• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지리공간 정보

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A Study on the Development of GIS based Integrated Information System for Water Quality Management of Yeongsan River Estuary (영산강 하구역 수질환경 관리를 위한 GIS기반 통합정보시스템 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sung Joo;Kim, Kye Hyun;Park, Young Gil;Lee, Geon Hwi;Yoo, Jea Hyun
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.73-83
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    • 2014
  • The government has recently carried out monitoring to attain a better understanding of the current situation and model for prediction of future events pertaining to water quality in the estuarine area of Yeongsan River. But many users have noted difficulties to understand and utilize the results because most monitoring and model data consist of figures and text. The aim of this study is to develop a GIS-based integrated information system to support the understanding of the current situation and prediction of future events about water quality in the estuarine area of Yeongsan River. To achieve this, a monitoring DB is assembled, a linkages model is defined, a GUI is composed, and the system development environment and system composition are defined. The monitoring data consisted of observation data from 2010 ~ 2012 in the estuarine area of Yeongsan River. The models used in the study are HSPF (Hydrological Simulation Program-Fortran) for simulation of the basin and EFDC (Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code) for simulation of the estuary and river. Ultimately, a GIS based system was presented for utilization and expression using monitoring and model data. The system supports prediction of the estuarine area ecological environment quantitatively and displays document type model simulation results in a map-based environment to enhance the user's spatial understanding. In future study, the system will be updated to include a decision making support system that is capable of handling estuary environment issues and support environmental assessment and development of related policies.

Urban Nonpoint Source Pollution Assessment Using A Geographical Information System (GIS를 이용한 도심지 Nonpoint Source 오염 물질의 평가연구)

  • ;Stephen J. Ventura;Paul M. Harris;Peter G. Thum;Jeffrey Prey
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.39-53
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    • 1993
  • A geographical information systems(GIS) was a useful aid in the assessment of urban nonpoint source pollution and the development of a pollution control strategy. The GIS was used for data integration and display, and to provide data for a nonpoint source model. An empirical nonpoint source loading model driven by land use was used to estimate pollutant loadings of priority pollutant. Pollutant loadings were estimated at fine spatial resolution and aggregated to storm sewer drainage basins(sewershedsl. Eleven sewersheds were generated from digital versions of sewer maps. The pollutant loadings of individual land use polygons, derived as the unit of analysis from street blocks, were aggregated to get total pollutant loading within each sewershed. Based on the model output, a critical sewershed was located. Pollutant loadings at major sewer junctions within the critical sewershed were estimated to develop a mi t igat ion strategy. Two approaches based on the installat ion of wet ponds were investigated -- a regional approach using one large wet pond at the major sewer outfall and a multi-site approach using a number of smaller sites for each major sewer junction. Cost analysis showed that the regional approach would be more cost effective, though it would provide less pollution control.

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Precise Height Determination in Mountainous Areas of South Korea (우리나라 산악지에서의 정밀표고 결정)

  • Lee, Suk-Bae;Auh, Su-Chang
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.99-108
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to determine the precise height in mountainous areas of South Korea and Jiri mountain area was selected as a test bed for the study. Gravity observation and GNSS surveying were performed for 44 BM(Benchmark) points in the test bed and calculate the height and the height correction. In the calculation, the dynamic correction amount, the orthometric correction amount and the normal correction amount were calculated, and the dynamic height and orthometric height and the normal height were calculated considering each correction amount. The results showed that the difference between normal gravity and observed gravity and also the difference between orthometric correction and the normal correction. In addition, the results of the comparison of the present official BM height and the computed orthometric height in this study show that Korean height system should be shifted from the normal orthometric height system to the orthometric height system. Because the difference between the orthometric correction and the normal correction within the test bed indicated a distribution of at a minimum of -234.41 mm up to 196.925 mm, and the difference between the present official BM height and the calculated orthometric height were distributed from -0.121m to 0.011 m.

Monitoring of Atmospheric Aerosol using GMS-5 Satellite Remote Sensing Data (GMS-5 인공위성 원격탐사 자료를 이용한 대기 에어러솔 모니터링)

  • Lee, Kwon Ho;Kim, Jeong Eun;Kim, Young Jun;Suh, Aesuk;Ahn, Myung Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2002
  • Atmospheric aerosols interact with sunlight and affect the global radiation balance that can cause climate change through direct and indirect radiative forcing. Because of the spatial and temporal uncertainty of aerosols in atmosphere, aerosol characteristics are not considered through GCMs (General Circulation Model). Therefor it is important physical and optical characteristics should be evaluated to assess climate change and radiative effect by atmospheric aerosols. In this study GMS-5 satellite data and surface measurement data were analyzed using a radiative transfer model for the Yellow Sand event of April 7~8, 2000 in order to investigate the atmospheric radiative effects of Yellow Sand aerosols, MODTRAN3 simulation results enable to inform the relation between satellite channel albedo and aerosol optical thickness(AOT). From this relation AOT was retreived from GMS-5 visible channel. The variance observations of satellite images enable remote sensing of the Yellow Sand particles. Back trajectory analysis was performed to track the air mass from the Gobi desert passing through Korean peninsular with high AOT value measured by ground based measurement. The comparison GMS-5 AOT to ground measured RSR aerosol optical depth(AOD) show that for Yellow Sand aerosols, the albedo measured over ocean surfaces can be used to obtain the aerosol optical thickness using appropriate aerosol model within an error of about 10%. In addition, LIDAR network measurements and backward trajectory model showed characteristics and appearance of Yellow Sand during Yellow Sand events. These data will be good supporting for monitoring of Yellow Sand aerosols.

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An Quantitative Analysis of Severity Classification and Burn Severity for the Large Forest Fire Areas using Normalized Burn Ratio of Landsat Imagery (Landsat 영상으로부터 정규탄화지수 추출과 산불피해지역 및 피해강도의 정량적 분석)

  • Won, Myoung-Soo;Koo, Kyo-Sang;Lee, Myung-Bo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.80-92
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    • 2007
  • Forest fire is the dominant large-scale disturbance mechanism in the Korean temperate forest, and it strongly influences forest structure and function. Moreover burn severity incorporates both short- and long-term post-fire effects on the local and regional environment. Burn severity is defined by the degree to which an ecosystem has changed owing to the fire. Vegetation rehabilitation may specifically vary according to burn severity after fire. To understand burn severity and process of vegetation rehabilitation at the damaged area after large-fire is required a lot of man powers and budgets. However the analysis of burn severity in the forest area using satellite imagery can acquire rapidly information and more objective results remotely in the large-fire area. Space and airbone sensors have been used to map area burned, assess characteristics of active fires, and characterize post-fire ecological effects. For classifying fire damaged area and analyzing burn severity of Samcheok fire area occurred in 2000, Cheongyang fire in 2002, and Yangyang fire in 2005 we utilized Normalized Burn Ratio(NBR) technique. The NBR is temporally differenced between pre- and post-fire datasets to determine the extent and degree of change detected from burning. In this paper we use pre- and post-fire imagery from the Landsat TM and ETM+ imagery to compute the NBR and evaluate large-scale patterns of burn severity at 30m spatial resolution. 65% in the Samcheok fire area, 91% in the Cheongyang fire area and 65% in the Yangyang fire area were corresponded to burn severity class above 'High'. Therefore the use of a remotely sensed Differenced Normalized Burn Ratio(${\Delta}NBR$) by RS and GIS allows for the burn severity to be quantified spatially by mapping damaged domain and burn severity across large-fire area.

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Associations between Characteristics of Green Spaces, Physical Activity and Health - Focusing on the Case Study of Changwon City - (공원녹지의 특성과 신체활동 및 건강의 상호관련성 - 창원시를 대상으로 -)

  • Baek, Su-Kyeongq;Park, Kyung-Hun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2014
  • Urban Green space takes charge of the important role for the physical activity and promotion of health to the residents. Therefore, this study is trying to examine the relationship between the various characteristics of green space and green space usage for physical activity and health promotion. A questionnaire survey was conducted to obtain the information about patterns of green space usage and perceived neighborhood environments for the residents living in Changwon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do(n=541). Geographic Information System(GIS) was used to construct spatial data about green space accessibility and physical neighborhood environments. A Multiple Linear Regression model was used to examine the association between the characteristics of green space and physical activity, perceived health status and BMI(Body Mass Index). The study results revealed that the residents' physical activities are positively and directly influenced by the number of available public parks and green spaces in the vicinity(${\leq}200m$). The frequency at which residents witness others exercising nearby or the perceived abundance of low-cost gym facilities also factor as positive influences. The closer to the park, the higher the number of parks and area of green spaces, the more comfortable the walk thereto and the denser the neighboring residential area distribution, the perceived health level was found to be the more positively influenced. Further, it was verified that BMI is correlated with the number of public parks and green spaces within 400 m of the resident's home as well as the safety of walkways, the density of neighboring residential areas, the ratio of road, and the density of crosswalk. The significant multiple regression models between the characteristics of green spaces and physical activities and perceived health level were extracted within the significance level of 10%. This study will contribute to provide better understanding the ways in which green space and neighborhood characteristics are associated with physical activity and health. The result of this research will be available in the landscape architecture plan aimed at improving the use of green space for physical activity and reducing obesity.

Land Cover Classification of Coastal Area by SAM from Airborne Hyperspectral Images (항공 초분광 영상으로부터 연안지역의 SAM 토지피복분류)

  • LEE, Jin-Duk;BANG, Kon-Joon;KIM, Hyun-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.35-45
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    • 2018
  • Image data collected by an airborne hyperspectral camera system have a great usability in coastal line mapping, detection of facilities composed of specific materials, detailed land use analysis, change monitoring and so forh in a complex coastal area because the system provides almost complete spectral and spatial information for each image pixel of tens to hundreds of spectral bands. A few approaches after classifying by a few approaches based on SAM(Spectral Angle Mapper) supervised classification were applied for extracting optimal land cover information from hyperspectral images acquired by CASI-1500 airborne hyperspectral camera on the object of a coastal area which includes both land and sea water areas. We applied three different approaches, that is to say firstly the classification approach of combined land and sea areas, secondly the reclassification approach after decompostion of land and sea areas from classification result of combined land and sea areas, and thirdly the land area-only classification approach using atmospheric correction images and compared classification results and accuracies. Land cover classification was conducted respectively by selecting not only four band images with the same wavelength range as IKONOS, QuickBird, KOMPSAT and GeoEye satelllite images but also eight band images with the same wavelength range as WorldView-2 from 48 band hyperspectral images and then compared with the classification result conducted with all of 48 band images. As a result, the reclassification approach after decompostion of land and sea areas from classification result of combined land and sea areas is more effective than classification approach of combined land and sea areas. It is showed the bigger the number of bands, the higher accuracy and reliability in the reclassification approach referred above. The results of higher spectral resolution showed asphalt or concrete roads was able to be classified more accurately.

Comparison of Methodology and Accuracy of Digital Mapping of Forest Roads (수치임도망도 제작방법 및 정확도 비교)

  • Kim Tae-Geun;Yoon Jong-Suk;Woo Choong-Shik;Lee Kyu-Sung;Hong Chang-Hee
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.13 no.3 s.34
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    • pp.195-209
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    • 2005
  • Forest road has been an essential infrastructure for various forestry practices as well as for recreational use, disaster management, and local economics promotion. Since 1980s, extensive network of forest roads has been constructed as an national project in Korea. However, due to the minimal-budget of the project, accurate maps of forest road are not usually available. Although forest road map is a main thematic layer for the forest Geographic Information System (FGIS), its locational accuracy has not been sufficient for the practical applications and, therefore, the update of digital forest road maps is urgent. The objectives of this study is to compare ae methodology of generating and updating digital forest road maps from the aspects of the map accuracy and the efficiency of methods. Four mapping methods (GPS surveying, satellite imagery, ortho aerial photograph, and digital photogrammetry) were applied to generate the forest road maps over the study area of Mt. Oseo in Chungchungnam-do, which has a 35km forest roads distributed in national, public and private forests. The forest road Imp produced by digital photogrammetric method is the most accurate and comparable to GPS surveying although it required the greatest amount of labor time.

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Youth Unemployment and Labor Policy in Contemporary Japan (일본 노동시장의 변화와 정책대응)

  • Hiroo, Kamiya
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.396-409
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, first I try to sketch the changing Japanese labor market after 1990s, and then examine the so-called "Job $Caf{\acute{e}}$ program" in detail, which was initiated in 2004 by central and local governments to help young people fine suitable jobs, and finally investigate the possible direction for future labor policy as an important tool for revitalize the local economy. Latter half of 1990s witnessed the high unemployment rate among the population aged twenties in Japan, and the number of 'shinsotsu-mugyo', i.e. population not at work after completing high school or university, NEET (not in employment, education or training) and 'freeters' have grown rapidly. "Job $Caf{\acute{e}}$ program" was initiated as a public response to the increased youth unemployment, aiming at assisting young people's transition from education to career. In the Job $Caf{\acute{e}}$ program, job information service by MHLW, information service for high school students and university students by MEXT, placement service of career internship by METI are integrated into one service, and are provided by local government initiative, therefore named as "one stop service of employment". Although it is highly appreciated for one stop service, the Job cafe program has criticized for paying too much attention to the performance of projects, such as the number of users, and the number of successful job matching. At the final section of the paper, more practical spatial unit for executing effective regional plan on local employment and more empirical research on job search behavior are discussed.

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Evaluating the Performance of a Polygon based Approach to Represent Apartment Complexes in a GIS based Hedonic Housing Price Analysis

  • Sohn, Chul
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.489-497
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    • 2008
  • Currently, GIS has been widely used in the hedonic analyses of urban apartment housing markets in Korea. In those analyses, the apartment complexes are typically represented as the points or the polygons on the GIS maps and the location variables of the analyses are measured based on the points or the polygons. In this study, the relative performance of the point based approach and the polygon based approach in a GIS based hedonic analysis was compared using the apartment housing market data from the north eastern part of the city of Seoul and Davidson and MacKinnon Test. The results from this study indicate two things. First, two approaches can produce substantially different results in a hedonic price model estimation. Second, the polygon based approach produces a hedonic price model which explains the price variations better than the point based approach. These findings suggest that Korean researchers who are interested in improving quality of hedonic price model estimations and use GIS to measure the location variables for hedonic price models should consider using the polygon based approach with the point based approach. This is because the polygon based approach can produce the location variables with the shortest straight line distances and can explain the housing price variations well.

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