• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지속가능한 성장

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Effects of Value Congruence, Price Fairness, and Service Quality on Customer Performance in Social Enterprises (가치 일치성, 가격 공정성, 서비스 품질이 사회적 기업의 고객 성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Yoonjae;Kim, Byoungsoo
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.197-208
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    • 2020
  • Social enterprises are entities to pursue solving societal problems with maintaining commercial viability. In order for a social enterprise to achieve commercial viability, it must be able to provide products that consumers can satisfy, to make social enterprise trustable, and to establish a lasting relationship with customers. This study suggests that perception of value congruence, price fairness and service quality will affect customer performance such as trust, satisfaction and customer loyalty. And this structural relationship was confirmed through structural equation modelling. The empirical results show that customer trust and satisfaction can be improved when the value congruence is high and service quality is high. Meanwhile, the perception of price fairness has a negative effect on customer trust. However, considering the influence of price fairness on customer satisfaction, the total effect of price fairness on trust is not significant. This result implies that customers are less sensitive to social enterprise product prices than general companies. And customer satisfaction for the social enterprise is positively affecting trust and loyalty, and customer trust is also positively affecting customer loyalty. After the empirical analysis, this study suggests implications for social enterprises to improve customer performance and secure commercial viability.

Assessment of Energy Efficiency and Nutrient Balance in Organic Rice Farming Area (벼유기농업단지 에너지효율 및 양분수지 평가)

  • Gil, Geun-Hwan;Kang, Jong-Gook;Lee, Kyung-Do;Lee, Jang-Hee;Lee, Kyeong-Bo;Kim, Jae-Duk
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.267-273
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    • 2008
  • Energy efficiency and nutrient balance are good methods for environmental assessment of the environmentally-friendly agriculture. The objectives of this study were 1) to estimate the energy efficiency and nutrient balance of the organic rice farming, and 2) to suggest a solution to improvement the energy efficiency and nutrient balance. The set of estimation was performed at the organic rice farming area (8.9 ha) in Wanju-gun during the paddy cultivation period from 2006 to 2007. The organic farming complex consists of four weeding methods using 1) duck, 2) apple snail, 3) duck and apple snail and 4) hands and machinery. Results from this estimation should that the organic rice farming area was less efficient than conventional rice farming. The efficiency of organic farming area in 2006 was higher than in 2007. For the calculation of the nutrient balance, the N, P and K contents of input materials (cattle manure, milk vetch, mixed oilcake, rice bran, rice straw and barley straw) and output (farm products) were analysed. Annual environmental loads of N, $P_2O_5$ and $K_2O$ were estimated at 4.4 kg/10a, 13.8 kg/10a and 14.5 kg/10a, respectively. Cattle manure had the largest portion among the inputs items and nutrient concentration of cattle manure was high. Thus energy efficiency and nutrient balance depend on cattle manure input. Therefore it is necessary to control the manure input to improve the efficiency of organic rice farming.

The Development Policy of Major Port City considering Port-Port City Relationship - The Case of Gwangyang Port, Korea - (항만과 배후도시 관계를 고려한 항만중심도시의 발전방향 - 광양항을 중심으로 -)

  • Jeong, Bonghyun
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.77-97
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    • 2013
  • This paper focuses upon the relationship between port and port city. The purpose of this study is to theoretically review the relationship between port and its city, and to identify crucial policy directions for mutual development of port and the backward city in the case of Gwangyang Port (GP), Korea. The contents of this paper consist of five main sections: introduction; a concept of port-port city relationship; an analysis of the relationship between GP and its city; policy directions for GP city; conclusion. This study was mainly conducted by a literature review of the papers/reports and the analysis of secondary data. Significant policy strategies are associated with development of value-added logistics, expansion of additional port business, vitalization of port hinterlands, and establishment of port logistics clusters in terms of port economic function. Green port operation, improvements of coastal environment, establishment of port waterfronts, and conceptual port redevelopment master plan are included in the major port city development strategies in terms of sustainable development. Another major port city development strategies contain major port city master plan, institutional arrangements for port city development, specialized port city development policy, and formation of free trade port city in relation to integrated port-port city planning and management.

Eco-innovation Policies and Policy Integration : The Finnish Case (환경친화적 혁신정책과 정책통합 : 핀란드 사례)

  • Seong, Ji-Eun
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.119-144
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    • 2009
  • The integration of environmental and innovation policies is perceived to be essential in order to deal efficiently with environmental and innovation problems. This study analyzed environmental policy integration in Finnish technology policies in view of system transitions and policy integration. Finnish environment-innovation policy integration is assessed empirically by focusing on the policy strategies, implementation, and evaluation processes. Furthermore, this study compared Korea's environment-innovation policy integration with that of the Finnish experience, and drew up policy implications from the comparative study in order to come up with Korean contexts. Moreover, since green growth and eco-innovation are core issues in Korea today, it is important to ensure that system transitions and policy implementations take into account the various forms of policymaking, as well as political, organizational, and procedural activities.

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A Study on the Corporate Internal Factors Influencing the Motivation and Performance for Overseas Expansion of Korean Ventures (한국 벤처기업의 기업가정신과 기업내부상황특성이 해외진출에 미치는 영향에 관한 탐색적 연구)

  • Lim, Jae Oh;Yun, Heon Deok
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.87-100
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    • 2012
  • This study is to determine the key factors of internal situational characteristics, affecting the motivation and performance for overseas expansion of Korean venture business in global markets and to investigate the moderating effect of them on the relationship between entrepreneurship and overseas expansion. To meet the research purpose, by reviewing previous researches, we categorized internal factors into four situational factors of firm size with sales growth, firm age with main product's life cycle, overseas experience and organizational structure and into three entrepreneurship sub-categories of innovativeness, pro-activeness and risk-taking. As result of the statistical analysis of 289 small and medium-sized enterprises with Korean Venture Certificate, it is verified that the motivation for globalization has been influenced by firm size, entrepreneurship, and overseas experience. On the other hand, all factors excepting firm size have positive effects on globalization performance overseas. And, it also verified that there are positive moderating effects of internal situational factors on the relationship of entrepreneurship and the performance of globalization, wheres overseas experience only plays positive moderating effects on the relationship between entrepreneurship and the motivation of globalization. On the basis of these results, we discussed and suggested practical and political issues and implications in order to vitalize globalization of Korean SMEs in the conclusion.

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유기농 이유식 제품 제조 기술 현황과 소비 전망

  • Sin, Hyeon-Ho
    • 한국유가공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2006.06a
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    • pp.29-45
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    • 2006
  • 최근에 들어 웰빙(well-being)과 함께 로하스(LOHAS: Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability)란 개념이 급속도로 확산되고 있으며, 이를 만족하는 식품으로 친환경 농산물과 유기 가공 식품이 대두되고 있다. 여러 마케팅 조사에서도 친환경 농산물과 유기 가공 식품의 소비자 선호도는 상당히 높게 나타난다. 이러한 다양한 소비자의 요구에 맞춰 우리의 2세에게 더욱 안전하고 좋은 품질의 이유식을 제공하고 나아가 한계에 이른 '지구와 환경을 해치지 않는 지속가능 한 소비'를 유도하고자 업체들은 유기농 이유식을 개발하고 있다. 유기농 소비자 10명 가운데 7명은 최근의 웰빙 붐 때문에 유기농에 관심을 가지게 됐으며, 가격이 다소 비싸더라도 가족의 건강을 위해 친환경 농산물을 구입하는 것으로 나타났으며, 국내외를 막론하고 친환경 농산물과 유피 가공 식품의 시장 동향을 살펴보면 지속적으로 증가하고 있으나, 아직까지 일반 제품에 비해 미미한 수준이며, 국내는 인증 제도가 없으나, 유기 가공 식품표시기준에 따라 표시되고 있다. 일반적으로 이유식이라 함은 식품공전에서 영 ${\cdot}$ 유아용 곡류 조제식만을 말하지만 넓게 축산물의 조제유류, 영아용 조제식, 성장기용 조제식, 기타 영 ${\cdot}$ 유아식을 포함할 수 있으며, 유기농 이유식 제조 현황을 살펴보면 동결, 분무, 드럼 등의 건조와 퍼핑이나 Extruder를 통한 알파화로 원료를 가공하여 은 살균, 멸균, 균질, 혼합, 건조, 냉각, 포장 등의 다양한 공정으로 이루어진 분무건조나 유동층이나 연속식 과립기를 사용하여 분말이나 입자형 이유식을 생산하며, 동결 건조를 하여 열수를 가해 죽 상태로 먹을 수 있도록 한 제품, 데워서 떠 먹일 수 있도록 병조림이나 레토르트 유동식 제품, 바로 마실 수 있는 쥬스류, 두유류, 과자 등으로 생산하고 있다. 주된 메이저4사는 일동후디스, 남양유업, 매일유업, 파스퇴르유업으로 다양한 제품들을 생산하고 있으며, 두유를 위주로 한 정식품, 연세우유와 종근당건강, 다양한 다국적 기업들의 제품이 수입되고 있는 실정이다. 이유식 시장도 96년 하반기부터 정체를 보이는 상태다. 2002년도 이유식 시장은 약 1,300억원 규모로 업체들의 고가 신제품과 유기농 이유식 출시로 판매 금액은 소폭 상승하였으나 판매 수량은 큰 변동이 없다. 저출산에 따른 양육비 집중과 유기농 제품에 대한 저변이 크게 확산돼 베이비 웰빙은 어느 정도 예견된 일이거니와 이미 미국 등 선진국에선 유아에 그치지 않고 아동까지 유기농과 고급 원료를 사용한 고가의 웰빙 제품이 봇물을 이루고 있는 상황이어서 유아식 시장은 어느 때보다 경쟁이 치열할 것이며, 국내 식품 업체들이 너도나도 유기농 제품과 매장사업에 뛰어들고 있다. 유기 가공 식품의 지속적인 발전을 위해서 (1) 국내산/수입산 공통으로 인증 제도가 도입되고 원료 농산물뿐만 아니라, 모든 공정이나 공장에 대한 종합적 관리와 동일한 인증 표시가 이루어져야 한다. (2) 정부 부처의 이기를 타파할 수 있는 법정부적 기구나 대책이 필요하다. (3) 유기 가공 식품을 취급하는 업계에서는 기존 3%의 비의도적 혼입치의 고려나 상한선 재설정을 요구하고 진정한 유기 가공 식품으로 공정 경쟁한다. (4) 활발한 인증심사원의 교육과 배출로 인증이나 심사기관의 민간 이양을 적극 장려하고 국가관 상호 신뢰를 구축한다. (5) 각 소비자 단체나 소비자는 환경을 살리고 생명체의 공생이라는 관점에서 최선의 길이 유기농 제품임을 인식하고 소비하여 우리의 다음 세대에게서 빌려온 소중한 환경을 물려준다.

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Classification of Multi-modal Transfer Center Considering the Regional and Functional Characteristics (지역 및 기능적 특성을 고려한 복합환승시설 유형분류)

  • Kim, Tae-Gyun;Lee, Sam-Su;Byun, Wan-Hee
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.89-98
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    • 2013
  • In recent years, it was recognized that aurban policy paradigm of sustainable urban growth management and transportation policies have been shifted : from the era of automobile-oriented policy to the era of public transport policy. Against this backdrop, the introduction of the multi-modal transfer center is very consequential. Therefore, it is necessary for the introduction of wide-area and local-centric transfer facilities, as well as the center of the country-led national backbone transfer center. This study was applicable at the multi-modal transfer center plans to introduce guidelines to provide transit facilities, considering the regional and functional characteristics to classify the types of multi-modal transfer center. The final types of multi-modal transfer center were classified into six, and by considering the combination of the criteria to be classified. The multi-modal transfer center type classification based on the case analysis of the types of facilities at domestic and abroad. If the data of multi-modal transfer are accumulated continuously, can expect a more reliable type classification.

The Function or Urban River and Sustainable Regional Development : The Case of Kumho River (도시하천과 지속가능한 지역 발전 : 금호강을 중심으로)

  • Choi, Byung-Doo
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.757-774
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    • 2004
  • This paper is to reclassify systematically the functions of urban river: that is, water supply, land management, transportation and energy source as social and economic function; formation of geomorphic surface, water-side landscape, community constitution and boundary and separation between regions as spatial function; and drainage of waste water, purification, habitation, and weather regulation as ecological function. On the basis of this reclassification, it can be argued that the socio-economic functions (eg. water supply) of the river among the functions of the river have been strongly mobilized in the process of modernization, while the spatial function and ecological function of urban river have been ignored. The Kumho river which flows through Daegu and the adjacent area has made a great contribution to the modem development process of the river basin area, but as a result of a selective development of a specific function of the river, that is the social and economic function, it now suffers from the lack of instream flow and is deprived of its original functions with the water pollution and degradation. Moreover the Daegu region seems no longer possible to develop on the dependence of the river. In order to overcome this kind of social and environmental crisis, this paper is to suggest both some principles and main evaluating indicators to restore the original and comprehensive functions of the river, and important measures to make the co-evolution of the city and the river possible.

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A Study on the Life-Cycle Assessment and the Case Study for the Environmental Management (환경경영을 위한 전과정평가(LCA)의 고찰 및 사례 연구)

  • Lim, Jae-Hwa;Lee, Seok-Jun
    • Korean Business Review
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.59-79
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    • 2005
  • recently, world is progressing large quantity consumption with continuous Innovation and economic growth and pollution is accelerated at these process. Increase of industry activity and service that is point of corporation activity is discharging environmental pollutants at whole process to manufacture of end product and exhaust process from acquisition of raw material for accompanied product production hereupon. At the same time, being promoting resources consumption by that use much raw material, As a result, is becoming obstacle factors in sustainable development. So, corporation's responsibility for environmental protection is emphasized. Corporation which must prepare in green round or environmental problems should consider environmental effects that is happened over whole life of products that include waste treatment after raw material acquisition and use as well as selling end product simply. A Life Cycle Assessment techniques is normalized and standardized in International Standard Organization for technical committee 207(TC 207) world widely, and effort to apply in corporation's activity because mastering LCA techniques in domestic several corporations is undergone actively. Coming into effect of Kyoto's Protocol and International Organization for Standard 14000 series revision are presenting new survival principle in competition between country or corporation. LCA technique may become very useful means to corporation which wish to attempt environment management in real condition that awareness for environment is important. Also, An LCA to each product is going to cause big effects in corporation's whole image as well as competitive power raising for single product. Therefore, this research wishes to examine some instances for the future competitive product development at the estimation of environmental friendliness using LCA techniques and more theoretical considerations of the LCA techniques that can dominate corporation's fate.

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A Study on the Successful Factors of Customer Relationship Management(CRM) Implementation for Customer Satisfaction in Dental Clinic (치과의원에서 고객만족을 위한 고객관계관리(CRM) 실행의 성공요인에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Jun-Seon
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.61-73
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    • 2004
  • In this study, I have analyzed domestic dental clinics which had introduced CRM for customer satisfaction management. The purpose of this study is to provide information for designing efficient CRM. I would suggest some strategies to carry out CRM as followed. First, promote long-term relationship with customers. Second, select a target patient group and classify customers. Third, set a systematic database up. Fourth, make various channels to communicate with customers. In addition, the following ways are essential to be successful in implementing CRM. First, strengthen the service provided at the Moment of Truth (MOT). Second, organize learning in hospital and all the staff should be customer-oriented. Third, perform systematic "internal marketing".

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