• Title/Summary/Keyword: 진료 지침

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Development of a Comprehensive Model of Disaster Management in Korea Based on the Result of Response to Sampung Building Collapse (1995), - Disaster Law, and 98 Disaster Preparedness Plan of Seoul City - (우리나라 사고예방과 재난관리 모형 개발을 위한 연구)

  • Lee, In-Sook
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.289-316
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    • 2000
  • 우리나라의 경우 지역사회 재난 관리계획과 훈련이 보건의료적 모형이라기 보다는 민방위 모형에 입각하기 때문에 사고 현장에서의 환자 중증도 분류, 합리적 환자배분 및 이송, 병원 응급실에서의 대처 등이 체계적으로 이루어지지 못하고 있으며, 지역사회가 이에 즉각적으로 반응할 수 없다. 본 연구는 삼풍 붕괴사고 시에 대응방식과 그 후의 우리나라 응급의료 체계를 분석함으로써 대형사고 예방과 재난관리를 위한 우리나라 응급의료체계의 개선방안과 간호교육에서의 준비부분을 제시하고자 한다. 1 삼풍 사고 발생시에는 이를 관장할 만한 법적 근거인 인위적 재해에 관한 재난관리법이 없었다. 따라서 현장에서는 의학적 명령체계를 확보하지 못했기 때문에 현장에서의 응급 처치는 전혀 이루어지지 못하였다. 현장에서의 중증도 분류. 응급조치와 의뢰, 병원과 현장본부 그리고 구급차간의 통신 체계 두절, 환자 운송 중 의료지시를 받을 수 있도록 인력, 장비, 통신 체계가 준비되지 못하였던 점이 주요한 문제였다. 또한 병원 응급실에서는 재난 계획이 없거나 있었더라도 이를 활성화하여 병원의 운영 체계를 변환해가지 못하였다. 2. 삼풍백화점 붕괴사고 한달 후에는 인위적 재해에 대한 재난관리법이 제정되고, 행정부 수준별로 매년 지역요구에 합당한 재난관리 계획을 세우도록 법으로 규정하였다. 재난 관리법에는 보건의료 측면에서의 현장대응, 주민 참여, 응급 의료적 대처, 정보의 배된. 교육/훈련 등이 포함되어 있어야 한다. 그러나 법적 기반이 마련된 이후에도 한국 재난 계획 내에는 응급의료 측면의 대응 영역은 부처간 역할의 명시가 미흡하며, 현장에서의 응급 대응과정을 수행할 수 있는 운영 지침이 없이 명목상 언급으로 그치고 있기 때문에 계획을 활성화시켜 지역사회에서 운영하기는 어렵다. 즉 이 내용 속에는 사고의 확인 /공고, 응급 사고 지령, 요구 평가, 사상자의 중증도 분류와 안정화, 사상자 수집, 현장 처치 생명보존과 내과 외과적 응급처치가 수반된 이송, 사고 후 정신적 스트레스 관리, 사고의 총괄적 평가 부분에 대한 인력간 부처간 역할과 업무가 분명히 제시되어 있지 못하여, 사고 발생시 가장 중요한 연계적 업무 처리나 부문간 협조를 하기 어렵다. 의료 기관과 응급실/중환자실, 시민 안전을 책임지고 있는 기관들과의 상호 협력의 연계는 부족하다. 즉 현재의 재난 대비 계획 속에는 부처별 분명한 업무 분장, 재난 상황에 따른 시나리오적 대비 계획과 이를 훈련할 틀을 확보하고 있지 못하다. 3. 지방 정부 수준의 재난 계획서에는 재난 발생시 보건의료에 관한 사항 전반을 공공 보건소가 핵심적 역할을 하며 재난 관리에 대처해야 된다고 규정하고 있다. 그러므로 보건소는 지역사회 중심의 재난 관리 계획을 구성하고 이를 운영하며, 재난 현장에서의 응급 치료 대응 과정은 구조/ 구명을 책임지고 있는 공공기관인 소방서와 지역의 응급의료병원에게 위임한다. 즉 지역사회 재난 관리 계획이 보건소 주도하에 관내 병원과 관련기관(소방서. 경찰서)이 협동하여 만들고 업무를 명확히 분담하여 연계방안을 만든다. 이는 재난관리 대처에 성공여부를 결정하는 주요 요인이다. 4 대한 적십자사의 지역사회 주민에 대한 교육 프로그램은 연중 열리고 있다. 그러나 대부분의 교육주제는 건강증진 영역이며. 응급의료 관리는 전체 교육시간의 8%를 차지하며 이중 재난 준비를 위한 주민 교육 프로그램은 없다. 또한 특정 연령층이 모여있는 학교의 경우도 정규 보건교육 시간이 없기 때문에 생명구조나 응급처치를 체계적으로 배우고 연습할 기회가 없으면서 국민의 재난 준비의 기반확대가 되고 있지 못하다. 5. 병원은 재난 관리 위원회를 군성하여 병원의 진료권역 내에 있는 여러 자원을 감안한 포괄적인 재난관리계획을 세우고, 지역사회를 포함한 훈련을 해야 한다. 그러나 현재 병원은 명목상의 재난 관리 계획을 갖고 있을 뿐이다. 6. 재난관리 준비도를 평가할 때 병원응급실 치료 팀의 인력과 장비 등은 비교적 기준을 충족시키고 있었으나 병원의 재난 관리 계획은 전혀 훈련되고 있지 못하였다 그러므로 우리나라 재난 관리의 준비를 위해서는 현장의 응급의료체계, 재난 대응 계획, 이의 훈련을 통한 주민교육이 선행되어야만 개선될 수 있다. 즉 민방위 훈련 모델이 아닌 응급의료 서비스 모델에 입각한 장기적 노력과 재원의 투입이 필요하며, 지역사회를 중심으로 대응 준비와 이의 활성화 전략 개발, 훈련과 연습. 교육에 노력을 부여해야 한다. 7. 현장의 1차 응급처치자에 대해서는 법적으로 명시하고 있는 역할이 없다. 한국에서는 응급구조사 1급과 2급에 대한 교육과 규정을 1995년 이후 응급의료에 관한 법률에서 정하고 있다. 이 교육과정은 미국이 정하고 있는 응급구조사 과정 기준과 유사하지만 실습실이나 현장에서의 실습시간이 절대적으로 부족하다. 덧붙여 승인된 응급구조사 교육 기관의 강사는 강사로서의 자격기준을 충족할 뿐 아니라 실습강사는 대체적으로 1주일의 1/2은 응급 구조차를 탑승하여 현장 활동을 끊임없이 하고 있으며, 실습은 시나리오 유형으로 진행된다. 그러므로 우리나라의 경우 응급 구조사가 현장 기술 인력으로 역할 할 수 있도록 교과과정 내에서 실습을 강화 시켜야하며, 졸업생은 인턴쉽을 통한 현장 능력을 배양시키는 것이 필요하다. 8. 간호사의 경우 응급전문간호사의 자격을 부여받게 됨에 따라, 이를 위한 표준 교육 지침을 개발함으로써 병원 전 처치와 재난시 대응할 수 있는 역량을 보완해야 한다. 또한 현 자격 부여 프로그램 내용을 고려하여 정규자격 간호사가 현장 1차 치료자(first responder)로 역할 할 수 있도록 간호학 교과과정을 부분 보완해야한다.

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Die Fahrlässigkeit im medizinischen Behandlungsfehler (의료사고에 있어서 과실 - 과실판단에 대한 판례의 태도를 중심으로-)

  • Yi, Jaekyeong
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.29-56
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    • 2016
  • $F{\ddot{u}}r$ den Schadensersatzhaftung des Arztes, sog. die Arzthaftung, ist es vornehmlich vorauszusetzen: die $Sch{\ddot{a}}digungsbehandlung$ des Arztes, die Rechtswidrigkeit und das Verschulden. Zur Problematik der $Fahrl{\ddot{a}}ssigkeit$ in der Stufe des Verschuldens handelt sich es in dieser Beitrag um die Kritisierung der Rechtsprechung. $F{\ddot{u}}r$ die Entscheidung des Verschulden im medizinischen Fehler kommt es darauf an, ob die Sorgfaltspflicht des Arztes verletzt wird. $Daf{\ddot{u}}r$ wird der medizinische Standard rekurriert, den die Rechtsprechung nicht aus materieller, sondern aus normativer Sicht begreift. Erstaunlich $un{\ddot{u}}bereinstimmend$ mit deren Leitsatz wird der medizinische Standard als $Ma{\ss}stab$ der Sorgfaltspflicht materiell - zutreffend nur im Ergebnis - behandelt. Die Sorgfaltspflicht in der Medizin bedeutet nicht die natur-wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse, sondern eine "Best-$M{\ddot{u}}ssen$" Pflicht. Demnach ist der Standpunkt der Rechtsprechung, wonach den med. Standard normativ bewertet und die Sorgfaltspflicht darduch wieder normativ entscheidet, nicht anders als eine $w{\ddot{o}}rtliche$ Wiederholung. Die Arzthaftung in der Rechtsprechung ist aufgrund mit der Verneinung von der Sorgfaltspflichtverletzung nicht angenommen, welche in der Tat jedoch aus verschiedenen $Gr{\ddot{u}}nden$, wie die Rechtswidrigkeit, die $Fahrl{\ddot{a}}ssigkeit$ oder $Kausalit{\ddot{a}}t$, nicht angenommen. Der $Fahrl{\ddot{a}}ssigkeitsbeweis$ in der Rechtsprechung entwickelt sich mit dem Beweis nach objektivem $Ma{\ss}stab$, der Vermutung nach Anschein-Beweis und der $Beschr{\ddot{a}}nkung$ mit der Wahrscheinlichkeit. Bei Letzterem $geh{\ddot{o}}rt$ es $schlie{\ss}lich$ zum medizinischen Bereich. Ein Eintritt in den fachliche Bereich im Rahmen der Beweislast stellt der Beweiserleichterung $gegen{\ddot{u}}ber$. Aus diesem Hintergrund ist ${\S}630$ h Abs. 5 BGB bemerkenswert, wonach das Vorliegen eines groben Behandlungsfehler $regelm{\ddot{a}}{\ss}ig$ zur Vermutung von der $Kausalit{\ddot{a}}tszusammenhang$ $f{\ddot{u}}hrt$. Dieser Paragraph ist inhaltlich als Beweislastumkehr angesehen. Damit ist es von Nutzen im Fall des groben Fehler, der beim - elementaren - kunstgerechten Verhalten nicht entstanden $h{\ddot{a}}tte$, wie $Hygienem{\ddot{a}}ngel$, ${\ddot{U}}berdosierung$ des Narkotikum.

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Comparison of Effectiveness and Adverse Reactions between Isoniazid 300 mg and 400 mg in Korean Patients with Pulmonary Tuberculosis (한국인 폐결핵 환자의 표준치료에서 Isoniazid 300 mg 및 400 mg의 치료 효과와 부작용의 비교)

  • Park, I-Nae;Hong, Sang-Bum;Oh, Yeon-Mok;Lim, Chae-Man;Lee, Sang Do;Koh, Younsuck;Kim, Woo Sung;Kim, Dong Soon;Kim, Won Dong;Shim, Tae Sun
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.60 no.1
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    • pp.44-48
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    • 2006
  • Background : Isoniazid (INH) is one of the most effective anti-tuberculosis (TB) drugs. In Korea, the dose of INH normally used in patients over 50 kg is 400 mg/day, which differs from the dose recommended by other countries. Indeed, the metabolism of INH shows ethnic variations, and Koreans are predominantly rapid acetylators. However, two reports suggested 300 mg of INH might be sufficient to reach an ideal peak level in Korean patients over 50 kg. Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness and adverse reactions between INH 300 mg and 400 mg in Korean TB patients. Method : Patients who were culture-positive, susceptible to all 1st-line drugs, initially on HREZ, and weighed over 50 kg were selected from patients with pulmonary TB between April 2003 and March 2005. The treatment results and adverse reactions in the INH 300 mg and 400 mg group were compared. Since April 2004, most TB patients at Asan Medical Center were administered INH 300 mg irrespective of the body weight. Results : The study included 123 patients in the 300 mg INH group and 128 in the 400 mg INH group. There were no significant differences between the groups in terms of age, gender, weight, history of TB treatment, initial smear strength, and frequency of cavitary lesions. There was no difference in the treatment duration between the groups. One hundred eleven (90%) patients in the INH 300 mg group and 102 (80%) in the INH 400 mg group completed treatment (p>0.05). There were no differences in the frequency of modification of the initial regimen between groups due to any adverse reactions (300 mg : 9.0%, 400 mg : 13.7%) and hepatotoxicity (300 mg : 2.7% ; 400 mg : 7.8%). Conclusion : Considering treatment results and adverse reactions of two groups, 300mg of INH may be sufficient for treating Korean TB patients. Further studies comparing the frequency of relapse will be needed.

An Improved Online Algorithm to Minimize Total Error of the Imprecise Tasks with 0/1 Constraint (0/1 제약조건을 갖는 부정확한 태스크들의 총오류를 최소화시키기 위한 개선된 온라인 알고리즘)

  • Song, Gi-Hyeon
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.34 no.10
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    • pp.493-501
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    • 2007
  • The imprecise real-time system provides flexibility in scheduling time-critical tasks. Most scheduling problems of satisfying both 0/1 constraint and timing constraints, while the total error is minimized, are NP-complete when the optional tasks have arbitrary processing times. Liu suggested a reasonable strategy of scheduling tasks with the 0/1 constraint on uniprocessors for minimizing the total error. Song et at suggested a reasonable strategy of scheduling tasks with the 0/1 constraint on multiprocessors for minimizing the total error. But, these algorithms are all off-line algorithms. In the online scheduling, the NORA algorithm can find a schedule with the minimum total error for the imprecise online task system. In NORA algorithm, EDF strategy is adopted in the optional scheduling. On the other hand, for the task system with 0/1 constraint, EDF_Scheduling may not be optimal in the sense that the total error is minimized. Furthermore, when the optional tasks are scheduled in the ascending order of their required processing times, NORA algorithm which EDF strategy is adopted may not produce minimum total error. Therefore, in this paper, an online algorithm is proposed to minimize total error for the imprecise task system with 0/1 constraint. Then, to compare the performance between the proposed algorithm and NORA algorithm, a series of experiments are performed. As a conseqence of the performance comparison between two algorithms, it has been concluded that the proposed algorithm can produce similar total error to NORA algorithm when the optional tasks are scheduled in the random order of their required processing times but, the proposed algorithm can produce less total error than NORA algorithm especially when the optional tasks are scheduled in the ascending order of their required processing times.

A Review of the Systemic Analysis Method on Dental Sedation for Children (소아 치과환자에 대한 진정법의 체계적 분석 방법 고찰)

  • An, Soyoun;Lee, Jewoo;Kim, Seungoh;Kim, Jongbin
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.331-339
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    • 2015
  • The first priority of sedation for incorporative children in pediatric dentistry is a safety. Therefore, evidence-based practices in health care are needed for preventing medical accidents. In accordance with the rise of the evidence based medicine, the interest in Evidence-Based Dentistry is increasing in the field of dentistry. However, systematic research about Evidence-Based sedation in Korea has rarely been done. As such, the purpose of this systematic review is to critically analyze the available scientific literature regarding dental sedation and to seek the next developmental strategies about evidence based pediatric dental sedation. A broad search of the 5 databases of the systematic reviews manual of the National Evidence-based Healthcare Collaborating Agency in Korea were referenced: 1) Core search database- KMbase, KISS; 2) Academic information and portal; 3) the National Assembly Library; 4) DBpia, and 5) RISS. Of a total 470 themes limited to the search term of "dental sedation", in accordance with the PRISMA statement for reporting systematic reviews of health sciences interventions, a literature selection process, which includes the removal of overlapping down the flow chart, was performed. Of the remaining 31 articles, two authors read through articles independently and added or removed articles using the exclusion criteria. Finally, twenty published papers of acceptable quality were identified and reviewed. This systemic review of Korean pediatric dental sedation practices for the last twenty-five years was based on the objective criteria defined in the GRADE process and identified consistent evidence. The results were evidence of moderate quality. Therefore, more systemically well-designed clinical studies are needed about the safe use of a sedative medicines (drugs).

Evaluation of the Adequacy of Pain Management in the Admitted Cancer Patients (입원중인 암환자에 대한 통증관리의 적절성평가 - 한 3차 의료기관 내과 전공의를 대상으로 -)

  • Kim, Kuk-Hyoe;Jang, Won-Il;Joh, Yo-Han;Choi, In-Sil;Park, Sook-Ryun;Lee, Sang-Yoon;Kim, Jee-Hyun;Kim, Do-Yeun;Lee, Se-Hoon;Kim, Tae-You;Bang, Yung-Jue;Kim, Noe-Kyeong;Heo, Dae-Seog
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.137-144
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    • 2001
  • Purpose : Pain is the most serious symptom that cancer patients experience. About $60{\sim}90%$ of advanced cancer patients and four million patients worldwide, according to the WHO statistics, are reported to suffer from cancer pain. Although about $70{\sim}80%$ of the pain could be controlled according to the pain control principles, to our regret, only $30{\sim}40%$ are managed appropriately. This research was aimed to (1) investigates the prevalence of pain among cancer patients, (2) compare patients' perception of pain with physician's recognition and (3) evaluate appropriateness of the doctor's prescription of analgesic. Materials and Methods : Patients with advanced or terminal cancers admitted at department of internal medicine of Seoul National University Hospital for at least 7 days were enrolled. A questionnaire for the patients and the physicians in charge were given and the answers were compared for each other. We also examined their medical records and the physician's orders. Results : Total 59 patients were enrolled. Among them, 43 patients answered the questionnaire, and 27 patients (62.8%) suffered hem cancer pain. The survey also showed that physicians underestimated the severity of pain, overlooked frequently analgesic prescription principle, and that as the patients' pain became severe, the less adequate was pain managements. Conclusion : For cancer patients, pain was frequently overlooked, and treatment still inadequate. Based on this evidence, it seemed that more active practice and education about evaluation and management of cancer pain are needed.

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Development of a Clinical Pathway for Gastrectomy and Effect of Its Implementation in One Tertiary Hospital (위절제술 환자의 표준진료지침 개발 및 적용 효과)

  • Kim, Eun-Hee;Kim, Chul-Gyu;Lee, Sun-Gyo;Kim, Soon-Duck;Lee, Hae-Ok;Kwon, Jeong-Soon;Lee, Kyeong-Mi;Lee, Min-Mi;Sim, Soon-Mi;Lyu, Yong-Man;Sin, Jong-Sik;Kang, Eun-Hee;Lee, Sang-Il;Kim, Byung-Sik;Oh, Sung-Tae;Yook, Jeong-Hwan;Park, Su-Kil
    • Quality Improvement in Health Care
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.176-189
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    • 2003
  • Background : Gastric cancer is the most common malignant tumor in Korea. Surgical operation is one of the major treatment modalities for gastric cancer patients. Therefore, gastrectomy is one of the most common procedures in General Surgery. There were variation in length of hospital stay and medical treatment for gastrectomy between three surgeons at Asan Medical Center. Clinical pathways have received considerable attention as a tool for reducing the medical practice variation, increasing the efficiency of care process, and improving the quality of care. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of a clinical pathway for gastrectomy in gastric cancer patients. Methods : The clinical pathway for gastrectomy was developed and implemented by a multidisciplinary group in Asan Medical Center. A computerized clinical pathway program was developed and revised after a pilot test. A total of 145 patients underwent gastrectomy by three surgeons at Asan Medical Center. We compared the length of hospital stay, patient satisfaction, and the unplanned readmission rate between the pre-pathway group (n=67) and the post-pathway group (n=78). We also investigated the degree of satisfaction among the physicians and nurses who were main end-users of the clinical pathway. Results : The clinical pathway was applied to all target patients. The average length of hospital stay was shortened from 12.7days to 10.6days (p<0.01). The degree of patient satisfaction with the care process changed from 90.3% to 89.2% after the implementation of the clinical pathway, but the difference was not statistically significant (p=0.761). Unplanned readmission rate was 2.9% in the pre-pathway group and 0% in the post-pathway group. More than 90% of physicians and nurses answered that the clinical pathway had been a useful tool in their medical practice. Conclusions : The findings of the study demonstrated that implementation of the clinical pathway for gastrectomy produced substantial reduction in the length of hospital stay while improving the quality of patient outcomes. The computerized clinical pathway program can be used as one of the powerful patient management tools for reducing the practice variations and increasing the efficiency of care process in Korean hospital settings.

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Local Environments of Li in the Interlayer of Clay Minerals at Room and High Temperatures (상온 및 고온에서 점토광물 층간의 Li 환경)

  • Kim, Yeong-Kyoo;Lee, Ji-Eun
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.193-201
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    • 2007
  • We used $^6Li$ and $^7Li$ MAS NMR to investigate the fate and local environments of Li in the interlayer of clay minerals such as hectorite, Woming-montmorillonite, beidellite, and lepidollite at room and high ($250^{\circ}C$) temperature. Although $^6Li$ NMR spectra show narrower peaks than those of $^7Li$ NMR, S/N ratio is low and there are no obvious differences in chemical shifts suggesting that it is difficult to apply $^6Li$ NMR to have information on the local environments of Li in the clay interlayers. $^7Li$ NMR spectra, however, show changes in the peak width and quadrupole patterns providing information on the local environments of Li in the interlayer even though changes in the chemical shift are not observed. In montmorillonite, two different local environments of Li are observed; one has a narrow peak with typical quadrupole patterns whereas another has a broad peak without those of the patterns. Changes in the peak width is also observed from broad to narrow in the $^7Li$ NMR spectra for beidellite but not for hectorite at high temperature. Our results suggest that the peak width change in the broad peak is attributed to the coordination changes in the water molecules around Li which is tightly bonded on the basal oxygen of Si tetrahedra as inner-sphere complexes. The narrow peak in montmorillnoite can be assigned to the Li bended as outer-sphere complexes.

Long-term Oxygen Therapy for Chronic Respiratory Insufficiency: the Situation in Korea after the Health Insurance Coverage: a Multi-center Korean Survey -Study for the Development and Dissemination of the COPD Guidelines, Clinical Research Center for Chronic Obstructive Airway Disease- (가정산소치료의 보험급여 실시 이후 처방 실태: 다기관 조사 -만성기도폐쇄성질환 임상연구센터 제3세부과제 만성기도폐쇄성질환 진료지침 개발/보급 연구-)

  • Park, Myung Jae;Yoo, Jee-Hong;Choi, Cheon Woong;Kim, Young Kyoon;Yoon, Hyoung-Kyu;Kang, Kyung Ho;Lee, Sung Yong;Choi, Hye Sook;Lee, Kwan Ho;Lee, Jin Hwa;Lim, Sung-Chul;Kim, Yu-Il;Shin, Dong Ho;Kim, Tae Hyun;Jung, Ki-Suck;Park, Yong Bum
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.67 no.2
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    • pp.88-94
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    • 2009
  • Background: From November 2006, The national health insurance system in the Republic of Korea began to cover prescribed long-term oxygen therapy (LTOT) in patients with chronic respiratory insufficiency. This study examined the current status of LTOT after national health insurance coverage. Methods: Between November 1, 2006 and June 30, 2008, the medical records of patients who were prescribed LTOT by chest physicians were reviewed. The data was collected from 13 university hospitals. Results: 197 patients (131 male and 66 female) were prescribed LTOT. The mean age was 64.3${\pm}$13.0 years. The most common underlying disease was chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (n=103, 52.3%). Chest physicians prescribed LTOT using arterial blood gas analysis or a pulse oxymeter (74.6%), symptoms (14%), or a pulmonary function test (11.2%). The mean oxygen flow rate was 1.56${\pm}$0.68 L/min at rest, 2.08${\pm}$0.91 L/min during exercise or 1.51${\pm}$0.75 L/min during sleep. Most patients (98.3%) used oxygen concentrators. Only 19% of patients used ambulatory oxygen supplies. The oxygen saturation before and after LTOT was 83.18${\pm}$10.48% and 91.64${\pm}$7.1%, respectively. After LTOT, dyspnea improved in 81.2% of patients. The mean duration of LTOT was 16.85${\pm}$6.71 hours/day. The rental cost for the oxygen concentrator and related electricity charges were 48,414${\pm}$15,618 won/month and 40,352${\pm}$36,815 won/month, respectively. Approximately 75% of patients had a regular visit by the company. 5.8% of patients had personal pulse oxymetry. 54.9% of patients had their oxygen saturation checked on each visit hospital. 8% of patients were current smokers. The most common complaint with LTOT was the limitation of daily activity (53%). The most common complaint with oxygen concentrators was noise (41%). Conclusion: The patients showed good compliance with LTOT. However, only a few patients used an ambulatory oxygen device or had their oxygen saturation measured.

Effect of Health Promotion and Characteristics of Elderly used Day Care Service in Community Health Practitioner's Post (보건진료소의 주간보호실 이용노인의 특성과 건강증진 정도)

  • Jeong, In-Suk;Cho, Yoo-Hyang;Park, Yoon-Chang
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.127-136
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    • 2002
  • This study was taken to provide data for the approaches of day care service for the elderly in community health practitioner's post through the study on the utilization rate, characteristics and health promotion that the elderly used the day care services. Data collection used three records that case management in take sheet, dementia check list and ADL record during the one year, from June 21, 2001 to June 30, 2002. During the one year, the elderly used day care services were 119 persons that 26.9% of the total elderly population, 1.5 time per used the elderly, and female elderly(88.9%) more used than male elderly. 39.5%of the elderly user have chronic diseases that was arthritis and hypertension and etc. 41.2% of the elderly users have dementia state that score was $17.39{\pm}7.17$(handicapped elderly), $18.43{\pm}7.36$(healthy elderly), but statistically not significant PADL score was $2.18{\pm}0.55$(handicapped elderly), $2.78{\pm}0.30$(healthy elderly), IADL score was $1.78{\pm}0.51$(handicapped elderly), $2.47{\pm}0.60$(healthy elderly) that were statistically significant. One year later, PADL and IADL of the elderly users were improved that statistically significant(p=0.01). The elderly users were wanted rehabilitation service(22.2%), talking service(20.6%), bath service(12.7%), food service(9.5%) of day care services in CHP's post. We are recommended that day care service for the elderly in CHP's post was very useful and contributed to promote ADL functions.

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