• Title/Summary/Keyword: 주택의 상태

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A Study on the Development of the Single Station Fixed Temperature Detector of Low Power Consumption for Residential Fire Prevention (주택화재 예방을 위한 저소비 전력형 단독경보형 정온식감지기 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Se-Hwa;Cho, Jae-Cheol
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.61-68
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, a research and development result for the implementation of single station fixed temperature detector for residential fire prevention is described. The detector was developed for the certification in Japanese market because of very low domestic market situation. It is in the situation that there is no other regulation especially for residential detectors in Korea, Japanese case has been reviewed. Investigation of domestic legal circumstances and a comparative study for the test standard owned by KFI (Korea Institute of Fire Industry & Technology) and JFEII (Japan Fire Equipment Inspection Institute) respectively are also indicated. The detector alarms with a buzzer and an indicating LED. In the implementation ultra low power MCU(Micro Controller Unit) is applied to control the sleeping state and the monitoring state properly with low current consumption. To sense the temperature fast response thermistor is adopted in the design of fixed temperature residential detector. Automatic test function and alarm stop function are also considered in the design. The major factors which influence to current consumption are explained for the purpose of design reference. Main electronics circuit parts related to it's characteristics of the detector are described. It is explained that the measured current and experimental result of the battery discharge can be met over 10 years operation.

Economic Preparations for Aging of the Middle and Old-Aged and Their Determinants (중.고령자의 경제적 노후준비와 결정요인)

  • Park, Chang-Je
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.60 no.3
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    • pp.275-297
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to analyse economic preparations for aging of the middle and old-aged and their determinants empirically, and then to discuss the findings and implications for the results of analysis. Data from The Social Statistics Survey conducted by Korea National Statistical Office are used in this study. From this dataset, 18,354 Middle and Old Citizens aged between 45 and 59 were selected for this study. The Conceptual framework for this study was based on Andersen's behavioral model and logistic model was used to investigate factors that affect economic preparation for aging. The results of this study can be summarized as follows. First, Proportion of middle and old citizen with no economic preparation for aging was high, and old-aged had lower level of economic preparation for aging than relative less aged. Second, male, education level, marital status, economic activities, recognition of present income, housing ownership, residental location, and total life condition improvement is positively and statistically significantly associated with economic preparations for aging. Third, while male, age, and economic activities is negatively and statistically significantly associated with private economic preparations for aging, education level, recognition of present income, and total life condition improvement is positively and statistically significantly associated with private economic preparations for aging. Fourth, while male, education level, marital status, economic activities, recognition of present income, housing ownership, residental location, and total life condition improvement, expectation of future income is positively and statistically significantly associated with secondary economic preparations for aging, age is negatively and statistically significantly associated with secondary economic preparations for aging.

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Assesment of Load and Resistance Factored Design Value for PHC Driven Pile (PHC 항타말뚝의 하중저항계수 산정)

  • Park, Jong-Bae;Park, Yong-Boo;Lee, Bum-Sik;Kim, Sang-Yeon
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.279-286
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    • 2013
  • Driving a prefabricated pile is the efficient construction method with low cost and excellent bearing capacity charateristics. But pile drinving method has often been changed to bored pile method with mechanical boring due to the unexpected problems occurred in the various domestic ground condition with landfill. So, pile driving method has more uncertainty than the Bored Pile method. This paper proposed LRFD design value which is one of limit states design method for the PHC driven pile used as building foundation to guarantee the reliable design with reduced uncertainty. This paper analysed 221 dynamic load test results(E.O.I.D : 93, Resrike : 128) and the different methods of estimating bearing design(Meyerhof method & SPT-CPT conversion method), and proposed LRFD value for each design reliability Index 2.33 and 3.0 for PHC driven pile. LRFD value of PHC driven pile represents 0.43~0.55 for Meyerhof method and 0.40~0.49 for SPT-CPT conversion method according to the deign reliability index.

A Study of the Reduction of the Floor Impact Sound by Applying RC structural frames (Girders and Stirrups) to the Wall Structures of Apartment Buildings (철근 콘크리트 라멘조 보 배근과 스트럽을 적용한 공동주택 벽식 구조의 슬래브 바닥충격음 저감 방안)

  • Shin, Ki Jun;Lee, Kyung Ryun
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.95-101
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    • 2022
  • This study attempts to identify the ways of reducing the floor impact sound, by applying six different types of the reinforced bar girders and stirrup arrangements to the Structure: (1) the longer-direction girder arrangements (2) the shorter-direction girder arrangements (3) the diagonal-direction arrangements (4) the longer-direction girder arrangements with stirrups (5) the shorter-direction girder arrangements with stirrups (6) the diagonal-direction arrangements with stirrups. In order to identify the most effective structural changes, each slab was tested with bang machines, measuring the level of the sound impact. The results showed that the longer-direction girder arrangements with stirrups were the most effective one. In addition, the effectiveness of slab was found to be remarkable, showing the level of minimum 1dB to maximum 5dB, where the slab was compared with the control models without girders and stirrups. In conclusion, it is suggested that the longer-direction girder arrangements with stirrups could possibly be applied to the Wall Structures to minimize the floor impact sound.

Effect of Family Resilience of Self-Sufficiency Program Participants on the Will to Be Self-Sufficient: Focusing on the Mediating Effect of Family Support (자활사업 참여자의 가족탄력성이 자활의지에 미치는 영향: 가족지지의 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Jung-Hee
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2021
  • This study explored how the family resilience of participants in self-sufficiency programs relates to their willingness to be self-sufficient and analyzed the mediating effects of family support in the relationship. The subjects of the study were 283 people in their 20s to 70s who are participating in a local self-sufficiency center in Gangwon-do. Statistical analyses were conducted using IBM SPSS 18, with descriptive statistics, difference verification and regression, and mediating effects analyzed following Baron & Kenny(1986). The results of the analysis are as follows. First, we conducted difference verification between the sociodemographic characteristics of participants in the self-sufficiency program and major variables. There was a significant difference in the willingness to be self-sufficient in terms of the caregiving family and household income. Family resilience differed significantly depending on age group, marital status, health condition, household type, caregiving family, and homeownership, while family support differed significantly in age group, marital status, health condition, household type, caregiving family, and debt. Second, we conducted a hierarchical regression analysis to determine the factors influencing the will of self-sufficiency of those participating in the self-sufficiency program and found that the better the health condition, the presence of caregiving families, and the higher the level of family resilience and family support, the higher the level of will to be self-sufficient. Third, analyses of the mediating effect following Baron & Kenny(1986) have shown that family support has a full mediating effect on the relationship between family resilience and the will to be self-sufficient. Thus, we have verified that family resilience and family support are important factors as an alternative to improving the level of willingness for self-sufficiency program participants.

The Risk Assessment of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning by Gas Boiler Exhaust System and Development of Fundamental Preventive Technology (가스보일러 CO중독 위험성 예측 및 근원적 예방기술 개발)

  • Park, Chan Il;Yoo, Kee-Youn
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.27-38
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    • 2021
  • We devised the system to automatically shutdown the boiler and to fundamentally block the harmful gases, including carbon monoxide, into the indoor when the exhaust system swerves: (1) The discharge pressure of the exhaust gas decreases when the exhaust pipe is disconnected. The monitoring system of the exhaust pipe is implemented by measuring the output voltage of APS(Air Pressure Sensor) installed to control the amount of combustion air. (2) The operating software was modified so that when the system recognizes the fault condition of a flue pipe, the boiler control unit displays the fault status on the indoor regulator while shutting down the boiler. In accordance with the ventilation facility standards in the "Rules for Building Equipment Standards" by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, experiments were conducted to ventilate indoor air. When carbon monoxide leaked in worst-case scenario, it was possible to prevent poisoning accidents. However, since 2013, the number of indoor air exchange times has been mitigated from 0.7 to 0.5 times per hour. We observed the concentration exceeding TWA 30 ppm occasionally and thus recommend to reinforce this criterion. In conclusion, if the flue pipe fault detection and the indoor air ventilation system are introduced, carbon monoxide poisoning accidents are expected to decrease significantly. Also when the manufacturing and inspection steps, the correct installation and repair are supplemented with the user's attention in missing flue, it will be served to prevent human casualties from carbon monoxide poisoning.

An American/Korean Older Consumers' Perceptions of Universally Designed Bathing Fixtures (유니버셜 디자인 된 욕실설비에 대한 미국/한국 노인소비자 견해)

  • Shin, Kyoung-Joo;White, Betty-Jo
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.149-163
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    • 2000
  • 노인소비자들은 나이와 함께 기능적인 능력이 감퇴하면서 주택내의 환경이 그들의 한계와 장애를 보완해 줄 수 있게 좀 더 지원적이기를 기대한다. 이러한 노인그룹을 포함하여 모든 사용자에게 독립적이고, 안전하며, 편리한 생활환경을 조성해 주는 것이 유니버셜 디자인이다. 이 연구의 목적은 유니버셜 디자인 개념으로 개발 된 혁신적인 욕실용품들, 즉 높이가 조절되어 앉거나 서서 사용하는 장점 등을 갖춘 세면대와 높이조절이 되는 이동식 샤워기가 장착된 걸어서 들어가며, 접이식 의자가 있는 등의 장점을 가진 욕조에 대한 소비자 의견의 검토이다. 피험자는 미국에 사는 미국노인과 한국노인(50세이상-79세까지)으로 합계 58명이었다. 실험장소는 미국서부소도시 대학의 유니버셜 디자인 연구실로, 이 대학의 협력으로 이곳에 장착된 신개발 설비를 이용하였다. 실험시기는 1997년 5월부터 11월 사이(봄, 가을)로 소비자 의견조사는 3단계로 이루어졌다. 먼저 1단계 설문조사에서는 피험자 거주주택의 욕실환경, 피험자의 목욕방법, 건강과 안전, 새로운 욕실설비에 대한 소비자 의견 등이 조사되었다. 2단계는 실제로 선정 된 욕실설비의 사용실험으로 피험자가 옷입은 상태에서 목욕을 가정하여 선택된 설비의 사용동작을 하면서(비디오 촬영) 조사자의 조사표에 의한 질문에 답하였다. 3단게는 2단계의 사용실험 후 유니버셜 디자인 된 욕실설비의 가정 내 도입의사 등의 조사를 하였다. 위에서 설명한 3단계의 소비자 의견조사 및 실험에서 얻은 결과는 다음과 같았다. 1) 미국거주 미국노인과 한국노인의 비교에서 한국노인의 평균 신장이 3cm정도 작았고, 2개이상의 욕실을 가진 비율과 학벌, 독신거주비율은 미국노인이 다소 높았고, 욕조 소유율은 한국노인이 높았다. 2) 새로운 욕실 설비에 대한 소비자 의견은 미국과 한국노인 모두 유니버셜 디자인된 새 설비의 장점을 인정하였다. 욕조와 세면조가 매력적이라 평하였고 샤워조작기가 색상구분으로 도운물과 찬물인지가 편하며, 접이식 의자가 유용하며, 문 달린 욕조의 안전 손잡이와 욕조가장자리를 잡고 안전하게 출입한다고 했다. 그러나 욕조길이와 높이에서 두 나라간에 차가 있어 앞으로 치수에 대한 것이 연구과제로 지적되었다. 3) 욕실 설비 개발 시 유니버셜 디자인 용품에 요구되는 목표는 안전하게 쓸 수 있고, 가령에 따른 신체장애요소가 커버되어 스스로 사용가능하고, 사용상 번거로움이 없어 정신적 스트레스를 주지않는 것이어야 하겠다. 4) 선택된 유니버셜 디자인 욕실설비는 표준치수의 현 욕조위치에 장착이 가능하여 앞으로 현 주택에의 교체가 가능하였다. 5) 선택된 유니버셜 디자인 욕실설비는 인체치수와 문화가 다른 두 나라 노인 모두 긍정적으로 평가하여 앞으로의 국제적 보급이 기대되었다.

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A Study on the Improving Speech Intelligibility of Emergency Broadcast Equipment in the Apartments (공동주택 내 비상방송설비의 음성명료도 실태 분석 및 재실자 인지성 개선방안 연구)

  • Oh, So-Young;Cho, Hyun-Min;Lee, Young-Ju;Lee, Min-Joo;Yoon, Myung-Oh
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.60-68
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    • 2018
  • Due to the complicated plan structure of the apartment units and the improved room-to-room sound insulation performance, it is difficult to communicate and recognize the fire situation by emergency broadcast equipment. In this study, speech intelligibility was measured and analyzed for three types of apartment unit by emergency broadcast equipment on various measurement points. Simulations were also conducted to improve the speech intelligibility. As a result of field measurements 72, 84, and 101 Type were not satisfied with NFSC standard of 90 dBA at the point of 1 m distance from source. In addition, it was evaluated that 75 dBA and CIS 0.7 of NFPA standard was not satisfied at all measurement points except for the 72 Type at living room point with door opened condition. Based on the door opened condition of the bedroom, it satisfied the NFPA of 75 dBA and CIS 0.7 in each bedroom when more than 90 dBA was satisfied at the 1 m separation point provided in NFSC standard.

Experimental Performance Evaluation of a Fire System for Apartment Buildings (공동주택 전용화재시스템의 성능평가를 위한 실험적 연구)

  • Jung, Jong-Jin;Hong, A-Reum;Son, Bong-Sei
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.51-56
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    • 2015
  • In Korea, measures to maintain sustainable fire safety performance for apartment buildings are insufficient in terms of fire-fighting products, skilled personnel, and maintenance status. Also, because of the particular features of a fire compartment, it has structural problems that are very likely to cause damage to human life when a fire occurs. Currently, problems with the fire supervisory system installed in an apartment building cannot be checked in real time, so it is difficult to identify the location of a fire accurately. Protected areas are also not assigned to each household, and residents cannot be clearly informed of the occurrence of a fire. As a consequence, safety evacuation cannot be secured. In addition, it is impossible to test the operation performance for water detectors in sprinkler fire extinguishing systems outside of the household. Therefore, an experiment was conducted to evaluate the performance of a remote fire supervisory system. The results show that the system satisfies all performance requirements. Also, an household alarm system was installed in each household to alert of any occurrence of a fire accurately, and the performance of the alarm system was improved to ensure that residents were quickly evacuated.

The Real Scale Fire Test for Fire Safety in Apartment Housing (실물화재실험을 통한 공동주택의 화재안전성 연구)

  • Yoo, Yong-Ho;Kweon, Oh-Sang;Kim, Heung-Youl
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.57-65
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    • 2009
  • This study was intended to conduct a Real-scale fire test to predict the fire behavior by unit space at the apartment building where a huge casualties and injuries are likely. After setting the inflammables inside the house, the test aimed to identify the fire characteristics to each unit item was carried out. The house was divided into 4 unit space such as kitchen, living room, bedroom and a study for a real scale fire test. As a result, bedroom reached to flashover state in 5minutes after setting the fire, indicating a rapid fire growth such as 7433.3kW of maximum thermal emissivity, 578.6ppm of carbon monoxide, 1.25ppm of carbon dioxide and $1,350^{\circ}C$ of maximum indoor temperature. Particularly, the fire growth was made up to critical temperature which might cause a severe damage to the people within 3minutes, if the fire were not extinguished at inflammable space at the early stage of fire, which stressed the need of early response. The result of a real scale fire test could be compared with the outcome of expanded simulation test and used in predicting the fire spread at the space for different use.