• Title/Summary/Keyword: 좌심실 부전

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Prognosis Factors of Tricuspid Regurgitation after the Operation for Left-sided Valvular Heart Disease (좌심실 판막질환 수술 후 동반된 삼첨판패쇄부전증의 경과에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Jin, Ung;Kim, Hwan-Wook;Lee, Jong-Ho;Kweon, Jong-Bum;Jo, Min-Seop;Yoon, Jeong-Seob;Moon, Seok-Whan;Sim, Sung-Bo;Park, Kuhn;Kim, Chi-Kyung;Cho, Keon-Hyun;Wang, Young-Pil;Lee, Sun-He;Kwack, Moon-Sub
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.150-156
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    • 2003
  • Tricuspid regurgitation has been considered as a secondary lesion when it is combined with left valvular heart diseases. However, there have been some reports which show that tricuspid regurgitation keeps going and results in congestive heart failure even after a successful operation for left valvular heart disease. So far, there are no definite operation indications and predictive factors for the tricuspid re-gurgitation which is resulted from the left sided valvular heart disease. We designed this study to evaluate the effects of pulmonary artery pressure and left ventricular ejection fraction on the prognosis of tricuspid regurgitation, and to make an operation indication for the patients with secondary tricuspid regurgitation. Material and Method: We reviewed the medical records of patients who underwent surgery for the left sided valvular heart disease with tricuspid regurgitation and were followed for more than 1 year with echocardiograms. There was a total of 114 cases. We compared the grades of tricuspid regurgitations and pulmonary artery pressures and left ventricular ejection fractions on the basis of echocardiograms which were checked preoperatively and on the last follow up. Result: There were 43 cases of tricuspid an-nuloplasty. In these patients, the grades of tricuspid regurgitations were improved in 42 cases (97.7%). But in 71 cases without annuloplasty, 29 cases (41%) were improved, 32 cases (45%) had no change, and 29 cases (14%) were aggravated. This finding shows significant differences in the prognoses of tricuspid regur-gitations between the two groups (p<0.05). There was no difference in pulmonary artery pressures and ejection fractions between the patients who showed progression of tricuspid regurgitations and those who didn't (p > 0.05). The improvements of tricuspid regurgitations are not statistically related to the changes of pulmonary artery pressures or left ventricular ejection fractions. Conclusion: This study shows that it is impossible to predict the prognoses of tricuspid regurgitations with preoperative pulmonary artery pressures or left ventricular ejection fractions. Also, the excellent results of tricuspid annuloplasty is proven in controlling the secondary tricuspid regurgitations. Therefore, when tricuspid regurgitation is detected preoperatively, the procedures to correct the tricuspid regurgitation at the time of the operation for the left-sided valvular heart disease must be considered positively, regardless of the grades of tricuspid regurgitations, to prevent sig-nificant tricuspid regurgitation that may develop later.

Comparison of Repair and Replacement for Mitral Valve Regurgitation (승모판막폐쇄부전에 대한 외과적 치료: 승모판막재건술과 승모판막치환술의 비교)

  • 안지섭;최세영;박남희;유영선;이광숙
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.118-124
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    • 2001
  • 배경: 승모판막재건술이 승모판막치환술보다 술후 좌심실기능이 보다 향상될 수 있으며 또한 수술사망율과 인공판막에 관련된 합병즈인 혈전색전증, 심내막염 및 항응고제사용에 따른 출혈빈도는 낮다고 하였다. 방법: 1996년 1월부터 2000년 5월까지 승모판막폐쇄부전으로 진단된 환자 87례를 대상으로 재건술군 59례, 치환술군 28례로 나누어 비교분석하였다. 결과: 술전 환자들의 NYHA 기능분류, 흉부 X-선상 심흉곽의 비, 심초음파상 좌심실박출계수는 두 군간에 유의한 차이가 없었다. 원인질환은 양군에서 퇴행성 병변이 가장 많았다. 체외순환시간은 재건술군에서 유의하게 길었으나 수술사망은 양군에서 없었다. 술후 NYHA 기능분류, 흉부 X-선상 심흉곽의 비는 향상되었으나 두 군간에 차이가 없었으며 술후 좌심실박출계수는 두 군에서 감소되었으나 유의한 차이는 없었다. 결론: 이상의 결과로 승모판막폐쇄부전에 대하여 재건술이 치환술처럼 비교적 안전하게 시행될 수 있는 술식으로 사료된다.

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Pulmonary Trunk Translocation from LV to RV in Double-Outlet Left Ventricle -A case report- (양대혈관 좌심실기시에서 좌심실에서 우심실로의 폐동맥간 전위술의 치험 -1례 보고-)

  • 김상익;최진호;전태국;박표원
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.34 no.11
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    • pp.854-857
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    • 2001
  • Double-outlet left ventricle(DOLV) is a rare congenital cardiac malformation, defined as the origin of both the aorta and the pulmonary artery being entirely or predominantly above the morphologically left ventricle, which is difficult to diagnose accurately. A 3-year old male was admitted for cyanosis and dyspnea. At the age of 2 months, he had undergone pulmonary artery banding and coarctoplasty. He was diagnosed as DOLV with subaortic ventricular septal defect(VSD). Biventricular repair was achieved by patch closure of VSD, primary closure of PFO, and pulmonary trunk translocation from left ventricle to right ventricle. The advantages of this procedure using native tissue for right ventricular outflow tract reconstruction are growth potential and preserved valve function, which contribute to a decreased likelihood of reoperation related to the right ventricular dysfunction related to pulmonary insufficiency.

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Traumatic Aneurysm Involving Left Ventricle and Descending Thoracic Aorta (외상에 의해 동시에 발생한 가성 좌심실류와 하행 대동맥류의 치험1례)

  • 이서원;이계선
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.617-620
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    • 1997
  • Traumatic aneurysm of both the thoracic aorta and the left ventricle are extremely rare in children because it is characterized by high mortality. We report a case which we experienced recently with sucessful outcome. A Five-year-old boy had a blunt trauma by bongo bus. He had pulmonary hemorrage and pericardial effusion complicated by multiorgan failure threatening his life. Aneurysm of LV and Descending aorta were showed by 2-D echocardiogram and MRI. The atient underwent successful corrective surgery 2 and half momths after trauma, the Postoperative status of this patient was uneventful, now he is being followed up the OPD.

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Isolated Right Ventricular Hypoplasia -A case report- (독립된 우심실 형성부전 - 1예 보고 -)

  • 이석기;서홍주;김웅한
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.36 no.9
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    • pp.683-686
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    • 2003
  • Isolated right ventricular hypoplasia is a rare clinical entity. We describe a case of right ventricular hypoplasia, single atrium and spongy myocardium of left ventricle. The volume of right ventricle was half the volume of left ventricle and z-value of tricuspid valve was -4 preoperatively The patient, 6-year-old boy, underwent atrial partitioning with 3 mm fenestration, Postoperative course was smooth and he tolerated the biventricular state well during follow-up. Follow-up catherterization was done 27 months later The tricuspid valve grew well (z-value= -0.4) and atrial septal fenestration is closed spontaneously. This article reports a case of successful biventricular repair in a patient with isolated right ventricular hypoplasia.

A Posterior Annuloplasty, Papillary Muscle Plication and Left Ventricle Reduction Through Left Ventriculotomy in Severe Ischemic Cardiomyopathy with Mitral Regurgitation (승모판 폐쇄 부전을 동반한 허혈성 심근병증에서 좌심실 절개를 통한 승모판 성형술 및 유두근 단축술과 좌심실 용적 축소술)

  • Jung Jong-Pil;Cho Won-Chul;Kim Joon-Bum;Lee Jae-Won
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.39 no.7 s.264
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    • pp.549-552
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    • 2006
  • In the mitral regurgitation (MR) accompanied with a serious ischemic cardiomyopathy (ICMP), coronary revascularization to viable myocardium, LV reduction and mitral reconstruction become the main surgery under the bad conditions that the cardiac transplantation is not so easy. The MR in ischemic cardiomyopathy appears as various pathologic factors, among them, the papillary muscle displacement in addition to the annular dilatation is pointed out as the important cause. Our hospital would like to report the experience of the surgery about coronary revascularization to the left main with 3-vessel coronary disease, severe ICMP patients accompanied with the MR, posterior mitral annuloplasty and papillary muscle plication through the LVtomy.

A Case Report of Left Ventricular Remodeling Surgery on End-Stage Dilated Cardiomyopatty (말기 심부전 환자의 좌심실 개조수술 1례보고)

  • 임창영;기주이
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.613-616
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    • 1997
  • We present a case of 58-year-old (tamale with dilated cardiomyopathy(DCMP) in whom we performed left ventricular(LV) remodeling surgery(Batista operation) to reduce the left ventricle diameter and improve left ventricular unction. The patient was admitted September 1996 with heart failure NYHA class IV. There was severe orthopnea and peripheral edema. 2-D echocardiography(Echo) showed DCMP with the ejection fraction(EF) I5%, LV end diastolic dimension(LVEDD) 80mm, mitral regurgitation(MR) grade IV, tricuspid regurgitation ('m) grade ll. Preoperative cardiac output(CO) was 1.5/L/min and cardiac index(Cl) was 1.0 L/min/m2. We proceeded with LV remodeling surgery by resection a part of LV lateral wall between both papillary muscle, from the mitral annulus to the LV apex. Size of resected LV wall was 90 $\times$ 100 $\times$ 15 mm. At the mean time, mitral valve and tricuspid valve were repaired. Postoperative 2-D Echo showed the EF 37%, LVEDD 50 mna, trivial MR, no TR. CO was 3.SL/min and Cl was 2.3 L/min/m2. Her fuctional NYHA class was 1.

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Aortoventriculoplasty with The Pulmonary Autograft The "Ross-Konno"Procedure -1 case report (자가폐동맥판막을 이용한 대동맥심실성형술 -1례 보고-)

  • 김웅한;이영탁
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.419-422
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    • 1997
  • In small children with left ventricular outflow tract obstruction, a few methods of surgical treatment could be considrred. The pulmonary autogrart provides a promising options for aortic valve replacement as part of the aortoventriculoplasty procedure in children. We report a successfully treated congenital aortic stcnoinsufricicncy with severe left ventricular dysfunction in an early infant with the aortoventriculoplasty using thc pulmonary autograft (the Ross-Konno procedure).

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Changes of Ventricular Function and Mitral Regurgitation after Repair of Anomalous Origin of Coronary Artery from the Pulmonary Artery (관상동맥 폐동맥 이상 기시증의 외과적 치료 후 좌심실 및 승모판 기능의 변화)

  • Lee Jeong Ryul;Oh Sea Jin;Kim Woong Han;Kim Yong Jin;Rho Joon Ryang;Bae Eun Jung;Noh Chung II;Yun Yong Soo
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.38 no.8 s.253
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    • pp.523-528
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    • 2005
  • Background: Investigation of the change of ventricular function and mitral regurgitation after surgical repair of patient with anomalous origin of left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery (ALCAPA) is key issue for the better surgical outcome. Material and Method: From April 1986 to July 2002, 12 patients presented with ALCAPA. The median age at repair was 4 months. Surgical methods included left coronary artery transfer to the aorta (10), Takeuchi procedure (1), saphenous vein free graft bypass (1). Mitral valve was repaired in 1. Result: There were 2 hospital death $(16.7\%)$. The mean follow-up period was $7.1\pm4.1$ years (range, 7 months to 13 years). Four patients required postoperative circulatory assist for $2.2\pm1.1$ days and one needed left ventricular assist device (LVAD) for 1day. Postoperative echocardiography demonstrated significant improvements in mean fractional shortening $(33.4\pm9.1\%\;vs\;17.7\pm9.6\%,\;n=10,\;p<0.05);$ left ventricular end diastolic dimension $(33.4\pm7.3\;mm\;vs\;44.8\pm7.0\;mm,\;n=10,\;p<0.05)$ and systolic dimension $(22.2\pm7.5\;mm\;vs\;33.4\pm7.9\;mm,\;n=10,\;p<0.05)$. Severities of mitral regurgitation decreased in all survivors at 1st and 4th year follow-up echocardiography. There were 2 reoperation due to residual MR and right ventricular outflow obstruction (Takeuchi case). Conclusion: Anatomic repair of anomalous left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery offered an excellent surgical results, especially in terms of the recovery of left ventricle function and mitral regurgitation. However, preoperative indications for mitral procedure is to be evaluated.