• Title/Summary/Keyword: 중소기업 연구개발 지원

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The Effects of Diabetes Empowerment and Health Perception on Diabetes Self-Care Behavior in Community Diabetic Elderly (지역사회 당뇨병 노인의 당뇨병 임파워먼트와 건강인식이 당뇨병 자가간호행위에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Keumok;Chung, Su Kyoung
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.11 no.9
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    • pp.43-49
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    • 2021
  • This study was conducted to investigate the correlation between diabetes empowerment, health perception, and diabetes self-care behaviors with diabetes for the elderly in the community, and to identify the factors affecting diabetes self-care behavior in the elderly with diabetes. A survey was conducted on 80 diabetic elderly people over the age of 65 who were registered at a local public health center. The mean age was 71.15 years, and 41 males and 39 females were included. Diabetes self-care behavior showed a significant positive correlation with economic status (r=.245, p=.029) and diabetes empowerment (r=.406, p<.001), but health perception (r=.127, p=.263) did not show a significant correlation. As a result of this study, diabetes empowerment and economic status of the diabetic elderly were found to be significant influencing factors on diabetes self-care behavior in the diabetic elderly, and the explanatory power of the model was 19.6% (F=10.623, p<.001). Therefore, if a community program is developed to improve the diabetes empowerment of the elderly with diabetes in the community and economic support policies are also provided at the level of public health, it will be possible to improve the self-care behavior of the elderly with diabetes in the community.

The Effects of BizCool of Vocational High School on the Understanding of Enterprise Commencement and BizCool Outcomes (전문계 고교 창업교육(BizCool)이 창업인식 및 창업교육성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Cheon, Soo-Kyung;Jung, Hwa-Young
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.89-114
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    • 2009
  • BizCool is an entry-level business education program implemented with a purpose of enhancing the entrepreneurial disposition and capability of the youth through enterprise commencement education of vocational high school students and developing them into economic pillars of future to alleviate the labor shortage crisis of small and medium enterprises and revitalize enterprise commencement. In this study, the factors were deduced and a path analysis was conducted with the purpose of proposing a revitalization plan through an effectiveness analysis of enterprise commencement education for the youth. The result of the analysis revealed that BizCool has effects on the knowledge and understanding of enterprise commencement, and enterprise commencement knowledge also has effects on the understanding of enterprise commencement. In addition, it was found that the enterprise commencement knowledge and the understanding on enterprise commencement have effects on the intention of enterprise commence. In the result of verifying the hypothesis that the understanding of enterprise commencement according to the psychological characteristics of individuals will have a positive effect on the enterprise commencement intention, it was revealed that the risk resignation disposition and patience for ambiguity are having effects but accomplishment desire is not playing a moderating variable role. Through the above path analysis, a conclusion was obtained that the enterprise commencement education has effects on the outcome of enterprise commencement education through the understanding on enterprise commencement. Additionally, the nation needs to actively lead systematic enterprise commencement education within the policy of job creation upon realizing the need for enterprise commencement education of vocational high school, and a revitalization plan was proposed on the five kinds of a conversion of social perception on vocational high school, establishment of institutes specializing in BizCool and cultivation of BizCool specialists, development of various materials and expansion of BizCool program, field-centered lessons, revitalization of enterprise commencement club and personnel and resource support by companies.

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Assessment of Demand and Use of Fresh-Cut Produce in School Foodservice and Restaurant Industries (학교급식 및 외식업체에서의 신선편이 농산물 사용실태 및 요구도 평가)

  • Sun, Shih-Hui;Kim, Ju-Hee;Kim, Su-Jin;Park, Hye-Young;Kim, Gi-Chang;Kim, Haeng-Ran;Yoon, Ki-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.909-919
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the demand and use of fresh-cut produce in school foodservice and restaurant industries. The subjects of this survey study were 200 school nutritionists and 70 cooks or managers in the restaurant industry nationwide. The data were collected by means of self-administered or e-mail questionnaires. Data analysis was completed using the SPSS window (ver. 12.0) program including frequency, $\chi^2$-test and t-test. Survey questions assessed the general characteristic of respondents, and the supply, use, and demand of fresh-cut produce in school foodservice and restaurant industries. Over 74% of the subjects have used fresh-cut produce. Most of the school foodservice (84.0%) kept fresh-cut produce for one day, while restaurant industry (28.3%) kept them up to three days. The nutritionists of school foodservice and managers of restaurant industry considered origin and date of production as the most important factor, respectively, when fresh-cut produce were being used. Fresh-cut root vegetable, such as potato and carrot was used mostly. The main reason not to use the fresh cut produce was due to the distrust of the fresh-cut produce safety in school foodservice and cost in restaurant industry. The main problem in fresh-cut produce use was the need of rewashing (29.9%) in school foodservice and irregular size (39.0%) in restaurant industry. These results indicate that the quality standard and size specification must be prepared with production guideline of safe fresh-cut produce.