• Title/Summary/Keyword: 종자 수

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애기장대의 종자 발아에 미치는 맥반석과 녹차의 중금속 제거 효과

  • 박종범
    • Proceedings of the Korean Environmental Sciences Society Conference
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    • 2004.05a
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    • pp.258-260
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    • 2004
  • 4가지 중금속 중 카드뮴과 크롬은 환경부고시 오염물질 배출기준농도의 50배 이상 농도에서도 애기장대의 종자발아에 아무런 영향을 미치지 않았다. 구리는 오염물질 배출기준농도의 10배 이상, 납은 50배 이상에서 종자 발아에 치명적인 영향을 주어 발아가 전혀 일어나지 않았다. 종자 발아가 전혀 되지 않은 농도의 납(15, 20, 25 및 30 mg/L)과 발아율 10% 미만인 구리(15 및 20 mg/L)용액에 맥반석가루(3 g/30 ml)를 첨가하여 실온에서 24시간 처리한 용액에서는 100%의 종자 발아율을 나타내었다. 한편 100% 종자 발아가 된 증류수와 구리 5mg/L농도에 녹차(0.2 g/30 ml)를 첨가하였을 때에는 발아가 전혀 일어나지 않았다.

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Quantitative Assessments and Spatial Pattern Analyses of Weed Seed Banks of Arable Peat in Selangor, Malaysia (말레이지아 세랑고지역 부식질토양경지 매립잡초종자에 대한 정량생태분석)

  • Bakar, Baki Bin;Kwon, Yong-Woong;Yin, Fenny Wong Nyuk
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.269-280
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    • 1997
  • Collated data from the 1995-1996 field surveys of weed seeds buried in the plough layer of peat soil in Selangor district were analysed to assess species-dominance and spatial pattern of distribution of weed seeds based on selected quantitative indices and index of dispersion. Forty five species within 14 families were recorded of which 24 were broadleaves, 12 grasses and 9 sedges. They comprised ca. 53.2, 31.2 and 15.6%, respectively based on total population counts. Total seed population was ca. $8.14{\times}10^7$ seeds/ha within the fast 25cm soil depth. Wide variabilities in population counts were registered among species ranging from < $7.0{\times}10^4$ seeds/ha for Amaranthus gracilis to ca. $5.64{\times}10^6$ seeds/ha for Heteropogon contortus. Seeds of Cleome rutidesperma was the most abundant(ca. $2.347{\times}10^7$ seeds/ha). Difference in seed population counts may be attributed to inherent variation in fecundity, population fluxes, their spatial distribution patterns and the agronomic practices prevailing in the areas of survey. The profile distribution of soil seed banks was skewed within the first 0 - 10cm depth, comprising ca. 69% of the total seed counts. Seed counts in the 10 - 15, 15 - 20 and 20 - 25cm soil profiles were in the order of 17.9, 8.6 and 4.0% of the total populations, respectively. Weed seeds of all species displayed different degree of aggregated pattern of distribution with variance-to-mean ratios of > 1 and Lloyd's mean crowding($m^*$) values from 1.244 for Cyperus iria, Phyllanthus debilis, Phyllanthus urinaria, Scirpus grosses and urinaria lagopodiodes to 9607.7 for Cleome rutidosperma. Lloyd's patch indices(Ip) ranging from 5.1 for Aeschynomene indica to 188.5 for Bracharia reptans were registered. Differences in the VMR, $m^*$ and Ip values among species suggested inter-alia inherent variabilities in their disposal capacity from seed source and different agronomic practices prevailing in the areas surveyed.

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Selection and Technical Development for Seed Pelleting Material of Codonopsis lanceolata Trautv (더덕 종자의 펠렛팅을 위한 소재 탐색 및 기술개발)

  • Choi, Kyeong-Gu;Lee, Youn-Su;Cha, Kwang-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.130-133
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    • 2006
  • This study was conducted to select Codonopsis lanceolata seed's new pelleting particulate materials and adhesives. Different adhesives (Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), Carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), Polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP), Xanthan gum (XG), Arabic gum (AG)) and particulate materials (Illite, Diatomite, Pyrophyllite + Illite + Diatomite (PID), Pyrophyllite + Illite + Talc (PIT), Bentonite + Talc (BT)) were tested for seed pelleting. PID for Codonopsis lanceolata seed pelleting appeared to be the best particulate material. Among the pelleting adhesives, PVP was the best adhesive for seed pelleting, and the optimum concentration for germination of pelleting seed was 1 %. Germination rate of the pelleted seeds treated with PID particulate material and PVP adhesive was higher (86.8%) than those of raw seeds (85.5%). $T_{50}$ and MDG of pelleted Codonopsis lanceolata seed required five and eight days at soil moisture content of 50%, respectively.

들깨 유전자원의 보존 기간, 방법에 따른 종자 활력 변화

  • 노나영;성필모;조규택;이정로;남성희;윤문섭;메스핀 K. 헤일리
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2022.09a
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    • pp.71-71
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    • 2022
  • 들깨는 잎은 채소, 종자는 기름과 향신료로 이용하는 특용작물로 국립농업과학원 농업유전자원센터에는 국가등록 3,066자원을 보유하고 있다. 들깨 유전자원의 보존기간과 방법에 따라 종자 활력의 차이가 어떻게 변화했는지 알아보기 위해 농업유전자원센터 보존 중인 들깨 유전자원의 발아율을 조사하였다. 온도는 4도, -18도, 밀폐용기 보관하여 보존한 들깨 종자를 10년 보존 후 발아조사를 수행하였다. 발아환경은 페트리디쉬에 거름종이를 깔아 멸균수로 수분을 공급하고, 종자를 50립씩 2반복 치상 후 20도에서 7일, 14일에 조사하였다. 4도에서 보존한 들깨 577자원은 발아율이 85%이상인 자원이 184자원으로 나타났다. -18도에서 보존한 들깨 725자원은 발아율이 85%이상이 자원이 329자원으로 나타났다. 세계적으로 식물유전자원은행에서 양호한 발아율의 기준으로 85%를 사용하는데, 4도 보존 들깨 유전자원들은 조사한 자원의 32%가 양호하였고, -18도 보존 자원들은 45%가 발아 기준을 만족하였다. 들깨유전자원을 10년 주기로 발아율을 조사한 결과 -18도 보존 종자의 발아율이 4도 보존 종자보다 기준발아율이 13% 우수하였으나 두 처리 모두 85% 기준발아율을 만족하는 자원이 50%이하로 나타났다. 본 연구결과는 들깨유전자원을 4도, -18도에서 장기 보존할 때에 종자 활력 예측 및 활력 모니터링 연구에 도움이 될 것이다.

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Growth and Yield of Azukibean Seed from Virus-infected Plant (바이러스 나병주로부터 얻은 팥의 생육 및 수량)

  • 허남기;김기식;변학수;하건수;최장경
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    • v.40 no.5
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    • pp.569-573
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    • 1995
  • This experiment was carried out to investigate the effect of Azukibean seeds gained from virus-infected plant on the growth and yield of the next generation. In conventional cultivation, plants showed high infection rate, whereas plants in isolation cultivation showed normal growth without virus-infection. It was considered that virus-infection of Azukibean(variety Chungjupat) occurred not because of seed infection but because of insects-vector in growing period. And thread-shaped virus particles were observed in diseased leaf showing mosaic through electron microscope.

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Hydropriming Seed Treatment Improve Germinability of Cucumber (오이종자의 발아성 증진을 위한 Hydropriming 효과)

  • Kang, Jum-Soon
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.228-234
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    • 2003
  • Various hydration treatments have been devised to improve the rate and univormity of seed germination as well as seed viability. Hydropriming and priming, the imbibitaion of seeds in distilled water and osmotic solutions, respectively, are useful techniques for early establishment of uniform seedlings. In this study, the optimum conditions were determined for hysropriming of cucumber seeds. Effects of hydropriming were also compared to those of osmotic priming. Seeds, hydroprimed with distilled water and primed with 50 mM $NaNO_3$at 20 for 24 hour, showd shorter number of days required to reach 50% of the final germination percentage ($T_{50}$), and mean number of days to germinate (MDG) that those untreated seeds. Hydroprimed with 10 mL distilled water showed better results in improving the rate of germination thatn other treatments tested. Hydropriming of the aged seeds improved germination percentage at 15$^{\circ}C$ and 25$^{\circ}C$. The $T_{50}$ and MDG values were reduced significantly by hydropriming of the aged seeds regardless of germination temperature. In addition to being simple and inexpensive, the hydropriming resulted in early germination at low temperature. he hydropriming was also effective in increase of germination percentage and normal seedlings.

Effects of Seed Coating and Molding on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Rehabilitating Plants in Forest Road Slopes (임도 비탈면 녹화식물의 종자피복 및 복토처리가 발아와 생장에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Byung-Tae;Park, Chong-Min
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.436-447
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    • 2006
  • Recently, there is increasing demand on enhancing the efficiency of hydro-seed spraying in afforestation for damaged or degraded land including forest road slopes. In this study, we focus on how seed coating and molding may affect seed germination and seedling growth. Plant species used in the study are Lespedeza cyrtobotrya, Indigofera pseudotinctoria, Arudineila hirta, Poa pratensis, and Lolium perenne. The results of seed germination and seedling growth with and without seed coating and molding are analyzed as follows: 1. For all the species and in both seeding with molding covered with soil and seeding without molding in which seeds were over sown, the increment of germination ratio by seed coating method is greater than by non·coating one. Seed coating increases average germination ratios observed in seeding with molding and without molding by 11.2% and 21.4%, respectively. Germination force may decrease from 0.8 to 3.7 days depending on the plant species and the treatments. The $LD_{50}$ decreased by $0.8{\sim}2.6$ days. However, seed coating delays the start of germination by approximate 1 day for all of the observed plants. 2. Seed coating may have the effect of accelerating the growth of stem and leaf and root. The experimental result shows that seed coating leads to 21.7% and 34.8% increment of average stem and leaf growth by seeding with molding and without molding, respectively. In terms of root growth, seeding with molding results in 22.0% increment while seeding without molding produces 26.2% increased root growth. 3: Compared to seeding without molding, germination starts on an average of 1.3 days later in seeding coated seeds with molding. However. the germination ratio is increased by 5%, and germination force and $LD_{50}$ are observed to shorten by 1.0 day and 1.4 days, respectively. Meanwhile, whether seeds are coated or not may be more related with germination and seedling growth in seeding without molding than with those in seeding with molding. 4. In this study, coating materials are examined to look at which ones are better in each treatment. Coating with Vermiculite+Talcum is the most effective in germination and seedling growth for overall plants. Seed coating using Bentonite, Calcium Carbonate, and Calcium Hydroxide shows better results than non-coating does. 5. When seeds are coated, the greatest enhancement of seed germinations was observed in Indigofera pseudotinctoria and, in the case of seedling growth, Lespedeza cyrtobotrya has the most increasing observation value among the 5 examined species. These results may indicate that woody plant seeds, having greater sizes of seeds than ones of grass seeds, may have greater relation with seed coating than grass plant seeds may have. 6. Therefore, if seeds cannot be molded up after hydro-seeding on forest road slopes, it is recommended that seeds for restoration be pre-coated with Vermiculite+Talcum and then be sowed, in order to quickly stabilize the damaged slope and achieve successful afforestation.

The Effect of Temperature of Compost on the Germination Inhibition of Weed Seeds during Livestock Manure Composting (가축 분 퇴비화과정의 온도에 따른 잡초종자 발아억제 효과)

  • Jeong, Kwang-Hwa;Kim, Ki-Yong;Lee, Dong-Jun;Lee, Dong-Hyun;Kwag, Jung-Hoon
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.325-330
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    • 2018
  • This study was carried out to assess the composting temperature effects on germination of curled dock and barnyard millet seeds. After the seeds wrapped in gauze were buried in the compost heap, the seeds were taken out under monitering the temperature for measuring germination rate at 1.5, 3, 10 and 20 days of composting. The germination rate of the seeds was directly related to the temperature of the compost heap regardless of the type of composting method. The seeds that buried in the compost for 1.5 days at a temperature of $60{\sim}70^{\circ}C$ were completely lost their germination ability. However, the germination rate of the seeds retained about 10% even after 20 days when compost temperature was below $51^{\circ}C$. Reulsting data suggests that, it is necessary to keep the compost temperature at least $55^{\circ}C$ for more than 3 days in order to suppress the germination of the seeds. On the other hand, if the temperature of the compost rises by $60{\sim}70^{\circ}C$, the seeds will lose their gemination ability with in 1.5 days. In conclusion, aerobic composting would be more effective in suppressing germination ability of curled dock seed and barnyard millet seeds.

Selection of coating materials to leafy perilla seed for reducing endosulfan residue in greenhouse soil (시설재배지 토양중 잔류농약 경감을 위한 잎들깨 종자코팅제 선발)

  • Choi, Ju-Hyeon;Park, Hyeon-Ju;Park, Byung-Jun;Park, Kyung-Hun;Kim, Chan-Sub
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.276-280
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    • 2007
  • In order to select the coating materials to perilla seed for reducing endosulfan residue greenhouse soil, this study was conducted to develop seed coating method and materials and also to evaluate the effects of seed coating on germination and color contrast between soil and perilla seed for convenient sowing work. Talc and kaoline were selected as seed coating materials because easy coating and better color contrast than shell powder or lime. Water was more effective on germination compared to alcohol, com oil and spray sticker as adhesives for seed coating.