• Title/Summary/Keyword: 종자 수

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Leakage of Seed Reserve Nutrient in Artificially Aged Pepper Seeds and Enhancement of Seed Vigor by Priming (노화처리된 고추종자의 저장성분 누출과 priming 처리가 종자활력 증진에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang Jum-Soon;Choi In-Soo
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.16 no.2 s.75
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    • pp.352-356
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    • 2006
  • Quantity of protein, amino acid, and sugar leaked from seeds was greater as the viability of seeds was dropped by the time elapsed of seed aging treatment. In the seeds with the artificial aging treatment for 20 days, 35.8 mg of protein was leaked on the 4th day after soaking, which was 6.9 times higher than that of control. Leakage of amino acid was also higher from low quality seeds treated with the aging treatment. In the seeds with the aging treatment for 20 days, $36.5{\mu}g$ fig of sugar was leaked on the 4th day after soaking, which was 2.8 times higher than that of control. The leakage of inorganic compound was higher from the low quality seeds, and leakage of total protein, amino acid, and sugar. According to .the quantity of leakage, water soluble compounds, which can be used for the assessment of seed quality without any destruction, were protein and potassium. Germination rate and percentage of seeds were dropped with the seed aging treatment, and the seed viability could be recovered by priming treatment. This phenomenon was very clear when the low quality seeds were germinated at low temperature.

Proteomic Approach at the Seed Dormancy Breaking of Aconitum Austrokoreense (세뿔투구꽃(Aconitum Austrokoreense) 종자 휴면타파의 단백질 변화 분석)

  • Hayan Lee;Hayan Lee;Se-kyu Song;Jinki Kim;Chihyeon Song;Cheol Hee Lee
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2023.04a
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    • pp.10-10
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    • 2023
  • 투구꽃속(Aconitum L.)은 미나리아재비과(Ranunculaceae)의 가장 큰 속(Genus) 중 하나로 300-400 여종(Species)이 북반구 온대지역에 분포한다(Tamura, 1993). 둥근 투구모양의 꽃받침이 특징적이며, aconitine과 같은 알칼로이드 성분을 함유하고 있어 전통적으로 약용소재로서 활용되었다(Khorana, 1968). 세뿔투구꽃(Aconitum austrokoreense Koidz.)은 한국 경상도, 전라남도에만 국지적으로 자라는 한국 특산식물이자, IUCN에서 CR(Critical Endangered) 등급으로 지정된 희귀식물이다. 이 종은 다년생이지만, 서식지에서 개체수가 적거나 유묘의 발견이 어려운 등 자생지 축소 및 절멸의 우려가 높다. 세뿔투구꽃을 보호하고 종을 보존하기 위해서는 종자 발아 · 휴면에 대한 지속적 연구와 종자번식법의 개발이 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 세뿔투구꽃의 종자의 휴면유형을 분석하고 호르몬에 의해 휴면타파를 유도하였으며, 특히 발아 2단계에서 일어나는 생리적 변화를 단백질체학적 관점에서 분석하였다. 세뿔투구꽃 종자는 미발달된 배를 가지고 있으며, 충분한 수분과 온도의 조건에서도 발아가 관찰되지 않아 형태 · 생리적 휴면으로 판단되었다. 종자는 BAP 처리에서 휴면이 타파되는 것을 확인하였으며, 특히 BAP 농도에 따른 발아율은 통계적으로 유의한 값을 가졌다 (F=23.208, P<0.01). 건조된 종자에 비해 BAP 처리된 종자는 발아 2단계에서 몇가지 단백질의 증가가 관찰되었다. 대부분의 종자는 30S ribosomal protein subunit으로, 휴면상태에서 발아상태로 변환이 일루어지는 생리적 변화의 증거로 확인된다. 특히 발아2단계를 지나는 세뿔투구꽃 종자에서는 cytochrome subunit과 photosystem II protein의 급격한 증가가 관찰되었는데, 이는 배아의 발달 결과인 자엽이 발아 즉시 광합성이 가능하도록 준비하는 과정에서 발현 된 것으로 추정한다. 본 연구는 발아2단계에서 휴면타파에 직접적인 영향을 미치는 요인을 발견하지 못하였으나, 휴면타파에 중요한 단계인 발아 2단계 종자의 생리학적 변화를 이해하기 위한 기초자료로 활용 될 수 있을 것이다.

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Development of Non-destructive Measurement System for the Detection of CGMMV Virus in Watermelon Seed(citrullus lanatus L) using Hyperspectral Imaging system (초분광 영상 시스템을 이용한 수박종자(Capsicum annuum L)의 오이 녹반 모자이크 바이러스(CGMMV) 감염의 비파괴 판별 시스템 개발)

  • Bae, Hyung-Jin;lohumi, Santosh;Kandpal, Lalit Mohan;Park, ChanHwan;Lim, Hyoun-Sub;Cho, Byoung-Kwan
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery Conference
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    • 2017.04a
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    • pp.43-43
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    • 2017
  • 종자산업은 농작물 생산에 중요한 역할을 끼치는 좌우하는 요소 중에 하나로, 우량종자의 확보는 농작물 수급에 중요한 역할을 하는 농업부문의 원천산업이다. 오이 녹반 모자이크 바이러스(CGMMV)는 박과류에 가장 많은 피해를 끼치는 바이러스로 종자전염을 방지하고, 우량종자의 공급을 위해서는 감염종자와 비 감염종자의 판별은 필수적이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 초분광 영상 시스템을 이용하여 수박종자의 CGMMV의 감염 및 비 감염종자를 판별할 수 있는 기술을 개발하고자 하였다. 본 연구에서 사용된 바이러스 감염 종자는 CGMMV 바이러스 감염 수박종자를 사용하였으며, 생산된 종자를 초분광 영상 시스템을 통해 스크린 후, RNA를 추출하여 PCR분석법으로 바이러스의 감염유무를 확인하였으며, 이후 바이러스의 감염유무와 획득된 스펙트럼을 비교 분석하여 판별모델을 개발하고 이를 선별 시스템에 적용하였다. 모델개발에 사용된 초분광 영상 기술은 초분광 SWIR(Shortwave infraed : 1000-2500nm)영상 기술이 다. 획득된 초분광 SWIR 영상을 분석한 결과 바이러스 감염 종자가 유의미한 정확도로 판별이 되는 것으로 나타났다. 초분광 SWIR 영상기술이 바이러스 감염종자와 비감염종자를 비파괴적으로 선별하는데 효과적으로 적용이 가능할 것으로 판단된다.

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대암산 용늪의 매토종자

  • Jo, Seon-Hui;Kim, Tae-Gyu;Yeon, Myeong-Hun;Lee, Jae-Ho;Sin, Yeong-Gyu;Seo, Min-Hwan;Kim, Gi-Dae
    • Proceedings of the Korean Environmental Sciences Society Conference
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    • 2006.11a
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    • pp.427-428
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    • 2006
  • 대표적인 고산 습원인 대암산 용늪에서 계절별로 식생과 매토종자 식생을 비교하였다. 매토종자 분석에서 삿갓사초와 가는오이풀이 가장 많이 출현하였다. 매토종자 분석을 통하여 용늪에서 식생에 의해서 공급되는 토양내의 종자 동태를 파악할 수 있었다.

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Evaluation of Hot Water Treatment for Disinfection of Vegetable Seeds for Organic Farming (채소 종자별 온탕침지 종자소독 효과검정)

  • Lee, Ji-Hyun;Shen, Shun-Shan;Park, Yong-Ju;Ryu, Kyung-Yul;Jee, Hyeong-Jin
    • Research in Plant Disease
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.157-163
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    • 2007
  • Hot water treatment that is the most appropriate seed disinfection method for organic vegetable farming was evaluated in this study. Among the leafy vegetable seeds lettuce that was the most sensitive to hot water was suitable to treat at $45^{\circ}C$ for 25 min, while Chinese cabbage and radish seeds were optimally treated at $50^{\circ}C$ for 25 min. The treatments resulted in similar or higher seed germination rate than non-treated seeds and promoted plant growth. In addition, fungi such as Alternaria, Aspergillus, Penicillium, or Mucor grown on the seeds were suppressed over 90% and the bacterial growth on lettuce seeds reduced 98.5% by the treatment. Among the fruit vegetable seeds pumpkin that was vulnerable to hot water was suitable to treat at $50^{\circ}C$ for 15 min, while cucumber and hot pepper seeds revealed optimum treatment at $50^{\circ}C$ for 25 min as chinese cabbage and radish. The treatment also showed similar or higher seed germination rate and growth than non-treated seeds. Furthermore, fungi such as Rhizopus, Aspergillus, Penicillium or Mucor grown on the seeds reduced from 72.0% to 95.4%. The bacterial growth on cucumber and red pepper seeds was suppressed from 65.5% to 86.0% by the treatment. Results indicated that the hot water treatment is practical for disinfection of organic vegetable seeds and the optimum temperature and soaking time varied among the seeds.

Effect of Seed Moisture Content on Seed Storage of Dehisced Ginseng Seeds (종자 수분함량에 따른 개갑 인삼 종자의 저장성 연구)

  • Suh, Su Jeoung;Yu, Jin;Jang, In-Bae;Kim, Young-Chang
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.183-191
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    • 2022
  • Ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer) is a perennial plant and propagates by seeds, and those need after-ripening for germination. To be ready for climate change and to ensure a stable seed supply, the technique for storing seeds in short-term and long-term in large quantities is required. In this study, dehisced ginseng seeds from two locations, batch #1 and batch #2, were stored at -3.5℃ with different moisture content, and after 3, 15, and 27 months of storage, the percentage of radicle emergence and shoot emergence were measured. After 3 months, radicle emergence and shoot emergence were normal only when the seed moisture content was more than 35%, and overall, germination was higher in batch #2 than in batch #1. After 15 months, the partially dehydrated seeds, with a moisture content between 45 to 54%, showed the highest germination rates, and most of the undried seeds were spoiled and failed to germinate. Seeds with moisture content lower than 25% had poor germination, too. The partially dehydrated seeds also succeeded in germination and growth in the soil after 15 months of storage, but deteriorated after one more 1 year, too. In summary, ginseng seeds look like have temperate recalcitrant seed characteristics, and partial dehydration allows extension of seed longevity.

Analysis on Practicality of Seed Treatments for Medicinal Plants Published in Korean Scientific Journals (국내 학술지에 발표된 약용작물 종자처리의 실용성 분석)

  • Kang, Jin-Ho;Yoon, Soo-Young;Jeon, Seung-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.328-341
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    • 2004
  • Presowing seed treatments used to enhance the rates of germination and afterward seedling emergence have not occasionally shown the same rate in indoor and field. The treatments considering germination mechanism and factors affecting germination must be totally included in indoor experiments so that the results drawn can be reproduced in the field. Seed germination is controlled by Phytochrome-mediated action changed with composition rates of red and far-red lights. Sunlight can penetrate soil into $6{\sim}9\;mm$ depth, which in turn means that seeds having $2{\sim}3\;mm$ in their width may receive the light if soil was covered 3 times over them. The penetrating light, moreover, turns to more far-red light than red light reverse to the sunlight. For germination tests after the artificial presowing seed treatments, therefore, seeds of smaller than 2 mm (< 2 mm), $2{\sim}3\;mm$, and larger than 3 mm (> 3 mm) must be done with incandescent lamp (IL) having more far-red light, with IL or in darkness, and in darkness, respectively. The 96 papers published in 13 Korean scientific journals up to the end of 2003 were analysed on the basis of the above explanation. 91 species were used 147 times as experimental materials; 101 times for < 2 mm seeds, 24 times for $2{\sim}3\;mm$ seeds and 22 times for > 3 mm seeds. If they were analysed as the light sources used for germination tests, correct applications reached more and less than 60% in both $2{\sim}3\;mm$ and > 3 mm seeds but 23% in < 2 mm seeds, conclusionally meaning that when the experimental results in the scientific papers were applied into farming practices, care was taken of their application because most of medicinal plant seeds were very small.

Heterosis, Combining Ability Analysis, and Component of Genetic Variation for the Yield related Character in Cotton(Gossypium hirsulum L) (목화(Gossypium hirsulum L.) 수량관련 형질의 잡종강세, 조합능력 및 유전성분분석)

  • Park, Gyu-Hwan;Kim, Kyung-Min;Kwak, Tae-Soon;Lee, Wha-Keun
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.168-176
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    • 2007
  • Heterosis, combining ability, genetic components, effective factor no. and heritability for yield of seed cotton per plant, boll no., seeds per boll, seed length, seed width and lint weight per boll were investigated in $5{\times}5$ half diallel set of crosses involving diverse upland cultivars. Both heterosis and heterobeltiosis for yield per plant, boll number, seed length and lint weight showed significantly negative values. Both general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) showed highly significant. Overdominance was observed for yield per plant, boll number, seeds per boll and seed width, complete dominance for seed length and partial dominance for lint weight. The number of effective factor was estimated as two for yield per plant, boll number and seed length and estimated as one for seeds per boll, seed width and lint weight. Narrow sense heritability was low for yield per plant, boll number and seeds per boll. Broad sense heritability was very high for all the characters excepting lint weight.

Relationship Between Storage Periods and Germination Ability of Dehisced Seeds of Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer (저장기간과 인삼종자 발아력과의 관계)

  • Lee, Jang-Ho;Lee, Sung-Sik;Ahn, In-Ok;Kang, Jae-Yong;Lee, Myoung-Gu
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.215-218
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    • 2004
  • This study were conducted to investigate the viability and germination of dehisced Panax ginseng seeds stored for long period in the storage chamber with $5^{\circ}C\;and\;30{\%}$ humudity. The staining reaction times for viability test were 150 min, 90 in, 60 min at $0.1{\%},\;0.5{\%}\;and\;1{\%}$ triphenyltetrazolim chloride(TTC), respectively. the more the storage period, the less the healthy seeds ratio. It was $96.6{\%},\;89.2{\%},\;63.4{\%}$ for 1-year storage, 7-years storage, 9-years storage, respectively. Germination ratio were $84.0{\%},\;80.5{\%},\;73.5{\%},\;2.5{\%}$ for 1-year stroage, 6-years storage, 7-years storage and 9-years storage, respectively. Therefore it was confirmed that ginseng seed can be stored up to 6-7 years.

Effect of Sodium Hypochlorite Treatment on Incidence of Seed-borne Fungi in Several Crop Seeds (Sodium Hypochlorite 처리가 몇가지 작물의 종자소독에 미치는 효과)

  • Ku, Ja Hyeong;Yu, Seung Hun;Lee, Hyang Burm
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.18-24
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    • 1993
  • This experiment was focused on determining the potential of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) as fungicide against seed-borne fungi. Effects of NaOCl to control seed-borne fungi were compared to the those of Benlate T in several crop seeds. 1. The effect of NaOCl on disinfection of sesame seeds without imparing germination was highest in the range of 1-2% solution for 10 min. Also, a 30 min immersion of rice seed in 1-2% solution reduced incedence of seed-borne fungi. 2. Alternaria spp. in seeds of radish and chinese cabbage and Colletoricum spp. in pepper were significantly reduced by a 10 min immersion of seeds in 1% NaOCl. 3. The effective control range of NaOCl for seed-borne fungi was much wider than that of Benlate T in sesame seeds. No clear difference between chemicals was found in rice seeds. However, germination of seeds were impaired at 1-2% NaOCl immersion for more than 1 hour.

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