입되는 방법이기 때문에 여기서는 생략하고 현존하는 교과과정을 발전시키고 그 질을 향상시키는 것에 대해서만 언급하고자 한다. 미래의 여러가지 도전에 부응할 수 있는 교육자를 준비시키는 교육과정의 발전을 두가지 면에서 추진시킬 수 있다고 본다. 첫째는 국제간의 교류를 통하여 idea 및 경험을 나눔으로서 교육과정의 질을 높일 수 있다. 서로 다른 나라의 간호교육자들이 정기적으로 모여 생각과 경험을 교환하고 연구하므로서 보다 체계적이고 효과적인 발전체인(chain)이 형성되는 것이다. ICN같은 국제적인 조직에 의해 이러한 모임을 시도하는 것인 가치있는 기회라고 생각한다. 국가간 또는 국제적인 간호교육자 훈련을 위한 교육과정의 교환은 한 나라안에서 그 idea를 확산시키는데 효과적인 영향을 미칠 수 있다. 충분한 간호교육전문가를 갖춘 간호교육기관이 새로운 교육과정을 개발하여 그렇지 못한 기관과의 연차적인 conference를 가지므로 확산시킬 수도 있으며 이런 방법은 경제적인 면에서도 효과적일 뿐만 아니라 그 나라 그 문화상황에 적합한 교과과정 개발에도 효과적일 수 있다. 간호교육자를 준비시키는 둘째전략은 현존간호교육자들이 간호이론과 실무$\cdot$연구를 통합하고 발전시키는데 있어서 당면하는 여러가지 요인-전인적인 간호에 적절한 과목을 이수하지 못하고 임상실무경험의 부족등-을 보충하는 방법이다. 이런 실제적인 문제를 잠정적으로 해결하기 위하여 1) 몇몇 대학에서 방학중에 계속교육 프로그램을 개발하여 현직 간호교육자들에게 필요하고 적절한 과목을 이수하도록 한다. 따라서 임상실무교육도 이때 실시할 수 있다. 2) 대학원과정 간호교육프로그램의 입학자의 자격에 2$\~$3년의 실무경험을 포함시키도록 한다. 결론적으로 교수와 학생간의 진정한 동반자관계는 자격을 구비한 능력있는 교수의 실천적인 모델을 통하여서 가능하게 이루어 질수 있다고 믿는 바이다.

  • PDF

Legal Issues on the Collection and Utilization of Infectious Disease Data in the Infectious Disease Crisis (감염병 위기 상황에서 감염병 데이터의 수집 및 활용에 관한 법적 쟁점 -미국 감염병 데이터 수집 및 활용 절차를 참조 사례로 하여-)

  • Kim, Jae Sun
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.29-74
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    • 2022
  • As social disasters occur under the Disaster Management Act, which can damage the people's "life, body, and property" due to the rapid spread and spread of unexpected COVID-19 infectious diseases in 2020, information collected through inspection and reporting of infectious disease pathogens (Article 11), epidemiological investigation (Article 18), epidemiological investigation for vaccination (Article 29), artificial technology, and prevention policy Decision), (3) It was used as an important basis for decision-making in the context of an infectious disease crisis, such as promoting vaccination and understanding the current status of damage. In addition, medical policy decisions using infectious disease data contribute to quarantine policy decisions, information provision, drug development, and research technology development, and interest in the legal scope and limitations of using infectious disease data has increased worldwide. The use of infectious disease data can be classified for the purpose of spreading and blocking infectious diseases, prevention, management, and treatment of infectious diseases, and the use of information will be more widely made in the context of an infectious disease crisis. In particular, as the serious stage of the Disaster Management Act continues, the processing of personal identification information and sensitive information becomes an important issue. Information on "medical records, vaccination drugs, vaccination, underlying diseases, health rankings, long-term care recognition grades, pregnancy, etc." needs to be interpreted. In the case of "prevention, management, and treatment of infectious diseases", it is difficult to clearly define the concept of medical practicesThe types of actions are judged based on "legislative purposes, academic principles, expertise, and social norms," but the balance of legal interests should be based on the need for data use in quarantine policies and urgent judgment in public health crises. Specifically, the speed and degree of transmission of infectious diseases in a crisis, whether the purpose can be achieved without processing sensitive information, whether it unfairly violates the interests of third parties or information subjects, and the effectiveness of introducing quarantine policies through processing sensitive information can be used as major evaluation factors. On the other hand, the collection, provision, and use of infectious disease data for research purposes will be used through pseudonym processing under the Personal Information Protection Act, consent under the Bioethics Act and deliberation by the Institutional Bioethics Committee, and data provision deliberation committee. Therefore, the use of research purposes is recognized as long as procedural validity is secured as it is reviewed by the pseudonym processing and data review committee, the consent of the information subject, and the institutional bioethics review committee. However, the burden on research managers should be reduced by clarifying the pseudonymization or anonymization procedures, the introduction or consent procedures of the comprehensive consent system and the opt-out system should be clearly prepared, and the procedure for re-identifying or securing security that may arise from technological development should be clearly defined.