• Title/Summary/Keyword: 조선시대 직물

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A Study on the Meaning and Types of Banpo [斑布] during the Joseon Dynasty (조선시대 반포(斑布)의 의미와 형식 연구)

  • Ree, Jiwon
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.53 no.3
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    • pp.164-183
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    • 2020
  • In the textile culture of the Joseon Dynasty, the historic record of Banpo is fragmentary and contains many missing details. The main reason is a lack of associated literature, and it is also significant that the actual substance used is not clear at present. Banpo is a kind of cotton, but this has not been confirmed in the traditional textiles that are currently handed down. The word Ban [斑] in Banpo means "stain", and the letter Po [布] means "fabric". At the border of white discourse, Banpo did not receive attention as a research topic. This study is an attempt to restore some of the textile culture of the Joseon Dynasty through Banpo. Banpo is not just limited to the Joseon Dynasty; it is an important material for examining the development of textile culture and exchange in East Asia. This study was broadly divided into three parts. First, the record and meaning of Banpo during the Joseon Dynasty were examined. Records of Banpo can be seen from the early Joseon period during King Sejo and Seongjong, and the production and actual use of Banpo have been confirmed. Banpo was maintained until the beginning of the 20th century, but is no longer observed. Banpo is a woven fabric made of cotton yarn dyed in many colors and has appeared in Southeast Asia since ancient times. In East Asia, there are other fabrics similar to Banpo, such as Ho [縞], Sum [纖], and Chim [綅]. In particular, the correlation between Banpo and Ho is an important link in understanding Banpo in the Joseon Dynasty. Second, the meaning of Banpo was examined from various angles through comprehensive analysis of Chinese and Japanese literature records and cases. The appearance and development of Banpo moved in sync with the period when cotton was introduced into East Asia. In East Asia, cotton was introduced and produced in earnest from the end of the Song Dynasty to the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, and the meaning of Banpo was diversified. In China, the name of Banpo was changed to Hwapo [花布], Gizapo [碁子布], Gizahwapo [棋子花布], etc. Japan was late to introduce cotton and developed it in acceptance of the changed meaning. In Japan, use of the name Banpo is not on record, but a Ryujo [柳條] fabric of the same type as banpo has been identified. This Ryujo is the same concept as Ho and Hwapo, and later merged into Ho. Names such as Ho, Hwapo, Banpo, etc. were used differently in each country, but the form was shared across East Asia. Third, based on the meaning of Banpo shared in East Asia, the format of Banpo in the Joseon Dynasty was classified. The format of Banpo in the Joseon Dynasty can be divided into grid and striped versions. The name Banpo disappeared over time, but the form remained and was passed down until recently. I hope that this study will help restore Banpo in the future.

Types and Characteristics of Fabrics of Bokjang Objects Enshrined within Wooden Buddha Statues at the National Museum of Korea (국립중앙박물관 소장 목조불상 복장직물의 종류와 특성)

  • Hwang, Jinyoung;Park, Seungwon
    • Conservation Science in Museum
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    • v.18
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    • pp.35-50
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    • 2017
  • As part of the NMK's research project on wooden Buddha statues, four items which contained fabric among their bokjang objects(腹藏物) were investigated. Firstly, when classified by the method of weaving, two items made of ra (羅, a four-end complex gauze) silk and five of neung(綾, twill damask) silk from the Goryeo era were identified, and the satin fabrics showing characteristics of the Joseon period were classified as either dan(緞, satin damask) or sa(紗, simple gauze). In particular, the fabric of the bokjang objects enshrined within the gilt-bronze Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva(Deoksu 801) feature both early and late Joseon characteristics, suggesting that two enshrinements were performed(once in the fifteenth century and another in the seventeenth). Secondly, the patterns on the fabrics included flowers, treasures, fruits, plants with animals, and landscapes with clouds. Thirdly, patches of fabric were found that are assumed to be related with all cardinal directions according to their arrangement, albeit in small quantities.

Conservation Treatment of Jangbogwan from the Joseon Dynasty (조선시대 장보관(章甫冠)의 보존처리)

  • Lee Hyelin;Park Seungwon
    • Conservation Science in Museum
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    • v.30
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2023
  • This study aims to document the conservation treatment of the fine-hemp official headgear housed by the National Museum of Korea, and to reconsider its existing name following the restoration of the original form of the damaged cultural heritage asset. The headgear consists of a single inner frame with a vertical line at the front, a single outer frame surrounding the inner frame, and a double-layered headband that spans the circumference of the wearer's head and joins the inner and the outer frames. This study applied a conservation treatment to the men's undyed hemp headgear of the Joseon Dynasty in order to remove contaminants and foreign substances on the surface and repair the partially deteriorated and damaged fabric, thereby restoring and stabilizing the original shape and preparing it for exhibitions. The hemp headgear was sewed both by hand and with a sewing machine. Although its overall composition and style are similar to the same type of official headgear from the Joseon Dynasty, the use of a sewing machine supports the assumption that it was produced in the early 1900s. This study identified similarities between the overall composition and shape of the fully-preserved hemp official headgear and those of the jangbogwan, a type of men's official headgear worn by Confucian scholars as part of their everyday attire, and compared it with the shape of jangbogwan seen in documentary records, illustrations, prior research, and portraits from the Joseon Dynasty, as well as with the characteristics of extant jangbowan artifacts, eventually concluding that it is appropriate to classify and name the headgear as a jangbogwan.

Characteristics of the Fabrics Excavated from the Tomb of Kimwhoak (김확 묘 출토직물 제직 특성 연구)

  • Cho, Hyo-Sook;Lee, Eun-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.61 no.2
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    • pp.88-101
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    • 2011
  • This study emphasizes on the characteristics of the excavated fabrics from the tomb of Kimwhoak in the late 16th and early 17th centuries. All of 118 kinds of fabrics are used in excavated costume from the tomb of Kimwhoak. Classified by its materials, it is divided into small groups as follows: 63 pieces of spun silk tabby(53.6%), 14 of spun yarn silk(11.9%), 13 of thin filament silk tabby(11.0%), 8 of thin silk tabby(6.8%), 4 of satin without pattern(3.4%), 3 of filament silk tabby(2.5%), 3 of twill without pattern(2.5%), 2 of satin damask(1.7%), 2 of mixture fabric with silk and cotton(1.7%), and 2 of ramie fabric(1.7%), 1 of simple gauze without pattern(0.8%), 1 of damask with supplementary gold thread(0.8), 1 of cotton(0.8%), 1 of etc(0.8%). Classified by ways of weaving: 106 pieces of plain weave(89%), 6 of satin weave(5%), 3 of twill weave (3%), 1 of gauze weave(1%), 1 of compound weave(1%) and etc(1%). In point of patterns, the most of textiles are without pattern, there are only two of them are patterned textile. such as lotus patterns with vine, peony patterns with vine. Their patterns are very similar to those of other tombs in the same age.

Characteristics of the Excavated Silk Fabrics of Chosun Period (조선시대 출토 견직물의 특성)

  • 장현주
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.532-541
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    • 2002
  • An empirical review on silk fabrics of the Chosun period showed that they varied in kind and design according to their uses. Thus the purpose of this study is to classify the fabrics into excavated and temple fabrics according to their uses and collected places and then to examine characteristics of each type. Excavated fabrics were most accounted for by tabby fabric, followed by satin, twill, leno and gauze and union cloth. Tabby fabric was most used throughout the Chosun period, followed by satin. This is supported by many literary records. Concerning excavated dresses of the same period, tabby fabric, especially Ju was the main material, followed by satin. Leno and gauze fabric was much less used than in the Koryo period. Among excavated dresses surveyed in this study, none was made of compound woven fabrics such as Brocade. Other excavation reports said that Brocade had been used for a cuff of coat in few cases, if any. Tabby fabric was widely used for both the right side and lining while twill and satin fabrics were mainly adapted to weave the right side because they had luster higher than the former, smooth sense of touching and unique designs.

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A Study on Skins in Chosun Dynasty (조선시대의 직물에 관한 고찰)

  • 이춘계
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.29
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    • pp.197-208
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    • 1996
  • Skins were manufactured in Korea since the early prehistoric period and were manufac-tured and used from the period of the three Kingdoms and Koryo through the Chosun era. These materials were developed into skins through a tradition of thousand years, . In Korea the Orient Culture of nomadic tribes and Mesopotamia Culture of stock-farming come together and developed these original woolen fabrics and skins culture. In this study the characteristics of Korean skins will be disscussed from the literature survey of the relevant references researched remains and pictures. During the Chosun period skins were fre-quently manufactured and used. Vsarious skins were used as necessites of life such as cloth-ing shoes bedclothes and so on.

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A Study on the Chosun Dynasty's Fabrics Found in the Buddhist Statues(II) (불복장 직물을 통하여 본 조선시대의 직물 연구(II))

  • 정복남
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.42
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    • pp.173-186
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    • 1999
  • the object of this thesis is to find out the Chosun Dynasty's Fabrics of 17th century which founded in the buddhist statutes. The total 43 pieces of fabrics can be classified chronologically as follows; 14 pieces in the year of 1641, 18 pieces of 1679, and 12 pieces of 1701, These fabrics also categorized by the weaving method as follows; 25 plain weaved 8 twill weaved and 5 pieces of satine weaved. I could confirmed the width of fabrics are 38cm and 38.5cm through these fabrics. Because of the fabrics were composed of mainly plain weaved silk Chu. There weren't many fabrics with motif. The fabrics within the buddhist statues have their own meaning.

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Construction and a Chronological Examination of the Fabrics in the Buddhist (불복장 직물의 구조특성 및 연대규명)

  • Kim, Sun-Kyung;Cho, Hyo-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.55 no.8 s.99
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    • pp.73-84
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    • 2005
  • Collections in the buddhist statue owned by Dr. Jong-Hm Baik(白宗欽) included 3 ancient documents and 2 wooden cylinders that showed a clear historical order. The temple and buddhist statue that these objects were belonged to were not known, however, according to the document, it could be inferred as Chunsukwaneumsang(천수관음상) created in 1322 and reformed in 1614 from the list of donator for the statue. Inside a wooden cylinder, a bundle of ivory, yellow, green, orange, and dark brown fabrics that were folded up and tided up with 5 different colored thread strands and aromatic trees and rice plant was placed on the bottom. All the fabrics were silk. Three thread strands were silk. The white and blue strands were cotton fibers as a result of analysis of IR spectrum and the microscope. According to a radioactive carbon isotope dating by accelerator mass spectroscopy, years before present was 160$\pm$40, and cablibrated ages were 1680-1890 (79.3$\%$), 1910-1960(16.1$\%$) in 95.4$\%$ probability. Accordingly, the fabrics in the buddhist statue proved to be reformed in 1614 not the original ones in 1322.

The Characteristics of the Fabrics Excavated from the Tomb of Dongrae Jung, Kimhwak's Wife (김확 부인 동래정씨(東萊鄭氏) 묘 출토직물 연구)

  • Cho, Hyo-Sook;Lee, Eun-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.59 no.8
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    • pp.132-151
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    • 2009
  • All of 132 kinds of fabrics are used in excavated costume from the Dongrae Jung's Tomb. Classified by its materials, it is divided into small groups as follows: 58 pieces of silk tabby 43.9%, 2 of filament silk tabby 1.5%, 14 of thin filament silk tabby 10.6%, 19 of spun yarn silk 14.4%, 4 of twill without a pattern 3.0%, 8 of patterned silk tabby 6.1%, 23 of satin damask 17.4%, 1 of damask with supplementary gold thread 0.8%, 2 of mixture fabric with silk and cotton 1.5%, and 1 of ramie fabric 0.8%. Classified by ways of weaving: 96 pieces of plain weave 73%, 23 of satin weave 17%, 8 of patterned silk tabby consisting of plain weave material and twill weave pattern-6%, 4 of twill weave 3%, and 1 of compound weave 1 %. In point of patterns, the most often used ones are plant patterns such as lotus patterns, peony patterns, plum blossom patterns, flowers representing seasons patterns, and small flower patterns. For animal patterns, it has phoenix patterns designed together with flowers representing seasons patterns. And for natural scenery patterns, it shows cloud patterns with treasures patterns together. For object patterns, it also shows treasures patterns mixed with cloud or lotus together. For geometrical patterns, it has rhomboid patterns and 卍 character patterns; some show only rhomboid patterns and others show material patterns of 卍 character patterns blended together with fruit, lotus, etc.