• Title/Summary/Keyword: 주술문화

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The Relationship between Dressing culture and Magic culture, Ritual culture in China

  • Hengxian TU
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.171-176
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    • 2005
  • 본 연구는 역사문화의 입장에서 중국 복식문화의 원류에 관해 연구한 것으로 무속과 예약문화가 그 형성에 영향을 미친것을 밝혔다. 중국복식문화는 고대 주술문화에서 중요한 역할을 했을 뿐 아니라 상당한 비중을 차지하였다. 중국 복식문화의 성숙기와 서주때의 중국 예약문화의 형성은 매우 밀접한 상관이 있다. 예약문화의 표현에서 계급성을 내용으로 하고 형 식 성을 특징으로 하는 체제에서 중요한 작용을 하였다 동시 에 복식문화 자체도 이 시 기 에 아주 풍요롭게 발전하여 중국 문화의 견고한 기초를 확립하였다.

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Was Dried Pollack a Talisman against Evil or for Good Luck?: An Examination of the Socio-economic Origins of the Magical Symbolism of Dried Pollack (북어는 액막이 부적인가, 행운의 부적인가? -북어의 주술적 상징성의 사회경제적 기원에 관한 고찰-)

  • Shim Hyoung-june
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.49
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    • pp.229-263
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this article is to elucidate the origins of the symbolic significance of traditional Korean talismanic ornaments such as dried pollack, bokjori (luck-bringing strainer), silk threads, and sokotture (a nose-block). Previous studies have primarily interpreted the magical meanings of these ornaments based on their shapes or functions, but such approaches are limited due to this likely being an ex-post-facto interpretation. This study argues that the symbolic meanings of these ornaments originated from the socio-economic characteristics of the time. These items were food resources or products closely related to the economic activities of the people of the time, and therefore, could be considered symbols of abundance and fortune. In particular, dried pollack served as an important food resource and commodity during the Late Joseon Dynasty, even functioning as a quasi-currency, and considering that fish are seen as symbols of abundance and fertility in various cultures around the world, its symbolic significance becomes clearer. Bokjori and sokotture acquired the meaning of abundance by being associated with major goods or properties of the time such as rice and cattle, and silk thread was linked to sericulture, a significant source of income for farmers of the time. These economic characteristics form the basis of the symbolism of these ornaments, and the function of these talismans can be seen as a secondary symbolism added in the process of social justification of these customs. This study reveals that economic motives underlie magical-religious customs and suggests that a broad consideration of the cultural and ecological environment of the time is necessary to understand the origins and transformations of cultural phenomena.

A Study on the Character Creation of Traditional Incantatory Pattern for Individual Character Industry (Individual Character 산업을 위한 전통 주술 문양의 캐릭터 개발 연구)

  • 신승택
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.127-136
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    • 2003
  • Each country, each organization and individual have pursued their own identity, which require a unique design discriminated from other countries, cultures and people. As character related industries including character, cartoon, animation and CF appeared everywhere, development of character of mascot concept which can highlight individual personality has been required. This study is to meet these requirements and develop character of Korean subject as the concept of mascot or guard angel in order to develop the unique design with discriminative features from individual identity. For this, this study named it "Individual Character", analyzes the Korean traditional incantatory patterns and develops three patterns such as line art character, five-color 2D character and letter '||'&'||' picture 3D character as a form having individual character with the twelve gods of the earth through examination of materials of traditional patterns home and aborad. These three-typed characters seek strategies by types and are applied to calender, ceramic, metal, animation source, living goods and accessories. Application to commodities include line art and the products of 20 and 3D types based on re-design and add metal, paper, web and ceramic. Therefore this study finds that "Individual Character' using traditional incantatory patterns can discover the cultural identity and originality through Korean design creation and application of "Individual Character" to character industry can develop the pluralistic characters with a material and it can be extended to consumption goods.onsumption goods.

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A study on the cultural symbolic representation of animal imitation in Korean traditional dance (한국전통춤에서 동물모방의 문화기호학적 표상에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Ji Won
    • 기호학연구
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    • no.54
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    • pp.37-63
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    • 2018
  • In this study, we tried to represent representative animals in traditional dance and study about cultural symbolic representations that symbolize them, thus meaning Korean worship of animal worship and philosophy of life and discuss the identity of Korean traditional art. This is to ask fundamental questions about Korean culture and art, and to express the cultural philosophical reason for the representation of animal imitation. Therefore, Korean animal imitation dance was able to get a glimpse of Koreans' recognition of artistic value which is reflected in dance beyond simple cultural code. In other words, it was found that not only magic and sexual metaphors but also the adaptive attitude through natural friendly life and the ethical practice in reality were inspired by artistic aesthetics.

A study on the visual expression of Korean style character design through the visual analysis on traditional magic pattern (전통주술문양의 시각적 분석을 통한 한국적 캐릭터의 시각적 표현에 관한 연구)

  • 신승택;이현주
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.135-144
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    • 2001
  • What find the motive of new design from Korean traditional cultural inheritance and symbolize it visually is to create a new design of Korean style into the harmony of shape and aesthetics by harmonizing past design and modern one, to discover the value of the future, and to make a new traditional culture. This study is to find the motive of design from Korean traditional pattern and character of the twelve horary signs, to develop unique Korean style character by studying character to cause novel and refined sense and interest through the mix of traditional image and modern one, and to propose a plan to apply in various and practice the Korean style character to modern design. In addition, the purpose of this study is to discover the identity of Korean style from foreign culture by presenting identity and originality with our peculiar cultural elements as well as to develop the visual effect and character of traditional pattern, and to have national competitiveness with Korean style design from the world market of the future.

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A Study on the African Image Expressed in 2005 S/S Collections (2005 S/S 컬렉션에 나타난 아프리카 이미지 연구)

  • Lee, Keum-Hee;Kim, Wan-Joo;Kim, So-Ra
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.31 no.6 s.165
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    • pp.911-922
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    • 2007
  • In this study, for the purpose of correct viewing on the image of Africa and understanding of modem fashion, African image and art, the general characteristics of African costume, the background of fashion subjecting African image, and the trend according to ages were examined based on theoretical background. Then the researcher drew African image by analyzing the works in four 2005 S/S major fashion collections to designers and design factors. The ten voted designers' and brands' works in 2005 S/S collections had four concepts of African image; 'Wild Erotic', 'Abstract Primitive', 'Natural Elegant' and 'Sporty Romantic'. The viewpoint of modem fashion on African image from the aspect of design, designer and fashion trend can be examined as below. First, African costume, which was religious and ceremonial, appeared to emphasize its esthetic side with decorative details in modem fashion design and designers competed to choose a method to harmonize tradition and modem style and by adopting these from occult to decorative meaning, Second, fashion designers presented city unpolished beauty of modem women to a special style and made african image to be recognized as a code of fashion culture by integrating it with modem people's mind to go back to the past and admiration for the purity of nature. Third, thanks to the instinctive vitality hidden in the primitive life, inspiration for creative design that is found in the esthetic mind of the Indians, foreign taste emphasizing ethnic trend, and admiration to naturalism due to the increase of concern over ecology, 'African image' led the beginning of 21C trend by being settled as a in fashion trend.

A Study of the Identity of Hangul Typography (한글 타이포그라피의 정체성에 관한 연구)

  • 안상수
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.103-110
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    • 2000
  • Hangul came to life as part of the East Asian culture of the Chinese ideograph. Korean letter-culture is starkly different from that of Western letter-culture. In the Orient, letters were sacred and incantory; they were objects of awe, which incorporated elements of the majestic, mysterious, and of ritual. Here we had cultural tradition that acknowledged the intrinsic value of the letters. And it was in this context that Hangul was born as a completely phonetic system of writing. However, the characteristics of Hangul are quite different from those of Chinese ideographs, which are designed to convey a certain meaning. Despite the fact that Hangul is phonetic, its roots lie most definitely in the image of Chinese ideographs. This is something that contrasts with the roots of the Latin alphabet, which have been lost in its long journey of evolution. As a phonetic writing system, a notable characteristic of Hangul is that it has this and the attributes of image. In other words, in that Hangul is a compound, it shares some of the same attributes as Chinese ideographs, but also in that it is a phonetic writing system it is dose to the Latin alphabet. Hangul is definitely a visual writing system that has its origins in the visual culture of Chinese characters as well as being functionally a highly developed phonetic writing system. In short, Hangul has both of these attributes in one writing system. These characteristics of Hangul, for us living in the era of the image, are parts that awaken us to the meaning of existence in our visual culture. Unique among the world's writing systems, the identity of Hangul typography will become none other than the essence of our visual culture.

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Type of Expression and Characteristics of Primitivism in $21^{st}$ Century Fashion (21세기 패션에 나타난 원시주의의 표현방법과 특성)

  • Kim, Sun-Young
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.229-244
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    • 2010
  • This study aims to discuss the type and characteristics of primitivism in the modern fashion of the $21^{st}$ century and, as a research method, the concept of primitivism as well as the transition of the patterns of primitivism expressed in modern art have been considered and reviewed through a variety of references. In particular, an empirical analysis of the works that have been created from 2000 to 2009 has been performed using domestic and overseas fashion and collection magazines. The characteristics of primitivism in modern fashion possess the following types of expression: First, Sensuality can be cited as one of the characteristics, either by using direct or indirect exposure of the human body, a silhouette which fits tightly to the body, or creating the effect of sensual beauty using animal fur or bird feathers. Second, Incantation: Masks symbolizing primitive incantation are used to cover the human face or primitive incantation is incorporated as a theme of hair accessories or fashion trinkets, etc. In addition, such decorations as tattoos and the body colorations of ancient tribes are reproduced in modern fashion by means of body painting, printing or other accessories, emphasizing the image of occult primitiveness. Third, Naturalness can be cited as one of the characteristics. Naturalness is emphasized in modern fashion not through artificial decorations and processing, but rather through different patterns of exposure by which natural purity can be felt or through the use of non-artificial materials which recalls primitive civilization. Forth, Playfulness is expressed in the form of graffiti or abstract letters and paintings, and the character of the play is often expressed by the use of grotesque images based on various distortions and exaggerations of the human body, the utilization of symbols of primitive incantation and body and/or facial painting. Fifth, Lastly 'folkishness is emphasized. Folk-like objects, facial decorations, exposure of the body and intense color contrasts typically represent the folkish characteristics.

Scientific Exploration of the Footprints in the Folktale: The Footprints of Munhojang, Changnyeong-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do, Korea (설화 속 발자국에 대한 과학적 탐색: 경남 창녕군 문호장 발자국)

  • Jung, Seung-Ho;Kim, TaeHyeong;Ahn, Jaehong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.8
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    • pp.49-59
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    • 2021
  • Since ancient times, legends and tales have been handed down with a spirituality, shamanistic meaning, and imagination. Among many tales about people and animal footprints that are handed down in various parts of Korea, Changnyeong's 'Munhojang Footprint' is the first case in which the physical evidence(footprints) that the main character has left was identified as a dinosaur footprint. In this study, we performed a scientific analysis based on the basic data collection, distribution pattern of 'Munhojang Footprint', three-dimensional digital recording and visualization, as well as case analysis and humanitic review of footprints in tales and legends. The Munhojang Footprints has long been known as human footprints left in the natural rock due to its shape and preservation status. A new analysis that the Munhojang footprints (composed of 13 footprints) are dinosaur tracks shows social perceptions of the ancient people, characterized by the fear of supernatural beings and the limits of scientific interpretation. Through this scientific and humanistic exploration of Munhojang Footprint that are passed down from generation to generation as legends, pray for peace and well-being of the village through rituals and rituals every year, and have been preserved and managed as practical evidence, it is expected that traditional culture and natural heritage will be linked and mutual value will be enhanced.