• Title/Summary/Keyword: 직원이직

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Factors Affecting the Organizational Citizenship Behaviors of Administrative Hospital Staff Members (종합병원 행정직원의 조직시민행동 영향요인)

  • Park, Jung-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.12
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    • pp.539-547
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    • 2017
  • This paper reports the results of descriptive research aimed at determining the effects of the administrative hospital staff members' organization-based self-esteem and work engagement on their organizational citizenship behaviors. The participants of the study were 200 administrative staff members of general hospitals, each with 200 beds or more, located in B city. Data were collected from March 15 to 30, 2017, and analyzed statistically using a t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and multiple regression analysis. The findings of this study can be summarized as follows. The organizational citizenship behaviors differed significantly according to whether they had an experience of turnover (t=-4.260, p=.000) and how long they had served at their present work (t=3.297, p=.039). In addition, the organizational citizenship behaviors had strong positive correlations with the organization-based self-esteem (r=.454, p=<.000) and work engagement (r=.595, p<.000). In addition, the factor that explained the organizational citizenship behaviors most significantly was work engagement, followed by organization-based self-esteem and the period of service at the present work. All three factors accounted for 41% of those behaviors. These findings suggest that the hospital should perform internal marketing or improve its welfare system to make administrative staff members raise their self-esteem based on their organization. Moreover, the hospital should form an organizational culture of its own, in which administrative staff members feel the importance of their job, enjoy it and are given autonomy in job performance, ultimately contributing to the development of hospital management.

A Structural Model Analysis of Person-Organization Fit Influencing Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intent Mediated through Goal Commitment - Centered on Five Star Deluxe Hotel Employees - (개인 조직 적합성이 목표 몰입을 매개로 직무만족 및 이직의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 - 특 1급 호텔 근무자를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Ji-Eun
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.146-164
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    • 2012
  • This study aims to investigate the influence of person-organization(P-O) fit on job satisfaction, and turnover intent mediated through goal commitment using structural equation modeling. An experimental design is applied to test seven hypotheses that reflect the research questions. Five star deluxe hotel employees are targeted for sampling. A total of 180 faithful cases out of 250 cases have been analyzed. To analyze the data, descriptive statistics and multivariate analysis of variance, and structural equation modeling(SEM) are employed using SPSS 19.0 and AMOS 4. The results indicate the hotel employees' perceived P-O fit is positively associated with goal commitment and job satisfaction while negatively linked with turnover intent. Also, goal commitment has a positive effect on job satisfaction while having a negative effect on turnover intent, mediating between P-O fit and organizational outcomes. Therefore, the needs to evaluate P-O fit and goal commitment during recruitment and after organizational entry have been raised.

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Impact of Work Value Perceived by Chinese Post-90s Employees on Their Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention (90년대생 중국 근로자가 인식하는 직업가치가 직무만족과 이직의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Sun, Xiaoxue;Yun, Haejung
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.201-215
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    • 2021
  • Owing to COVID-19 pandemic and global recession, enterprises are facing more and more fierce competition. Under this situation, retaining as much as recruiting good employees has become a top priority for organization. However, post 90s, with very different characteristics from traditional workers, entered the labor market, and both employers and employees suffered from post-90's high turnover rate. Therefore, this study focuses on Chinese post-90s and examined the effects of work values they pursue (utilitarian orientation, interest congruence, long-term development, and innovativeness) on job satisfaction and turnover intention. In addition, the groups with less than or more than one year of service were compared and analyzed. A total of 267 Chinese workers born in the 90s participated in the survey. Our research findings show that utilitarian orientation affects both job satisfaction and turnover intention, but interest congruence only affects job satisfaction while innovation only affects turnover intention. And the moderating effect of tenure of service was partially verified. Various implications based on the result were discussed.

A Study of Cause of Employee Turnover and Countermeasures against Turnover in Shipping and Port Logistics Firms (중소항만물류기업의 이직원인 분석과 대책에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jae-Hun;Shin, Yong-John
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.545-552
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    • 2015
  • This study One of the key elements of corporate competitiveness in the modern world of unlimited competition is human resource management. The reason that the world's leading companies are devoting a lot of investment and effort for good human resource development and management is that human resource can impact firm survival. In particular, there is little research on the internal and external environmental stimuli and job stress in the employee of small business which are often led to turnover, while they have suffered from chronic shortage of manpower. The purpose of this study is to determine the turnover factors in the small logistics companies and contribute to stable maintenance of workforce, facilitating human resource management and minimizing turnover. This study empirically analyzed the factors of the turnover in the organization of logistics companies from Busan Port, South Korea, which became one of the national infrastructure and the fifth world largest harbor. The conclusion proposed the development and direction of the human resource management which could promote the job environment improving the turnover factors and creating sustainable work condition through conducting preventive measures. The results indicated that the highest turnover rates was found in the category of field work, and the highest turnover group was from the 'less than one year', which implies that high turnover rates after and during job training might be greater cost to the companies than early turnover. The most common reasons for the high employee turnover were 'excessive workload' and 'dissatisfaction with wages'. Followed reasons including 'troubles with managers' and 'failure in organizational adaptation' can be understood in line with worse working conditions of the small logistic companies. It turned out that the preventive programs of the logistic enterprises had little effect through 'incentives system' and 'improving wage system' which are mainly conducted. The human resource managers appreciated the importance of 'wage raise' and 'benefits improvement'. This study is aimed at contributing to efficient human resource management through understanding of the turnover causes and human resource managers applying preventive measures. In particular, this can benefit small port logistics companies securing competitiveness and promoting persistent growth and development.

Leveraging LLMs for Corporate Data Analysis: Employee Turnover Prediction with ChatGPT (대형 언어 모델을 활용한 기업데이터 분석: ChatGPT를 활용한 직원 이직 예측)

  • Sungmin Kim;Jee Yong Chung
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.19-47
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    • 2024
  • Organizational ability to analyze and utilize data plays an important role in knowledge management and decision-making. This study aims to investigate the potential application of large language models in corporate data analysis. Focusing on the field of human resources, the research examines the data analysis capabilities of these models. Using the widely studied IBM HR dataset, the study reproduces machine learning-based employee turnover prediction analyses from previous research through ChatGPT and compares its predictive performance. Unlike past research methods that required advanced programming skills, ChatGPT-based machine learning data analysis, conducted through the analyst's natural language requests, offers the advantages of being much easier and faster. Moreover, its prediction accuracy was found to be competitive compared to previous studies. This suggests that large language models could serve as effective and practical alternatives in the field of corporate data analysis, which has traditionally demanded advanced programming capabilities. Furthermore, this approach is expected to contribute to the popularization of data analysis and the spread of data-driven decision-making (DDDM). The prompts used during the data analysis process and the program code generated by ChatGPT are also included in the appendix for verification, providing a foundation for future data analysis research using large language models.

Effect of Transition Shock on Intention to Stay in Newly Graduated Nurses : The Mediating Effect of Positive Psychological Capital (신규간호사의 전환충격이 재직의도에 미치는 영향: 긍정심리자본의 매개효과)

  • Kam, Hyuna;Kim, Chanhee;Yoon, Yeonok;Shin, Heeyoung;Lee, Junghwa;Kim, Myoungohk
    • Journal of Korean Critical Care Nursing
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.25-36
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    • 2024
  • Purpose : This study was conducted to identify the relationship between transition shock and intention to stay among newly graduated nurses and the mediating effect of positive psychological capital. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study that included a total of 155 newly graduated nurses at one hospital, recruited from June to September 2023. The data were analyzed using SPSS 27.0 and SPSS PROCESS macro model 4. Results: There were significant relationships between transition shock and intention to stay (r=-.47, p <.001), transition shock and positive psychological capital (r=-.64, p <.001), and positive psychological capital and intention to stay (r=.51, p <.001). Positive psychological capital showed a mediating effect in the relationship between transition shock and intention to stay among newly graduated nurses. Conclusion: These results indicated that transition shock directly affected newly graduated nurses' intention to stay, indirectly affecting it through positive psychological capital. Therefore, programs and strategies to reduce transition shock and increase positive psychological capital are needed in order to improve newly graduated nurses' intention to stay.

Influential Job-Related Characteristics for the Job Satisfaction and Turnover Possibility of Dental Hygienists (치과위생사의 직무만족과 이직가능성에 영향을 미치는 직무관련특성 요인)

  • Lee, Chun-Sun;Park, So-Yong;Park, Hye-Min;You, Youn;Shin, Eun-Kyung;Chae, Song-I;Han, Seong-Ok;Oh, Hye-Young
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.666-674
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the job-related characteristics of dental hygienists affecting their job satisfaction and turnover possibility. The subjects in this study were 297 dental hygienists who worked in dental hospitals and clinics in the metropolitan area. The dental hygienists who worked for three to less than five years, who were unmarried and who didn't benefit from any incentive systems expressed a greater satisfaction, and those who were married, whose workplaces were established jointly with other dental institutions in the form of a network and whose workplaces offered incentives were more likely to change their employment. As for influential factors for job satisfaction and turnover possibility, the respondents whose workplaces were established jointly with other dental institutions were less satisfied, and a larger number of patients and better communication led to higher satisfaction. Those who worked in general hospitals were more likely to change their employment, and better welfare benefits, more appropriate length of working hours and a larger number of patients led to lower turnover responsibility. The findings of the study ascertained that working environments were one of the factors to impact on job satisfaction and turnover possibility, and both of hospitals and dental hygienists should make an effort to improve working environments.

The Influence of Convergence Corporate Cultural Management Activities upon Organizational Effectiveness: Focusing on the Mediating Effects of Organizational Communication (기업의 융복합 문화경영이 조직 효과성에 미치는 영향 : 조직 커뮤니케이션의 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Ju, Hyun-Jeong;Kim, Joong-Gyoo
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.13 no.8
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    • pp.191-206
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this paper is the cultural management activities empirical analysis of the impact of organizational effectiveness, such as organizational citizenship behavior and turnover intention for the era of fusion and convergence. In particular, pay attention to the mediating role of organizational communication, and cultural management activities of the effect of by behavioral dimension of organizational effectiveness by structural model demonstrated the value and importance of cultural management. Cultural management activities showed a significant positive effect on organizational communication and organizational citizenship behavior. Organizational communication appears to have a mediating effect on the relationship between corporate cultural management and organizational effectiveness, especially the cultural management itself not necessarily to reduce turnover intention, to support communication means that can reduce the turnover points when activated.

A Phenomenological Study on Experiences as a Dental Intermediary Manager (치과 중간관리자의 근무경험에 대한 현상학적 연구)

  • Moon, Hak-Jin;Lim, Soon-Ryun
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.263-271
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    • 2016
  • This study aimed at comprehending the duty, role, and difficulty of intermediary manager through in-depth investigation of dental hygienist intermediary managers experienced over 10 years working in a dental clinic. In-depth interviews were conducted with 10 dental intermediary managers and Giorgi's analysis method was used to analyze the data. Findings revealed that the work experience of the dental hygienist intermediary managers appeared in the range of "becoming an intermediary manager through various processes", "various duties that they experience as an intermediary manager", "difficulty as an intermediary manager", "ability that they perceive as necessary for being a dental intermediary manager", and "worthiness they feel as the intermediary manager". The dental intermediary managers complained of difficulties at work, and appeared to perform various tasks such as human resource management, clinic management support, and patient's management. Accordingly, the researcher considers that research on dental intermediary managers' capacity development necessary.

The Organization Commitment and Perception of Human Resource Management by Employment Types of School Foodservice Employees (학교급식 직원의 고용유형에 따른 인적 자원 관리 활동에 대한 인식과 조직 몰입도)

  • Lee, Ok;Cho, Minju;Chang, Hyeja
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.162-171
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    • 2014
  • As the foodservice industry is labor intensive, the efficient management of human resources is an essential element for improving operational efficiency. This study was designed to investigate the performance level of human resource management in self-operated school foodservices and to examine the relationship between human resource management, organizational commitment, and productivity. Whether these factors rated differently by employment and job types was also examined. Data were collected through questionnaires distributed to 60 dieticians and 240 cooks in Seongnam and Yongin. Frequency analysis, factor analysis, the t-test and multiple regression analysis were tested using Minitab. Human resource management practices rated highly in the dimension of employee training (3.51), followed by working environment (3.39), and turnover management (3.37). In contrast, reward management (1.73) and working condition (1.56) received the lowest score. Organizational commitment scored 3.65 points, and showed that dedication (3.82) was the highest score; however, self-esteem (3.50) was the lowest score. For human resource management, there were significant differences between employment types as full time workers (3.85) rated management more highly than part-time worker (3.43). Overall productivity was fairly high, especially in high school foodservices. Only the performance appraisal had an influence on organizational commitment (${\beta}$=0.292, P<0.05). Productivity was positively correlated with human resource management (r=0.432, P<0.001) and organizational commitment (r=0.36, P<0.01). In conclusion, school foodservices need to establish objective performance standards, and increase employee morale by enhancing reward systems and working conditions. In particular, irregular employees require training with job performance standards and given a proper reward program, depending on their performance, to improve organizational commitment.