• Title/Summary/Keyword: 조성누대

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Reversely Zoned Compositional Variations and their Origins of the Andong Pluton, Andong Batholith, Korea (안동심성암체의 역누대 초성변화와 그 성인)

  • 황상구;이보현
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.75-95
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    • 2002
  • The Andong pluton in the Andong Batholith is composed of comagmatic plutonic rocks, in which the lithofacies comprise hornblende biotite tonalite in the central paft biotite granodiorite in the marginal paft and porphyritic biotite granite at the topside (noJthea~tern paft) of the pluton. The pluton is petrographically and petrochemically zoned, having more mafic center than margin and topside. Distribution pallern of the lithofacies represents a reverse zoning in the pluton. Modal and chemical data in the pluton show progressive and gradual compositional variations from the centrer via the margin to the topside. Quartz and K-teldspar increase toward the topside of the pluton, whereas hornblende, biotite and color index increase toward the center. The bulk composition in the pluton is also reversely zoned, with high $Si0_2$ and $K_{2}O$ in the topside facies, and high MnO, CaO, $Ti0_2$, $Fe_{2}O_{3}$t, MgO and $P_{2}O_{5}$ in the central facies. The reverse zoning is also evident in higher Cr. V, Ni, Sc and Sr of the more mafic tonalite in the interior. The reversely zoned pluton results from remobilization (resurgence) of the lower more mafic compositional zone into the upper more felsic zones of the pluton modified by thennogravitational diffusion and fractional crystallization. In the initial stages of evolution, the pluton was a petrochemical system that fonned chemical compositional zonation with mafic tonalitic magma in the lower. granodioritic one in the middle and granitic one in the upper paft of the magma chamber. Periodic influxes of more mafic magma from the ba~e resulted in mingling of liquids and redistribution of minerals, and may have triggered the remobilil.ation of the lower compositional zone into the upper more felsic zones.

Petrologic Evolution of the Songaksan Monogenetic Volcano, Jeju Island, Korea (제주도 송악산 단성화산의 암석학적 진화)

  • 황상구;원종관;이문원;윤성효;이인우;김성규
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.13-26
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    • 2001
  • Songaksan volcano, which occurs as a monogenetic volcano on the southwestern promontory of Hallasan shield volcano, is composed of tuff ring, cinder cone, lava pond and cinder conelet complex on wide basalt plateau. Except for an influx of external quartz xenocrysts in the tuff ring. Totally the volcano ranges from trachyandesite to trachybasalt in petrography and chemical compositions, which confirm the continuum between the evolved and primitive compositions widely occurring in the Jeju volcanic system. Chemical data for the volcano show quantitative compositional variation from the lower to the upper part of the volcanic sequences. The continuous compositional variations generally define a compositionally zoned magma storage. The chemical data suggest that the compositiona1 donations might have resulted from the fractional crystallization of a parental alkali magma. As result, the Songaksan volcano initially tapped the lop of the zoned magma storage and subsequently erupted successively more primitive magma.

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Mineralogical Characteristics and Formation Processes of Zonal Textures in Hydrothermal Epidote from the Bobae Sericite Deposit (보배 견문모 광상에서 산출하는 녹염석의 누대구조의 특징과 발달과정)

  • 추창오
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.437-446
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    • 2001
  • Zoned epidotes formed by the propylitic alteration of the Bobae sericite deposit in western Pusan show complex compositional zoning patterns, such as multiple growth zoning, oscillatory zoning, patchy zoning and irregular zoning. The complex zoned epidote, in general, shows AI-rich cores and Fe-rich rims. Pistacite component (Ps) in the epidote ranges from 18.5 to 74.3 mot.%. Remnant textures in multiple growth zoning indicate that the earlier zone was partially resorbed prior to growth of later one. Multiple growth zoning and oscillatory zoning suggest that hydrothermal system underwent rapid changes and fluctuations in fluid chemistry, redox condition, or temperature.

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Petrological Evolution of the Saryangdo Tuff in Western Tongyeong (통영 서부 사량도응회암의 암석학적 진화)

  • Lee, So Jin;Hwang, Sang Koo;Song, Kyo-Young
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.71-83
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    • 2019
  • The volcanic rocks in Saryangdo area are composed of Witseom Andesite, Punghwari Tuff, Araetseom Andesite, Obido Formation, Namsan Rhyolite and Saryangdo Tuff in ascending order. The volcanic rocks has a range of andesite-rhyodacite-rhyolite, which indicates calc-alkaline series and volcanic arc of orogenic belt. In Harker diagrams for trace element and REE pattern, these are also distinguished into so three groups(Witseom Andesite, Araetseom Andesite and Saryangdo Tuff) that each unit is interpreted to have originated in different magma chamber. The Saryangdo Tuff exhibits systematically(chemical zonations that gradually change) from lower dacite to upper rhyolite in section. The systematic sequence of compositional variations suggests that the tuffs were formed by successive eruptions of upper to lower part of a zoned magma chamber in which relatively dacitic magma is surrounded around rhyolitic magma of the central part. The zoned magma chamber was formed from marginal accretion and crystal settling that resulted form magmatic differentiations by fractional crystallization.

Interpretation for Variations in Mineral Contents in Volcanic Rocks Related to the Yangsan Caldera (양산 칼데라에 관련되는 화산암류에서 광물함량 변화의 해석)

  • Hwang, Sang-Koo;Kim, Se-Hyeon;Jeong, Seong-Wook
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.166-178
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    • 2008
  • The modal analyses on the phenocryst phases and the normative mineralogies from the bulk chemical analyses record that the volcanic rocks related to the Yangsan caldera might been derived from compositionally zoned magma. The volcanic rocks show linearly continuous mineralogical gradients, not only totally in the relations between $SiO_2$ and proportion of phenocryst content, but also within each rock unit in the relations between total phenocryst content and the proportion, Q-Ab-Or and Q-An(Ab-Or) diagrams. The roughly gradational modal variations of the phenocryst phases are shown upward within each rock unit. However, the contents and proportion of the phenocrysts in the Yangsan Tuff and the Hwajeri Formation represent the zigzaggedly undulatory variations. The continuous mineralogical gradients without large gaps define a large zoned magma system in the pre-eruptive, later precollapse and postcollapse magma chambers respectively. The zigzagged variations reflect the intermittent eruptive pulses representing any time gaps.

The Wondong magmatic system : its petrochemical evolution (원동 마그마계 : 암석화학적 진화)

  • 황상구
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.166-184
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    • 1997
  • The Wondong caldea is a deeply eroded structure that offers spectacular exposures through the core and margins of a resurgent caldera. The Wondong Tuff and the postcollapse intrusions range from medium-silica rhyolite to rhyodacite in composition and the postcollapse lava and tuff, preresurgent and resurgent intrusions also range from medium-silica rhyolite to an-desite, which jump to gap dacite composition. The continuous compositional zonations generally define a large stratified magma system in the postcollapse and resurgent magma chamber. Isotopic and trace element evidence suggest that the compositional zonations might have resulted from the differentiations from crystal fractionations of a parental andesitic magma, accompanying a little contamination from the crustal assimilations near the chamber roof and wall. But chemically and isotopically distinct late intusions might have resulted from emplacement of any different magma batch.

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Field Evidence of Magma Mixing from Concentric Zoning and Mafic Microgranular Enclaves in Bunam Stock, Korea (청송 부남암주의 동심원상 누대와 포유체로부터 마그마 혼합작용의 야외증거)

  • Hwang, Sang Koo;Seo, Seung Hwan
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.349-360
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    • 2016
  • The Bunam Stock ($29.5km^2$ area) is an outcrop of plutonic complex classified four facies: coarse-grained granite, quartz monzodiorite, granodiorite and fine-grained granite. Three facies except the last one exhibit very irregular boundaries with gradational compositional variations between both facies and show concentric zoning from the central quartz monzodiorite through granodiorite to outer coarse-grained granite. Mafic microgranular enclaves (MME) commonly occur in granodiorite. Some MMEs, have very fine-grained chilled margins and indentedly crenulate contacts, and display horizontally circular and vertically elongate shapes. Their shape and granularity indicate coeval flow and mingling of partly crystalline felsic and mafic magmas. MMEs exhibit dark fine-grained margins giving them a ellipsoidal form that has been attributed to undercooling of a mafic magma as blobs intruded into a felsic magma. The observed relations in the Bunam Stock identify that two endmembers are coarse-grained granite from a felsic magma and quartz monzodiorite from a mafic magma, and hybrid is granodiorite including MMEs. So they exhibit concentric zoning that lays the center on the mafic endmember due to magma mixing at the contacts of two magmas, when mafic magma injected into felsic magma. Thus the quartz monzodiorite may probably represent an ancient conduit of mafic magma transport through a granitic magma chamber. Mafic magma would rise through the conduit in which favorable conditions for magma mixing occurred. All these features suggest that they formed from mixing processes of calc-alkaline magma in the Bunam Stock.

Crystal Populations Within a Porphyritic Dike in Ulleung Island: Are All Clinopyroxenes in the Stage I Dodong Basalt Sectored? (울릉도 반정질 암맥의 결정군집: 화산단계 I 도동현무암의 모든 단사휘석은 섹터누대를 가지는가?)

  • Munkhbayar, Enkhjin;Park, Jongkyu;Jang, Yun-Deuk
    • Korean Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.277-291
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    • 2021
  • A mineral phase contained in a rock sample can be categorized into several crystal populations with distinct origins and crystal growth histories. A detailed textural and mineralogical investigation on a clinopyroxene megacryst-bearing porphyritic dike with glassy chilled margins (tachylyte) in the southeastern Ulleung Island was conducted to decipher its crystal populations. During this study, we have measured glass and mineral major element compositions using electron microprobe analyzer. Tachylyte has a homogeneous trachyandesitic composition without any significant alteration characteristics, suggesting that its composition may represent the original melt composition of the dike. Clinopyroxene and plagioclase larger than 0.5 mm are antecrysts equilibrated with a more primitive melt composition than trachyandesitic tachylyte. Meanwhile, clinopyroxene and plagioclase microlites (<0.5mm) are regarded as primocrysts crystallized in-situ. According to our results, all clinopyroxenes in the Stage I Dodong Basalt are sectored into basal and prismatic parts, whose compositional ranges systematically vary: [Mg+Si+Fe]basal ↔ [Al+Ti+Na]prism. Therefore, we suggest that the effect of the elemental partitioning caused by the clinopyroxene sector zonation in Stage I volcanism should be considered in the future works.

Geochemical Studies of Petrogenesis of Hornblende Gabbro-Lamprophyre-Diorite Complex in Guwoonri, Hwacheon (화천 구운리 일대에 분포하는 각섬석 반려암-황반암-섬록암 복합체의 성인에 대한 지화학적 연구)

  • Kim, Guan-Young;Park, Young-Rok
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.153-169
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    • 2009
  • Hornblende gabbro-lamprophyre-diorite Complex in Guwoonri, Hwacheon distributes in a zonal pattern, where the diorite distributed along the margin of the Complex encompasses the hornblende gabbro body in the central part of the Complex, and lamprophyre intruded in vein along the boundary between diorite and hornblende gabbro. The hornblende gabbro in the central part of the Complex also shows a zonal distribution pattern, where hornblende gabbro containing subspherical amphibole phenocrysts as a major mafic mineral(Sag) surrounds hornblende gabbro with prismatic amphiboles as a principal mafic mineral(Pag). The zonal distributions observed in hornblende gabbro-lamprophyre-diorite Complex in Guwoonri resulted from two different geological processes. The zonal distribution among diorite, lamprophyre, and hornblende gabbro was due to intrusions of three distinct magmas derived from different degree of partial melting of a common source rock, whereas the zonal distribution shown within the hornblende gabbro body occupying the central part of the Complex resulted from an inward fractional crystallization of a single magma. Geochemical characteristics and mineral mode of hornblende gabbro, lamprophyre, and diorite indicate that these rocks formed from hydrous mafic to intermediate magma derived from partial melting of enriched mantle, which has been caused by infiltration of volatiles including water into mantle in plate margin.

Antirapakivi Mantled Feldspar of the Albong Trachyandesite from Ulleung Island, Korea (울릉도 알봉조면안산암에서 산출되는 안티라파키비조직 장석의 성분)

  • Sung-Hyo Yun
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.737-748
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    • 2022
  • In this study, the composition of feldspar phenocrysts observed in the Ulleungdo Albong trachyandesite lava dome was identified by performing point and X-ray element mapping surface analysis (EPMA). Plagioclase, which appears as a phenocryst in the Albong trachyandesite, corresponds to bytownite and labradorite, and andesine, and lath in the microphenocrysts and the matrix corresponds to andesine to oligoclase. Alkali feldspar mantled around plagioclase phenocrysts and microphenocrysts correspond to anorthoclase and sanidine. Plagioclase phenocrysts with a distinct zonal structure represent a normal structure in which the An content of the zoning decreases from bytownite to labradorite or andesine as it moves from the center of the phenocrysts to the edge. The edge of the phenocryst is surrounded by alkali feldspar, showing an antirapakivi texture. X-ray mapping of feldspar phenocrysts showed a typical antirapakivi texture. Normal zoning with distinct zoning showing a difference in component composition was clearly shown. The edges were mantled with alkali feldspar, and antirapakivi represents the texture. The antirapakivi texture of feldspar in the Albong trachyandesite may have been formed in the mixing system when alkali feldspar crystallized and mantled around plagioclase phenocrysts and microphenocrysts. This is because plagioclase phenocrysts and microphenocrysts in magma that had already crystallized are more mafic than trachyandesite magma.