• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지형방위

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Target Detection Technique in a DBS(Doppler Beam Sharpening) Image (DBS(Doppler Beam Sharpening) 영상에서 표적 탐지 방안)

  • Kong, Young-Joo;Kwon, Jun-Beom;Kim, Hong-Rak;Woo, Seon-Keol
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.373-381
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    • 2017
  • DBS(Doppler Beam Sharpening) algorithm is a way to improve azimuth resolution performance in radar. Since DBS image includes the is information about the search area of radar, various clutter components exist besides the target to be detected. To detect and track the desired target in a DBS image, it must be able to identify a target and the clutter components. In this paper, we describe how to use image size and terrain information(DTED) to identify the target in a DBS image. By using morphological filter and chain code, it acquires image size and excludes the clutter components. By matching with DTED, we determine target.

A Study on the Construction and Landscape Characteristics of Munam Pavilion in Changnyeong(聞巖亭) (창녕 문암정(聞巖亭)의 조영 및 경관특성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Won-Ho;Kim, Dong-Hyun;Kim, Jae-Ung;Ahn, Gye-Bog
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.27-41
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    • 2014
  • This study aims to investigate the history, cultural values prototype through literature analysis, characteristics of construction, location, space structure and landscape characteristics by Arc-GIS on the Munam pavilion(聞巖亭) in Changnyeong. The results were as follows. First, Shin-cho((辛礎, 1549~1618) is the builder of the Munam pavilion and builder's view of nature is to go back to nature. The period of formation of Munam pavilion is between 1608-1618 as referred from document of retire from politics and build a pavilion. Secondly, Munam pavilion is surrounded by mountains and located at the top of steep slope. Pavilion was known as scenic site of the area. But damaged in a past landscape is caused by near the bridge, agricultural facilities, town, the Kye-sung stream of masonry and beams. Thirdly, Munam pavilion is divided into the main space, which is located on the pavilion, space in located on the pavilion east and west and the orient space, which is located on the Youngjeonggak. Of these, original form of Munam pavilion is a simple structure composed of pavilion and Munam rock, thus at the time of the composition seems to be a direct entry is possible, unlike the current entrance. Fourth, Spatial composition of Munam pavilion is divided into vegetation such as Lagerstroemia indica trees in Sa-ri in Changnyeong, ornament such as letters carved on the rocks and pavilion containing structure. The vegetation around the building is classified as precincts and outside of the premises. Planting of precincts was limited. Outside of area consists of front on the pavilion, which is covered with Lagerstroemia Indica forest and Pinus densiflora forest at the back of the pavilion. Ofthese,LargeLagerstroemiaIndicaforestcorrespondstothenaturalheritageasHistoricalrecordsofrarespeciesresourcesthatareassociated withbuilder. Letterscarvedontherocksrepresenttheboundaryof space, which is close to the location of the Munam pavilion and those associated with the builder as ornaments. Letters carved on the rocks front on the pavilion are rare cases that are made sequentially with a constant direction and rules as act of record for families to honor the achievements. Fifth, 'The eight famous spots of Munam' is divided into landscape elements that have nothing to do with bearing 4 places and landscape elements that have to do with bearing 4 places. Unrelated bearings of landscape elements are Lagerstroemia indica trees in Sa-ri in Changnyeong, Pinus densiflora forest at the back of the pavilion, Okcheon valley, Gwanryongsa temple and Daeheungsa temple. Bearing that related element of absolute orientation, which is corresponding to the elements are Daeheungsa temple, Hwawangsan mountain, Kye-sung stream and Yeongchwisan mountain. Relative bearing is Gwanryongsa temple, Yeongchwisan mountain and Kye-sung stream Gongjigi hill. At Lagerstroemia indica trees in Sa-ri in Changnyeong, Pinus densiflora forest at the back of the pavilion, Kye-sung stream and Okcheon valley, elements are exsting. Currently, it is difficult to confirm the rest of the landscape elements. Because, it is a generic element that reliable estimate of the target and locations are impossible for element. Munam pavilion is made for turn to nature by Shin-cho(辛礎). That was remained a record such as Munamzip(聞巖集) and Munamchungueirok(聞巖忠義錄) that is relating to construction of pavilion. Munam pavilion located in a unique form, archival culture through the letters carved on the rocks and Large Lagerstroemia indica forest and through eight famous spots, cultural landscape elements can be assumed that those elements are remained.

A Study on Automated Lineament Extraction with Respect to Spatial Resolution of Digital Elevation Model (수치표고모형 공간해상도에 따른 선구조 자동 추출 연구)

  • Park, Seo-Woo;Kim, Geon-Il;Shin, Jin-Ho;Hong, Sang-Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.439-450
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    • 2018
  • The lineament is a linear or curved terrain element to discriminate adjacent geological structures in each other. It has been widely used for analysis of geology, mineral exploration, natural disasters, and earthquake, etc. In the past, the lineament has been extracted using cartographic map or field survey. However, it is possible to extract more efficiently the lineament for a very wide area thanks to development of remote sensing technique. Remotely sensed observation by aircraft, satellite, or digital elevation model (DEM) has been used for visual recognition for manual lineament extraction. Automatic approaches using computer science have been proposed to extract lineament more objectively. In this study, we evaluate the characteristics of lineament which is automatically extracted with respect to difference of spatial resolution of DEM. We utilized two types of DEM: one is Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) with spatial resolution of about 90 m (3 arc sec), and the other is the latest world DEM of TerraSAR-X add-on for Global DEM with 12 m spatial resolution. In addition, a global DEM was resampled to produce a DEM with a spatial resolution of 30 m (1 arc sec). The shaded relief map was constructed considering various sun elevation and solar azimuth angle. In order to extract lineament automatically, we used the LINE module in PCI Geomatica software. We found that predominant direction of the extracted lineament is about $N15-25^{\circ}E$ (NNE), regardless of spatial resolution of DEM. However, more fine and detailed lineament were extracted using higher spatial resolution of DEM. The result shows that the lineament density is proportional to the spatial resolution of DEM. Thus, the DEM with appropriate spatial resolution should be selected according to the purpose of the study.

On the Determination of Slope Stability to Landslide by Quantification(II) (수량화(數量化)(II)에 의한 산사태사면(山沙汰斜面)의 위험도(危險度) 판별(判別))

  • Kang, Wee Pyeong;Murai, Hiroshi;Omura, Hiroshi;Ma, Ho Seop
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.75 no.1
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    • pp.32-37
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    • 1986
  • In order to get the fundamental information that could be useful to judge the potentiality of occurrence of rapid shallow landslide in the objective slope, factors selected on Jinhae regions in Korea, where many landslides were caused by heavy rainfall of daily 465 mm and hourly 52mm in August 1979, was carried out through the multiple statistics of quantification method (II) by the electronic computer. The net system with $2{\times}2cm$ unit mesh was overlayed with the contour map of scale 1:5000. 74 meshes of landslides and 119 meshes of non-landslide were sampled out to survey the state of vegetative cover and geomorphological conditions, those were divided into 6 items arid 27 categories. As a result, main factors that would lead to landslide were shown in order of vegetation, slope type, slope position, slope, aspect and numbers of stream. Particularly, coniferous forest of 10 years old, concave slope and foot of mountain were main factors making slope instability. On the contrary, coniferous forest of 20-30 years old, deciduous forest, convex slope and summit contributed to the stable against Landslide. The boundary value between two groups of existence and none of landslides was -0.123, and its prediction was 72%. It was well predicted to divide into two groups of them.

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Study on the design and the control of an underwater construction robot for port construction (항만공사용 수중건설로봇의 기구설계 및 제어에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Tae-Sung;Kim, Chi-Hyo;Lee, Min-Ki
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.253-260
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    • 2015
  • There are many efforts to mechanize the process for underwater port construction due to the severe and adverse working environment. This paper presents an underwater construction robot to level rubbles on the seabed for port construction. The robot is composed of a blade and a multi-functional arm to flatten the rubble mound with respect to the reference level at uneven terrain and to dig and dump the rubbles. This research analyzes the kinematics of the blade and the multi-functional arm including track and swing motions with respect to a world coordinate assigned to a reference depth sensor. This analysis is conducted interfacing with the position and orientation sensors installed at the robot. A hydraulic control system is developed to control a track, a blade and a multi-functional arm for rubble leveling work. The experimental results of rubble leveling work conducted by the robot are presented in land and subsea. The working speed of the robot is eight times faster than that of a human diver, and the working quality is acceptable. The robot is expected to have much higher efficiency in deep water where a human diver is unable to work.

Spatial Analysis of Oak Wilt Disease in Bukhansan Mountain Park Using Spatial Data of Damaged Trees (피해목 위치자료를 이용한 북한산 국립공원 참나무시들음병 공간분석)

  • Zhu, Yongyan;Piao, Dongfan;Lee, Woo-kyun;Jeon, Seong-Woo
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.33 no.5_3
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    • pp.879-888
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    • 2017
  • This study is a preliminary research conducted in Buhansan mountain National Park to develop a management system to predict and control oak wilt disease by indicating spatial factors which affect diffusion of the disease. After analysing altitude factor during the estimation of spatial analysis of damaged area, it is indicated that damaged trees are mainly distributed at altitude of 200-500 m and number decreased drastically over the altitude of 500 m. The result showed that 92% of total damaged trees are on slope between 20~40 degrees and the number decreased drastically on slope steeper than 40 degrees. It is indicated that damaged area is mainly distributed on southern aspect. It is estimated by using CART that slope factor affected the diffusion of disease mostly but aspect factor did not. Surface temperature and altitude showed similar effect.By simulating possible diffusion scenario, it is estimated that the disease could spread to DO-BONG Mt., northeast of Bukhansan mountain.

A Study on the Expressive Technique of Sando(山圖) Included in 『Seonweon Bogam(璿源寶鑑)』 (『선원보감(璿源寶鑑)』에 수록된 산도(山圖)의 표현기법(表現技法)에 관한 연구)

  • Hwang, In-Hyuk;Kim, Taeg-Jin;Kim, Ki-Duk
    • Journal of Korean Historical Folklife
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    • no.44
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    • pp.39-70
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    • 2014
  • "Seonweon Bogam" was made for the purpose of delivering information on the tomb of members of the royal family of the Joseon Dynasty. Accordingly, it covered all of Sando making a pictorial expression of the tomb. But its value has been doubted as it is roughly expressed and different from the picture of the actual scene. But "Seonweon Bogam" is the only book that covers Sando of all the kings of the Joseon Dynasty but contains the elements making it possible to estimate the possibility that the original Sando might be used in making Sando. Accordingly, it is a high time to make an in-deep study of this. This study attempted to investigate Sando included in "Seonweon Bogam" with a focus on the expressive style. For this purpose, it sought to analyze seven elements such as the exposure, the legend, locational information, direction, waterway and road, expression on water and Fengshui(風水) terminology. As a result, the following conclusion was drawn: Sando concerning the tombs of members of the Joseon Dynasty was continually made. It was made in two ways such as the way of drawing the scene on spot and the way of imitating the existing made material. And it could be estimated that there is a possibility that Sando of "Seonweon Bogam" might be copied by the figure with only a little expertise about Sando but on the basis of several materials about the existing Sando of the royal family.

Study on the Arrangement and Function of AtoN on Narrow Channels - Focused on the Cases of Narrow Channels on Southwestern Coast of Korea - (좁은 수로에 설치된 항로표지의 배치 및 기능에 관한 고찰 - 서남해안의 좁은 수로 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Hong-Hoon;Kim, Deug-Bong;Kwon, Yu-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.297-306
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    • 2022
  • AtoN is an acronym for aids to navigation that indicate the position or direction of navigable areas and obstructions. AtoN should be arranged in consideration of unfamiliar navigator's convenience when it is indicated as the limits of navigable areas. Several narrow channels exist on the SW coast of Korea owing to the geographical effect, and the lateral or cardinal marks by the IALA maritime buoyage system are arranged along the narrow channels. This is an actual case study that analyzed the AtoN's role for safety navigation after changes in the maritime traffic environment owing to aquarfarm's development on narrow channels in the Korean SW coast. The analysis results of 5 narrow channels indicated that certain marks did not function properly as lateral or cardinal marks owing to the aquarfarm's location on navigable areas. Therefore, the following were suggested to improve AtoN on narrow channels: changing the position of marks, installing aquafarm's marks, and expressing the aquafarm's position on the nautical chart.

Analysis of Tree-rings for Inference of Periods in which Slow-moving Landslides Occur (나이테 분석을 통한 땅밀림 발생 시기 추정)

  • Park, Jae-Hyeon;Park, Seonggyun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.109 no.1
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    • pp.62-71
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    • 2020
  • With the aim of restoring slow-moving landslide areas, this study collected fundamental data from tree-ring analysis of curved trees in these areas. We collected both upper and lower stem disks to measure the azimuth angles of six trees with growth curvature caused by tension cracks. Additionally, we analyzed various factors in the slow moving landslide area. The geological strata and main constitutive rocks in the study area were anorthosite-formed in the Precambrian period; moreover, there were no intrusive rocks, other geological strata, geological folds, or faults. The talus with weathered rocks was distributed in the upper zone of the slow-moving landslide area. According to annual-ring analysis of curved trees and terrain analysis by satellite imagery, slow-moving landslide occurred from the top to the bottom end of the slope between 1999 and 2011. There was a significant relationship (P < 0.01) between the azimuth angle of cracks caused by the slow-moving landslide and the angle of the curved trees. These results suggest that the occurrence of slow-moving landslides could be confirmed through analysis of annual-rings of curved trees, underground water levels, and terrain (by satellite imagery).

Azimuthal Distribution of Daily Maximum Temperatures Observed at Sideslopes of a Grass-covered Inactive Parasitic Volcano ("Ohreum") in Jeju Island (제주도 초지피복 기생화산("오름")의 방위별 일 최고기온 분포)

  • Seo, Hee-Chul;Jeon, Seung-Jong;Yun, Jin-I.
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.25-31
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    • 2008
  • Information on daily maximum air temperature is important in predicting the status of plants and insects, but the uneven and sparse distribution of weather stations prohibits timely access to the data in regions with complex topography. Since cumulative solar irradiance plays a critical role in determining daily maximum temperature on any sloping surfaces, derivation of a quantitative relationship between cumulative solar irradiance and the resultant daily maximum temperature is a prerequisite to development of such estimation models. Air temperatures at 8 sideslope locations with similar elevation and slope angle but aspect, circumventing a cone-shaped, grass-covered parasitic volcano (c.a., 570 m diameter for the bottom circle and 90m bottom-to-top height), were measured from June to December in 2007. Daily maximum temperatures from each location were compared with the average of 8 locations (assumed to be the temperature measured at a "horizontal reference" position). The temperature deviation at all locations increased with the day of year (or sun elevation) from summer solstice to winter solstice. Averaged over the entire period, the south facing location was warmer by $1^{\circ}C$ in daily maximum temperature than "horizontal reference" and the north facing location was cooler by $0.8^{\circ}C$ than the reference, resulting in the year round average south-north temperature difference of $1.8^{\circ}C$. In November, both south and north facing slopes showed the greatest deviation of $+2.0^{\circ}C$ and $-1.3^{\circ}C$, respectively in daily maximum temperature at monthly scale. On a daily scale, the greatest deviation was +3.8 and $2.7^{\circ}C$ at the south and north slope, respectively. The cumulative solar irradiance (on the slope for 4 hours from 11:00 to 15:00 TST) explained >60% of the variance in daily maximum temperature deviations among 8 locations, suggesting a feasibility of developing an estimation model for daily maximum temperature over complex topography at landscape scales.