• Title/Summary/Keyword: 직접 추출 기법

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Video Summary Technique using Content Curve in MPEG Compressed Domain (MPEG 압축 영역에서 내용 곡선을 이용한 Video 요약 기법)

  • Kim, Tae-Hee;Lee, Woong-Hee;Jeong, Dong-Seok
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.27 no.10A
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    • pp.1021-1028
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    • 2002
  • This paper proposes a method to extract the content curve that reflects changes in video content from the MPEG video in the compressed domain, and also describes a video summary generation technique which can read video effectively and rapidly from the content curve. Existing video summary techniques have a disadvantage of taking significant amount of time to generate the video summary due to complex calculations in the decoding process. Moreover, the existing techniques, which use video content curve, require to perform many calculations to process the high dimensional content curve. However, the proposed technique generates video summary fast via the linear approximation of the proposed curve, after extraction the two dimensional content curve directly. In addition, the proposed technique has a merit that the user can set any number of key-frames and amount of calculation that form the video summary.

Persistent Scatterer Selection and Network Analysis for X-band PSInSAR (X-band PSInSAR를 위한 고정산란체 추출 및 네트워크 분석 기법)

  • Kim, Sang-Wan;Cho, Min-Ji
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.521-534
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    • 2011
  • The high-resolution X-band SAR systems such as COSMO-SkyMED and TerraSAR-X have been launched recently. In addition KOMPSAT-5 will be launched in the early of 2012. In this study we developed the new method for persistent scatterer candidate (PSC) selection and network construction, which is more suitable for PSInSAR analysis using multi-temporal X-band SAR data. PSC selection consists in two main steps: first, selection of initial PSCs based on amplitude dispersion index, mean amplitude, mean coherence. second, selection of final PSCs based on temporal coherence directly estimated from network analysis of initial PSCs. To increase the stability of network the Multi- TIN and complex network for non-urban area were addressed as well. The proposed algorithm was applied to twenty-one TerraSAR-X SAR of New Orleans. As a result many PSs were successfully extracted even in non-urban area. This research can be used as the practical application of KOMPSAT-5 for surface displacement monitoring using X-band PSInSAR.

Developing Operator and Algorithm for Road Automated Recognition (도로 자동인식을 위한 연산자 및 알고리즘 개발)

  • Lim, In-Seop;Choi, Seok-Keun;Lee, Jae-Kee
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.10 no.3 s.21
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    • pp.41-51
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    • 2002
  • Recently, many studies extracting the geography information using digital aerial image have been implemented. But it is very difficult that automatically recognizing objects using edge detection method on the aerial image, and so that work have practiced manually or semi-automatically. Therefore, in this study, we have removed impedimental elements for recognition using the image which overlapped the significant information bands of brightness-sliced aerial images, then have developed the algorithm which can automatically recognize and extract road information and we will try to apply that method when we develope a system. For this, first of all, we have developed the 'template conformal-transformation moving operator' for automatically recognizing crosswalk area from crosswalk band image and the 'window normal search algorithm' which is able to track road area based on long-side length of crosswalk, so that we have proposed the method that can extract directly the road information from the aerial image.

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A Study on Vocal Removal Scheme of SAOC Using Harmonic Information (하모닉 정보를 이용한 SAOC의 보컬 신호 제거 방법에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Ji-Hoon;Jang, Dae-Geun;Hahn, Min-Soo
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.16 no.10
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    • pp.1171-1179
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    • 2013
  • Interactive audio service provide with audio generating and editing functionality according to user's preference. A spatial audio object coding (SAOC) scheme is audio coding technology that can support the interactive audio service with relatively low bit-rate. However, when the SAOC scheme remove the specific one object such as vocal object signal for Karaoke mode, the scheme support poor quality because the removed vocal object remain in the SAOC-decoded background music. Thus, we propose a new SAOC vocal harmonic extranction and elimination technique to improve the background music quality in the Karaoke service. Namely, utilizing the harmonic information of the vocal object, we removed the harmonics of the vocal object remaining in the background music. As harmonic parameters, we utilize the pitch, MVF(maximum voiced frequency), and harmonic amplitude. To evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme, we perform the objective and subjective evaluation. As our experimental results, we can confirm that the background music quality is improved by the proposed scheme comparing with the SAOC scheme.

An Enhancement Technique for Separation of Direct Light and Global Light Using High Frequency Illumination pattern (고주파 조명패턴을 사용한 직접광과 간접광의 분리성능 향상 기법)

  • Jo, Mi-Ri-Na;Park, Dong-Gyu
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.12 no.9
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    • pp.1262-1272
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    • 2009
  • In computer graphics, there exist many studies about illumination and radiance for a realistic description of the 3D modeling and rendering. When we see a scene, the scene is lit by a source of light and the radiance of the points by a source in the scene. The radiance has direct light and glight component. The direct light gets lights directly from light source, but the global light gets lights indirectly by interreflections among complicated geometrical components. In this paper, we studied a method for increasing the accuracy of separating direct light and global light components from a scene by using high frequency illumination pattern. For experiments, we applied the separating method of Nayar's and found the best configurations for the separation through the experiments. We improved the separation accuracy of direct and global light by measuring the value of unilluminated area, which depends on the characteristics of object. Furthermore, we enhanced invisible scene of the global light by applying the image filtering technique.

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Video Indexing and Retrieval of MPEG Video using Motion and DCT Coefficients in Compressed Domain (움직임과 DCT 계수를 이용한 압축영역에서 MPEG 비디오의 인덱싱과 검색)

  • 박한엽;최연성;김무영;강진석;장경훈;송왕철;김장형
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.121-132
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    • 2000
  • Most of video indexing applications depend on fast and efficient archiving, browsing, retrieval techniques. A number of techniques have been approached about only pixel domain analysis until now. Those approaches brought about the costly overhead of decompressing because the most of multimedia data is typically stored in compressed format. But with a compressed video data, if we can analyze the compressed data directly. then we avoid the costly overhead such as in pixel domain. In this paper, we analyze the information of compressed video stream directly, and then extract the available features for video indexing. We have derived the technique for cut detection using these features, and the stream is divided into shots. Also we propose a new brief key frame selection technique and an efficient video indexing method using the spatial informations(DT coefficients) and also the temporal informations(motion vectors).

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The Analysis of Hydrological Response Structure Based on Spatial Correlation of Extracted Geomorphic Variables by Using DEM (DEM에 의해 추출된 지형인자의 공간상관성을 기반으로 한 수문학적 응답구조의 해석)

  • Kim, Joo-Cheol;Choi, Yong-Joon;Kim, Jae-Han
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.69-78
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    • 2010
  • The hydrological-geomorphic character is closely related with runoff in basin. A development of GIS greatly helps investigating about mechanism between theirs. We analyze local slope and hillslope length which are related with hydrological response. But variation of these geomorphic variables has very wide range at each pixel. So there's a limit as to use directly. Therefore we investigate a relation between hydrological response and distributed geomorphic variables according to statistical character of distributed map considering spatial correlation. As a result, the local slope affects peak discharge, and the hillslope length affects peak discharge and time, mean and variance of hydrological response. Henceforth these hydrological-geomorphic analyze methods can be improved that hydrology response is directly analogized with DEM data.

Analysis of Camera Operation in MPEG2 Compressed Domain Using Generalized Hough Transform Technique (일반화된 Hough 변환기법을 이용한 MPEG2 압축영역에서의 카메라의 움직임 해석)

  • Yoo, Won-Young;Choi, Jeong-Il;Lee, Joon-Whoan
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.7 no.11
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    • pp.3566-3575
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    • 2000
  • In this paper, we propose an simple and efficient method to estunate the camera operation by using compressed information, which is extracted diracily from MPEG2 stream without complete decoding. In the method, the motion vector is converted into approximate optical flow by using the feature of predicted frame, because the motion vector in MPEG2 video stream is not regular sequene. And they are used to estimate the camera operation, which consist of pan, and zoom by Hough transform technique. The method provided better results than the least square method for video stream of basketball and socer games. The proposed method can have a reduced computational complexity because the information is directiv abtained in compressed domain. Additionally it can be a useful technology in content-based searching and analysis of video information. Also, the estimatd cameral operationis applicable in searching or tracking objects in MPEG2 video stream without decoding.

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Screening of Mutagenicity and Antimutagenic Activity against Chemical Direct Mutagens of Ethanolic Extracts from Colored Rice Bran (유색미 에탄올 추출물의 변이원성 및 화학적 직접변이원에 대한 항변이원 활성 검정)

  • Nam, Seok-Hyun;Chang, Su-Min;Kang, Mi-Young
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.195-202
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    • 2002
  • The cytotoxic, mutagenic and antimutagenic activities against chemical direct mutagens such as mitomycin C, 4-nitroquinoline-N-oxide, 2,4,7-trinitro-9-fluorenone of the 70% ethanol extracts of 29 colored rice varieties and chuchung as a control were examined. The results obtained using authentic alkaline phosphatase activity as a growth representative of the indicator cell E. coli PQ 37 demonstrated that the extracts of 13 kinds of colored rice varieties including Jumlalocal and Jumlalocal-1 showed strong toxic effect on the cell growth. However the extracts of DK 1, SC-5, LK 1A-2-12-1-1 and wx 139-3-64-20-3-1 seemed to have stimulatory effects on the cell growth. The mutagenicity and antimutagenicity of the colored rice varieties were screened using SOS chromotest. The mutagenic activity was detected from Jumalocal-1, IR 17491-5-4-3-3 and Jumlalocal. On the contrary, 7 samples including LK 1-3-6-12-1-1, Parnkhari 203, Jumlalocal, wx 139-3-64-20-3-1, Muthumanikam, HP 883-1-1-1-B-1-1 and Jumlalocal-1 were shown to have antimutagenic acitivities against the chemical direct mutagens used in this study.

Heat Balance Monitoring in Seom River Basin using Satellite Imagery (위성영상을 이용한 섬강유역의 열수지 변화 모니터링)

  • Na, Sang-Il;Park, Jong-Hwa;Shin, Hyoung-Sub;Park, Jin-Ki;Oh, Si-Young
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2012.05a
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    • pp.750-750
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    • 2012
  • 토지이용의 변화는 수문순환의 변화를 초래한다. 이는 토지이용에 따른 지표 특성의 변화로 열수지가 변화함으로써 미규모 및 중규모 기상현상에 직접적으로 영향을 미치기 때문이다. 최근 4대강 살리기 사업 등의 대규모 토목사업으로 인해 넓은 면적의 지표면 상태가 변화하고 이에 따른 수문순환 변화에 대한 관심과 함께 연구가 진행되고 있다. 또한 최근 수문학 분야에서의 가장 큰 관심은 최신 기법을 적용한 수문분석 및 정확한 수문인자를 추출하고자 하는 것으로 원격탐사나 GIS 기법을 이용할 경우 유역의 물리적인 요소를 고려할 수 있으며 넓은 지역에 대한 정보를 공간적으로 분석할 수 있는 장점이 있다. 본 연구에서는 길이 103.5km, 유역면적 $1,478km^2$, 한강의 제 1지류인 섬강유역을 대상으로 위성 영상을 이용하여 토지피복에 따른 열수지 변화 특성을 모니터링 하였다. 대상지역의 토지피복은 Landsat TM 위성영상을 이용하여 수역, 도심지, 나지, 초지, 산림, 농경지, 구름 및 그림자 등으로 분류하였으며, 위성영상을 열수지 모델에 적용하여 인자별 격자기반의 공간분포도를 추출하였다. 또한 이를 이용하여 토지피복 종류에 따른 유역내 열환경 특성을 정량적으로 파악하고 열환경 관점에서 유리한 토지피복 조성을 도출하고자 한다.

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