• Title/Summary/Keyword: 종자 수

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A Study on Gilles Clement's Garden View and the 'Garden in motion' - Centering on Conceptual Comparison with William Robinson's Wild Garden - (질 클레망의 정원관(庭園觀)과 '움직이는 정원'에 대한 연구 - William Robinson의 Wild Garden과의 개념비교를 중심으로 -)

  • Kwon, Jin-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.46-53
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    • 2018
  • The background of this study was to consider regenerative environmental characteristics and develop foundations for conceptual grounds and applications in embodying sustainable garden designs demanded in our age. In doing so, this study aimed to have a conceptual understanding of Clement's garden theory influenced by Robinson's naturalistic distinction and compared it with Robinson's wild garden, and the results are as follows: First, for Clement, garden design included an ecological process to settle in the target site as aesthetics of space being formed by the movement of plants. In this sense, making a 'garden in motion' implies to design possibilities to adapt to nature based on trust in it and allow plant seeds not to be planned but to naturally go and find appropriate habitats. Second, the views to wildness can be separated into microscopic and macroscopic views and each has its own expressive characteristics. Robinson's gardens are small and subordinate and play mollification functions for existing spaces. On the contrary, Clement's gardens are the subject of the space, represent macroscopic strategies, and have top-down approaches embodied as infrastructure to play central roles in the ecology. Third, Robinson's and Clement's views to the operation of garden spaces acknowledge the inseparable relationship between nature's autonomy and gardens' wildness and deliver a value that the preservation of nature is a prerequisite to coexistence with the life we desire. Their gardens are analogized by interventions of environmental possibilism and ecological standpoints mediated by plants based on the perspective of environmental determinism.

The Use of Multiple Seed Vigor Indices to Predict Field Emergence and Grain Yield of Naked and Malting Barley (복합종자세지수를 이용한 보리 포장출아률과 수량예측)

  • Kim, Seok-Hyeon;Bin, Yeong-Ho;Choe, Zhin-Ryong
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.134-141
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    • 1989
  • In order to estimate field seedling emergence and grain yield by the information collected from various laboratory seed vigor tests, each two malting and naked barley cultivar seeds were artificially aged according to the standard aging treatment suggested by the Association of Official Seed Analysts. The seed vigor tests adopted were warm- and cold-germination test, tetrazolium vigor test and electrocon. ductivity test. Field emergence of malting barley (Y) was estimated by Y=-2.962+0.229X$_1$ (% warm germination) -0.001X$_2$ (vigor of warm germination test: WGT) +0.354X$_3$ (vigor of cold germination test: CT) -0.558X$_4$ (% cold germination). The multiple correlation coefficient indicated that % warm germination. was contributed 64 % of the variation in seedling emergence rate of malting barley. The vigor of warm and cold germination tests, and % cold germination contributed additional 4, 7, and 9%, respectively, upon addition of the variables into regression. For naked barley, the regression equation of emergence rate was less efficient(R$^2$=54%) than that of malting barley(R$^2$=84%). A model to predict grain yield by the results of various seed vigor tests was not evaluated for both malting and naked barlev.

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Response of Burley Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) to Application of Lime Materials (석회물질 시용이 Burley종 연초의 수량과 화학성분에 미치는 영향)

  • 이철환;김용옥;박수준
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.198-203
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    • 1989
  • Field experiment was conducted to find out the effect of lime materials application on yield, and chemical composition of Burley 21 in 1986. Lime materials and application rate were CaSO$_4$ : Ca 35kg/l0a. CaCO$_3$ : Ca 35kg/l0a and Liming: pH6.5. Contents of Ca and Mg in fresh or cured leaves were increased, but AI, Fe and Mn were decreased by applying lime materials. Yield were increased by applying lime materials. Among lime materials treatment, yield of limed and CaCO$_3$ plot were higher than that of CaSO$_4$ plot. Value per kg of cured leaves was not affected by applying lime materials. Cured leaves of CaSO$_4$ plot contained higher NH$_3$-nitrogen and alkalinity number of water insoluble ash than those of unlimed plot. Cured leaves of CaCO$_3$, plot contained higher alkalinity number of water soluble ash, insoluble ash and volatile neutral constituent, but lower protein-nitrogen and petroleum ether extracts than those of unlimed plot. Cured leaves of limed plot contained higher alkalinity number of water soluble and insoluble ash, NO$_3$-nitrogen and volatile neutral constituents, but lower protein -nitrogen, nicotine and petroleum ether extracts than those unlimed plot. Yield was increased, however leaf Quality in respect to chemical and organoleptic characteristics were not affected considerably by applying lime materials. Therefore, it suggests that controlling the soil pH about 6.5 by liming might be necessary for tobacco cultivation.

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Effects of Medium Supplements on Seed-derived Callus Culture of Italian Ryegrass (배지첨가물질이 이탈리안 라이그래스의 종자유래 캘러스 배양에 미치는 영향)

  • Woo, H.S.;Lee, B.H.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.243-250
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    • 2004
  • In an effort to optimize tissue culture responses of Italian ryegrass(Lolium multiflorum Lam.) for future genetic manipulations to improve forage characteristics, the effects of culture medium supplements on tissue culture responses were investigated with mature seeds of three cultivars, 'Jeanne', 'Florida-80' and 'Metro', as explant tissues. For all explants, MS medium containing 5mg/L 2,4-D was optimal for embryogenic callus induction from mature seed and had a strong effect on successive plant regeneration. The optimal concentration of dicamba for the induction of embryogenic callus from mature seeds was 7mg/L. The highest plant regeneration frequency was observed when embryogenic callus was transferred to N6 medium supplemented with 1mg/L 2,4-D and 5mg/L BA. Plant regeneration frequency of callus cultured in the dark was higher than that of cultured in the light. Casein hydrolysate and L-proline improved both in embryogenic callus induction from mature seeds and plant regeneration. High-frequency regeneration system established in this study will be useful for molecular breeding of Italian ryegrass through genetic transformation.

Establishment of Breeding Population For Quercus glauca and Climatic Factors (종가시나무(Quercus glauca)의 육종집단 조성과 기후인자)

  • Son, Seog-Gu;Kim, Hyo-Jeong;Kang, Young-Je;Oh, Chan-Jin;Kim, Chan-Soo;Byun, Kwang-Ok
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.109-114
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    • 2011
  • A breeding population of Quercus glauca has been established via simple direct selection. Seedlings from naturally crossed seeds of 35 selected families growing in Jeju Island were placed using stroll repeated planting into two experimental forest located at Hannam and Sanghyo in Jeju. After 3 years of planting, characteristics of growth were examined. Growth pattern of trees in Sanghyo was better than those in Hannam. The average heights of filial were 66.8 cm in Hannam and 92.5 cm in Sanghyo. Root collar diameters of filial in Hannam and Sanghyo were 9.3 mm and 12.2 mm, respectively. A great weather differences especially in precipitation and temperature were shown between two test sites. The result of difference of growth pattern between two sites could be useful in provenance adaptability test. Data within families and individuals obtained from this study was also useful for establishment of seed orchard of Q. glauca.

Herbicide Resistance in Plant Tissue Culture (식물체(植物體) 조직배양(組織培養)과 제초제(除草劑) 저항성(抵抗性))

  • Kim, Kil-Ung
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.9-13
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    • 1985
  • This study was conducted to evaluate herbicide resistant plant through tissue culture. Callus was induced from embryos of Echinochloa crusgalli Beauv. (var, oryzicola Ohwi, var. caudata Kitagawa and var, crusgalli). An optium medium for callus induction and succinate dehydrogenase activity in inducted callus were detected and callus growth of various varieties of Echinochloa crusgalli was assessed under the treatment of various rates of butachlor[N-(butoxymethyl)-2-chloro-N-(2,6-diethylphenyl)acetamide]. MS medium seemed to be the most appropriate to induce callus from the embryos of varieties of E. crusgalli by using 2,4-D about 5.5mg/l as a hormone source. The activity of succinate dehydrogenase in inducted callus showed positive reaction against to TTC(2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride) regardless of concentrations of butachlor and varieties of E. crusgalli, indicating that all the callus induced were alive. The callus growths derived from seeds of E, cnesgalli were greatly affected by various rates of butachlor and were completely inhibited at the highest concentration of butachlor, $10^{-3}M$, regardless of varieties of E. crasgalli. $10^{-6}M$ of butachlor inhibited 24.6% of the callus growth of E. crusgalli Beauv, var. oryzicola Ohwi, while E. crusgalli Beauv. var. crusgalli showed 42% of inhibition, showing that there was difference in response of varieties of E. crusgalli Beauv. to butachlor.

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A Research Review for Establishing Effective Management Practices of the Highly Invasive Cordgrass (Spartina spp.) (생태계 교란식물 cordgrass (Spartina spp.)의 효과적인 관리방안 수립을 위한 고찰)

  • Kim, Jin-Seog
    • Weed & Turfgrass Science
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.111-125
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    • 2016
  • Cordgrass (Spartina spp.) is recognized as a highly invasive plant in estuaries throughout the world because of remarkable versatility and resiliency, significant reproduction, strong adaptability, rapid spreading, and vigorous growth. In this review, therefore, to provide insights on the effective management practices, the previous research works were summarized and discussed. Spartina spp. is a perennial halophyte, warm-season (C4) grass that reproduces both sexually through seeds and asexually by rhizomes. Management strategies for cordgrass have included various physical, biological, and chemical controls. Herbicides are usually the most cost-effective means of control. Currently, glyphosate, imazapyr, fluazifop and haloxyfop have been practically used. To improve the control efficacy, a combination of two more than methods (example, mowing-spraying) is needed to be applied consistently every year for at least 3 to 4 years and to be sprayed with enough dry time (>4-6 hr) at an early growth stage (before flowering). Consistently repeated application of same herbicide have to be avoided to prevent an unexpected emergence of herbicide-resistant lines. On the other hand, Spartina spp. have many positive functions for agricultural and eco-engineering purposes. Thus, we have to give more intensive research for effectively managing advantages and disadvantages of Spartina plantations.

Comparison of the Characteristics of Seed Germination and the First Stage of Growth in Cynanchum wilfordii (Maxim.) by Different Light Conditions (광조건별 백수오의 종자 발아 특성 및 초기생육 비교)

  • Yoo, Ji Hye;Seong, Eun Soo;Lee, Jae Geun;Kim, Chul Joong;Choi, Jae Hoo;Lee, Gi Hye;Hwang, In Seong;Hwang, Eun Bee;Lim, Jung Dae;Ahn, Young Sup;Park, Chung Berm;Yu, Chang Yeon
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.329-333
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    • 2013
  • This study was carried out to compare the characteristics of seed germination and the first stage of growth in Cynanchum wilfordii (Maxim.) by different light conditions such ass fluorescent light, dark and light emitting diode (LED). There was not much difference from the germination rate of C. wilfordii (Maxim.) in different light conditions for 10 days. The highest of germination rate occurred over 91.11 percentage by LED red condition at $26^{\circ}C$. Also mean germination velocity and promptness index were represented the highest results of 2.3 ea/day and 52.67 under red light, respectively. But mean germination time under both LED red and blue light was represented low data that it takes over three days for germinating of seed. Even though handling both LED red and blue lights, the germination uniformity was not constant. These results may help our understanding of variations in germination characteristics for C. wilfordii (Maxim.) seeds treated under different light conditions.

Superoxide Dismutase and Peroxidase Activity of Transformed Callus in Tomato (형질전환된 토마토 캘러스의 Superoxide Dismutase와 Peroxidase 활성)

  • 유정민;정형진;김경민;곽상수
    • Korean Journal of Plant Tissue Culture
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.177-181
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    • 1998
  • This study was carried out to investigate activity difference in the superoxide dismutase (SOD) and peroxidase (POD) of tomato callus transformed with Agrobacterium containing the GUS gene. Than those of other two tomato cultivars, the hypocotyl explant of JA101 was shown to have higher POD and SOD specific activity of 23 unit/mg protein and 2,156 unit/mg protein, respectively. Relatively high frequency of callus formation was obtained from the hypocotyl explant on MS medium containing 1 mg/L 2,4-D for 30 days and its POD(47 unit/mg protein) and SOD (95,786 unit/mg protein) specific activities were higher than other 2,4-D concentration. The hypocotyl explant and callus cocultivated with Agrobacterium for 72 hours were transferred to MS medium supplemented with 1 mg/L 2,4-D, 30 mg/L kanamycin, 30 g/L sucrose and 4 g/L Gelrite. The hypocotyl explants transferred to the medium formed callus with 45.5% effeciency after 8 weeks. The transformation efficiency confirmed by GUS assay was 21.6%. POD specific activity of the transformed callus (54 unit/mg protein) were somewhat lower than the non-transformed callus (64 unit/mgg protein) and SOD specific activity of the transformed callus (30,300 unit/mg protein) were also lower than the non-transformed callus (37,077 unit/mg protein). However there was no significant difference in POD and SOD isozyme patterns between the transformed and the non-transformed calluses. From these results, it revealed that there was no difference of antioxidant enzyme activities between the transformed callus and the non-transformed callus in tomato.

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Differentiation of indigenous balloon flower (Platycodon grandiflorum DC.) germ lines in South Korea by using RAPD analyses (RAPD분석 기술을 이용한 토종도라지의 기원 분석)

  • Kim, Tae-Won;Lee, Soo-Jin;Kim, Man-Bae;Park, Chun-Geon;Shin, Yong-Wook;Cho, Young-Son;Lee, Shin-Woo
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.19-25
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    • 2014
  • The total production volume has been sharply increased from year 2008 in Gyeongnam province, South Korea by the policy of preservation and promotion of indigenous balloon flower germ lines. In an attempt to assist the Gyeongnam province's policy, in this study, we tried to establish a technique to differentiate the indigenous balloon flower germ lines with those collected within South Korea and China. Our preliminary results indicated that RAPD analyses with five different primers exhibited high frequency of polymorphic DNA bands up to 76.9% and phylogenetic tree indicated that some of the indigenous lines can be easily differentiated with others. However, it was suggested that more advanced techniques such as single nucleotide polymorphic markers need to be developed in particular, by using extra-chromosomal DNA.