• Title/Summary/Keyword: 주택건설

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The Analysis of Change Factors and Improvement of the Planning techniques on the Number of Floor in Multi Housing Complex Planning -Focus on Planning Index- (공동주택 층수계획 변화요인 분석과 계획기법 개선에 관한 연구 -계획지표를 중심으로-)

  • Cho, Sung-Hak
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.428-437
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    • 2017
  • Recently, local government has established a development strategy which takes into account the quality of each area, in order to solve the problems posed by poor development, hindrance of the urban landscape, the limits imposed by relevant laws, etc. However, the number of floors is an important factor which determines the urban landscape, planning density and quality of the external space. This planning factor has a very different effect according to the terrestrial circumstances, number of households, underparking ratio, green space ratio and floor area ratio. Therefore, in this study, a case analysis and case study are conducted and the correlation between each index is clarified. The conclusions of this study are follows. Firstly, flexibility should be ensured by taking into consideration the density indicators, average number of floors, and residential environmental performance measures in related laws and systems. Secondly, it is necessary to develop a wide-area planning method that extends the planning concept from the beginning of planning to neighboring blocks or cities. Thirdly, deregulation measures should be implemented, such as establishing specialized strategies for each region, and regulatory measures for encouraging different types of development.

A Study on the Improvement Plan of the Urban Area Using the Three-Dimensional Road System -Focus on Shinbashi·Toranomon area in Japan- (입체도로제도를 활용한 도심 정비방안에 관한 연구 -일본 신바시, 토라노몬 재개발사업을 중심으로-)

  • Baek, Seung-Kwan
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.11
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    • pp.213-223
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    • 2018
  • This study assessed the maintenance plan of the Shimbashi-Toranomon Development Area in Japan, which has recently been completed using the three-dimensional road system. In the main relevant law system, a three-dimensional road system, which enables the construction of buildings above and below the road, was applied. The specific construction regulations applying the financing power and knowledge of private business operators were applied. In the development district, city maintenance guidelines were established, and housing and shopping malls were regulated. This purpose was to promote change, unity of distance, effective use of land, and continuous urban revitalization with charm and vitality. The main features of the maintenance plan were accessibility and greenery, comfort and a sophisticated design, and a maintenance concept utilizing historical buildings and road space through the participation of local residents and the opinions of related committees. In addition, in the case of the construction of the upper and lower roads, the construction restrictions were relaxed, and the separation of the roads and the undergrounding of electric poles were promoted. The main aim was to improve the convenience of the residents and produce a pleasant road landscape.

Financial Analysis Model Development by Applying Optimization Method in Residential Officetel (최적화 기법을 활용한 주거용 오피스텔 수지분석 모델 개발)

  • Jang, Jun-Ho;Ha, Sun-Geun;Son, Ki-Young;Son, Seung-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.67-76
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    • 2019
  • The domestic construction industry is changing according to its preference for demand and supply along with urbanization and economic development. Accordingly, initial risk assessments is more important than before. In particular, demand for lease-based investment products such as commercial and office buildings has surged as a substitute for financial products due to low interest rates of banks. Therefore, the objective is to suggest a basic study on financial analysis model development by applying optimization method in residential officetel. To achieve the objective, first, the previous studies are investigated. Second, the causal loop diagram is structured based on the collected data. Third, the system dynamics method is used to develop cost-income simulation and optimization model sequentially. Finally, the developed model was verifed through analyzing a case project. In the future, the proposed model can be helpful whether or not conduct execution of an officetel development project to the decision makers.

A Ten-Year('08~'17) Study on the Distribution of the Common Kestrel (천연기념물 제323-8호 황조롱이의 최근 10년('08~'17) 분포 특성 연구)

  • Kim, Wooyuel;Kim, Sung-hyun;Park, Jongchul;Jung, Sungeun;Bing, Gi-chang
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.82-89
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    • 2019
  • In this study observation records of the National Natural Environment Survey (2008-2012, 2014-2017) and the Korean Natural History Research Information System (KNHRIS) for the common kestrel (2013-2016) were consulted to determine the correlation of the distribution of kestrels in an area and the area's land use type. Distribution characteristics were studied based on data collected over the last 10 years (2008-2017). Findings show that the common kestrel is widely distributed between 4,407 sites registered in KNHRIS in the period of 2008-2012, 3,899 sites in 2014-2017, and 508 sites in 2013-2016. Relationship analysis was conducted for the altitude and urban planning factors of statistics based on a 2017 GIS check to determine the distribution characteristics. The birds' altitude was confirmed to range from 0 to 1,200 metersck but was most commonly observed at less than 100 meters. Above 200 meters, the rate of occurrence decreased rapidly. The rate of occurrence of the common kestrel was highest in Chungcheongnam-do province, followed by Gyeongsangbuk-do, Kyonggi-do, Jeollanam-do and Jeollabuk-do. As urban areas, green areas, commercial areas, and industrial areas the presence of swere positively correlated with the presence of kestrels, the rate of occurrence of the kestrel was higher in those regions. However, there was no significant relationship between the incidence of kestrels and housing construction or residential areas.

On-site Conservation Treatment of the Beaker-shaped Pottery from Yori, Hyangnam, Hwaseong (화성 향남 요리 출토 심발형 토기 수습과 보존처리)

  • Kwon, Ohyoung;Ham, Chulhee;Lee, Sunmyoung
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.494-504
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    • 2020
  • Ten historic sites (denoted as A- J in this study) of a tomb were found during the construction of the east-west expressway in District 2 of Hyangnam, Hwaseong, which is implemented by the Gyeonggi-do headquarters of the Korea Land & Housing Corporation. Thetombswere first detected at siteH, and further investigations revealed various tombs from the Three Kingdoms period; artifacts such as gilt-bronze shoes and caps were excavated from wooden coffins in the tombs. The pottery examined in this study was the only pottery artifact excavated from the site. Its raw clay was soft and loose, reddish brown, and had quartz and feldspar particles of < 1 mm, which appeared to have been added as reinforcing agents. The firing temperature of the pottery was estimated to be under 800-870 ℃ as the mica remains and tridimite, which is the phase transition mineral of quartz, was not produced; a slight endothermic peak was also detected because of the hydration of sericite at 800 ℃. The condition of the artifact was severely weakened because of various factors, such as soil pressure from the stratum formed over the site and repeated freezing and thawing. The artifact could not be collected alone, and thus, surrounding soil that had attached to the artifact was also collected; the artifact was transported to the laboratory and conservation treatment was conducted in a safe and systematic manner.

Analysis of the road surface runoff at the continuous section (연속구간 도로의 표면흐름 분석)

  • Kim, Jung Soo;Jo, Jun Beom;Kim, Soo Youl;Lee, Sung Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2020.06a
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    • pp.242-242
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    • 2020
  • 도시화와 산업화에 따른 유출환경의 변화로 인해 도심지에서 발생하는 대부분의 유출은 도로표면을 따라 이동하고 도로변에 설치된 빗물받이에 의해 배수된다. 이 때 빗물이 원활하게 배수되지 않아 노면수가 정체되고, 이 노면수가 인근 주택지로 유입되어 침수 피해가 발생한다. 이러한 현상은 유출량이 집중되는 도심지 저지대에서 주로 발생하며 설계 한도를 초과하지 않는 정상적인 강우 조건에서도 빈번히 나타나고 있다. 이는 최근의 기후 변화로 인한 집중 호우 등을 고려하여 설계 기준이 지속적으로 조정되어야 함과 동시에 도로 노면수의 배수 능력 평가를 위한 실제적인 연구가 이루어져야 한다는 필요성을 나타내고 있다. 특히 도로 빗물받이의 효율은 주로 종경사 및 횡경사 등의 도로 조건, 표면 유출 우수량, 빗물받이의 형상 등에 의존한다. 그러므로 상향된 설계빈도 및 도로 조건을 고려한 도로 표면 유출에 대한 흐름 분석과 빗물받이 특성을 고려한 실증연구의 분석 및 설계 해석 알고리즘의 개발이 시급한 실정이다. 본 연구에서는 도로 노면수의 배수 능력 증대를 위해 연속 설치된 빗물받이 조건 및 도로 경사조건을 고려하여 도로 배수시설의 표면 유출 모델 설계 알고리즘을 개발하였다. 표면 유출 유량은 도로의 차선(2~4차선), 경사(종경사 2~10% 및 횡경사 2~10%) 및 설계빈도(최대 30년)를 고려하였으며 유량이 노면 진행방향을 따라 연속적으로 증가하는 부등류 흐름 해석 방법을 채택하였다. 또한, 빗물받이 설치간격(L)과 도로의 폭(W)의 곱으로 계산되는 단순 직사각형 형태의 노면 형상이 아닌 도로 종경사 및 횡경사에 따른 유달거리를 산정하여 평행사변형 형태의 노면 형상을 계산하고 이에 따른 면적(A), 도달시간(tc) 및 강우강도(I)를 산정하였다. 이와 같은 1차원 흐름분석을 통해 도로 표면흐름 및 빗물받이 설치 간격을 제시하고 기존의 제시된 빗물받이 설치 간격과 비교하여 본 연구에서 제시한 설계 알고리즘을 검증하였다. 또한, 수리 실험을 통해 측정된 빗물받이 차집효율을 이용하여 연속 구간에서의 도로 표면 유출 모델의 적용성을 제시하였다. 이는 빗물받이 유입구를 통해 모든 유량이 유출된다고 가정하고 단독 구간에서의 수리분석 결과만을 고려하여 이를 확장시켜 개발된 기존의 도로 표면 유출 모델을 보완할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. 본 연구에서 제시하고 있는 설계 알고리즘을 적용한다면 도로 전체 구간에서의 흐름 변화 분석과 배수효율의 정량적인 분석이 가능하므로 향후 도로 표면 침수 피해 저감 및 배수능력 증대를 위한 실증적이고 정량적인 분석 방법이 될 것으로 판단된다.

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Comparing the Service Coverages of Subways and Buses and Estimating the Walking Distances of Their Users (지하철과 버스의 서비스권역 비교 및 이용자들의 도보거리 추정 - 부산시를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Kyung Whan;Lee, Deok Hwan;Choi, Jong Moon;Oh, Il Sung
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.30 no.6D
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    • pp.541-552
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    • 2010
  • The light rail transit (LRT) having bus lines as subsystem is being constructed or planned in the suburban area of metropolitans and medium size cities. However, there is difficulty in establishing the service coverage (SC) of the LRT because the LRT is a completely new transit mode in Korea. The purpose of this study is to provide the basic data and techniques to be used for establishing the SC of the future LRT by understanding the SC characteristics of buses and subways and building models to estimate the walking distances of their users. Busan City is selected as the study city and the SC's of buses and subways are surveyed simultaneously. A total of 9 variables for 82 stations are collected and the cluster analysis is conducted about the variables. The station areas are divided to three types of CBD (Central Business District), sub-CBD and regional center based on the analysis. A station in each area is selected as the study station. At the walking distance (WD) analysis for each mode, the 80 percentile WD of the subway is 672 m and that of the bus is 472 m. In comparing the SC's of both modes by the type of station areas, there are not significant differences between the SC's of sub-CBD and regional center except CBD. At analysis of the relationship between the personal attributes and the WD, for subway users the WD of female is longer than that of male and apartment residents use subway more positively than single house residents do. For the models to estimate the walking distances, the simple regression models were built employing the income as independent variable by dividing the stations into CBD abd non-CBD stations.

Traffic Impacts of Transit-oriented Urban Regeneration (TOD형 도시재생사업의 교통영향 분석)

  • Hwang, Kee Yeon;Cho, Yong Hak
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.4D
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    • pp.469-476
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    • 2008
  • Recently, TOD gains popularity as a traffic solution measure of high density urban regeneration projects. The purpose of this study is to investigate traffic impacts of high density TOD projects, and to identify the issues to be resolved. For a case study, it chooses Gangnamgucheong station in Gangnam area served by two subway lines, and designates 400m radius from the station as a site for high-density development. The MOEs chosen for this study is traffic volume, time, distance, speed, and mode share. The SECOM model is adopted for traffic simulation. The analysis results show that high-density TOD is an effective tool for traffic improvement even with only one station area being implemented. It is found that the traffic volume increases near the station in nature where high-density development occurs, but it declines overall in the rest of Gangam area. The total travel time and distance of passenger vehicles decline, meaning that the traffic condition becomes better than before. With regulation on parking supply, the improvement becomes more vivid. In terms of the changes of traffic speed, both alternatives show 4.1% increase in speed, but the difference between alternatives is not quite noticeable because of the induced vehicle demand driven to the streets with improved traffic condition. The mode share changes occur for the benefit of subway ridership, because the study station is equipped with two subway line services. When mixed with parking supply restriction, the impact becomes clearer.

Investigation on Weathering Degree and Shear Wave Velocity of Decomposed Granite Layer in Hongsung (홍성 지역 화강 풍화 지층의 풍화도 및 전단파 속도에 관한 고찰)

  • Sun, Chang-Guk;Kim, Bo-Hyun;Chung, Choong-Ki
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.26 no.6C
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    • pp.431-443
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    • 2006
  • As part of a fundamental characterization for subsurface layers in Korea, the weathering degree and shear wave velocity ($V_S$) were evaluated from the X-ray fluorescence analyses and the site investigations containing boring and in-situ seismic tests, respectively, for decomposed granite layer in Hongsung. The subsurface layers at Hongsung were composed of 10 to 40 m thickness of weathered layer in most sites. According to the results of weathering degree analyses in Hongsung, it was examined that three chemical weathering indexes such as MWPI, VR and WIP generally increased with decreasing depth. From the in-situ seismic tests, the $V_S$ was determined as the range between 200 and 500 m/s in weathered layer. Based on the $V_S$ and N value at borehole seismic testing sites, N-$V_S$ correlations were established for weathered layer. Furthermore, the relationships of three representative weathering indexes with the $V_S$ and N value indicated that the MWPI, WIP and 100/VR increased linearly as increasing $V_S$ and exponentially as increasing N value.

Development of Video-Detection Integration Algorithm on Vehicle Tracking (트래킹 기반 영상검지 통합 알고리즘 개발)

  • Oh, Jutaek;Min, Junyoung;Hu, Byungdo;Hwang, Bohee
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.29 no.5D
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    • pp.635-644
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    • 2009
  • Image processing technique in the outdoor environment is very sensitive, and it tends to lose a lot of accuracy when it rapidly changes by outdoor environment. Therefore, in order to calculate accurate traffic information using the traffic monitoring system, we must resolve removing shadow in transition time, Distortion by the vehicle headlights at night, noise of rain, snow, and fog, and occlusion. In the research, we developed a system to calibrate the amount of traffic, speed, and time occupancy by using image processing technique in a variety of outdoor environments change. This system were tested under outdoor environments at the Gonjiam test site, which is managed by Korea Institute of Construction Technology (www.kict.re.kr) for testing performance. We evaluated the performance of traffic information, volume counts, speed, and occupancy time, with 4 lanes (2 lanes are upstream and the rests are downstream) from the 16th to 18th December, 2008. The evaluation method performed as based on the standard data is a radar detection compared to calculated data using image processing technique. The System evaluation results showed that the amount of traffic, speed, and time occupancy in period (day, night, sunrise, sunset) are approximately 92-97% accuracy when these data compared to the standard data.