• Title/Summary/Keyword: 조직별 분류

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A Study of the Curriculum Operating Model and Standard Courses for Library & Information Science in Korea (한국문헌정보학 교과과정 운영모형 및 표준교과목 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Noh, Young-Hee;Ahn, in-Ja;Choi, Sang-Ki
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.55-82
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    • 2012
  • This study seeks to develop a curriculum operating model for Korean Library and Information Science, based on investigations into LIS curricula at home and abroad. Standard courses that can be applied to this model were also proposed. This study comprehensively analyzed the contents of domestic and foreign curricula and surveyed current librarians in all types of library fields. As a result, this study proposed required courses, core courses, and elective courses. Six required LIS courses are: Introduction to Library and Information Science, Information Organization, Information Services, Library and Information Center Management, Information Retrieval, and Field Work. Six core LIS courses are: Classification & Cataloging Practice, Subject Information Resources, Collection Development, Digital Library, Introduction to Bibliography, and Introduction to Archive Management. Twenty selective LIS courses include: the General Library and Information Science area (Cultural History of Information, Information Society and Library, Library and Copyright, Research Methods in Library and Information Science), the Information Organization area (Metadata Fundamentals, KORMARC Practice), the Information Services area (Information Literacy Instruction, Reading Guidance, Information User Study), the Library and Information Center Management area (Library Management, including management for different kinds of libraries, Library Information Cooperator, Library Marketing, Non-book Material and Multimedia Management (Contents Management), the Information Science area (Database Management, including Web DB Management, Indexing and Abstracting, Introduction to Information Science, Understanding Information Science, Automated System of Library, Library Information Network), and the Archival Science area (Preservation Management).

A Study on Factors to Activate Community Leisure Activities (지역사회의 여가활성화 요인 탐색 연구)

  • Jeon, Hyung-Sang
    • 한국체육학회지인문사회과학편
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    • v.54 no.3
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    • pp.421-437
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    • 2015
  • This study aims to examine what made leisure activities of citizens activated and to evaluate their importance and thereby to present basic data for governments at all levels via analysis of characteristics of activated leisure activities by area. To attain the objectives of the study, for a qualitative and empirical analysis to develop measuring tools, a total of 400 copies of the questionnaire, 100 copies for each of the four areas - Incheon, Daejeon, Gwangju, and Busan- were distributed and collected for a quantitative analysis such as technical statistical analysis, exploratory factor analysis and reliability analysis using a SPSS 18.0 program, with the following results: First, the qualitative analysis generated 15 factors via interviews of experts, and six factors of facilities, programs, organization and experts, promotion, policies, and other were extracted via open-end questions, comments of experts, and findings from existing literature. Second, based on the six factors extracted from the qualitative analysis, the 400 copies of the questionnaire were analyzed and, through factor analysis, the six factors were classified into four factors for facilities, two factors for leisure policies and other, respectively. In addition, questions on the promotion factor were all deleted, as they were lack in validity and reliability, resulting in 10 factors extracted in total. Third, Importance of the questions was five points or over on average, in most cases.

Seasonal occurrence characteristics of Aidanosagitta crassa morphotypes in coastal waters of Korea (한국 연안에 출현하는 Aidanosagitta crassa 형태 유형에 따른 분류학적 고찰 및 계절별 출현 특성)

  • Seohwi Choo;Man-Ki Jeong;Min Ho Seo;Young Seok Jeong;Jongjun Park;A-Young Shin;Ho Young Soh
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.267-278
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    • 2024
  • Aidanosagitta crassa, a key species in South Korea's coastal waters, exhibits three morphological types: Type C with a collarette-containing trunk, Type N lacking a collarette, and an intermediate Type I. Limited research studies have been conducted on their ecological patterns, prompting this study to elucidate seasonal occurrence patterns of A. crassa types in Pyeongtaek. Field surveys at six stations in Pyeongtaek port were conducted in winter (Feb.), spring (May), summer (Aug.), and autumn (Nov.) of 2010. Water temperature and salinity were measured and zooplankton samples were collected for abundance analysis. Type C predominated in winter and autumn. Type I predominated in summer and Type N predominated in summer and autumn. Occurrence patterns were influenced by water temperature. Type C showed a negative correlation with water temperature. Type N was positively correlated with water temperature. However, Type I showed no significant correlation with water temperature. In 2013, genetic sampling using the mtCOI marker was conducted in winter and summer. Despite morphological differences, genetic analysis revealed intraspecific diversity due to seasonal environmental changes.

Toxicity of Several Puffers Collected at a Fish Market of Pusan, Korea (부산 시중에서 판매되고 있는 복어류의 독성)

  • JEONG Dong-Youn;KIM Dong-Soo;LEE Myung-Ja;KIM Sang-Rok;BYUN Dae-Seok;KIM Hyun-Dae;PARK Yeung-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.682-689
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    • 1994
  • Ninety-six specimens of nine puffer fishes landed at a fish market of Pusan, Korea were assayed for anatomical distribution of toxicity. The puffers, Lagocephalus gloveri ('geommilbog'), Fugu rubripes rubripes ('jajubog'), Fugu rubripes chinesis ('geomjajubog'), Lagocephalus wheeleri ('hinmilbog') and Arothron firmamentum ('byeolbog'), were shown to be nontoxic in muscle and skin. However, toxicities in skins of four specimens of Lagocephalus gloveri and a specimen of Arothron firmamentum were more than 10MU/g In the puffer, Fugu xanthopterus ('ggachibog'), the skin showed to be weakly toxic as far as nine specimens out of 27 ones are concerned, and the muscle was nontoxic in all specimens. Meanwhile, it was noted that the puffer, Fugu vermicularis radiatus was found to be a toxic species, differing from the toxicity known so far. Their highest toxicities were 3,880, 1,191, 1,115, 219, 289, 5,620 and 753MU/g for liver, intestine, skin, muscle, testis, ovary and bile, respectively.

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Long Term Result and Clinical Evaluation of Primary Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (원발성 비소세포성 폐암의 임상적 고찰과 장기성적)

  • 김양원;김윤규
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.43-51
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    • 1996
  • From march 1989 to October 1993, 57 patients were diagnosed and operated for primary non-small cell lung cancer, and evaluated clinically. 1. There were 45 males and 12 females (M:F=3.8:1), and the peak incidence of age was 6th decade of life (45.6%). In the preoperative diagnostic methods and their positive rate, sputum cytology was 11%, bronchial washing cytology 50%, bronchoscopic biopsy 73%, and CT guided percutaneous needle aspiration biopsy 83%. 3. Histopathologically, squamous cell carcinoma was 56.1%, adenocarcinoma 22.8%, bronchioloal veolar cell carcinoma 1%, and undifferentiated large cell carcinoma 1.8%. 4. In the operation, pneumonectomy was 35.1%, lobectomy 38.6%, bilobectomy 3.5%, segmentec tony 7%, and exploratory thoracotomy 15.8%, and overall resectability was 84.2%. 5. In postoperative stagings, stage I was 28.1%, st ge II 22.8%, stage IIIa 31.6% and stage IIIb 17.5%. 6. Postoperative complications were developed in 11 cases (19.3%) and operative mortality was none. 7. One year survival rate in rejectable cases was 87.0%, 2 year 61.6% and 5 year 44.9%. According to stage, 3 year survival rate was 75.8% in stage I, 16.9% in stage II, 60.9% in stage IIIa, 50% in stage IIIb.

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Diversified Analysis of the Correlation between Investment and Performance of Korean R&D Programs (우리나라 국가연구개발사업 정부연구비 투입 대비 성과의 다각적 분석)

  • Shim, Woo-Jung;Kim, Eun-Sil
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.1-27
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    • 2010
  • In this paper We analyze the correlation between investment and performance of Korean R&D programs, by six factors diversified, based on evolutionary economics of technology. National Science and Technology Information Service(NTIS) started from March, 2008 was used for collecting investment and performance data of national R&D program. We search the investment cost according to science-technology standard classification of Korea, research conductors, socio-economic objectives and cooperation types per year from 2002 to 2008, and we regard this data as "investment". Similarly, we search the number of papers, patents, commercializations, royalties and so forth according to science technology standard classification of Korea, research organizations, socio-economic objectives and cooperation types per year from 2002 to 2008, and this data is regarded as "performance". We expected analysis results of this investment and performance data confirm the diversified factors to affect advancement of science and technology. And we though, as a result, we will get some meaningful directions of investment of national R&D from the analysis results. But this study has several limitations because we did not consider enough microscopic characteristics of sector or technology, research organizations, cooperation network types, and external effect of social, politic, cultural factors.

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EUS 도입에 따른 언더라이팅 효율극대화 방안

  • Jo, Seok-Hoon
    • The Journal of the Korean life insurance medical association
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    • v.24
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    • pp.79-96
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    • 2005
  • 1. 연구배경과 문제제기 - 보험시장의 환경변화 : 보험업법 개정, 방카슈랑스 도입, 고(高)보장성 생존급부(CI, LTC)상품의 등장, 통신판매 전문보험회사의 설립 허용 - 현행 언더라이팅 시스템의 문제점 : 위험난이도와 판매 채널별 특성이 고려되지 않고 언더라이터에 전건 배정 되어 업무의 효율성이 낮음 - 보험시장의 환경변화에 맞는 EUS(Expert Underwriting System) 도입으로 언더라이팅의 효율성을 증대하고자함 2. 국내/외 생보사 언더라이팅 시스템 현황 비교 및 개선방안 - 국내 언더라이팅 시스템 현황 : 청약서 입력/스캔 후 진단 및 적부 유무(有無)에 따라 자동으로 언더라이터에게 심사가 배정됨 - 미국 언더라이팅 시스템 현황 : EUS에 의한 1차 전산승낙여부 결정 후(後)언더라이터에게 심사가 배정됨 - 위험난이도의 고저(高低)와 관계없이 언더라이터에 배정되는 심사시스템의 문제점을 극복하고 체계적인 위험평가를 위해 EUS도입이 필요함 3. EUS 선행요건 - 고객정보의 확보 - 국내 생보사의 고객정보 수집원 : 청약서, 모집인 보고서, 건강진단서,적부조사, 보험사고정보조회시스템 (ICPS), 고액보험 및 상해보험 중복가입자에 대한 정보 교환제도 - 북미 생보사의 고객정보 수집원 : 청약서, 모집인 보고서, 의사소견서 및 진료기록서, 건강검진, 적부조사, 정보교환제도( 북미보험사간 의료정보 공유-MIB) - 정확한 고객정보의 확보방안 : 법률/제도의 정비, 청약서 질문 내용의 세분화, 의료정보교환제도의 구축 4. EUS 개요 및 현황 - EUS의 정의: 고객의 정보를 입력하여 청약부터 보험증권 발행 단계까지 One-Stop 서비스를 제공하는 것으로 언더라이터가 청약서를 가지고 언더라이팅 하는 것과 동일한 업무를 할 수 있는 전문가 시스템 - EUS의 장점: (1) 비용절감 및 인력의 효율적 활용 (2) 업무별 시스템화 되는 조직속성에 적합함. (3) 언더라이팅 정책이 경영 환경 변화에 대처하는데 신속함 - 국외 EUS 현황 (예: Cologne Re) 및 사례연구 5. 위험분류 및 EUS 개요현황 (언더라이팅 시스템 도입) - 위험관리 선행요건으로 위험요소별 분류가 체계적으로 수립되어야 함. - 데이터웨어하우스 (의사결정을 목적으로 설계된 조회와 분석이 가능한 통합된 정보저장소) 시스템 사용 - EUS 도입을 통한 언더라이팅 프로세스: 데이터마이닝 과정을 통해 "자동승낙, 언더라이터에게 심사배정, 적부의뢰, 진단의뢰, 텔레 언더라이터, 보완지시"등이 결정됨. 6. 판매채널별 EUS 활용방안 - 대면채널: 효용성 높은 정보제공과 정확한 위험분석이 가능한 시스템으로 고(高)보장, 고(高)위험 상품에 대해 언더라이터가 집중 심사 할 수 있게 함. - 방카슈랑스: 3S(간결, 신속, 서비스)의 특성에 맞는 전과정 무인자동심사시스템 - 비대면채널: 판매상품과 타겟시장을 명확히 한 후 도덕적 위험과 재무적 위험에 대한 평가시스템 및 의사결정 시스템을 도입 7. 결론 - EUS 도입의 기대효과 (1) 심사기일의 단축으로 고객만족 실현 (2) 체계적 과학적 리스크 관리로 위험률차익 증대에 기여 (3) 업무효율의 증대와 언더라이터의 역량강화 (4) CRM 활용증대와 모바일 청약시스템 구축의 근간 - EUS 도입시 경제적 법률적 제도적 문제 극복과 생보 업계 공동의 관심과 노력이 필요함 - EUS를 활용하여 종합적.체계적 리스크 관리가 가능한 금융회사로의 경쟁력 향상에 기여함.

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The Incidences and Characteristics of Malignant Pleural Effusions According to Histologic Types (악성 흉막 삼출증의 조직학적 아형에 따른 빈도와 특성)

  • Yim, Jae-Joon;Kim, U-Jin;Lee, Jae-Ho;Yoo, Chul-Gyu;Chung, Hee-Soon;Han, Sung-Koo;Shim, Young-Soo;Kim, Young-Whan
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.565-573
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    • 1998
  • Malignant pleural effusions are most commonly associated with lung cancers, however, it also can be resulted from breast cancers, ovarian cancers, stomach cancers and so on. According to the their histologic types, adenocarcinoma have been known as the most common cell type of malignant pleural effusions and squamous cell carcinoma is rare. We herein present incidences, clinical characteristics and survivals of malignant pleural effusions according to their cell types and primary diseases. The objects are 84 malignant pleural effusion patients diagnosed by pleural fluid cytologic examination or pleural biopsy from Jan. 1992 to May. 1997 in Seoul National University Hospital. A retrospective chart review on their histologic types, biochemical parameters and survivals is described. Among 84 patients, 52 were males and the other 32 were females with 1.6:1 of male and female ratio and their mean age was 57.6 years old. Common symptoms of them wele dyspnea, cough, sputum and pleuritic chest pain. The proportions of bloody nature of effusion, lymphocyte dominant pleural effusion, exudative effusions were 66%, 39% and 93%, respectively. They consisted of 54 cases of adenocarcinoma(33 cases of them were lung cancers), and 10 cases of squamous cell carcinoma (8 cases of them were lung cancers), 10 cases of malignant lymphoma, 8 cases of small cell lung cancer and a case of mesothelioma and leukemia. There was no differences in characteristics of effusions, clinical features and survivals between each histologic cell types. Analyzing them according to primary diseases, no difference except longer survivals in malignant pleural effusions from breast cancer than from other cancers was observed. In conclusion, considering the incidences of histologic types of lung cancers during same period (squamous cell carcinoma; 47%, adenocarcinoma; 33%, small cell lung cancer; 12% and large cell carcinoma; 2%), malignant pleural effusions more likely occurred in adenocarcinoma than other cell types of lung cancers and there was no significant difference of clinical characteristics between histologic types.

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Process Governance Meta Model and Framework (프로세스 거버넌스 메타모델과 프레임워크)

  • Lee, JungGyu;Jeong, Seung Ryul
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.63-72
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    • 2019
  • As a sub-concept of corporate or organization governance, business governance and IT governance have become major research topics in academia. However, despite the importance of process as a construct for mediating the domain between business and information technology, research on process governance is relatively inadequate. Process Governance focuses on activities that link business strategy with IT system implementation and explains the creation of corporate core values. The researcher studied the basic conceptual governance models of political science, sociology, public administration, and classified governance styles into six categories. The researcher focused on the series of metamodels. For examples, the traditional Strategy Alignment Model(SAM) by Henderson and Venkatraman which is replaced by the neo-SAM model, organizational governance network model, sequential organization governance model, organization governance meta model, process governance CUBE model, COSO and process governance CUBE comparison model, and finally Process Governance Framework and etc. The Major difference between SAM and neo-SAM model is Process Governance domain inserted between Business Governance and IT Governance. Among several metamodels, Process Governance framework, the core conceptual model consists of four activity dimensions: strategic aligning, human empowering, competency enhancing, and autonomous organizing. The researcher designed five variables for each activity dimensions, totally twenty variables. Besides four activity dimensions, there are six driving forces for Process Governance cycle: De-normalizing power, micro-power, vitalizing power, self-organizing power, normalizing power and sense-making. With four activity dimensions and six driving powers, an organization can maintain the flexibility of process governance cycle to cope with internal and external environmental changes. This study aims to propose the Process Governance competency model and Process Governance variables. The situation of the industry is changing from the function-oriented organization management to the process-oriented perspective. Process Governance framework proposed by the researcher will be the contextual reference models for the further diffusion of the research on Process Governance domain and the operational definition for the development of Process Governance measurement tools in detail.

Diagnostic Usefulness of Simultaneous Measurement of Serum Tumor Markers in Lung Cancer Patients (폐암환자 혈청에서 CEA, SCC Ag, NSE 동시 측정의 진단적 의의)

  • Jang, Tae-Won;Jung, Man-Hong
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.322-331
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    • 1995
  • Introduction: This study was performed to evaluate the diagnostic usefulness of simultaneous determination of 3 tumor markers {serum carcinoembryonic antigen(CEA), squamous cell carcinoma antigen (SCC Ag) and neuron specific enolase(NSE)} in lung cancer patients. Method: In 113 patients with primary lung cancer(70 with squamous cell carcinoma, 30 with adenocarcinoma, 13 with small cell carcinoma) and 103 patients with benign lung diseases, serum CEA and NSE were measured by enzyme immunoassay, and SCC Ag was measured by microparticle enzyme immunoassay. Results: 1) The mean serum levels of 3 tumor markers were significantly higher in lung cancer groups than benign lung disease groups respectively(p=0.001). 2) In squamous cell carcinoma, the SCC Ag was elevated in 67%, in adenocarcinoma CEA was elevated in 77% and in small cell carcinoma NSE was elevated in 77%, but there were no significant differences according to the stage of each cancer cell types. 3) CEA was the most sensitive marker, but nonspecific to cancer types. SCC Ag was less sensitive than other markers, but more specific toward squamous cell carcinoma, and NSE was more specific to primary lung cancer. 4) As the number of positive tumor markers was increased, the relative possibility of lung cancer was also increased. If two markers were positive, it increased to 77%, and if three markers were positive it increased to 90%. Conclusion: The simultaneous measurement of serum CEA, SCC Ag and NSE would provide additional information for the diagnosis of lung cancer.

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