• Title/Summary/Keyword: 중앙 홈

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Issues in Ancient Metal Wire Inlay: A Case Study of Relics from Baekje (고대 금속 선상감 기법의 쟁점과 그 해석 - 백제 선상감 자료를 중심으로 -)

  • Choi, Gieun
    • Conservation Science in Museum
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    • v.20
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    • pp.13-30
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    • 2018
  • Ancient metal objects with inlaid designs were mainly decorated using the wire inlay technique in which "V"- or "U"-shaped grooves were cut in a metal object and then filled with gold or silver. Previous studies on ancient metal objects featuring wire inlay generally attempted to ascertain the inlay techniques applied by examining photomicroscopes acquired during conservation treatment. However, they had limitations when examining wire inlay technique to the minute details. Wire inlay technique can be better investigated by enlarging X-ray films of relics using stereoscopic microscopy under transmitted light. The core processes of the wire inlay technique involve cutting grooves using a chisel and creating the inlay wires, but researchers hold varying opinions about the two processes. This study analyzed the entirety of the materials able to shed light on the main processes applied in Baekje wire inlay by examining X-ray films of relics through stereoscopic microscopy. This exhaustive research revealed that two types of techniques were used for wire inlay during the Baekje period. One is a plastic process of engraving dotted lines using a chisel and is found mostly in objects from the Cheonan and Gongju areas. The other is a cutting process that incises fine lines and was used mostly in relics from the Osan, Seosan, and Wanju areas. It is likely that the Baekje wire inlay techniques feature regional differences because the respective techniques were used or introduced by different groups of people.

Conservation of The Human Shaped Terra Cotta Mask Excavated from Jungcheon-ri, Jinju (진주 중천리 출토 인두형토기(人頭形土器)의 보존)

  • Lee, Hyunkyoung;Choi, Hyunwook;Lee, Seungli;Gwak, Hongin
    • Conservation Science in Museum
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    • v.14
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    • pp.23-28
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    • 2013
  • This paper aimed to show the whole conservation process of the human shaped terra cotta mask that was excavated from one of construction sites at Jungcheon-ri, Geumsan-myeon, Jinju. This mask was X-rayed to get the correct making techniques and there are 4 holes on the top of the head and each diameter of the 3 holes is exact and the other hole is different from the three. The long and sharp shape of the nose is in trapezoid which was separately made with clay and put on (the face). It's found that there are round grooves each around upper and down lips. (upper in length: 10mm, down in length: 6 mm). All restoring materials and adhesives used for restoration to associate each piece are reversibility materials. According to a few points on buried bones of animals distributed around the sites, holes and grooves on the top of the head, ears and teeth to wear something, it academically presumes that this mask could be possibly used for the group ritual. Especially, the whole procedure from excavation to scientific conservation process resulted to have a special exhibition to give the public new eyes how the exhibition realizes to the public.

Design of IoT Gateway based Event-Driven Architecture for Intelligent Buildings. (IoT 게이트웨이 기반 지능형 건물의 이벤트 중심 아키텍쳐 설계)

  • Nkenyereye, Lionel;Jang, Jong-Wook
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2016.10a
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    • pp.256-259
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    • 2016
  • The growth of mobile devices in Internet of Things (IoT) leads to a number of intelligent buildings related IoT applications. For instance, home automation controlling system uses client system such web apps on smartphone or web service to access the home server by sending control commands. The home server receives the command, then controls for instance the light system. The gateway based RESTful technology responsible for handling clients' requests attests an internet latency in case a large number of clients' requests submit toward the gateway increases. In this paper, we propose the design tasks of the IoT gateway for handling concurrency events. In the procedure of designing tasks, concurrency is best understood by employing multiple levels of abstraction. The way that is eminently to accomplish concurrency is to build an object-oriented environment with support for messages passing between concurrent objects. We also investigate the performance of event-driven architecture for building IoT gateway using node.js on one side and communication protocol based message-oriented middleware known as XMPP to handle communications of intelligent building control devices connected to the gateway through a centralized hub. The Node.JS is 40% faster than the traditional web server side features thread-based approach. The use of Node.js server-side handles a large number of clients' requests, then therefore, reduces delay in performing predefined actions automatically in intelligent building IoT environment.

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Evanescent-mode Waveguide Band-pass Filter Applied by Novel Metal Post Capacitor (새로운 금속막대 커패시터를 적용한 감쇄모드 도파관 대역통과 여파기)

  • Kim, Byung-Mun;Yun, Li-Ho;Lee, Sang-Min;Hong, Jae-Pyo
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.775-782
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    • 2022
  • In this paper, a novel small-diameter cylindrical post capacitor inserted into an evanescent-mode rectangular waveguide (EMRWG) is proposed for easier tuning. In order to feed the EMRWG, the proposed structure uses a single ridge rectangular waveguide with the same width and height as the waveguide at the input and output ends. The inserted post capacitor are made up a circular groove formed in the center of the lower part of the broad wall of the EMRWG, and a concentric cylindrical post inserted into the upper part. First, the equivalent circuit model for the proposed structure is presented. When the EMRWG and the single ridge waveguide are combined, the joint susceptance and the turns ratio of the ideal transformer are calculated by two simulations using HFSS (3d fullwave simulator, Ansoft Co.) respectively. The susceptance and resonance characteristics of the inserted post were analyzed by using the obtained parameters and the characteristics of the EMRWG. A 2-post filter with a center frequency of 4.5 GHz and a bandwidth of 170 MHz was designed using a WR-90 waveguide, and the simulation results by using the HFSS and CST, equivalent circuit model were in good agreement.

A Study of Production Techniques of Bronze and Gilt Bronze Buttons Excavated from Seogam-ri Tomb No. 9 (석암리 9호분 출토 청동 및 금동단추의 제작기법 연구)

  • Park, Jihye;Kwon, Yoonmi
    • Conservation Science in Museum
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    • v.17
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    • pp.55-68
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    • 2016
  • Conservation and research efforts are currently underway at the National Museum of Korea on a series of artifacts excavated from Tomb No. 9 at Seogam-ri nearly a century ago by an archaeology team from the institution's colonialera predecessor. Among these objects are a number of bronze and gilt bronze buttons. The present study explores the production techniques used in making such buttons. Both bronze and gilt bronze buttons are hemispherical in shape and are similar in external appearance. However, their shanks differ significantly in size and cross-sectional shape, some with a round cross-section while others are square. The buttons, first sorted into two groups by each type of shank, were further subdivided by size. Analysis of round shanks has found variations in design and location as well as in shank thickness. In addition, the location where round shanks attach to buttons are usually irregular in surface. Square shanks, on the other hand, are more uniform in design and location. The shanks are typically located on the backs of buttons and attach to a groove which ostensibly serves to mark the correct position. X-ray imaging has revealed that round shanks have thick borders made from metal rather than dirt or other material. The buttons themselves appear to been cast using lost-wax technique. The ways in which each shank attaches to its respective button varies based on its cross-sectional shape.

Hallym Jikimi: A Remote Monitoring System for Daily Activities of Elders Living Alone (한림 지킴이: 독거노인 일상 활동 원격 모니터링 시스템)

  • Lee, Seon-Woo;Kim, Yong-Joong;Lee, Gi-Sup;Kim, Byung-Jung
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.244-254
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    • 2009
  • This paper describes a remote system to monitor the circadian behavioral patterns of elders who live alone. The proposed system was designed and implemented to provide more conveniently and reliably the required functionalities of a remote monitoring system for elders based on the development of first phase prototype[2]. The developed system is composed of an in-house sensing system and a server system. The in-house sensing system is a set of wireless sensor nodes which have pyroelectric infrared (PIR) sensor to detect a motion of elder. Each sensing node sends its detection signal to a home gateway via wireless link. The home gateway stores the received signals into a remote database. The server system is composed of a database server and a web server, which provides web-based monitoring system to caregivers (friends, family and social workers) for more cost effective intelligent care service. The improved second phase system can provide 'automatic diagnosis', 'going out detection', and enhanced user interface functionalities. We have evaluated the first and second phase monitoring systems from real field experiments of 3/4 months continuous operation with installation of 9/15 elders' houses, respectively. The experimental results show the promising possibilities to estimate the behavioral patterns and the current status of elder even though the simplicity of sensing capability.

Joined in the government-owned handicraft industry during the Joseon Dynasty Job type and role (조선시대 관영수공업에서 입사장(入絲匠)의 직무 유형과 역할)

  • KIM, Serine
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.216-239
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    • 2021
  • Inlay (入絲), a poetic technique of digging grooves in the surface of crafts and decorating them with metal materials, was used throughout the royal daily routines, ceremonies and government officials of the Joseon Dynasty. The government-owned handicraft industry in the Joseon Dynasty was composed of craftsmen belonging to central and local government offices and was operated mainly by government-owned craftsmen. The inlay craftsman was transferred to the central government office and was in charge of inlay poetry for crafts. The current records of Korean inlay craftsmen are concentrated in the state-owned handicraft industry. In the state-owned handicraft industry, the government offices of inlay craftsmen can be divided into Kongjo (工造), Sangeuiwon (尙衣院), and the military. Here the election of a temporary government office for airspace is added. The government offices and military inlay craftsmen who use inlay crafts are assigned, and the inlay craftsmen are placed separately in the temporary office where the fine division of labor is developed. It can be made by utilizing craftsmen. The operation of these production systems was indispensable in pre-modern Korean society, where crafts had to be produced by hand. In this paper, we investigated the roles and job types of craftsmen in the state-owned handicraft industry during the Joseon Dynasty, focusing on inlay craftsmen. Although the details applied to the characteristics and materials of the field, labor supply and demand, etc. are different, Korea pursued crafts for various purposes through craftsmanship within the framework of the basic state-owned handicraft policy . The institutional equipment for implementation was almost common. We believe that adding and analyzing some literature records and relics will help us to study the crafts of the Joseon era in more detail.

A Resource Management Scheme Based on Live Migrations for Mobility Support in Edge-Based Fog Computing Environments (에지 기반 포그 컴퓨팅 환경에서 이동성 지원을 위한 라이브 마이그레이션 기반 자원 관리 기법)

  • Lim, JongBeom
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.163-168
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    • 2022
  • As cloud computing and the Internet of things are getting popular, the number of devices in the Internet of things computing environments is increasing. In addition, there exist various Internet-based applications, such as home automation and healthcare. In turn, existing studies explored the quality of service, such as downtime and reliability of tasks for Internet of things applications. To enhance the quality of service of Internet of things applications, cloud-fog computing (combining cloud computing and edge computing) can be used for offloading burdens from the central cloud server to edge servers. However, when devices inherit the mobility property, continuity and the quality of service of Internet of things applications can be reduced. In this paper, we propose a resource management scheme based on live migrations for mobility support in edge-based fog computing environments. The proposed resource management algorithm is based on the mobility direction and pace to predict the expected position, and migrates tasks to the target edge server. The performance results show that our proposed resource management algorithm improves the reliability of tasks and reduces downtime of services.

Comparative Morphology of the Mouthparts of the Curculionoidea(Coleoptera), their Feeding Mechanism and Relationship to Classification. Part II. Family Apionidae (바구미상과(딱정벌레목) 갑충 구기의 비교형태와 그 섭식기작과 분류와의 관계에 대한 연구. PartII. 창주둥이바구미과)

  • Bae, Jeong-Deog;Park, Sang-Ock;Lee, Jong-Eun
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.145-151
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    • 2000
  • The mouthparts of the Apionidae are almost of the same structures as in the Curculionidae feeding soft plant tissues, and two subfamilies in the current system are well supported by their structures. The subfamilies Apioninae and Nanophyinae are clearly characterized as follows. In Apioninae, clypeal margin sinuate; mandibles meet anteropo-steriorly when retracted and more or less curved internally; maxillary palpi two-segmented, with large palpiger; labial palpi one-segmented; prementum parallel-sided, longer than wide. In Nanophyinae, clypeal margin with two to three notches in the middle; mandibles meet anteroposteriorly when retracted and more or less curved internally; maxillary palpi three-segmented, palpiger about as great as stipes; labial palpi two-segmented, separated to each other by the apical protrusion of prementum; prementum about as long as wide. [Insecta, Coleoptera, Comparative morphology, Mouthparts, Apionidae].

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Development of the Soybean Sprouting Bucket with Enhanced Air Circulation Function (공기치환기능이 강화된 콩나물 재배통 개발)

  • Kim, Joong-Man;Hwang, Ho-Sun;Jeon, Ye-Jeoung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.695-699
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    • 2003
  • Traditional soybean sprouting bucket has some problems which are putrefaction and growing inhibition by the high temperature and carbon dioxide in the bucket during culturing. To solve this problems we developed the new soybean sprouting bucket. The new bucket consisted a square shaped bottom which has 5 draining holes (each 10 mm in dia, 2 mm in height) and four side wall which has two rectangular shaped holes (10 cm long, 0.5 cm wide), and the support vessel which 592 tiny draining holes whose center attached a pipe with 36 small holes (each 2 mm in dia). The new one showed lower temperature and carbon dioxide content during culturing, and the putrefaction was lower, whereas growing degree was higher during culturing at 25$\pm$1$^{\circ}C$ than the traditional bucket.