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Anti-Stress Effect of Punica granatum L. Extract against Sleep Deprivation-Induced Impairment (석류 열수 추출물의 수면박탈을 유도한 Rat 모델에서의 항스트레스 효과)

  • Na, Ju-Ryun;Kim, Sunoh;Jo, Ara;Bae, Donghyuck;Oh, Kyo-Nyeo;Kim, Yong Jae;Lee, Yoo-Hyun;Jun, Woojin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.45 no.11
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    • pp.1533-1543
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    • 2016
  • The anti-stress effects of Punica granatum L. (family Lythraceae, PG) on $H_2O_2$/corticosterone (CORT)-induced stress in cells and sleep-deprived rats were investigated. The PG extract showed neuroprotective effects in SH-SY5Y cells against $H_2O_2$/CORT-induced stress. Sleep deprivation led to behavioral, hormonal, and biochemical alterations in the animal model. The effects of P. granatum on physiological, behavioral, and biochemical parameters aggravated by sleep deprivation were investigated. Sleep deprivation impaired physiological (survival, body weight, and drowsiness scores) and behavioral (rotarod, passive avoidance, hot hyperalgesia, and Y maze) parameters as well as biochemical factors (cortisol, serotonin, dopamine, testosterone, and growth factor I contents in serum). These parameters were significantly recovered by PG extract in a concentration-dependent manner. The PG extract also enhanced catalase, superoxide dismutase, and non-enzymatic antioxidative activities such as glutathione compared to sleep-deprived rats. On the basis of these results, our findings suggest that Punica granatum prevents impairment of body functions induced by sleep deprivation and related oxidative damage.

A Study on the Violation of Probation Condition Determinants between Sex Offenders and Non-Sex Offenders (성범죄자와 일반범죄자의 보호관찰 경고장 관련 요인 비교)

  • Cho, Youn-Oh
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.43
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    • pp.205-230
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    • 2015
  • This study aims to compare the differences of crucial factors that are associated with probation warning tickets between sex offenders and non-sex offenders in South Korea. Serious high-profile cases have occurred in recent years which resulted in public and political conners for successful sex offender management and monitoring strategy through community corrections. The official response has been to initiate a series of legislative probation and parole measures by using GPS electronic monitoring system, chemical castration, and sex offender registry and notification. In this context, the current study is designed to explore the major factors that could affect the failure of probation by comparing the differences between sex offenders and non-sex offenders in terms of their major factors which are related to the failure of probation. The failure of probation is measured by the number of warning tickets which would be issued when there is the violation of probation conditions. The data is obtained from Seoul Probation office from January, 29, 2014 to February, 28, 2014. The sample number of sex offenders is 144 and the number of non-sex offenders is 1,460. The data includes the information regarding the offenders who completed their probation order after they were assigned to Seoul Probation in 2013. Furthermore, this study uses the chi-square and logistic regression analysis by using SPSS statistical package program. The result demonstrated that only prior criminal history was statistically significant factor that was related to the number of warning tickets in the sex offender group when other variables were controlled($X^2=25.15$, p<0.05, Nagelkerke $R^2=0.23$)(b=0.19, SE=0.08, p<0.05). By contrast, there were various factors that were associated with the number of warning tickets in non-sex offender group. Specifically, the logistic regression analysis for the non-sex offenders showed that demographic variable(marital status and employment type), offender-victim relationships, alcohol addiction, violent behavior, prior criminal history, community service order, and attendance order were statistically significant factors that were associated with the odds of warning tickets. Further policy implication will be discussed.

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Relationships of Obesity, Total-Cholesterol, Hypertension and Hyperglycemia in Health Examinees with Disabilities (장애인 건강검진 수검자들의 비만, 콜레스테롤, 고혈압, 고혈당의 관련성)

  • Hong, Min-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.10
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    • pp.591-599
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    • 2016
  • Among the employer-supported subscribers to the National Health Insurance Service, 6,797 people with mild disabilities with western ages of 20 and up and who received health checkups were investigated. Of these 6,797 people, 3,186 and 3,611 received health checkups in 2009 and 2013, respectively. Those people who were diagnosed with physical handicaps, brain lesions, visual impairment, hearing impairment, intellectual disabilities, mental disorders, kidney disorders or other disorders according to the classification standard for people with disabilities were classified into disability groups of the 3rd through 6th degrees. The purpose of this study was to examine the dangerous influence of obesity of people with mild disabilities on their hyperglycemia, hypertension and high cholesterol. The items measured in this study were abdominal obesity, body mass index, fasting glucose, total cholesterol, systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure. To look for connections between the obesity level and at-risk groups for each disease, cross tabulation and multinomial logistic regression analyses were utilized. Higher levels of abdominal obesity and BMI were found among those who were male, were younger and had higher incomes. The risks of abdominal obesity and BMI were higher in the abnormal groups for each disease. In 2009, the obesity group whose BMI was higher had a 1.51-fold higher risk of hypertension than the normal group. The abdominal obesity group had a 1.59-fold higher risk of high cholesterol, a 1.26-fold higher risk of hypertension and a 1.54-fold higher risk of hyperglycemia than the normal group. In 2013, the obesity group whose BMI was higher had a 1.72-fold higher risk of high cholesterol and a 1.43-fold higher risk of hypertension than the normal group. Those with abdominal obesity had a 1.59-fold higher risk of hyperglycemia than the normal subjects. As the risk of obesity was higher in those with disabilities than in those without disabilities, the former should be encouraged to undergo health checkups on a regular basis, and the coverage of the health checkups should be extended to keep track of their illness. In addition, appropriate education and concern are both required to prevent obesity.

Body Image Management Behavior, Self Respect, the Influence on Interpersonal Relations - For Adult Males- (신체이미지가 외모관리행동, 자아존중감, 대인관계에 미치는 영향 -성인남성을 대상으로-)

  • An, Chae-Yun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.620-631
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    • 2019
  • Be an important competitive appearance for both boys and girls in modern society, and highlight the importance of enhancing their appearance. Administrative activity is considered traditionally feminine behavior and appearance, almost all female is subject of a consumer market is continuing, and recognition, but since the 1990s.Gender role stereotypes and women's social activity due to changes in status and role of men and women affected. Accordingly, the men in the realm of women than it used to be a glass half full and inclusive attitude began to improve her appearance are also men, and well in yourself. Investing a lot of time and money to their appearance to describe behavior. Furthermore, workers men to appearance factor for the career achievement, such as promotion or salary competitiveness is gradually spreading awareness of social life on whose behalf the men. The halo effect for a positive image formation and desirable looks to be. A Study on the self-wor Second, the higher the self-esteem of psychologically stable social approval of the important aesthetic of clothing, is less dependent on increased manageability and clothing. The study by analysis of the self respect persimmon and appearance for his own body satisfaction and a high correlation study and OK. Interpersonal and that a significant impact on the formation.Be an important competitive appearance for both boys and girls in modern society, and highlight the importance of enhancing their appearance. Administrative activity is considered traditionally feminine behavior and appearance, almost all female is subject of a consumer market is continuing, and recognition, but since the 1990s.Gender role stereotypes and women's social activity due to changes in status and role of men and women affected. Accordingly, the men in the realm of women than it used to be a glass half full and inclusive attitude began to improve her appearance are also men, and well in yourself. Investing a lot of time and money to their appearance to describe behavior. Furthermore, workers men to appearance factor for the career achievement, such as promotion or salary competitiveness is gradually spreading awareness of social life on whose behalf the men. The halo effect for a positive image formation and desirable looks to be. A Study on the self-wor Second, the higher the self-esteem of psychologically stable social approval of the important aesthetic of clothing, is less dependent on increased manageability and clothing. The study by analysis of the self respect persimmon and appearance for his own body satisfaction and a high correlation study and OK. Interpersonal and that a significant impact on the formation.

A Development of a Mixed-Reality (MR) Education and Training System based on user Environment for Job Training for Radiation Workers in the Nondestructive Industry (비파괴산업 분야 방사선작업종사자 직장교육을 위한 사용자 환경 기반 혼합현실(MR) 교육훈련 시스템 개발)

  • Park, Hyong-Hu;Shim, Jae-Goo;Park, Jeong-kyu;Son, Jeong-Bong;Kwon, Soon-Mu
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.45-54
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    • 2021
  • This study was written to create educational content in non-destructive fields based on Mixed Reality. Currently, in the field of radiation, there is almost no content for educational Mixed Reality-based educational content. And in the field of non-destructive inspection, the working environment is poor, the number of employees is often 10 or less for each manufacturer, and the educational infrastructure is not built. There is no practical training, only practical training and safety education to convey information. To solve this, it was decided to develop non-destructive worker education content based on Mixed Reality. This content was developed based on Microsoft's HoloLens 2 HMD device. It is manufactured based on the resolution of 1280 ⁎ 720, and the resolution is different for each device, and the Side is created by aligning the Left, Right, Bottom, and TOP positions of Anchor, and the large image affects the size of Atlas. The large volume like the wallpaper and the upper part was made by replacing it with UITexture. For UI Widget Wizard, I made Label, Buttom, ScrollView, and Sprite. In this study, it is possible to provide workers with realistic educational content, enable self-directed education, and educate with 3D stereoscopic images based on reality to provide interesting and immersive education. Through the images provided in Mixed Reality, the learner can directly operate things through the interaction between the real world and the Virtual Reality, and the learner's learning efficiency can be improved. In addition, mixed reality education can play a major role in non-face-to-face learning content in the corona era, where time and place are not disturbed.

Effect of Different Cooling System on Performance and Hair Cortisol on Sows under Heat Stress (고온기 분만사 내 냉방 시설의 종류가 모돈의 번식성적 및 스트레스 지표에 미치는 영향)

  • Oh, Seung-Min;Choi, Yo-Han;Kim, Dong-Woo;Ha, Sang-Hun;Kim, Jo-Eun;Jung, Hyun-Jung;Kim, Jin-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.160-168
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    • 2021
  • This study was undertaken to determine the effect of different cooling systems on the performance and hair cortisol of sows under heat stress. During a 21-day experiment, a total of 40 multiparous sows (Landrace×Yorkshire; 242.84±2.89 kg) were allotted to 4 treatments, each with 10 replicates (1 sow per pen). The experimental treatments were CP (Cooling pad), AC (Air conditioner), SC (Snout cooling), and MS (Mist spray). We observed an increase in the average daily feed intake during lactation (p<0.05) in the CP and AC treatment groups. AC treatment had the highest (p<0.05) and SC treatment had the lowest (p<0.05) piglet weight at weaning. During lactation, sows administered SC and MS treatments had higher (p<0.05) hair cortisol accumulation, as compared with the AC and CP treatments. Hair cortisol accumulation in piglets during lactation was highest with MS treatment (p<0.05), and lowest after CP treatment (p<0.05). MS treatment had the highest (p<0.05), and AC treatment had the lowest (p<0.05) respiratory rate and rectal temperature during lactation. In conclusion, our results indicate that a cooling pad and air conditioning cooling system increases the productivity of a sow, as compared to snout cooling and mist spray cooling systems.

The Direction of Job Policy Development for Korean Golf Professionals (한국 골프전문인력의 일자리 정책 발전방안)

  • Cho, Jung-Soon;Suh, Ah-Ram
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.289-303
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to provide adequate datas on number of people who are in golf related field and also further expend that number for golf industry. The main stream of this study is to map out present golf related jobs and how this study can help golf industry in general. To make a greater improvements on golf industry with more job opportunity following ideas were presented. First, improving education on "hand on experiences on the field of golf industry" Better educating potential employees for golf industry for the right positions can enhance overall work environment. To do so, the society and the schools must come to agreement to provide adequate curriculum for people. Second, implementing "a golf club division program." The support from Ministry of Culture and Sports and Tourism Department, which are govern by Republic of Korea, are aggressively working to expend the golf business and also recruit elite personnel like former tour players to work on the field to better operate the whole system. Third, performing a thorough research on current golf related jobs and numbers and diversity on the field. Fourth, developing a specific and a differentiated golf job fields for better future for people and students who majored in golf industry. So that they cam feel secured and have a sense of dignity. Finally, strengthening the golf industry's competitiveness. The golf related companies have to step up to higher gear. With working in harmony between golf industry and government can assure of brighter future for our next generation.

The Structural Relationship between Entrepreneurial Competency, Entrepreneurial Opportunity Recognition on and Entrepreneurial Intentions of Middle-aged Eldery Office Workers (중·장년 직장인의 창업역량과 창업기회인식 및 창업의지의 구조적 관계)

  • Choi, In Woo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.169-185
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    • 2022
  • This study analyzed the effect of entrepreneurial competency on entrepreneurial intentions by using the entrepreneurial opportunity recognition as a mediator for middle and middle-aged office workers. The sub-variables of entrepreneurial competency are classified into management competency, technology competency, business competency and funding competency. 222 copies of questionnaires collected from middle-aged and elderly office workers residing across the country centered on the metropolitan area were used for empirical analysis. Based on a simple mediating model with singular mediator using SPSS v22.0 and PROCESS macro v4.0. was analyzed. As a result of the analysis, first, among entrepreneurial competencies, business competency and funding capacity were found to have a positive (+) significant effect on the entrepreneurial intentions, but management and technical competency did not have a significant effect. The higher the business competency and funding competency. Second, it was found that all of the sub-variables of entrepreneurial competency had a significant effect in the positive (+) direction on the recognition of entrepreneurial opportunities. It was confirmed that management competency has the greatest influence on the entrepreneurial opportunity recognition and technology competence has the smallest effect. Third, it was found that the entrepreneurial opportunity recognition had a significant effect on entrepreneurial intentions. The discovery of an opportunity recognizing opportunities for start-up is a prerequisite for entrepreneur. Fourth, it was found that the entrepreneurial opportunity recognition mediates between the management competency, technological competency, business competency, funding competency, and entrepreneurial intention. It suggests that opportunity discovery by recognizing opportunities for entrepreneurship is a prerequisite for start-up. As implications of this study, it suggests that in order to inspire middle-aged and elderly office workers to start their own business, it is necessary to have indirect experience with education and to establish and promote a government support system for financing.. Second, It suggests that education on leadership and organizational management is particularly necessary to strengthen the opportunity recognition. Third, it suggests that the discovery of opportunities to recognize opportunities for start-up is a prerequisite for entrepreneur. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare a manual and conduct training on opportunity search, recognition, evaluation, and utilization according to the stage of opportunity development. Fourth, it suggests that in order to strengthen the intention to start a business, ALso, it is necessary to manage both the entrepreneurial competency and entrepreneurial opportunities recognition at the same time. By presenting the practical directions that can be given differentially, we intend to contribute to the provision of practical directions and policy establishment for the promotion of entrepreneurial activities of office workers who can give vitality to the ecosystem.

Steroid Effect on the Brain Protection During OPen Heart Surgery Using Hypothermic Circulatory Arrest in the Rabbit Cardiopulmonary bypass Model (저체온순환정지법을 이용한 개심술시 스테로이드의 뇌보호 효과 - 토끼를 이용한 심폐바이패스 실험모델에서 -)

  • Kim, Won-Gon;Lim, Cheong;Moon, Hyun-Jong;Chun, Eui-Kyung;Chi, Je-Geun;Won, Tae-Hee;Lee, Young-Tak;Chee, Hyun-Keun;Kim, Jun-Woo
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.471-478
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    • 1997
  • Introduction: The use of rabbits as a cardiopulmonary bypass(CPB) animal model is extremely dif%cult mainly due to technical problems. On the other hand, deep hypothermic circulatory arrest(CA) is used to facilitate surgical repair in a variety of cardiac diseases. Although steroids are generally known to be effective in the treatment of cerebral edema, the protective effects of steroids on the brain during CA are not conclusively established. Objectives of this study are twofold: the establishment of CPB technique in rabbits and the evaluation of preventive effect of steroid on the development of brain edema during CA. Material '||'&'||' Methods: Fifteen New Zealan white rabbits(average body weight 3.5kg) were divided into three experimental groups; control CA group(n=5), CA with Trendelenberg position group(n=5), and CA with Trendelenberg position + steroid(methylprednisolone 30 mglkg) administration group(n=5). After anesthetic induction and tracheostomy, a median sternotomy was performed. An aortic cannula(3.3mm) and a venous ncannula(14 Fr) were inserted, respectively in the ascending aorta and the right atrium. The CPB circuit consisted of a roller pump and a bubble oxygenator. Priming volume of the circuit was approximately 450m1 with 120" 150ml of blood. CPB was initiated at a flow rate of 80~85ml/kg/min, Ten min after the start of CPB, CA was established with duration of 40min at $20^{\circ}C$ of rectal temperature. After CA, CPB was restarted with 20min period of rewarming. Ten min after weaning, the animal was sacrif;cod. One-to-2g portions of the following tissues were rapidly d:ssected and water contents were examined and compared among gr ups: brain, cervical spinal cord, kidney, duodenum, lung, heart, liver, spleen, pancreas. stomach. Statistical significances were analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis nonparametric test. Results: CPB with CA was successfully performed in all cases. Flow rate of 60-100 mlfkgfmin was able to be maintained throughout CPB. During CPB, no significant metabolic acidosis was detected and aortic pressure ranged between 35-55 mmHg. After weaning from CPB, all hearts resumed normal beating spontaneously. There were no statistically significant differences in the water contents of tissues including brain among the three experimental groups. Conclusion: These results indicate (1) CPB can be reliably administered in rabbits if proper technique is used, (2) the effect of steroid on the protection of brain edema related to Trendelenburg position during CA is not established within the scope of this experiment.

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  • Kim, Dae-Joong;Shin, Dong-Hwan;Ahn, Byeong-Woo;Jang, Dong-Deuk;Hiroyuki Tsuda;Shoji Fukushima
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Toxicology Conference
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    • 2002.05b
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    • pp.106.2-132
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    • 2002
  • 형질전환 (유전자 결핍; Knockout) Min 마우스를 이용하여 대장암 발생에서 배추, 양배추 주성분인 indole-3-carbinol (I3C)의 대장암 예방효과를 규명하고자 하였다. 실험동물로는 C57BL/6J-Apc$^{min/+}$(Min 마우스)계의 5내지 6주령의 수컷 이형접합체 형질전환 마우스 70마리와 C57BL/6J계의 동일 산자, 동일 주령의 수컷 wildtype 비형질전환 마우스 10kfl를 The Jackson Laboratory 사 (Bar harber, ME, USA)로부터 직접 구입하였다. C57BL/6J-Apc$^{min/+}$계 수컷 이형접합체 형질전환 (Min)마우스 70마리를 각 군 20내지 25마리씩 세군으로 나누었다. Group 1에는 20마리, Group 2에는 25마리, Group 3에는 25마리를 배치하고, I3C 투여 실험군 (Group 1과 2)에는 실험시작시에 AIN-76A 분말사료에 I3C가 각각 100 및 300ppm이 함유되도록 조제하여 공급하였다. 그리고 실험군(Group 3)에는 실험시작부터 종료시까지 AIN-76A 정제고형사료(Teklad사, WI, USA)를 자유로이 급이하였다. 각군간의 체중, 사료 및 음수소비량을 매 2주마다 측정하였고, 10주간 (16주령)의 실험종료시에는 최종체중과 간장, 신장, 비장 등의 장기무게를 측정하여 상대장기 무게비를 산출하였다. 대조군으로서 C57BL/6J계의 동일 산자, 동일 주령의 수컷 wildtype 비형질전환 마우스 10마리는 같은 조건의 사육실에서 AIN-76A 정제고형사료를 33주간 자유로이 급이하였다. 실험동물은 부검전에 하룻밤 동안 절식하고 이산화탄소 흡입 마취하에서 흉대동맥을 절단하여 방혈하고 각 장기(심장, 폐, 위)를 적출하여 생리심염수에 넣어 장기무게를 측정하고 포르말린에 고정하였다. 소장과 대장의 검사를 위하여 위의 식도부위와 직장을 실로 결찰하여 적출하고 생리심염수를 주입하여 팽창시켜, 십이지장, 공장, 및 회장, 그리고 대장으로 나누어 여과지에 펼친 후 포르말린에 고정하였다. 소장과 대장은 육안 및 자동 영상분석길ㄹ 이용한 분석이 끝난 후에 각 부위별로 4-6개의 절편을 작제하여 포르말린에 재고정하고, 통상적인 조직처리과정, 파리핀 포매 및 3-4$\mu$m 두께의 조직절편을 제작하여 H&E 염색을 실시하여 현미경으로 검경하였다. 약 1주일간의 포르말린 고정이 끝난 소장 및 대장을 부위별, 별 종양개수 및 분포를 자동영상분석기(Kontron Co. Ltd., Germany)로 분석하였다. 체의 변화, 장기무게, 사료소비량 및 마리당 종양의 개수에 대한 통계학적 유의성 검증을 위하여 Duncan's t-test로 통계처리 하였고, 종양 발생빈도에 대하여는 Likelihood ration Chi-square test로 유의성을 검증하였다. C57BL/6J-Apc$^{min/+}$계 수컷 이형접합체 형질전환 마우스에 AIN-76A 정제사료만을 투여한 대조군의 대장선종의 발생률은 84%(Group 3; 21/25례)로써 I3C 100ppm 및 300ppm을 투여한 경우에 있어서는 각군 모두 60%(Group 1; 12/20 례, Group 2; 15/25 례)로 감소하는 경향을 나타내었다. 대장선종의 마리당 발생개수에 있어서는 C57BL/6J-Apc$^{min/+}$계 수컷 이형접합체 형질전환 마우스에 AIN-76A 정제사료만을 투여한 대조군은 1.40$\pm$0.24(100%)에 비하여 I3C 저농도 투여 실험군(Group 1; 0.85$\pm$0.23; 61%, P<0.01), 그리고 I3C 고농도 투여 실험군(Group 2 ; 1.32$\pm$0.29 ; 94%)의 순으로 감소하였다. 선종의 크기별 종양의 발생개수의 분포에 있어서 I3C 저농도 투여 실험군에 있어서는 선종의 크기가 3mm이하의 수가 현저하게 감소하였다. C57BL/6J-Apc$^{min/+}$계 수컷 이형접합체 형질전환 마우스에 AIN-76A 정제사료만을 투여한 대조군의 부위별 소장선종의 발생수는 십이지장부위를 제외하고 각 군에서 유의한 변화는 관찰되지 않았다. 십이지장 종양의 발생개수에서만 I3C 저농도 투여 실험군(Group 1 ; 3.11$\pm$0.85)이 대조군 (Group 3: 1.48$\pm$0.35) 및 I3C 고농도 투여 실험군(Group 2: 1.56$\pm$0.47)에 비하여 유의성 있게 증가하였다. (P<0.05). 따라서 I3C은 소장에서는 암예방 효과가 뚜렷하지 않으나, 대장에 대한 암에방 효과가 있을 것으로 생각된다. 소장 및 대장을 제외한 간장, 신장, 비장, 심장, 폐 그리고 위 등의 기타 장기에서의 조직병리학적 변화는 관찰되지 않았다. 소장 및 대장의 종양은 선종(polyps)으로 관찰되었다. 지난 10여년간 형질전환 및 유전자 결핍 실험동물의 종류가 기하 급수적으로 증가하여 이용되고 있다. 가족성 대장 선종성 용종증(FAP)의 대표적인 모델로 이용되고 있는 C57BL/6J-Apc$^{min/+}$계 수컷 이형접합체 형질전환 마우스를 사용하여 배추나 양배추의 주요성분인 Indole-3-carbinol(I3C)의 대장암 예방효과가 있는지를 검색하여 본 결과 AIN-76A정제사료만을 투여한 대조군의 대장선종의 발생률 84%에 비하여 I3C 100 및 300ppm을 투여한 실험군에 있어서 각군 모두 60%로서 감소하는 경향을 나타내었으며, 대장선종의 마리당 발생개수에 있어서는 대조군의 1.40$\pm$1.041를 100%로 환산하였을 경우 I3C 저농도 및 고농도 투여 실험군에서는 각각 약 61%와 94%를 나타내여 감소하였다. 특히 대장선종의 크기별 분포에 있어서 선종의 크기가 3mm이하의 수가 현저하게 감소하였다. 따라서 저농도 I3C의 투여는 실험적 유전성 가족성 대장 선종성 용종증 모델에 있어서 어느정도 암 예방효과가 있는 것으로 생각된다. 그러나 소장 선종의 발생에는 별 영향이 없는 것으로 생각된다. 그러나 본 실험에 사용된 C57BL/6J-Apc$^{min/+}$계 수컷 이형접합체 형질전환 마우스는 실험개시 시점이 7내지 8주령이 경과하여 이미 태생기부터 소장 및 대장의 선종 발생이 진행되어 온 것을 감안하고 특히 비스테로이드계 항염증 소염제(NSAIDS)와 같은 강력한 COX-2억제제가 아님을 고려하면, 상당한 선종의 발생을 억제할 수 있는 가능성이 매우 높다고 생각한다. 또한 이제까지 배추나 양배추 성분의 복합성분들에 대한 실험적 대장암 모델에서의 촉진효과 등에 대한 보고들이 있어 온 점을 고려할 때 위암(Kim 등, 1994) 간암(Kim 등, 1994), 유방암(Grubbs, 등, 1995; Bradlow 등, 1995)에 대한 예방효과가 있을 것으로 생각된다. 앞으로 이러한 종양조직내에서의 COX-2 및 iNOS mRNA와 단백질의 발현정도를 분자병리학적으로 연구중에 있으며, 향후 십자화과식물 성분인 indole-3-carbinol이 마우스뿐 만 아니라 랫드의 화학발암물질에 의한 대장종양에 대한 억제효과 있는지 연구 필요가 있다. Min 마우스와 같은 형질 전환(유전자결핍;knockout) 실험동물을 이용한 새로운 중기 발암성 시험범의 확립을 통한 각종 환경 유해물질의 발암성 유무 및 COX-2 억제작용이 있는 식품인자의 암예방 후보물질을 체계적으로 검색하는데 유용하게 활용될 수 있을 것으로 생각한다.

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