• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지리적 요소

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Selecting the Geographical Optimal Safety Site for Offshore Wind Farms to Reduce the Risk of Coastal Disasters in the Southwest Coast of South Korea (국내 서남해권 연안재해 리스크 저감을 위한 지리적 해상풍력단지 최적 입지 안전구역 선정 연구)

  • Kim, Jun-Gho;Ryu, Geon-Hwa;Kim, Young-Gon;Kim, Sang-Man;Moon, Chae-Joo
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.1003-1012
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    • 2022
  • The horizontal force transfer to the turbine and substructure of a wind power generation system is a very important factor in maintaining the safety of the system, but it is inevitably vulnerable to large-scale coastal disasters such as earthquakes and typhoons. Wind power generation systems built on the coast or far offshore are very disadvantageous in terms of economic feasibility due to an increase in initial investment cost because a more robust design is required when installed in areas vulnerable to coastal disasters. In this study, the GIS method was used to select the optimal site for a wind farm from the viewpoint of reducing the risk of coastal disasters. The current status of earthquakes in the West and South Seas of Korea, and the path and intensity of typhoons affecting or passing through the West and South Seas were also analyzed. Accordingly, the optimal offshore wind farm site with the lowest risk of coastal disasters has been selected and will be used as basic research data for offshore wind power projects in the region in the future.

A Study on Generating Public Library Service Areas Considering User Access Patterns (이용자의 접근 패턴을 고려한 공공도서관 서비스 영역 생성 연구)

  • Woojin Kang;Jongwook Lee
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.89-107
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    • 2023
  • Public libraries should plan and provide services that satisfy various needs of the local community users. In order to understand library users, it is essential first to grasp the service areas of libraries. The current service areas of public libraries are primarily set based on administrative boundaries of the areas where the libraries are located, which limits the consideration of actual user access patterns to the libraries. In this study, we aim to create service areas that incorporate the transportation and geographical characteristics of the library's surroundings and reflect the access patterns of library users. Specifically, we utilized street network data from 502 libraries in 7 metropolitan cities to determine the travel distance and time from user locations, considering gradients, to the libraries. Subsequently, we applied the shortest path algorithm to generate service areas within a 30-minute walking or driving range. As a result, we confirmed that there are differences in the service area patterns of libraries depending on topographical factors, and this better reflects the realistic conditions of library access compared to service areas based on straight-line distances. This method of generating service areas contributes to a more accurate understanding of library users' numbers, characteristics, and needs.

Comparative Study on Waste Collection Factor in Jeju (제주도의 폐기물 수거요소 분석에 관한 비교 연구)

  • Kang, Hyun Choon;Kim, Tae Yoon;Yu, Seong Pil;Kang, Jin Young;Huh, Mock
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.103-109
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    • 2009
  • Analysis of collection factor was studied to compare various parameters such as collection time, transport time, amount of collection and number of man power by on-the-spot survey at one municipal area and one rural area in Jeju-do. Results showed that the amount of man and time to collect 1 ton of waste of rural area($5.853man{\cdot}hour\;per\;time$) was four times as much as that of municipal area($1.527man{\cdot}hour\;per\;time$). In case of a transport time, rural area(11.08 per km/hr) has similar value to municipal area(11.07 per km/hr) and has half or one third value to the restaurant(36.7km/hr), an apartment area(33.0km/hr) and a detached area(22.4km/hr).

The Weather Representativeness in Korea Established by the Information Theory (정보이론에 의한 한국의 일기대표성 설정)

  • Park, Hyun-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.49-73
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    • 1996
  • This study produces quantitatively weather entropy and information ratio using information theory about frequency in the appearance of precipitation phenomenon and monthly change, and then applies them to observation of the change of their space scale by time. As a result of these, this study defines Pusan, Chongju and Kwangju's weather representativeness and then establishes the range of weather representativeness. Based on weather entropy (statistical parameter)-the amount of average weather information-and information ratio, we can define each area's weather representativeness, which can show us more constant form included topographical, geographical factors and season change. The data used for this study are the daily precipitotion and cloudiness during the recent five years($1990{\sim}1994$) at the 69 stations in Korea. It is divided into class of no precipitation, that of precipitation. The results of this study can be summarized as follows: (1) The four season's mean value of information ratio is the highest value. as 0.641, on the basis of Chongju. It is the lowest as 0.572, on the basis of Pusan. On a seasonal basis, the highest mean value of information rate is April's (spring) in Chongju, and the lowest is October's(fall) in Pusan. Accordingly weather representativeness has the highest in Chongju and the lowest in Pusan. (2) To synthesize information ratio of decaying tendancy and half-decay distance, Chonju's weather representativeness has the highest in April, July and October. And kwangju has the highest value in January and the lowest in April and July. Pusan's weather representativeness is not high, that of Pusan's October is the lowest in the year. (3) If we establish the weather representative character on the basis of Chongju-Pusan, the domain of Chongju area is larger than that of Pusan area in October, July and April in order. But Pusan's is larger than Chongju's in January. In the case of Chongju and Kwangju, the domain of Chongju area is larger than that of Kwangju in October, July and April in order, but it is less than that of Kwangju area in January. In the case of Kwangju-Pusan, the domain of Kwangju is larger than that of Pusan in October, July in order. But in April it is less than Pusan's.

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Typological Characteristics of Waterscape Elements from the Chapter 「Sancheon」 of the Volumes Gyeongsang-province in 『Sinjeung Donggukyeojiseungram』 (『신증동국여지승람』의 경상도편 「산천(山川)」 항목에 수록된 수경(水景) 요소의 특징)

  • Lim, Eui-Je;So, Hyun-Su
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2016
  • This study aims at the consideration of the usages of traditional waterscape elements, which are difficult to define their concepts and their differences and it has been proceeded mainly with analysis of literature. It elicited various waterscape types by extracting the place names associated with the watersacpe elements from the chapter "Sancheon" of the volumes Gyeongsang-province in "Sinjeung Donggukyeojiseungram", which is a government-compiled geography book in the early period of Joseon Dynasty, and drew the features of each waterscape element by interpreting the dictionary definition and the original text and studying the similar examples. The results of study are drawn as follows. 1. The chapter "Sancheon" includes 22 types of waterscape elements and they are classified by means of locations and water-flow forms: River Landscape, Lake & Pond Landscape, Coast landscape. 2. River landscape maintaining constant natural water-flow constitutes the linear type, related to the class of stream, which includes 'Su(water)', 'Gang(river)', 'Cheon(stream)' and 'Gye(brook)' and the dotty type, created by the nature of trenched meander rivers, which includes 'Tan(beach)', 'Roe(rapids)', 'Pok(waterfall)' and 'Jeo(sandbank)'. 3. Lake & Pond Landscape forming water collected in a certain area constitutes 'Ho(lake)', which is a broad and calm spot created around mid and down stream of river, 'Yeon(pool)', 'Dam(pond)', 'Chu(small pond)', which are naturally created on the water path around mid and down stream of river, 'Ji(pond)', 'Dang(pond)', 'Taek(swamp)', which is collected on a flatland and 'Cheon(spring)', 'Jeong(spring)' which means gushing out naturally. 4. Coast Landscape includes 'Ryang', 'Hang', which are the space between land and an island or islands, 'Got(headland)' which sticks out from the coast into the sea, 'Jeong(sandbank)' which forms sandy beaches and 'Do' which shows high appearance frequency by reflecting the geographical importance of islands. This study comprehended the diversity of traditional waterscape elements and drew the fact that they are the concept reflecting the differentiated locational, scenic and functional features. That way, it understood the aesthetic sense on nature, which ancestors had formed with the interests in natural landscape and the keen observation on it, became the basic idea elucidating the characteristic on Korean traditional gardens, which minimize the artificiality and make nature the subject.

Taxonomic Revision of Variation in Skull Morphology of Siberian Roe Deer (Capreolus pygargus, Pallas, 1771) in South Korea (머리뼈 형태학적 특성을 이용한 한국산 노루의 분류학적 고찰)

  • Park, Yong-Su;Cha, Jin-Yeol;Kim, Nam-Shin
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.39-47
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    • 2016
  • Recently, it has been reported that morphologically and genetically different two Siberian roe deer (Capreolus pygargus, Pallas, 1771), in Mainland and in Jeju island. Until now, this roe deer has not been clearly taxonomy of Siberian roe deer in Korean peninsula. So, the aim of this study was to compare the skull morphometrics of mainland and Jeju roe deer to obtain more information on the species status of C. pygargus and study the distribution of roe deer subspecies in this region. A total of 50 skulls of adult roe deer was compared and analyzed. The maximum skull length, condylo-basal length, basilar length, maximum skull width, cheek-bone width, interorbital width, rostrum length, length of upper tooth row from the Siberian roe deer in Jeju island were significantly smaller than those of the deer in mainland. Length of the skull was the principal factor of interpopulational variability in roe deer. Variation was not distributed along latitude, longitude, or elevation, but those factors did influence the variation through effects on primary production, which in turn caused isolated differences in skull morphology apparently related to types of forage selected by roe deer in various geographic areas. According to the analysis results of the skull characters, Mainland roe deer was more similar to C. p. tianschanicus which is a subspecies of Siberian roe deer. In addition, Jeju roe deer showed distinct differences compared to European roe deer, 3 subspecies of Siberian roe deer, so it appeared that they could be a unique native species inhabited only in Jeju Island. Because Siberian roe deer in Jeju Island can be classified at subspecies level in this study.

A Study on the expression and reader cognition of a Comics character (만화캐릭터의 표정과 독자 인지에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Jang-Won
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2006.11a
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    • pp.227-231
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    • 2006
  • As for comics and animation, the specific gravity came to become still larger in all the art fields together with the importance in various image media now which is useful and goes the time of the 21st century new media. Especially the demand of users to the vision culture which develops day by day, Sensitivity Engineering Department is trying to realize the necessity for a sensitivity design acutely together. The influence of the comics which have toxicity most also in Japanese culture in a geographical position like South Korea on it, and animation is the actual condition in the reason which has reached from youth universally to the layer for years, to be inquired systematic to a Korean comics language. This reserch was conducted as we thought sufficient study on various situations are required, and among them, for the reserch of expressions of cartoons's characters, we've divided the expressions of characters that comes out in Japanese cartoons into catagories of "happiness, anger, sadness, pleasure" and "fear, astonishment and dislike" and based on these catagories, we've drawn out the minimum elements to express emotions in cartoon and prepared image-map by relating them with languages that express emotions of people and based on this, we've made a calculating tools on how our readers would read the expression languages. Samples of Japanese cartoons of which we've chosen for the purpose of drawing out the elements of expressions were limited to only published cartoons and we've made a foot steps for expression analysis of animation characters in the future.

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The Study on the Development of Analysis and Management System for Traffic Accident Spatial DB (교통사고 공간 DB관리 및 분석 시스템 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Yu Ji Yeon;Jeon Jae Yong;Jeon Hyeong Seob;Cho Gi Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.345-352
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    • 2005
  • In up-to-date information anger time it is caused by with business of traffic accident control and analysis and two time it accomplishes a business. National Police Office which controls a traffic accident does not execute an up-to-date technique. And, it is working yet by the hand, There is to traffic accident analysis and the research regarding the analysis against the research which it follows in geography element and composition element and an accident cause is weak. Consequently, effectively establishment and it enforces a traffic safety policy and from the hazard which it evaluates traffic accident data the system and scientific analysis against a traffic accident occurrence cause and a feature in basic must become accomplished. The research which it sees constructs a traffic accident data in GIS base. It is like that, it uses the PDA where is not the collection of data of text form in existing and at real-time it converts store and an accident data rightly in standard traffic accident data form and it will be able to manage. It was related with a space data peculiarity and the research regarding the system development with the geography analysis data about an accident cause under manifesting it accomplished.

A Modern Geomorphological Explanation and Practical Use of TAENGNIGI (택리지의 현대지형학적 해석과 실용화 방안)

  • Jeon, Young-Gweon
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.256-269
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    • 2002
  • This paper is the first geomorphological research on TAENGNIGI which is famous for old geography book in Korea. The purpose of this paper is to explain TAENGNIGI in modem geomorphological viewpoint and then, lay the foundation for establising Korean style geomorphological terms. It also analyzes TAENGNIGI from Lee, Jung-Hwan(the authority of TAENGNIGI's geomorphological viewpoint. The main results are summarized as follows. Firstly, It is estimated that TAENGNIGI is a geography book including human and physical geography. Secondly, in spite of Lee, Jung-Hwan's some metaphysical explanation of feng-shui in TAENGNIGI. his geomorphological appreciative eye is excellent. Thirdly, it is possible that a Korean style geomorphological term will be established based upon the result of this paper on TAENGNIGI. Fourthly, Lee, Jung-Hwan indicted geography(地理), profit(生利), human nature(人心), landscape(山水) as factors in selecting of people's dwelling place(可居地) and he described that geography(mainly physical geography) was mostly important among the four factors mentioned in selecting of people's dwelling place. Especially he also mentioned that good landscapes have a favorable influence upon the forming of people's character.

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Generalization by LoD and Coordinate Transformation in On-the-demand Web Mapping (웹환경에서 LoD와 좌표변형에 의한 지도일반화)

  • Kim, Nam-Shin
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.307-315
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of map generalization is a method of map making to transmit the concise cartographic representation and geographic meaning. New generalization algorithm has been developed to be applied in the digital environments by the development of computer cartography. This study aims to look into possibilities of the multiscale mapping by generalization in application with the coordinate transformation and LoD(level of detail) in the web cartography. A method of the coordinate transformation is to improve a transmission of spatial data. Lod is a method which is making web map with selection spatial data by zoom level of users. Layers for test constructed contour line, stream network, the name of a place, a summit of mountain, and administrative office. The generalization was applied to zoom levels by scale for the linear and polygonal features using XML-Based scalable vector graphics(SVG). Resultantly, storage capacity of data was minimized 41% from 9.76mb to 4.08mb in SVG. Generalization of LoD was applied to map elements by stages of the zoom level. In the first stages of zoom level, the main name of places and administrative office, higher order of stream channels, main summit of mountain was represented, and become increase numbers of map elements in the higher levels. Results of this study can help to improve esthetic map and data minimization in web cartography, and also need to make an efforts to research an algorithm on the map generalization over the web.

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