• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지질 조사탐사

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Electrical Surveys for Mapping Leachate in Nanji - Do Landfill Site (난지도 일대의 침출수 양태 조사를 위한 전기 비저항 탐사)

  • 김형수;이기화;한정상
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.259-276
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    • 1995
  • Electrical soundings and profilings were conducted for mapping the leachate in the region of Nanji - Do Landfill site. The results of electrical surveys conducted in the landfill area show that the basal leachate is formed at the height about 30 m above the mean sea level and that there is abundant floating leachate over the basal leachate. The surveys conducted around the landfill reveal that the groundwater which may be contaminated by the leachate from the landfill flows to the Han River. The top of the basement rock in this area has been severely affected by polluted groundwater. The layer which is thoroughly saturated with leachate in this region has the very low resistivity value below 10 ohm - m and this low resistivity value indicates that the groundwater and geology are severely contaminated by the leachate and wastes of the landfill.

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A Study on the Characteristics of W-Mo Ore Deposit in Bayan-Onjuul, Mongolia Using Magnetic Data (자력자료를 이용한 몽골 바얀온줄 텅스텐-몰리브덴 광화대 특성 연구)

  • Park, Gyesoon;Lee, Bum Han;Kim, In-Joon;Heo, Chul-Ho
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.202-208
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    • 2014
  • KIGAM (Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources) and MRAM (Mineral Resources Authority of Mongolia) performed joint survey on Bayan-Onjuul W-Mo mineralized area. Following the survey, we carried out magnetic survey. W-Mo occurrences are located with keeping a certain distance from the northern boundary of granite which has higher magnetic susceptibility values. Also, the 3D imaging results of magnetic inversion show that granite bodies are extended to the W-Mo occurrence areas from the deep main body with decreasing of susceptibility. The results of magnetic data analysis are well matched with the general characteristics of ore solution involved with W mineralization. The further study about the hidden ore deposits which have similar spatial relationship between granite and known WMo occurrences are necessary to improve the economic feasibility.

액화석유가스(LPG) 지하저장기지에서의 TSP(Tunnel Seismic Prediction)탐사

  • Cha, Seong-Su
    • Journal of the Korean Geophysical Society
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.75-86
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    • 2002
  • A TSP(Tunnel Seismic Prediction) survey which is modified VSP(Vertical Seismic Profiling) survey applied in tunnel was carried out at Pyongtaek and Incheon liquefied petroleum gas(LPG) storage cavern during excavation. The TSP survey in Pyongtaek LPG storage cavern which is located below Namyangho was performed to confirm the location and orientation of the fault detected at pre-investigation stage. The TSP survey was carried out in access tunnel, construction tunnel, and watercurtain tunnel to characterize 3 dimensional figure of the fault. The results of TSP survey are compared four in vestigation boreholes drilled in shelter of access tunnel. The fault was also detected by borehole survey and the location was coincided with the result of TSP survey. Depending on the result of TSP survey and core logging, the design such as cavern layout and length was changed. Another TSP survey was performed in Incheon LPG storage cavern which is located below sea. Because of poor geological information at pre-investigation stage and suffering from heavy leakage of groundwater, the TSP survey to detect fracture zone was carried out. The support and grouting design was reflected by the result of TSP survey.

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Inversion of Small Loop EM Data by Main-Target Emphasizing Approach (주 대상체 강조법에 의한 소형루프 전자탐사 자료의 역산)

  • Cho, In-Ky;Kang, Mi-Kyung;Kim, Ki-Ju
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.299-303
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    • 2006
  • Geologic noise, especially located at shallow depth, can be a great obstacle in the interpretation of geophysical data. Thus, it is important to suppress geologic noise in order to accurately detect major anomalous bodies in the survey area. In the inversion of geophysical data, model parameters at shallow depth, which have small size and low contrast of physical property, can be regarded as one of geologic noise. The least-squares method with smoothness constraint has been widely used in the inversion of geophysical data. The method imposes a big penalty on the large model parameter, while a small penalty on the small model parameter. Therefore, it is not easy to suppress small anomalous boies. In this study, we developed a new inversion scheme which can effectively suppress geologic noise by imposing a big penalty on the slowly varying model parameter and a small penalty on the largely varying model parameter. We call the method MTE (main-target emphasizing) inversion. Applying the method to the inversion of 2.5D small loop EM data, we can ensure that it is effective in suppressing small anomalous boies and emphasizing major anomalous bodies in the survey area.

Case Study on the Failure Causes of Gneiss Slope Occurred Tension Crack (편마암비탈면에서 인장균열 파괴원인 사례 연구)

  • Chun, Byungsik;Noh, Insoo;Kong, Jinyoung;Kim, Juhyong
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.13 no.11
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    • pp.27-35
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    • 2012
  • The discontinuity of rock is one of important elements that have impact on the dynamic movement of rock. A slope made of gneiss has complicated geological structure because of the gneiss forming process through metamorphism covering wide range and the anisotropic structure with foliation. In this study, before cutting slope, the rock of slope had been found as a good quality by the boring test. But during construction tension cracks had occurred in the section with 170m length during large-scale excavation work with depth more than 20m. Ground surface geological investigation, boring exploration, resistivity logging and borehole image processing had been done to find the causes of the tension crack. It was possible to estimate the scale of fault existing in large area through resistivity logging and geological investigation. Large scale slickenside and fault clay had been found as the result of comprehensive analysis.

Electrical and VLF EM Responses for Conductive Dipping Dyke (맥상 황화광체에 대한 전기 및 전자탐사 반응)

  • Yoo In-Kol
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.110-115
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    • 1998
  • Self-potential, VLF-EM and dipole-dipole resistivity methods have been widely used for exploration of conductive sulfide ore deposit, because of the convenience and low cost of field work and the reliability of their results. The geophysical responses for vein-type sulfide outcrop of Changkoom mine located in Bukwi-Myon, Jinan-Gun, Chollabuk-Do were investigated and compared with its drilling results. The geology around the survey area is composed of acidic volcanics and sediments of Yuchon Group. And sulfides bearing pyrite, pyrrotite, galena etc. are deposited in disseminated or vein type within acidic volcanics. Typical geophysical responses were detected from the above vein type ore body, respectively. From the shape and extent of S.P. anomaly, ore body is dipping westward and extending about 50 m. It is detected that the VLF EM response matching the outline of ore zone is considered as indication of dyke dipping westward. And also resistivity response indicating conductive dipping dyke is detected. From drilling results for outcrop and geophysical anomalies, the shape of ore body is vein type dipping about $70^{\circ}W$ and extending about 50 m.

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Geochemical Exploration for the Stream Sediments of the Tumbang Mirih in the Middle Kalimantan, Indonesia (인도네시아 중부 칼리만탄 뚬방미리지역의 하상퇴적물에 대한 지화학탐사)

  • Kim In-Joon;Lee Jae-Ho
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.39 no.3 s.178
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    • pp.301-328
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    • 2006
  • The geology of the Tumbang Mirih area in the Middle Kalimantan, Indonesia comprises Permian to Carboniferous Pinoh Metamorphic Rocks and Cretaceous Sepauk Plutonics of the Sunda Shield, late Eocene Tanjung Formation, Oligocene Malasan Volcanics, Oligocene to early Miocene Sintang Intrusives and Quaternary alluvium. Results of geochemical exploration and geological mapping exposed obviously that large amounts of gold-bearing quartz veins were found in the whole Tumbang Mirih areas. In many places, gold grains were megascopically detectable from panning products of stream sediments and conglomerate as Quaternary sediments. Even though no remnants of quartz veins are revealed in the most of survey area except Taran region, association of fold grains with layers of quartz pebbles and clays which correspond to the horizon of unconformity or previous river bottom indicates that the gold grains were separated from quartz veins. Along rivers often pebbles and clay layers just over or 10 to 20cm above the current waterlevel are recognized. The occurrence of gold in the conglomeratic layer was frequently confirmed during geochemical exploration. Since the conglomeratic layer was old stream sediments of Quaternary, it can be assumed that deposition of golds was controlled by shape of river floor, speed and shape of river flow, and distance from the source rock. Taran area and northern Takaoi area based on the all data are recommended as the promising areas.

Trends and Applications on Multi-beam Side Scan Sonar Sensor Technology (측면주사음탐기 센서 기술 동향 및 응용)

  • Kye, J.E.;Cho, J.I.;Yoo, W.P.;Choi, S.L.;Park, J.H.
    • Electronics and Telecommunications Trends
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.167-179
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    • 2013
  • 측면주사음탐기(side scan sonar) 센서는 해저면의 영상을 실시간으로 탐색하는 장비로서 해양탐사 및 지질조사, 해저통신 및 어초조사, 기뢰 및 잠수정 탐색 등 해양탐사와 관련한 대표적 장비라고 할 수 있다. 센서는 해저와 목표물을 표시하기 위해 소나 플랫폼의 움직임을 사용하며, 동작주파수 범위는 20kHz~500kHz이다. 이 주파수는 요구되는 깊이와 목표물의 크기에 의해서 결정된다. 센서는 수직으로 $45^{\circ}$, 수평으로 $2^{\circ}$ 정도의 신호전파 방사각도 폭을 가진다. 최근에는 해양탐사와 개발을 위해 빠른 스캔속도와 정확한 정보, 고해상도의 영상을 얻기 위해 해저면에 대한 다중빔 영상센서의 핵심기술로 활용되면서 그 활용성과 중요성이 점차 증가되고 있다. 본고에서는 측면주사소나 센서의 기본 원리 및 종류, 디중빔측면주사소나 기술동향, 응용분야의 사례를 소개함으로써, 국내 기반기술 및 상용화 개발이 취약한 측면주사 음탐기 센서에 대한 이해를 돕고자 한다.

Dipole-Dipole Array Geoelectric Survey for Gracture Zone Detection (전기비저항 탐사법을 이용한 지하 천부 파쇄대 조사)

  • Kim, Geon Yeong;Lee, Jeong Mo;Jang, Tae U
    • Journal of the Korean Geophysical Society
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.217-224
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    • 1999
  • Although faults can be found by geological surveys, the surface traces of faults are not easily discovered by traditional geological surveys due to alluvia. In and around faults and fracture zones, the electrical resistivity appears to be lower than that of the surroundings due to the content of groundwater and clay minerals. Therefore, electrical resistivity surveys are effective to search buried faults and fracture zones. The dipole-dipole array electrical resistivity surveys, which could show the two dimensional subsurface electrical resistivity structure, were carried out in two areas, Yongdang-ri, Woongsang-eup, Yangsan-si, Kyungsangnam-do and Malbang-ri, Woedong-eup, Kyungju-si, Kyungsangpook-do. The one was next to the Dongrae Fault and the other near the Ulsan Fault was close to the region in which debatable quaternary fault traces had been found recently. From each measured data set, the electrical resistivity cross-section was obtained using the inversion program the reliability of which was analyzed using analytic solutions. A low resistivity zone was found in the inverted cross-section from the Yongdang-ri area survey data, and two low resistivity zones were found in that from the Malbang-ri area survey data. They were almost vertical and were 15∼20 m wide. Accounting the shape and the very low resistivity values of those zones (<100 Ωm)in the inverted section, they were interpreted as fracture zones although they should be proven by trenching. The reliability of the interpretation might be improved by adding some more parallel resistivity survey lines and interpreting the results in 3 and/or adding other geophysical survey.

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Geostatistical Integration of Ground Survey Data and Secondary Data for Geological Thematic Mapping (지질 주제도 작성을 위한 지표 조사 자료와 부가 자료의 지구통계학적 통합)

  • Park, No-Wook;Jang, Dong-Ho;Chi, Kwang-Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.581-593
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    • 2006
  • Various geological thematic maps have been generated by interpolating sparsely sampled ground survey data and geostatistical kriging that can consider spatial correlation between neighboring data has widely been used. This paper applies multi-variate geostatistical algorithms to integrate secondary information with sparsely sampled ground survey data for geological thematic mapping. Simple kriging with local means and kriging with an external drift are applied among several multi-variate geostatistical algorithms. Two case studies for spatial mapping of groundwater level and grain size have been carried out to illustrate the effectiveness of multi-variate geostatistical algorithms. A digital elevation model and IKONOS remote sensing imagery were used as secondary information in two case studies. Two multi-variate geostatistical algorithms, which can account for both spatial correlation of neighboring data and secondary data, showed smaller prediction errors and more local variations than those of ordinary kriging and linear regression. The benefit of applying the multi-variate geostatistical algorithms, however, depends on sampling density, magnitudes of correlation between primary and secondary data, and spatial correlation of primary data. As a result, the experiment for spatial mapping of grain size in which the effects of those factors were dominant showed that the effect of using the secondary data was relatively small than the experiment for spatial mapping of groundwater level.