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Fortschritte in der Diagnostik von $Eisenstoffwechselst\ddot{o}rungen$ (철대사장애(鐵代謝障碍)의 진단(診斷)에 관(關)한 최근동향(最近勳向))

  • Keiderling, Walter
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 1970
  • 철대사(鐵代謝)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)는 과거(過去) 30년(年)동안 새로운 검사방법(檢査方法)의 도입(導入)으로 눈부신 발전(發展)을이룩하였다. 1937년(年) Heilmeyer 등(等)에 의(依)하여 Ortho-phenanthrolin방법(方法)의 개발(開發)로 저색소성빈혈(低色素性貧血)의 원인(原因)이 구명(究明)되고 또한 이에 대(對)한 치료(治療)의 원칙(原則)이 세워졌다. 그 후 심(甚)한 감염(感染)이나 악성종양(惡性腫瘍)을 가진 환자(患者)者에서 관찰(觀察)되는 빈혈(貧血)에 대(對)해서 하나의 가설(假說)을 세워 이를 설명(說明)하려 하였는데 이는 곧 혈장(血漿)으로부터 철분(鐵分)이 신속(迅速)히 소실(消失)되어 망내계(網內系)나 병변(病變)이 있는 국소부위(局所部位)에 주(主)로 모여 들어 특수(特殊)한 방어기능(防禦機能)을 발휘(發揮)한다는것으로 연자(演者)는 방사성동위원소(放射性同位元素)를 이용(利用)하여 이 가설(假說)을 증명(證明)하였으며 이 연구(硏究)에는 또한 이문호교수(李文鎬敎授)가 Freiburg대학(大學) 유학중(留學中) 참여(參與)한 바 있다. 철대사(鐵代謝)를 파악(把握)하기 위(爲)해서 $^{59}Fe$가 흔히 사용(使用)되는데 이러한 방사성동위원소(放射性同位元素)를 이용(利用)함으로서 다음 사항(事項)들을 관찰(觀察)할 수 있었다. 즉(卽) 1. 소화장기(消化臟器)로 부터의 철흡수(鐵吸收) 2. 혈장(血漿)에서의 철(鐵)의 소실속도(消失速度) 3. 혈장내(血漿內)에서의 철교체율(鐵交替率) 4. 적혈구(赤血球)의 철이용(鐵利用) 5. 생체내(生體內)의 철분포(鐵分布) 6. 철배설(鐵排泄)의 정량적(定量的) 분석(分析) 또한 근년(近年)에는 특수(特殊)한 기능(機能)을 발휘(發揮)할 수 있는 동위원소(同位元素)를 이용(利用)하여 철흡수(鐵吸收) 및 대사이외(代謝以外)에도 적혈구(赤血球)의 수명(壽命)과 혈액량등(血液量等)을 측정(測定)하게 되었다. 경구적(經口的)으로 투여(投與)된 철(鐵)은 대부분(大部分) 십이지장(十二指腸)의 상부(上部)에서 흡수(吸收)되고 무기철(無機鐵)이 보다 쉽게 흡수(吸收)되어 가(價)의 상태(狀態)로 된다. 혈장(血漿)에서는 transferrin에 의(依)해서 철(鐵)이 운반(運搬)된다. 혈장철(血漿鐵)의 대부분(大部分)은 혈색소분해(血色素分解)에서 유래(由來)되며 이는 다시 혈색소(血色素)의 재생(再生)에 이용(利用)되는데 혈장내(血漿內) 철교체율(鐵交替率)은 방사성철(放射性鐵)을 이용(利用)하여 측정(測定)할수 있다 이와같이 방사성철(放射性鐵)을 이용(利用)하여 철대사과정(鐵代謝過程)을 숙지(熟知)함으르서 임상(臨床)에 응용(應用)하기에 이르렀으며 다음과 같은 질환(疾患)의 진단(診斷)에 특(特)히 큰 도움을 준다. A. 진성철결핍증(眞性鐵缺乏症) : 혁색소철(血色素鐵) 및 저장철(貯藏鐵)을 포함(包含)한 생체내(生體內) 전철분(全鐵分)의 부족(不足)된 상태(狀態)로서 실혈(朱血)에 의(依)한 것이 대부분(大部分)이다. 이 경우 철흡수(鐵吸收)는 증가(增加), 혈장철치(血漿鐵値)는 저하(低下), 철소실속도(鐵消失速度)는 증가(增加)되며 혈장철(血漿鐵) 교체율(交替率)은 항진(亢進) 혹(或)은 정상(正常)이다. B. 심(甚)한 염증성(炎症性) 질환(疾患) : 이 경우에도 혈장철치(血漿鐵値)의 저하(低下), 소실속도(消失速度)의 증가(增加), 교체율(交替率)은 정상(正常)보다 4배(倍)까지 증가(增加)할 수 있다. 골수(骨髓)에서 보다는 간(肝), 비(脾)와 같은 망내계(網內系)에 방사성철(放射性鐵)이 집결(集結)되는 것으로 보아 혈색소철(血色素鐵)보다는 저장철(貯藏鐵)이 관여(關與)되는 것이다. C. 원발성(原發性) 혈색소증(血色素症)(Idiopathic hemochromatosis) : 혈장철(血漿鐵)의 증가(增加)가 현저(顯著)하며 transferrin 농도(濃度)는 정상(正常)보다 낮으나 거의 대부분(大部分)의 철분(鐵分)으로 포화(飽和)된다. 철흡수(鐵吸收)는 증가(增加)되고 철소실속도(鐵消失速度)는 감소(減少) 되어 있으나 교체율(交替率)은 항진(亢進)되어 있다. 혈장철(血漿鐵)은 간(肝), 비(脾) 등(等)의 기관(器管)으로 저장집결(貯藏集結)되어 철저류(鐵貯溜)가 증대(增大)되므로 철이용증((鐵利用症)은 저하(低下)된다. D. 선천성(先天性) 무(無)$\ulcorner$트란스헤 린$\lrcorner$증(症)(Congenital atransferrinemia) : 방사성철(放射性鐵)을 이용(利用)한 진단방법(診斷方法)으로 Freiburg에서 7세(歲)의 소녀(少女)에서 발견(發見)한 증례(症例)인데 간(肝), 비(脾), 심(心)의 비대(肥大)가 임상적(臨床的)으로 인지(認知)되었고 중증(重症)의 철결핍상(鐵缺乏狀)을 검출(檢出)할 수 있었다. 철흡수율(鐵吸收率)의 상승(上昇), 혈장철치(血裝鐵値)의 감소(減少), 혈장철소실속도(血漿鐵消失速度)의 증가(增加), 혈장철교체율(血漿鐵交替率)의 상승(上昇) 및 적혈구(赤血球)에서의 철분이용율(鐵分利用率)의 저하(低下)를 ferrokinetic study에서 알 수 있었고 간(肝)에서 고도(高度)의 방사능(放射能)이 검출(檢出)되는 반면(反面), 비(脾)에서는 극소(極小), 골수(骨髓)에는 전(全)혀 방사능(放射能)이 들어가 있지 않았다. 이 증례(症例)와 같이 transferrin이 없으면 철분(鐵分)은 쉽게 조직(組織)으로 들어가 hemosiderin으로 저장(貯藏)되고 골수(骨髓)는 고도(高度)의 철결핍증(鐵缺乏症)을 나타내어 기관철침착증(器管鐵沈着症)과 철결핍성빈혈(鐵缺乏性貧血)이 동시(同時)에 나타나게 된다. 철대사장애면(鐵代謝障碍面)으로 보아 많은 미해결점(未解決點)이 남아 있으며 앞으로 자라나는 젊은 학도(學徒)들이 구명(究明)할 문제(間題)라고 믿는다.

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Clinical Significance of Pyuria in Pediatric Patients with Febrile Urinary Tract Infection (발열성 소아 요로감염에서 농뇨의 임상적 의의)

  • Choi, Lim;Cho, Sea-Eun;Yim, Hyung-Eun;Yoo, Kee-Hwan;Hong, Young-Sook;Lee, Joo-Won
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.66-75
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: Early diagnosis and treatment of febrile urinary tract infection (UTI) in children is important to prevent kidney damage. This study aims to evaluate the relationship between the presence of pyuria, the severity, and underlying genitourinary anomalies in patients with UTI. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed 293 patients with febrile UTI who were admitted to Korea University Guro Hospital during the period from June, 2007 until January, 2010. We divided the patients into two groups, one with the finding of pyuria at admission, and the other without, and compared the fever duration, white blood cell counts (WBC) and C-reactive protein (CRP) in peripheral bloods, hydronephrosis, cortical defects, vesicoureteral reflux and admission period. Results: Among the 293 patients with febrile UTI, 189 patients showed findings of pyuria whereas 104 patients did not. Patients with pyuria showed an increment of WBC ($14,694{\pm}485.2$ vs. $11,374{\pm}451.2/uL$, P <0.05) and CRP ($46.9{\pm}3.9$ vs $17.1{\pm}3.6$ mg/L, P <0.05) in peripheral blood sample. The presence of cortical defects (21.7 Vs 5.8%, P <0.05) and vesicoureteral reflux (15.9 Vs 6.7%, P <0.05) was also increased in patients with pyuria compared to patients without pyuria. There were no specific differences in fever duration, admission period, and hydronephrosis. Within the group with pyuria, CRP in peripheral blood sample increased proportionally with the increment of pyuria (P <0.05). Conclusion: In patients with febrile UTI, the increment of WBC in the urine sample can be a helpful predictor for increased CRP in peripheral blood and acute pyelonephritis.

Medulloblastoma: Radiotherapy Result with Emphasis on Radiation Dose and Methods of Craniospinal Treatment (후두와 선량 및 전중추신경계 치료방법을 중심으로 한 수아세포종의 방사선치료 성적)

  • Kim Il Han;Ha Sung Whan;Park Charn Il;Cho Byung-Kyu
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.183-194
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    • 1988
  • Twenty five patients with histologically proven medulloblastoma received craniospinal radiotherapy (CSRT) at the Seoul National University Hospital from 1979 to 1984. The extent of tumor removal was biopsy only in 2 patients, partial in 18, and near total in 5. With orthogonal technique of CSRT, mainly 55Gy was delivered to the posterior fossa (PF), 40Gy to whole brain (WB), and 30Gy to whole spine (WS). And with AP; PA technique, 50Gy to PF, 45-50Gy to WB, and 36 Gy to WS. Complete remission was obtained in $84\%$ of patients. Among 21 CR's 10 failures were observed, thus total failure rate was $56\%$ (14/25). Of 14 faiure 13 had the primary failure, 11 failed in primary site alone, 1 failure was combined with ventricular seeding, and another 1 was combined with neck node metastasis. There was 1 isolated spinal failure. Actuarial overall survival rates at 3 and 5 years were $75\%$ and $54\%$, and disease-free survival rates were $58\%$ and $36\%$, respectively. Better 5 year disease-free survival was noted in patients with 55 Gy to the posterior fossa than those with 50Gy $(62\%\;vs\;17\%,\;p<0.05)$, in patients treated with orthogonal technique than those treated with AP:PA technique $(87\%\;vs\;12\%,\;p<0.05)$, and in patients with near total removal than those with partial or less removal of tumor $(56\%\;vs\;30\%,\;N.S.)$ Re-irradiation was not satisfactory No severe late sequelae was noted among the survivors. For the higher control of medulloblastoma, dose to posterior fossa should be at least 55Gy with orthogonal CSRT to small tumor burden. And dose reduction in the subarachnoidal spaces might be safe, but optimal dose to the subarchnoidal spaces should be determined by the thorough tumor staging before radiotherapy.

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Clinical Characteristics of Patients with Traumatic Diaphragm Injury and Comparison of Scoring Systems as Predictors (외상성 횡격막 손상환자의 임상적 고찰과 예후 예측 인자의 유용성 비교)

  • Lee Sang Jin;Jung Jin Hee;Sohn Dong Suep;Cho Dai Yun
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.38 no.1 s.246
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    • pp.56-62
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    • 2005
  • Because of high morbidity and mortality, traumatic diaphragm injury remains a diagnostic challenge. In this study, we evaluate that some factors and scores can be used as predictors. Material and Method: From May 1995 to June 2003, 23 patients with traumatic diaphragm injury were enrolled. We examined the clinical features of patients. RTS, TRISS, ISS and APACHE II scores for each patient are calculated for analyzing the relationship of mortality and ICU duration. Result: The study identified 15 men $(65.2{\%})$ and 8women $(34.8{\%})$. There are right sided diaphragmatic injury in 11 patients $(47.8{\%})$, left sided in 11 $(47.8{\%})$, and both sided in 1 ($0.4{\%}$). Plain X-ray, CT, upper GI contrast study and esophagogastroscopy were used as diagnostic tools. Age, hemodynamic status, early diagnosis are not associated with outcome. As prognostic factor, RTS and ISS are associated with mortality and there was negative relationship between RTS and ICU duration (r=0.737, p=0.026). Conclusion: An early diagnosis of traumatic diaphragm injury can frequently be missed in the acute trauma setting. So high index of suspicion and a careful examination are important in multiple trauma patients. An RTS can probably be used effectively as a predictor for the severity and prognosis in patients with traumatic diaphragm injury.

Mid-term Results of the Ross Procedure (Ross 술식의 중단기 성적)

  • Kang Seong-Sik;Jung Sung-Ho;Lee Sang-Gwon;Joo Suk-Jung;Song Hyun;Song Meong-Gun;Lee Jae-Won
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.38 no.1 s.246
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    • pp.23-28
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    • 2005
  • Ross procedure is ideal aortic valve replacement method with several merits of hemodynamic superiority and durability without the need of anticoagulation. Based upon this presumption, we studied its procedure performed in our hospital and tried to get the mid-term results Material and Method: From Jan 1999 to Oct 2001, 22 patients underwent the Ross procedure. The mean age of experimented (including 17 men and 5 women) was $30.9{\pm}8.1(17\~44)$. The diagnosis before the surgery had shown 20 as accompanied with AR and the rest 2 as with ASR. The follow-up period ranged from 0.6 to 40.6 months, mean of $38.9{\pm}1.6\;months,\;and\;follow-up\;rate\;was\;100{\%}$. Result. There was no operative death and two late deaths, one of whom was cardiac originated and the other, non-cardiac relate The survival rate was $94.1{\pm}5.7{\%}$(40.6 months). Postoperatively there were 2 exploration for bleeding, 3 low cardiac output patients. The pulmonary autograft technique was root replacement in 14 and inclusion technique in 8. Pulmonary homografts were used at the pulmonary position in all cases. There was no patient with significant aortic regurgitation. Conclusion: These showed that the mortality and morbidity of the Ross procedure were acceptable and postoperative AR was not significant. However, further long-term follow-up will be necessary for the improvement of the function of pulmonary autograft and homograft.

Aoric Valve Lesion in Type I Ventricular Septal Defect (제1형 심실중격결손에서 대동맥판막 병변)

  • 김관창;임홍국;김웅한;김용진;노준량;배은정;노정일;윤용수;안규리
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.492-498
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    • 2004
  • Background: In this study, we investigated the risk factors for the development or progression of aortic regurgitation(AR) in patients with type I ventricular septal defect (VSD) to determine the optimal surgical timing and strategy. Material and Method: Three-hundred and ten patients with type I VSD with or without AR were included. The mean of age was 73.7$\pm$114.7 (1-737) months. One hundred and eighty six patients (60%) had no AR, 83 (27%) had mild AR, 25 (8%) had moderate AR and 16 (5%) had severe AR. Aortic valve was repaired in 5 patients and replaced in 11 patients with closure of VSD in the first operation. Four patients required redo aortic valve repair and 11 patients required redo aortic valve replacement. Age at operation, association with aortic valve prolapse, Qp/Qs, systolic pulmonary arterial pressure, VSD size and systolic pulmonary artery to aortic pressure ratio(s[PAP/AP]) were included as risk factors analysis for the development of AR. The long-term result of aortic valve repair and aortic valve replacement were compared. Result: Older age at operation, association with aortic valve prolapse, high Qp/Qs, and s[PAP/AP] were identified as risk factors for the development of AR (p<0.05, Table 2). The older the patient at the time of operation, the higher the severity of preoperative AR and the incidence of postoperative AR (p<0.05, Table 1, Fig. 1). For the older patients at operation, aortic valve repair had higher occurrence of AR compared to those who had aortic valve replacement (p<0.05, Fig. 2). Conclusion: From the result of this study, we can concluded that early primary repair is recommended to decrease the progression of AR. Aortic valve repair is not always a satisfactory option to correct the aortic valve pathology, which may suggest that aortic valve replacement should be considered when indicated.

The Effect of a Chest CT Scan on the Treatment and Diagnosis of Major Blunt Chest Trauma (흉부 둔상환자에서 흉부전산화단층촬영이 진단과 치료에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Il-Hwan;Oh, Joong-Hwan;Lee, Chong-Kook
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.226-232
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    • 2009
  • Background: Blunt chest trauma accounts for 90% of all chest traumas in Europe and the United States and this causes 20% of all trauma-related deaths. The major cause of morbidity and mortality after blunt chest trauma is undetected injuries. For this reason, chest computerized tomography has gained popularity for the evaluation of trauma, but it is expensive and it exposes patients to radiation. This study identified the clinical features associated with the diagnosic information obtained on a CT chest scan, as compared with a standard chest X-ray, for patients who sustained blunt trauma to the chest. This study also evaluated the role of a routine computed tomographic (CT) scan for these patients. The patients who had chest computed tomography done after the initial chest x-ray were analyzed separately for the presence of occult injuries. Material and Method: We studied 100 consecutive patients from November 2006 to July 2007: 74 patients after motor vehicle crashes and 26 patients after a fall from a height >2m. Simultaneous with the initial clinical evaluation, an anteroposterior chest radiograph and a helical chest CT scan were obtained for all the patients. The data extracted from the medical record included the vital signs, the interventions and the type and severity of injury (RTS). Result: Among the 100 cases, 79 patients showed at least more than one pathologic sign on their chest radiograph, and 21 patients had a normal chest radiograph. For 17 of the patients who had a normal chest X ray, the CT scan showed multiple injuries, which were pneumothorax, hemothorax, lung contusion, sternal fracture etc. This represents that a CT scan is statistically superior to a chest radiograph to diagnose the pathologic signs. But on the other hand, as for treatment, only 31 patients were diagnosed by CT scan and they were treated with chest tube insertion ect. 42 patients needed ony conservative management without invasive thoracosurgical treatment such as chest tube insertion or open thoracotomy. 27 patients were treated based on the diagnosis made by the chest radiograph and physical examination. Conclusion: Chest computerized tomography was significantly more effective than routine chest X-ray for detecting lung contusion, pneumothorax and mediastinal hematoma, as well as fractured ribs, scapula and, sternum. Although the occult findings increased, the number of patients who needed treatment was small. Therefore, we suggest making selective use of a CT scan to avoid its overuse in ERs.

Need Assessment of Home-based Cancer Patients (재가암환자 요구도 조사)

  • Kim, Tae-Sook;Yang, Byung-Guk;Jeong, Eun-Kyeong;Park, No-Rai;Lee, Young-Sook;Lee, Young-Sung;Lee, Sok-Goo;Kim, Young-Taek;Yun, Young-Ho;Huh, Gil-Ja
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.36-45
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    • 1999
  • Purpose : Cancer, one of the major causes of death in Korea, tends to become chronic due to the rapid development of diagnostic and therapeutic methods. As a result, the number of home-based cancer patients is in the increasing trend. However, on account of the insufficiency of continuous and comprehensive cancer patient management system, a number of cancer patients are left in a defenseless state. This study was designed for need assessment of home-based cancer patient to establish the community-based health care system for the comprehensive and continuous health care service to improve the quality of life of cancer patients and reduce rare burdens of their families. Methods : Through making a survey for needs assessment toward the health care service, the 455 respondents among home-based cancer patients answered the given enquetes to analyze the management status and problems of home-based cancer patients Results : 1) Unsatisfaction rates of pain control is 25.5 percent for mild cases, 46.5 percent for severe cases. 2) According to the needs assessment of home-based cancer patients, most of the respondents want to receive economical support, alleviation for the pain and symptoms, and the information of health care and consultation. So these needs account for the main contents of the home-based cancer patient management plan. 3) In the aspect of the satisfaction rate for basic care need, most items account for $20{\sim}30%$ of satisfaction. And the proportion of need for special case is under 5%, satisfaction rate for special care need is about 50% of satisfaction. So the home-based cancer patients are not being cared sufficiently. Conclusion : According to the result of need assessment, many home-based cancer patients received inadequate pain and symptom management. And Satisfaction rate for basic and special care need is low. So development of comprehensive and continuous health care service to improve the quality of life of cancer patients and reduce care burdens of their families is very necessary.

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Association of Leukotriene C4 Synthase Gene Polymorphism with Clinical Response to Montelukast in Childhood Asthma (소아 천식환자에서 Leukotriene C4 Synthase 유전자 다형태와 Montelukast의 임상적 효과와의 연관성)

  • Shin, Kyung Sue;Kim, Youn Woo
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.48 no.7
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    • pp.766-771
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    • 2005
  • Purpose : Cysteinyl leukotrienes are important inflammatory mediators in the pathogenesis of asthma; therefore interruption of cysteinyl leukotrienes by leukotriene receptor antagonists improves clinical symptoms in the management of patients with mild to moderate asthma. We evaluated whether clinical response to montelukast, a leukotriene receptor antagonist, in childhood asthma was predicted by genotypes of leukotriene $C_4$ synthase($LTC_4S$) promoter gene polymorphism. Methods : An 8-week prospective, open trial of montelukast was carried out in 161 children with mild to moderate asthma. Genotyping of $LTC_4S$ gene polymorphism was determined by restriction fragment length polymorphism. Results : The distribution of the $LTC_4S$ genotypes AA, AC, and CC was 70.8 percent, 23.6 percent, and 5.6 percent, respectively in asthma group and 74.0 percent, 22.6 percent, and 3.4 percent, respectively in control group. A statistically significant difference in the distribution of $LTC_4S$ genotype was not observed between the asthma and the control groups, and there was no significant difference between the $LTC_4S$ genotype and asthma severity. The responders to montelukast were significantly prevalent in the mild asthma group(P<0.05). There was no significant difference in the distribution of the responders compared to non-responders within genotype in the total asthma group or the moderate asthma group. However, the responsiveness for montelukast was significant difference within genotype for both AA and AC/CC in the mild asthma group : The AA genotype was more included in the responder group(P<0.05). Conclusion : In the mild persistent asthma group, the A allele of $LTC_4S$ polymorphism may be regarded as a predictable factor for clinical response to montelukast. However, LTC4S polymorphism was not significantly associated with the clinical response to montelukast in asthmatic children.

Outcomes and Management of Fetal Infants with Birth Weight Below 500 g at a Tertiary Center (출생체중 500 g 미만의 태아영아 치료성적 및 치료의 실제)

  • Chang, Yun Sil;Kim, Yu Jin;Koo, Soo Hyun;Lee, Jang Hoon;Hwang, Jong Hee;Choi, Chang Won;Shim, Jae Won;Kim, Sung Shin;Ko, Sun Young;Lee, Eun Kyung;Park, Won Soon
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.48 no.9
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    • pp.939-945
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    • 2005
  • Purpose : The purpose of this study was to report outcome of fetal infants with birth weight below 500 g known as lower limit of viability and to evaluate treatment characteristics and short-term morbidity of their survivors. Methods : We retrospectively analyzed the medical records of all fetal infants with birth weight below 500 g who were delivered at Samsung Medical Center(SMC), or transferred to neonatal intensive care unit(NICU) of SMC within 24 hrs after birth between 1994 and 2004. Data for all interventions and morbidity outcome were analyzed for infants who were admitted to the NICU and were compared between NICU survivors and deaths. Results : Among 53 infants with birth weights of 400 to 499 g who were born in SMC during the study period, 8(15.1%) infants were admitted to the NICU and one was transferred to NICU from other hospital. Overall, 4(44%) of 9 survived and were discharged from the NICU. The smallest infant who survived weighed 439 grams. The least gestational age was $23^{+3}$ among the survivors. Compared with NICU deaths, NICU survivors had larger gestational age($24^{+2}{\pm}1^{+3}$ vs. $25^{+4}{\pm}2^{+3}$) and birth weight($424{\pm}17$ vs. $453{\pm}19$)(P<0.05). Median survival duration of NICU deaths was 15 days. None of NICU survivors had severe IVH, but 3(75%) had laser therapy for retinopathy of prematurity and bronchopulmonary dysplasia, respectively. Conclusion : Fetal infants with birth weight below 500 g known as lower limit of viability survived successfully. Study for their long-term follow-up will be needed to define our limit of viability and indication for their active resuscitation.