• Title/Summary/Keyword: 조합

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Studies on the Efficiency of Selection of Some Agronomic Characteristics in Accelerating Generations of Hybrid-Rice Population (수도육종년한단축법에 있어서 몇가지 형질의 선발효과에 관한 연구)

  • Chea-Yun Cho
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    • v.20
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    • pp.27-62
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    • 1975
  • These studies were aimed at clarifying whether or not selecting agronomic characteristics of hybrid-rice populations under greenhouse conditions was useful. The selection of two quantitative characteristics, culm length and heading date, and two qualitative characteristics, shattering and awnedness, was very effective, but the flag leaf length and the exsertion of panicle was not consistent, varying from one cross to another.

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Effect of Combination Method on the Four Inbred Lines of Double Cross Hybridization for Crop Population Improvement (작물의 품종 육성을 위한 복교잡 조합 방법과 그 효과)

  • 맹돈재;성병열;황종진;하용웅
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.532-538
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    • 1990
  • This experiment was carried out to establish the efficiency of crop breeding on comparison of combination methods of single, 3-way, and double crosses and combination order of 4 winter wheat which were different in origin, source, and plant types, On comparison of 4 crossing modes, there appeared the earliest heading and the highest grain yield in double cross, and decreased in 3-way. single crosses. and parents in order, There showed the significant mean squares of GCA and SCA in 4${\times}$4 diallel analysis for grain yield and yield components. Grumil and Bezostaya 1 exhibited highest GCA effect of grain yield which appeared the actual highest grain yield. There appeared the highest SCA-effect in F$_1$ (Eunpamil/Bezostaya 1) showing 4.22. Of the 3 double crosses there exhibited the highest grain yield in F$_1$ (Grumil/Eunpamil/ /Lanota/Bezostaya 1). Two single crosses for this double cross ---F$_1$ (Grumil/Eunpamil) and F$_1$ (Lancota/Bezostaya 1) --- do not revealed directly for this yield, but combined each other by chromosome switch as combination of F$_1$ (Grumil/Lancota), F$_1$(Grumil/Bezostaya 1), F$_1$(Eunpamil/Lancota) and F$_1$(Eunpamil/Bezostaya 1) which appeared the higher grain yields and SCA-effects. Of the six 3-way crosses. F$_1$ (Lancota/Bezostaya 1/ /Eunpamil) expressed the highest grain yield. Its combinations were F$_1$ (Lancota/Eunpamil) and F$_1$ (Bezostaya 1/Eunpamil) combined by chromosome switch, which its grain yield and SCA-effect were higher.

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Effect of Italian Ryegrass Mixtures on Forage Production and Soil Characteristics in Dry Riverbed of Ansancheon (안산천에서 이탈리안 라이그라스 혼파조합이 사초생산성과 토양 특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Jong Duk;Ko, Ki Hwan;Kwon, Chan Ho
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.9-14
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    • 2014
  • This experiment was carried out to order to determine the forage production and soil characteristics in mixtures of Italian ryegrass (IRG) and annual legumes at the riverbed. The IRG and hairy vetch mixture had the highest in fresh, dry matter (DM) as well as total digestible nutrients (TDN) yields among the forage mixtures. Further IRG and hairy vetch mixture had the highest in DM content. The crude protein (CP) content of IRG and hairy vetch mixture was the highest, Whereas non-fiber carbohydrate (NFC) and TDN contents were lower compared to other mixtures. The total nitrogen (TN) of IRG and hairy vetch mixture was the highest due to high nitrogen fixation in the riverbed soil. The IRG and rape mixture was the highest in organic matter (OM) of soil. Moreover, the available $P_2O_5$ of soil in IRG and crimson clover mixtures was higher compared to other mixtures. Further, the IRG and hairy vetch mixture was the highest in cation exchange capacity (CEC) content. Therefore IRG and hairy vetch mixture is more suitable in forage mixtures due to high forage production and protein as well as high soil CEC content at the riverbed.

서울인쇄대상 및 축제 - 인쇄가 펼친 세상은 아름다웠다 - 제4회 서울인쇄축제 및 인쇄문화축제

  • Kim, Sang-Ho
    • 프린팅코리아
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    • v.8 no.10
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    • pp.54-59
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    • 2009
  • 서울인쇄센터와 서울시인쇄정보산업협동조합이 공동주최한 제4회 인쇄문화축제가 지난 9월 14일부터 16일까지 3일간 서울광장에서 인쇄가 펼치는 아름다운 세상을 주제로 열렸다. 축제 첫날인 14일에는 우수한 인쇄물을 선정 시상함으로써 인쇄물의 품질향상 기회 제공 및 인쇄기술개발로 수출경쟁력을 높이고 인쇄업계 매출증대를 이끌어내고자 하는 제4회 서울인쇄대상 시상식이 열렸다. 이날 시상식에는 정두언(한나라당, 서대문 을), 백재현(민주당, 광명시 갑)국회의원, 라진구 서울시행정부시장, 정승배 서울시의원, 구자현 서울지방 조달청 청장, 최향도 서울시경쟁력강화본부 본부장 등의 외빈과 홍우동 대한인쇄문화협회 회장, 대한인쇄정보산업협동조합연합회 이충원 회장, 경기인쇄정보산업협동조합 이완표 이사장, 인천인쇄정보산업협동조합 심응선 이사장, 대전충남인쇄정보산업협동조합 구자빈 이사장, 대구인쇄정보산업협동조합 박희준 이사장, 대한인쇄연구소 고수곤 이사장 등의 귀빈들이 참석했다. 행사는 서울인쇄센터와 서울시인쇄정보산업협동조합이 공동 주최하고 서울특별시, 대한인쇄문화협회, 대한인쇄정보산업협동조합연합회, 대한인쇄정보기술협회, 동국대학교, 청주고인쇄박물관이 후원했으며 아그파코리아(주), (주)인큐브테크의 협찬으로 진행됐다.

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Discovery and Execution Techniques of Semantic Web Services for Dynamic Web Services Composition (동적 웹 서비스 조합을 위한 시멘틱 웹 서비스 발견 및 실행 기법)

  • Lee Yong-ju
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.12D no.6 s.102
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    • pp.889-898
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    • 2005
  • Recently, one of the most challenging problems is to compose web services dynamically, that is, on demand. A number of researchers have been considerably interested in the dynamic web services composition. However, while most of them focused on the semi-automatic web services composition with a human controller, very little attention was devoted to the full automation of this process. This paper primarily focuses on the automatic web services composition techniques. The main idea is to implement an automatic web services composition system using web ontologies to realize the semantic web and workflow technologies to play a major role in E-businesses. In this paper, we propose a matching algorithm for web service discovery and present an approach based on the use of ontologies to facilitate the interoperability of web services. Finally, we describe a workflow execution plan to support the automatic web services composition, and an experimental study that shows the high performance of our system.

An Analysis of the Effects of Unions on Wages for Female Workers (우리나라 노동조합이 여성근로자의 임금에 미치는 영향)

  • Shin, Woori;Song, Heonjae
    • Journal of Labour Economics
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.99-124
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    • 2016
  • This study analyzed the effects of labor unions on the wages of Korean female workers using 'Korean Labor and Income Panel Study.' In the estimation we considered the self-selection bias due to the women's labor force participation decision and a plausible non-response bias from not answering the question about the company size in terms of number of employees. By fixed effect estimation we found that labor unions in Korea do not increase the wages of both the female union workers and non-union workers who work at a company in which a union is organized comparing to female workers who work at company without a union. This results indicates that female workers who work in the company with labor union tend to have unobserved characteristics that are positively correlated with both wages and the probability to enter the company with labor union. We also came to the conclusion that there is no free-rider effects of non-union workers.

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Suggestions for the Sustainability of Social Cooperatives (사회적 협동조합의 지속가능성을 위한 제언)

  • Lee, DeokSoo
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.135-144
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    • 2018
  • Recently, discussions about social economy have been actively promoted, and the establishment of social cooperatives, which is an axis of social economy, is being activated. However, because of the economic slowdown, social cooperative activities are often shrinking, and a case study is conducted on how to make social cooperatives sustainable. The results are as follows. In order for social cooperatives to cope with social change adaptation and market diversity, it is necessary to organize networks or participate in existing networks. It is also necessary that social cooperatives form different types of social cooperatives into separate organizational forms as needed. In addition, social cooperatives should make efforts to improve the quality of services and goods provided by each organization, and focus on attracting local people's empathy and participation to change the culture and atmosphere of the region. If such efforts are made, it will be possible for social cooperatives to become a sustainable economic organization.

Correlation and Combining Ability related to the Growth Characteristics in F1 Hybrids by Diallel Cross of Viola tricolor (팬지의 일대 잡종에서 생육관련 형질의 상관관계 및 조합능력)

  • Song, C.Y.;Hong, K.H.;Kang, Y.K.;Lee, K.H.;Kim, J.C.
    • Journal of Practical Agriculture & Fisheries Research
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.70-79
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    • 2002
  • This study was conducted to determine correlations and combining abilities of leaf lengths, leaf widths, petiole lengths, number of branches, number of leaves, leaf areas, fresh weights, dry weights and number of flowers in F1 crosses made with the partial seven-parent diallel cross in Viola tricolor. Leaf lengths and leaf widths showed highly positive correlation with petiole length and negative correlation with number of branches, number of leaves and number of flowers. There was positive correlation between the number of leaves and flowers as well as between leaf area and fresh weight. Mean squares of general combining ability(GCA) and specific combining ability(SCA) were highly significant for all the parameters. Variance component values of SCA were greater than those of GCA for all the parameters except leaf length, implying preponderance of non-additive gene actions for these characters. The lines C and G for leaf lengths and widths, the lines A and F for number of leaves, the lines A, B and G for leaf areas, and the lines B and F for number of flowers showed relatively high GCA effects. The crosses of A×B and B×D exhibited high SCA effects on increasing leaf lengths, leaf widths, number of leaves, fresh weights and number of flowers. And also the crosses of B×E and D×G exhibited high SCA effects on decreasing leaf lengths, leaf areas and fresh weights as well as increasing number of flowers. The broad sense heritabilities of most characters were high compared with the narrow sense one. Those of leaf length, leaf width, petiole length and number of leaves were high in both the broad and narrow sense heritabilities.

A Comparative Study on the Laying Performance and Egg Quality of the Korean Native Commercial Chicken and Hy-Line Brown (산란용 토종닭 실용계와 하이라인 브라운의 산란능력 및 계란분석 비교 연구)

  • Haeeun Park;Myunghwan Yu;Eunsoo Seo;Elijah Ogola Oketch;Shan Randima Nawarathne;Nuwan Chamara Chathuranga;Bernadette Gerpacio Sta. Cruz;Venuste Maniraguha;Jeseok Lee;Hyunji Choi;Jung Min Heo
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.83-95
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    • 2024
  • This study aimed to assess the performance of laying hens across twelve crossbreed strains (i.e., CFCK, CFYC, CFYD, CKCF, CKYC, CKYD, YCYD, YCCF, YCCK, YDCF, YDCK, and YDYC) of Korean native chicken (KNC) and compare them with Hy-Line Brown layers. A total of 287 18-week-old laying hens were placed in battery cages by strains (2-5 birds per pen). Results indicated that the YCYD and YDYC strains exhibited numerically heavier body weights than Hy-Line Brown at week 18-64. CKYC and YDYC strains demonstrated more than 94% viability by week 64. The CFYC strain had an age of first egg laying of 127 days, and the YDCF strain reached an age of 50% egg production at 140 days, both earlier than their parent stock. The YDCF strain showed over 70% egg production for up to 60 weeks. Regarding egg quality, the CKCF and YCCF strains had numerically higher egg weights among the KNC groups at week 24-64, with the YDYC strain showing a darker (P<0.05) eggshell color compared to CKCF at week 40. Moreover, KNC crossbreeds showed a higher (P<0.05) egg yolk ratio than Hy-Line Brown. In conclusion, the YDCF and YCCF crossbreeds exhibited the most desirable new synthetic Korean native commercial layer based on egg production and quality parameters. Therefore, these strains could be a viable substitute for Hy-Line Brown layers.

Characteristics and Combining Ability of Korean Local Waxy Maize lnbreds and Hybrids (주요 재래종 찰옥수수 자식계통과 교잡종들의 특성 및 조합능력)

  • ;Bong-Ho Chae
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.175-184
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    • 1995
  • In order to substitute sweet and super sweet maize hybrid seeds which are introduced at current, and to meet national demand for human consumption, inbreds and hybrids of waxy maize were developed by using Korean native lines, Six inbreds were used to produce 15 hybrids in a diallel cross, Six inbreds used were significantly different in tasseling dates, plant and ear heights, leaf area, and shank length, The inbred line, Bosung showed the longest shank length among the lines used, The ear characters like ear length and diameter, 100 kernel weight, row number, and kernel number per ear varied among lines, The inbred line Bosung was again significantly different from other lines in ear length and diameter, row number and 100 kernel weight. However, ]ewon had the highest kernel yield per 100. Hybrids were also different in plant and ear characteristics depending upon the inbreds used. The hybrids of Bosung showed the longest ear length and the heaviest kernel weight. Highest kernel yield per unit area was obtained by the hybrids crossed with Dangjin, The general combining ability(GCA) of Dangjin was found very effective in reducing plant and ear height of hybrids. The GCA of Jewon was very effective in increasing tiller number per plant. The inbred line Bosung was effective in increasing ear length and 100 kernel weight and in decreasing row number. The hybrid which showed the highest specific combining ability in ear length and 100 kernel weight was Jewon Chilbo.

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