• Title/Summary/Keyword: 종교적 가정

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  • Seo, Min-Jung;Jung, Chul-Ho;Chang, Eun-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.245-255
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    • 2001
  • Objectives:This study was conducted to investigate variables related to children's depression, and also the relationships between children's depression and parents' depression. Methods:258 5th and 6th grade elementary school students in Taegu, and their parents were asked to complete self-report questionnaires including the children's depression Inventory(CDI) and the Beck's depression Inventory(BDI). Correlation analysis, T-test, One-way ANOVA were used for the statistical analysis and the statistically significant level is p<0.05. Results:1) CDI mean for total children is $13.5{\pm}6.77$, BDI mean for their mother is $13.3{\pm}7.25$, and BDI mean for their father is $11.6{\pm}7.03$. 2) There are significant differences in CDI for children variables related to sex, health, school achievement, economic status. 3) Mother's health slightly affect children's depression, but there are no significant differences in CDI for parents' education, religion, father's health. 4) Children's school achievement and economic status among variables related to children affect mother's BDI scores and children's school achievement affect father's BDI scores. 5) For CDI item analysis, there are significant differences in 10 items for children's sex, in 8 items for health, and in 6 items for economic status. Especially, there are significant differences in 20 items among 27 items for children's school achievement. 6) There is significant correlation between parents' BDI scores and children's CDI scores, and especially high correlation to mother for both boys and girls. Conclusion:Children's depression are significantly affected by children's sex, health, school achievement, economic status. And especially school achievement affect grossly children's depression and their mother's depression, so we know that children and their mother have much burden about school achievement. There is high correlation between children's depression and parents'(especially mother) depression. Therefore, these result imply that in the therapy for children's depression, we must include not only children's problems but also parents' depression and parent-children relationship.

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A Study on Comics Outreach Programs for Contents marginalized Areas (콘텐츠 소외지역의 만화 아웃리치 프로그램 모델링 연구)

  • Lee, Seung-Jin
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.49
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    • pp.359-382
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    • 2017
  • Content is the complex of art and technology of trend, so it is important to experience different technologies for content education. Today, many non-profit organizations plan and operate numbers of programs for disabilities, low-income, and minority families to enhance the quality of life and the realization of social integration. These programs are limited to museums and galleries, not so pro-actively in progressing. Various contend education is necessary to the expansion of cultural exchange for the culturally alienated area. Naver is running an outreach program named . It is an experience-based outreach program where current cartoon / webtoon writers come directly to the school to inform students about the basic story of comics and comic techniques. However, the fact that the is not centered on the marginalized area but is centered on the Seoul Gyeonggi area, has the limitation that they can not benefit from a wide range of programs because they have a space limit of 'school', and, has a spatial limitation that the experience of the work is excluded. 'Outreach programs in marginalized areas' must be reorganized into a fluid dimension, not a fixed, single-system program. You should be able to experience and experience your work by directly using various professional equipment of comics based on your capacity and experience, local culture, religion, and society. These program participants will gain the effect of attractive and effective learning with empathy with their comic experience. Meanings of Comics content outreach program are following: First, the rich cultural archive can be used efficiently by providing various contents to existing outreach programs with the educational limitation of museums and galleries. Second, Comics contents can be enjoyed as a part of our life by understanding diversity and technology of contents. Third, because it is the program of expertise' participation, it can remodel, and restructure the severed experience in remote areas for the continuous growth and development, and furthermore, it can enhance the understanding of society.

The Leisure Activity and the Degree of Satisfaction for the Life by Aged persons in a Rural Area (일부(一部) 농촌노인(農村老人)의 여가활동(餘暇活動)과 생활만족도(生活滿足度)와 관련성(關聯性))

  • Kim, Jae-Soog;Park, Jong;Ryu, So-Yeon;Lee, Chul-Gab;Kim, Hak-Ryul;Kim, Yang-Ok
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.131-143
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    • 1999
  • This study was attempted to find the mutual relationship between leisure activities and life satisfaction by the aged persons in a rural area. The data was obtained by interview with questionnaire and the data from 209 persons aged over 65, residing in Dohwa-myeon and Podu-myeon, Koheung-kun, Chollanam-do were analysed. The survey was carried out from Feb. 16th to May 3rd in 1998 and the results are as follows: 1. The survey showed that the major leisure activities were TV watching followed by talking with friends, club activities, taking a walk, visiting friends' or relatives' home and breeding domestic animals. 2. The types of leisure activities were classified into 8 patterns as active self-enlightenment, passive self-enlightenment, temporal amusements, passive self-activities, cozy introspective activities, friend oriented activities, family oriented activities and religious activities. Among the above 8 patterns active self-enlightenment type contributed most to the life satisfaction. 3. The major factors affecting leisure activities were sex, age, average income, religion and educational status. And the major factors affecting life satisfaction were sex, age average income, educational status and a state of health. In conclusion the more the aged persons participated in leisure activities, the better they felt life satisfaction.

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Study of Dental Hygienist's Stress Degree and Adaptation Method (치과위생사의 스트레스 정도와 적응 방법에 관한 연구)

  • Gwon, Mi-Young;Jung, Mee-Hee
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.133-140
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    • 2004
  • It examines closely the occupation characteristic primary factor which the dentistry hygienic company field which is working to presence at a sickbed is undergoing the degree and from the research which it sees and it grasps the adaptation method against it gropes bitterly with development of the dentistry hygienic company individual to join in, it contributed in dentistry medical treatment service quality improvement and the research which tries to sleep it attempted. Currently the dentistry hygiene which works from Seoul and the condition area subject matter dentist unit, the dentistry hospital and the general hospital dentistry back it did in the object which it will burn. 116 issues which become frequency in question 120 it used SPSS 10.0 and it analyzed. Result of this study is as following. (1) Was expose that stress degree by factor feels about commonness on the whole, and angle prospects and support connection stress at company were the biggest item by item, and appeared as on the other hand relation connection stress with patient is the smallest. (2) Stress that stress degree by each receives in case of there are a lot of other businesses to characteristic businesses except appeared highest. On the other hand, was expose that feel the lowest stress degree an item that other a type of occupation and discord are. (3) 'Do action of that throw goods or closes the door bump' appeared article highest by short term adaptation method about stress, and 'Think and gives up by fate' appeared highest by special skill adaptation method. Short term adaptation method appeared high than special skill adaptation method on the whole but the difference appeared as is very small. (4) Stress degree comparison by general special quality was shown difference that stress by only dental hygiene administration of justice selection motive keeps in mind. (5) All of the result that compare short term, long term adaptation method about stress that feel new dental higienist apple career dental higienist same difference be, but displayed high result in same munhang. (6) Was expose that difference that keep in mind from all arguments in comparison of short term adaptation method by general special quality does not exist, on the other hand, comparison of long-term adaptation method displayed result that religion among only variable keeps in mind statistically.

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Relationship between Stress and Eating Habits of Adults in Ulsan (울산지역 성인 남녀의 스트레스와 식습관)

  • Kim, Hye-Kyung;Kim, Jin-Hee
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.536-546
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    • 2009
  • This study was done to investigate the effect of stress on appetite and eating habits, and other health-related behaviors. The subjects of this study consisted of 188 males and 224 females in Ulsan area. The results were as follows: When stressed, 56% (n = 231) of the subjects experienced a change in appetite and of these, 32% (n = 132) experienced an increased appetite. Stress-induced eating may be one factor contributing to the development of obesity. There was a gender-specific response to stress in which women are more likely to use food to deal with stress, whereas men are more likely to use alcohol consumption or smoking. It was found that types of stressors were individual (52.9%), social (50.7%), family relations (34.5%), work demands (34.2%) and physical environment (32.3%). Stress-induced symptoms of the subjects were anxiety (38.3%), headache (36.7%) and neck or shoulder aches (36.2%), and females experienced those symptoms more than males. Those older than 50 years had a higher eating habit score and lower stress score compared with younger subjects. There were significant differences between sex, age, occupation, family type, BMI, exercise, sleeping hours and eating habits or stress level. This study may be helpful in advancing findings in this area to better provide health professionals with appropriate counseling tools to improve the health of all individuals.

Comparison Study of Knowledge, Attitude and Motivation Between Blood Donors and Non-donors (헌혈자와 비헌혈자의 헌혈에 대한 지식, 태도 및 동기에 대한 비교)

  • Shin, Jae-Hack;SaKong, Jun;Kim, Seok-Beom;Kim, Chang-Yoon;Kang, Pock-Soo;Chung, Jong-Hak;Song, Dal-Hyo
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.159-172
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    • 1989
  • This study was conducted to compare the date on knowledge, attitude and motivation toward blood donation between donors and nondonors. The study population included 622 donors and 322 nondonors who visited the mobile blood donation car of Taegu Red Cross Blood Center and participated the group appointed blood donation campaign managed by the center from March 1 to March 31, 1989. The donors and nondonors were questioned above mentioned items with a formulated questionnaire. Among the general characteristics of the subjects in the study, male predominace(84.1% in donors and 73.6% in nondonors) in young age group (16-24 years) was the outstanding feature. As a medium of information about blood donation, "television" was playing a dominant role(donors ; 75.2%, nondonors ; 78.9%), while "magazine"played more important roles among donors. Of the donors, 70.6% and of the nondonors, 58.1% replied that they had ever been induced to donate blood (p<0.01). Major inducers were friend and personnel of mobile blood donation vehicle. On the measuring of knowledge level, the average rates of correct answer was higher in donors (62.6%) than in nondonors (54.1%) (p<0.01). Higher the education level was presented, higher the knowledge level (p<0.05). There have been noticeable difference between donors and nondonors in blood replying the questionnaire set to measure their attitude toward blood donation. especially in the items such as "impression toward blood", "selection of transfusion blood source" and "view on the situation of blood shortage." The major motivation toward blood donation of the groups were "possible future need" and "altruism or humanitarian interest". The major reasons for not donating blood in both groups were "fear of the needle" and around to visit to mobile car or center."

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Community Residents' Knowledge, Attitude, and Needs for Hospice Care (일부 지역주민들의 호스피스에 대한 인지와 태도 및 간호요구 조사)

  • Ro, You-Ja;Han, Sung-Suk;Ahn, Sung-Hee;Yong, Jin-Sun
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.23-35
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    • 1999
  • Purpose : The hospice movement began about 30 years ago in Korea. However, basic studies have seldom been conducted about the general public's knowledge concerning hospice care and their needs for it. The purpose of this study was to investigate the general public's knowledge of and attitude toward hospice, and their needs for hospice care, and to analyze the needs for hospice care in relation to their knowledge and attitude in residents from a specific community. Methods : The survey was conducted with 924 people randomly selected from a district in Seoul. The data were collected through a self-reporting questionnaire constructed by the authors. With 30 items given in the questionnaire, the level of hospice needs showed Cronbach's alpha .89 in a pilot study and .92 in this study and the items were classified into four areas by a factor analysis. The data collected were analyzed by means of t-test and ANOVA. Results : 1) The average age of the respondents was 38. The majority of the respondents were well-educated. 2) Regarding awareness of hospice care, 54%(501 people) indicated they have heard of hospice. About 74% thought that people should be able to prepare for death in advance. About 83% wanted to be informed when they have life threatening illnesses such as terminal cancer. Also, about 63% responded that patients with terminal diseases should be provided with physical, spiritual, and psychological care for minimizing pain and peaceful death. Regarding the attitude toward hospice care, 74% responded that they would use hospice care if needed. The number of the respondents who preferred home visitation by the hospice team to care for the terminally ill ranked first with 34%. Concerning needs for hospice care : 1) By needs area, physical need showed highest mean(M=4.37), followed by social need(M=3.96), emotional need(M=3.87), and the spiritual need(M=3.79). The overall need level showed the mean value of 4.00 which reflects a considerable need for hospice care. 2) By demographic characteristics, people age over 50, the married, and the unemployed indicated higher level of needs for hospice care. Women showed higher level of needs than did men, and Catholics demonstrated higher level of needs than believers of other religion(P<0.0001). 3) As for the knowledge of and attitude toward hospice rare, the level of hospice care needs was significantly higher in the following groups: those who have heard of hospice, those who are aware of death preparation, those who want information on terminal diseases, those who want to use every method to sustain life, and those who are aware of hospice needs(P<0.001). Conclusion : It is assumed that the findings of this study on the knowledge, attitude, and needs for hospice care in the public can contribute to planning a successful hospice care program. Furthermore, the findings of this study will serve as useful data for the promotion of home hospice care to improve the quality of life of community residents, and contribute to the development of hospice care as a whole.

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