• Title/Summary/Keyword: 좌심실 부전

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Surgical Treatment of Aortic Dissection Involving Ascending Aorta (상행대동맥을 포함한 대동맥박리에 대한 외과적 치료)

  • 유영선;김경렬
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.297-302
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    • 1996
  • From January 1989 to July 1995, 18 patients underwent aortic repair for type A dissections. The e were 9 male and 9 female patients aged 41 to 68 years(mean, 53.8). Thirteen patients underwent the procedure during the acute period, and 5 during the chronic period. During repair of acute dissection, procedures included graft replacement of the ascending aorta only (6 patients), ascending aorta plus partial aortic arch (3), ascending aorta plus total aortic arch (2), Bentall's operation (1), and Bentall's operation plus total aortic arch (1). During repair of chronic dissection, procedures included Bentall's operation (3 patients), ascending aorta only (1), and ascending aorta plus partial aortic arch (1). During repair of the arch, antegrade cerebral perfusion was applied in 4 patients and hypothermic circulatory arrest in 3 patients. There were 4 operative deaths(22.2%), 2 of hemorrhage. and 2 of left ventricular failure in the operating room. Follow-up has been 100% completed and ranged from 2 to 53 months (mean, 17 months). One late death resulted from sepsis following secon operation. Thirteen of the survivors are doing well.

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심신(心腎)의 상호관계(相互關係)에 대한 동서의학적(東西醫學的) 연구(硏究) -관여심신상호관계적동서의학연구(關於心腎相互關係的東西醫學硏究)-

  • Lee, Yong-Sik;Yun, Chang-Yeol
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.18 no.2 s.29
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    • pp.20-44
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    • 2005
  • 통과한의학화서양의학적원리연구심신적상호관계(通過韓醫學和西洋醫學的原理硏究心腎的相互關係), 득도료여하결론(得到了如下結論) 경연구심신지간재한의학상구유(經硏究心腎之間在韓醫學上具有): 심양여신음유'심신상교'적'수화기제'관계(心陽與腎陰有'心腎相交'的'水火旣濟'關係). 차외환유신양(명문화)여심양(심화)적상호의존관계(此外還有腎陽(命門火)與心陽(心火)的相互依存關係). 우유심장신여신장정적상호의존관계이지유신정충족시(又有心藏神與腎藏精的相互依存關係而只有腎精充足時), 재가이사심주신지적공능유지정상(才可以使心主神志的功能維持正常). 경연구심신지간재서양의학상구유(經硏究心腎之間在西洋醫學上具有): 제일(第一), 심장여신장재해부학상밀절연계(心臟與腎臟在解剖學上密切聯係), 즉종심장좌심실분지출신동맥(卽從心臟左心室分枝出腎動脈), 진이형성신소구등신장적혈관구화모세혈관강(進而形成腎小球等腎臟的血管球和毛細血管綱). 제이(第二), 심장향신장공응혈액(心臟向腎臟供應血液), 신장시인체중접수혈공최다적장기(腎臟是人體中接受血供最多的臟器). 제삼(第三), 심장통과심납소(ANP)적분비(的分泌), 증가신혈류양급신소체여과율(增加腎血流量及腎小體濾過率). 제사(第四), 신장통과신소(腎臟通過腎素)(renin)적분비조절혈압(的分泌調節血壓). 제오(第五), 신공능부전대심장구성부면영향(腎功能不全對心臟構成負面影響). 제육(第六), 심장여신장지간종서양의학적각도고려(心臟與腎臟之間從西洋醫學的角度考慮), 야존재착상생화상극관계(也存在着相生和相克關係). 경연구심신적상호관계재수행중적작용(經硏究心腎的相互關係在修行中的作用), 득출여하결론(得出如下結論): 제일(第一), 수행영인안정심지(修行令人安定心志), 사심화하강(使心火下降). 제이(第二), 수행시적호흡조절조폐금생신수(修行時的呼吸調節助肺金生腎水), 저시소유적수행법도재중시호흡조절적근본이유(這是所有的修行法都在重視呼吸調節的根本理由). 제삼(第三), 수행시발생수승화강(修行時發生水昇火降). 저실제상시의뢰심화중적일음효여신수중적일양효적발동내완성(這實際上是依賴心火中的一陰爻與腎水中的一陽爻的發動來完成). 제사(第四), 통과수행(通過修行), 가이달도보정적목적(可以達到保精的目的), 유차보장생명적지보(由此保藏生命的至寶). 제오(第五), 통과수행(通過修行), 가이달도연정화기(可以達到煉精化氣), 약능주도연정화기(若能做到煉精化氣), 가사인체불누설정액(可使人體不漏泄精液), 반이화기이증강인체기능(反而化氣以增强人體機能), 시보정적유효수단(是保精的有效手段). 수행적관건시'남자수성불누정(修行的關鍵是'男子修成不漏精), 여자수성온불누경(女子修成不漏經)'.

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Airway Management with Reinforced Laryngeal in Mask Airway in a Child with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (좌심실형성부전증후군 환아의 치과치료를 위한 전신마취 시 강화 후두마스크를 이용한 기도 유지)

  • Kim, Kyung Jin;Shin, Teo-Jeon;Hyun, Hong-Keun;Kim, Young-Jae;Kim, Jung-Wook;Jang, Ki-Taeg;Lee, Sang-Hoon;Kim, Chong-Chul;Seo, Kwang-Suk
    • Journal of The Korean Dental Society of Anesthesiology
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.221-224
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    • 2013
  • Despite the laryngeal mask airway (LMA) has been widely used in anesthesia, its use is rare in the field of dentistry. Placing LMA in the oral cavity may interrupt dental treatment. However, there are some circumstances in which LMA is more advantageous than tracheal intubation for managing the airway. Especially, the reinforced LMA has a flexible tube shaft, rendering it more accessible for dental treatment. We report a case of dental treatment of a 3-year-old patient with hypoplastic left heart syndrome combined with pulmonary hypertension using reinforced LMA for airway management under general anesthesia. We also discuss the considerations of utilizing the reinforced LMA for dental treatment.

20-Year Experience of Surgical Treatment for Postpneumonectomy Empyema (전폐절제술 후 사강에 발생한 농흉의 치료)

  • 김형렬;김영태;성숙환;김주현
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.35 no.7
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    • pp.542-547
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    • 2002
  • Background: Postpneumonectomy empyema(PPE) is an infrequent but potentially life-threatening complication. To date, various surgical efforts have been made to manage this complication. We reviewed our 20-year surgical experience of PPE and long-term follow-up data. Material and Method: Total of 37 patients who were treated for PPE between fan, 1980 and Jun, 2000 were included. Various clinical factors such as micro-organism, operative method and timing, presence of bronchopleural fistula(BPF), underlying disease and fate of empyema cavity were retrospectively reviewed and analyzed. Result: Majority of patients(34) underwent Eloesser operation for effective drainage. There was only one operative mortality. The causative organisms were Staphylococcus species and Pseudomonas species in 46% BPF was found in 20 cases, among which spontaneous closures took place in 4 cases. The chest wall was closed in 40%(8/20) of patients with BPF, compared to 59%(10/17) without BPF. The closure rate was statistically better in patients without BPF(p=0.006). Even though the patients with benign disease showed higher closure rate(50%) than those with lung cancer (31%), the difference was not significant(p=0.25). Conclusion: Eloesser procedure was an effective method for initial drainage of PPE cavity with low operative mortality. Given the findings of low spontaneous closure rate of BPF, aggressive approach to close the BPF is mandatory to achieve the final goal of chest wall closure. It was found that majority of patients still left their chest cavity opened, even after controlling the active inflammation of the empyema cavity. More aggnessive approach for chest wall closure is recommended in all patents with benign disease and in selective patients with lung cancer if there is no evidence of recurrence at several years after the initial operation.

Clinical Analysis of the Recent Results of Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (관상동맥 우회술의 최근성적에 대한 임상적 고찰)

  • Han, Sung-Ho;Kim, Hyuck;Lee, Chul-Bum;Chung, Won-Sang;Jee, Heng-Ok;Kang, Jung-Ho;Kim, Young-Hak
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.35 no.7
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    • pp.523-529
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    • 2002
  • Background: Previous reports present that the early results of coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) has been improving with the accumulation of surgical experience. We conducted a retrospective analysis of the patients who received CABG to evaluate the recent results of CABG. Material and Method: Between January 1996 and August 2001, 154 patients underwent CABG at Hanyang University Hospital. There were 47 patients(group I) who were operated between 1996 and 1998, and 107 patients(group II) who were operated thereafter. The preoperative diagnosis, operative procedure, mortality, and complications were analyzed retrospectively. Result: There were 35 males and 12 females in group I, and 78 males and 29 females in group II, which shows similar ratio of sexes between the two groups. The average age of patients for group I and group II was $55.9{\pm}6.2$ years and $61.0{\pm}8.0$ years, respectively, showing a significant increase in group II(p<0.05). The average left ventricular ejection fraction(LVEF) for group I and group II was $54.6{\pm}11.8$% and $56.9{\pm}13.0$%, respectively. The number of patients who had previous MI in group I and group II were 13 patients(27.7%) and 14 patients(13.1%), respectively, which shows a significant difference (p<0.05). All procedures were performed using the cardiopulmonary bypass(CPB) and moderate systemic hypothermia. Myocardial protection was achieved using intermittent hypothermic ischemia under ventricular fibrillation state or cold crystalloid cardioplegic solution for most of group I patients, whereas cold blood cardioplegic solution was used for group II patients. The mean CPB times for group I and group II were $149.2{\pm}48.7$ minutes and $113.1{\pm}30.6$ minutes, respectively. The mean aortic cross clamp times for group I and group II were $81.3{\pm}26.5$ minutes $72.2{\pm}23.9$ minutes, respectively. These figures show that CPB and aortic cross clamp times were significantly reduced in group II(p<0.05). The use of the left internal thoracic artery(LITA) was increased from 42%(20/47) for group I to 81% (87/107) for group II. The mean number of grafts also significantly increased from $2.5{\pm}0.6$ for group I to $3.0{\pm}1.1$ for group II(p<0.05). Intra-aortic balloon pump(IABP) was applied in 7 cases in group I and 17 cases in group II. Of these, 28.6%(2/7) and 52.9%(9/17) were broadly applied preoperatively in patients with LVEF<40% or congestive heart failure. The operative mortalities for group I and II were 10.6%(5/47) and 0.9%(1/107), respectively, which shows significant decrease for group II(p.0.05). Conclusion: This report suggest that CABG using CPB can recently be performed more safely in virtue of the accumulation of surgical experience with reduction in CPB and aortic cross clamp times and improved surgical techniques and myocardial protection. And we think that the optimal treatment of patients with left ventricular dysfunction associated with congestive heart failure and the extended application of IABP, especially have contributed to the reduction of operative mortality and morbidity.

Utility of B-type Natriuretic Peptide in Patients with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (급성호흡곤란증후군 환자에 있어서 B-type Natriuretic Peptide의 유용성)

  • Rhee, Chin Kook;Joo, Young Bin;Kim, Seok Chan;Park, Sung Hak;Lee, Sook Young;Koh, Yoon Seok;Kim, Young Kyoon
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.62 no.5
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    • pp.389-397
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    • 2007
  • Background B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) has been shown to be strong mortality predictors in a wide variety of cardiovascular syndromes. Little is known about BNP in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). We studied whether BNP can predict mortality in patients with ARDS. Method Echocardiographic study was done to all patients with ARDS, and we excluded patient with low ejection fraction (less than 50%) or showing any features of diastolic dysfunction. 47 patients were enrolled between December, 2003 and February, 2006. Parameters including BNP were obtained within 24h hours at the time of enrollment. Result Mean BNP concentrations and APACHE II scores differed between the survivors and nonsurvivors (BNP, $219.5{\pm}57.7pg/mL$ vs $492.3{\pm}88.8pg/mL$; p=0.013, APACHE II score, $17.4{\pm}1.6$ vs $23.1{\pm}1.3$, p=0.009, respectively). With the use of the threshold value for BNP of 585 pg/mL, the specificity for the prediction of mortality was 94%. The threshold value for APACHE II of 15.5 showed sensitivity of 87%. 'APACHE II + $11{\times}logBNP$' showed sensitivity 63%, and specificity 82%, using threshold value for 46.14. Conclusion BNP concentrations and APCHE II scores were more elevated in nonsurvivors than survivors in patients with ARDS who have normal ejection fraction. BNP can predict mortality. Further study should be done.

Electrocardiographic and Echocardiographic Characterisitics of Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome in Preschool Children (학동전 아동에서 Wolff-Parkinson-White 증후군의 심전도 소견에 따른 유형 및 심초음파 소견)

  • Chu, Jeoung Min;Sim, Hyun Sup;Cho, Soo Chul;Joo, Chan Uhng
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.45 no.9
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    • pp.1097-1105
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    • 2002
  • Purpose : This study was conducted to estabilish the prevalence, clinical features and relationship between ECG findings and echocardiographic findings of Wolff-Parkinsion-White(WPW) syndrome in asymptomatic preschool children. Methods : An electrocardiographic screening study was performed on 77,824 preschool children in Jeonbuk province from April, 1999 to August, 2001. Patients with WPW syndrome underwent echocardiographic study. Results : Twenty three patients with WPW syndrome were discovered by electrocardiographic screening of preschool children. The prevalence rate was 2.9 per 10,000 preschool children and there was no significant sexual difference. Two patients had a history of symptoms related to tachyarrythmia. According to the ECG classification of Rosenbaum et al., five patients were type A and 18 were type B. Utilizing the criteria of Gallagher et al, right anterior, 12 patients; right anteiror paraseptal, four patients; left anteiror, three patients. Nineteen of 23 patients underwent echocardiographic study. Four of five patients with type A WPW syndrome had abnormal early systolic anterior motion of left ventricular posterior wall. Twelve of 14 patients with type B had abnormal interventricular septal motion characterized by early sytolic posterior motion immediately after inscription of the delta wave. Conclusion : The prevalence rate of preschool children in Jeonbuk province was 2.9/10,000. By the classification according to the electrocardiographic findings, the accessory pathway location was dominant right side than left side. In the echocardiographic study, type A WPW syndrome showed abnormal left ventricular posterior wall motion and type B WPW showed abnormal interventricular septal motion.

Composite Graft Aortic Root Replacement with Coronary Button Reimplantation: The Early and Mid-Term Results (Composite graft를 이용한 대동맥근부 치환술: Button 술식의 중단기 결과)

  • 나찬영;백만종;김웅한;오삼세;김수철
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.356-364
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    • 2002
  • Background: This study was undertaken to investigate the outcome of composite graft aortic root replacement using coronary button reimplantation technique for the treatment of aneurysms of the ascending aorta involving the aortic root. Material and Method: Between April 1995 and September 2001, 54 patients having aortic root replacement with a composite valve graft using direct coronary button reimplantation were reviewed retrospectively. Left ventricular dysfunction was present in 14 patients(25.9%), aortic regurgitation in 48(89%), and Marfan's syndrome in 17(31.5%). The indications for operation were annuloaortic ectasia in 29 patients(53.7%), aortic dissection in 11(20.4%), aneurysms of the ascending aorta involving aortic root in 12(22.2%), and aortitis in 2(3.7%). Six patients(11.1%) had previous cardiac or ascending aortic operations. Concomitant procedures were arch replacement in 21 patients(38.9%), coronary artery bypass graft in 7(13%), mitral valve repair or replacement in 4(7.4%), and others in 6. The mean time of circulatory arrest, total bypass, and aortic crossclamp were 18 $\pm$ 9 minutes, 177 $\pm$ 42 minutes, and 127 $\pm$ 31 minutes, respectively. Result: There was 1 early death(1.9%). Mean follow-up was 24.6$\pm$ 19.5 months. There were two late deaths(3.8%) including one death due to the traumatic cerebral hemorrhage. The Kaplan-Meier survival rate was 98.0 $\pm$ 2.0% and 93.1 $\pm$ 5.1% at 1 and 6 years, respectively. Two patients required reoperation owing to a false aneurysm at the root anastomosis site and a malfunction of prosthetic aortic valve(3.8%). Staged operation for dissection of the remaining thoracoabdominal aorta was performed in 1 patient. The freedom rate from reoperation was 97.8 $\pm$ 2.0% and 65.3 $\pm$ 26.7% at 1 and 6 years, respectively.

Teflon Felt Strip Mitral Valve Repair as an Alternative to Expensive Commercial Rings (테플론 펠트를 사용한 승모판막 성형술: 고가의 상업적 제품에 대한 대체물로 가능한가?)

  • Park, Kook-Yang;Jeon, Yang-Bin;Park, Chul-Hyun
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.216-222
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    • 2008
  • Background: Prosthetic annuloplasty rings are used for the reconstruction of the mitral valve annulus. However, there is controversy over the best ring to use for reconstruction. In this study, we evaluated the long term result of using a Teflon felt strip as an alternative to commercial rings. Material and Method: From 1996 to 2007, we enrolled 47 patients with pure mitral regurgitation greater than grade III. All patients had an ejection fraction of 40% or more. Patients with congenital heart disease or other valvular heart disease were excluded from this study. They were divided into two groups; the commercial ring group (Group CR) and the Teflon felt ring group (Group TF). Result: There was no mortality. The postoperative echocardiography showed no significant change in the overall ejection fraction (from $58.0{\pm}11.2%\;to\;42.8{\pm}8.4%$). There were no significant differences between the two groups with regard to morbidity, the reoperation rate and recurrence of mitral regurgitation greater than grade II. Conclusion: The long term results from this study showed that posterior mitral annuloplasty using Teflon felt had similar results compared to annuloplasty using commercial rings.

A Case of Multiple Giant Coronary Aneurysms with Large Mural Thrombus due to Kawasaki Disease in a Young Infant (가와사끼병 영아에서 발생한 혈전을 동반한 거대관상동맥류 1례)

  • Choi, Eun Na;Kim, Jeoung Tae;Kim, Yuria;Yoo, Byung Won;Choi, Deok Young;Choi, Jae Young;Sul, Jun Hee;Lee, Sung Kye;Kim, Dong Soo;Park, Young Hwan
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.321-326
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    • 2005
  • Kawasaki disease is an acute systemic vasculitis of unknown origin. Giant coronary aneurysm is one of the most serious complications, although peripheral artery vasculitis can produce life-threatening events. Myocardial ischemia and infarction can be caused by coronary artery stenosis, aneurysm, and stagnation of blood flow in coronary arteries which triggers thromboembolism. Atypical presentation in young infants often interferes with prompt diagnosis and timely treatment, resulting in poor outcomes. We describe a 3-month-old infant with multiple giant coronary aneurysms with flow stagnation, stenosis and large mural thrombus due to Kawasaki disease. He presented with a prolonged course of severe coronary involvement in spite of all measures to reduce coronary complications. Finally, surgical intervention was tried because of the worsening coronary artery abnormalities. The patient died of acute cardiorespiratory failure shortly after weaning from cardiopulmonary bypass.