Background : Isoniazid (INH) is one of the most effective anti-tuberculosis (TB) drugs. In Korea, the dose of INH normally used in patients over 50 kg is 400 mg/day, which differs from the dose recommended by other countries. Indeed, the metabolism of INH shows ethnic variations, and Koreans are predominantly rapid acetylators. However, two reports suggested 300 mg of INH might be sufficient to reach an ideal peak level in Korean patients over 50 kg. Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness and adverse reactions between INH 300 mg and 400 mg in Korean TB patients. Method : Patients who were culture-positive, susceptible to all 1st-line drugs, initially on HREZ, and weighed over 50 kg were selected from patients with pulmonary TB between April 2003 and March 2005. The treatment results and adverse reactions in the INH 300 mg and 400 mg group were compared. Since April 2004, most TB patients at Asan Medical Center were administered INH 300 mg irrespective of the body weight. Results : The study included 123 patients in the 300 mg INH group and 128 in the 400 mg INH group. There were no significant differences between the groups in terms of age, gender, weight, history of TB treatment, initial smear strength, and frequency of cavitary lesions. There was no difference in the treatment duration between the groups. One hundred eleven (90%) patients in the INH 300 mg group and 102 (80%) in the INH 400 mg group completed treatment (p>0.05). There were no differences in the frequency of modification of the initial regimen between groups due to any adverse reactions (300 mg : 9.0%, 400 mg : 13.7%) and hepatotoxicity (300 mg : 2.7% ; 400 mg : 7.8%). Conclusion : Considering treatment results and adverse reactions of two groups, 300mg of INH may be sufficient for treating Korean TB patients. Further studies comparing the frequency of relapse will be needed.
연구배경 : Isoniazid (INH)에 관한 국내 폐결핵 진료지침은 외국의 지침들(300 mg/일)과 달리 체중이 50kg 이상인 경우 400 mg/일을 권장량으로 제시하고 있으나 근거가 없는 실정이다. 따라서 국내에서 1차 4제요법 치료시 INH 300 mg/일과 400 mg/일 처방에 따른 차이를 확인하기 위해 본 연구를 시행하였다. 방 법 : 폐결핵으로 진단받고 표준 4제치료를 시행한 환자 중 50kg 이상이고 모든 1차약제 감수성이 확인된 환자를 INH 300 mg/일과 400 mg/일 군으로 나누어 비교하였다. 결 과 : 2003년 4월부터 2005년 3월까지 상기 조건을 만족하는 환자 중 INH 300 mg을 사용한 군(300군)은 123명, 400 mg을 사용한 군은 128명(400군)이었다. 나이, 남녀비, 체중, 결핵치료력, AFB 도말 양성률, 공동병소 동반율에서 300군 및 400군 간 유의한 차이는 없었다. 300군 및 400군에서 치료 완료율은 90%:80%였고, 전체 부작용에 의한 약제 변경률은 9.0%:13.7%, 간독성에 의한 약제 변경률은 2.7%:7.8%로 유의한 차이가 없었다. 추적 관찰 기간이 짧아 재발률은 분석되지 않았다. 결 론 : INH 300군과 400군 사이에 치료성적 및 약제 부작용면에서 차이가 없어서 50kg 이상의 결핵환자의 표 준처방시 INH 300mg이 유용하다고 사료되나 향후 재발률의 비교 연구가 필요하다.