• Title/Summary/Keyword: 조석-해일

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Optmized Design for Flood Mitigation at Sea Side Urban Basin (해안 도시유역의 수재해 저감설계 최적화 기법 연구)

  • Kim, Won Bum;Kim, Min Hyung;Son, kwang Ik;Jung, Woo Chang
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2016.05a
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    • pp.267-267
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    • 2016
  • Extreme events, such as Winnie(1987), Rusa(2002), Maemi(2003) at sea-side urban area, resulted not only economic losses but also life losses. The Korean sea-side characterisitcs are so complicated thar the prediction of sea level rise makes difficult. Geomophologically, Korean pennisula sits on the rim of the Pacific mantle so the sea level is sensitive to the surges due to earth quake, typoon and abnormal climate changes. These environmetns require closer investigation for the preparing the inundatioin due to the sea level rise with customized prediction for local basin. The goal of this research is provide the information of inundation risk so the sea side urban basin could be more safe from the natural water disastesr.

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A Multiresolution Stereo Matching Based on Genetic Algorithm using Edge Information (에지 정보를 이용한 유전 알고리즘 기반의 다해상도 스테레오 정합)

  • Hong, Seok-Keun;Cho, Seok-Je
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.17B no.1
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    • pp.63-68
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, we propose a multiresolution stereo matching method based on genetic algorithm using edge information. The proposed approach considers the matching environment as an optimization problem and finds the solution by using a genetic algorithm. A cost function composes of certain constraints which are commonly used in stereo matching. We defines the structure of chromosomes using edge pixel information of reference image of stereo pair. To increase the efficiency of process, we apply image pyramid method to stereo matching and calculate the initial disparity map at the coarsest resolution. Then initial disparity map is propagated to the next finer resolution, interpolated and performed disparity refinement. We valid our approach not only reduce the search time for correspondence but alse ensure the validity of matching.

Effects of Non-hydrostatic Pressure on Free Surface Environmental Flows (자유표면 환경유동에 대한 비정수압 효과)

  • Yoon, B.S.;Park, C.W.
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.116-121
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    • 2005
  • In the present paper, a new calculation algorithm far solving large scale environmental or geophysical flows with free surface is proposed where the non-hydrostatic pressure component is taken into consideration. Predictor-corrector fractional step approach with explicit, forward time marching scheme in the sigma coordinate system is employed. In order to validate the present calculation algorithm and to estimate the effects of non-hydrostatic pressure on resultant flow and free surface movements, example calculations are carried out for typical steady and unsteady flow problems. Present method can be applied to the meso-scale free surface flows with complex bottom topography where MAC-like 3-d hydrodynamic calculations are quite ineffective and uneconomic.

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Quality Characteristics of Mitsool using Juk, Gumong-dduk, Baksulgi, Godu-bab (죽, 구멍떡, 백설기, 고두밥을 이용한 밑술의 품질특성)

  • Cho, Jae-Chul;Cho, Suk-Hyung;Kim, Young-Jun;Joung, Kyung-Hee
    • Proceedings of the KAIS Fall Conference
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    • 2011.05b
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    • pp.1064-1067
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    • 2011
  • 술을 안정적으로 제조하기 위하여서는 좋은 밑술을 제조하는 것이 중요하며, 밑술을 제조 하는데 있어서 재료형태에 따라 죽, 구멍떡, 백설기, 고두밥을 만들고, 이를 이용한 밑술을 제조 하였다. 밑술의 제조에 있어서 발효시간, 재료의 형태에 따른 이화학적 성분을 분석하였고, pH는 재료의 형태에 관계없이 24시간 후부터 전부 4이하였으며, 총산은 36시간 까지는 급격히 증가되었다가 유지하는 경향을 나타내었다. 당도는 24시간 까지 증가하였다가 발효에 따라 감소하여 알코올로 전화되는 것을 알 수 있었다. 총당과 환원당도 발효에 따라 알코올로 전화됨으로써 당도와 비슷한 경향을 보였다. 효모수는 초기에는 $9.2{\times}10^6{\sim}3.0{\times}10^7$ CFU/mL 수준 이였고, 죽구의 경우 담금 초기에는 $6.9?{\times}10^6$ CFU/mL 에서 24시간 후에는 $2.1{\times}10^8$ CFU/mL 으로 다른 구 보다 더 상승 하다가 60시간에서 72시간째에는 감소하는 경향을 보였다. 발효 48시간 후 에는 $8.7{\times}10^7{\sim}1.9{\times}10^8$ CFU/mL 수준으로 존재 하였다. 이상의 결과로 48시간부터는 밑술로 사용을 해도 충분하다고 생각된다.

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집중기획 - 2014 낙농경영 실태 조사

  • 한국낙농육우협회
    • 월간낙농육우
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    • v.34 no.10
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    • pp.153-162
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    • 2014
  • 낙농가들은 향후 경영계획에 있어 규모확대(32%)보다는 현상유지(54%)를 더 원하고 규모축소(1.7%)와 낙농포기(3.4%)의사는 전년(7.7%)대비 2.6%P가 감소한 것으로 조사됐다. 그리고 낙농을 포기하는 주된 이유로는 환경문제가 꾸준히 1순위를 차지하고 있지만 이번에는 그 비율이 상대적으로 높아졌다. 최근 '가축분뇨의 관리 및 이용에 관한 법률'을 포함한 환경관련 규제가 강화된데 따른 것으로 보인다. 낙농가들은 국내 낙농업 전망에 대해 88%가 어려울 것으로 내다보고 있지만 10%정도는 '해볼만하다'는 낙관론도 보였다. 시급한 환경현안으로는 무허가 축사(39%)와 퇴비화시설(36%) 문제를 꼽는 낙농가가 가장 많았으며, 환경문제를 해결하기 위해 농가당 최소 5000만 원~2억 원의 추가 투자가 필요한 것으로 조사됐다. 또한 FTA시대에 가장 중요한 낙농대책으로는 '전국단위 낙농제도 개선'(35%)과 '제도적인 우유소비확대 마련'(29%) 등으로 나타났다. 목장의 토지이용과 관련한 규제사항으로는 가축사육제한구역(31%), 상수원수질보전대책지역(14%), 군사시설보호구역(13), 개발제한구역(8%) 순으로 나타났다. 지역별로는 경기도와 강원도의 경우 '군사시설보호구역' 때문이라는 응답이, 충청도와 경상도는 '가축사육제한구역' 때문이라는 응답이 가장 높은 것으로 조사됐다. 이번 조사는 협회 낙농정책연구소(소장 조석진)가 최근 국내 낙농의 경영현실과 당면과제에 대한 실태를 파악하고 이를 낙농정책수립에 필요한 기초자료로 제공하기 위해 지난 2014년 5월 19일부터 6월20일까지 한 달간 낙농조합의 협조를 얻어 전국의 6,000 농가 중 700 농가를 선정해 실시, 그중 설문에 참여한 542농가의 응답결과를 분석한 것이다. 낙농정책연구소는 이번 조사 결과를 '2014 낙농경영 실태조사' 책자로 발간해 유관기관 및 협회 도지회 등에 배포했다.

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The necessity and direction of verbally gifted education (언어 영재교육의 필요성과 방향 탐색)

  • 강승희;조석희
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.91-114
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    • 2004
  • The purposes of this study were to review the necessity and establish the direction of verbally gifted education. To fulfil purposes, the following studies were carried out: (1) The necessity of verbally gifted education was reviewed based on the social, educational and personal aspect. (2) The concept of verbal talent was reviewed. According to the research of verbal talent, we called a person who has a high level of language intelligence a verbal talent. Or verbal talent can also be a person who accomplished a high level in anyone area among reading, writing, hearing, speaking, and foreign language. (3) The present condition and research states of verbally gifted education were analyzed. (4) The direction of verbally gifted education were proposed.

The Coastline Change on Gwangalli Using Spatial Information (공간정보를 이용한 광안리 해안선 변화에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Chul-Uong;Oh, Che-Young;Lee, Chang-Hun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.13-19
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    • 2009
  • The Gwangalli Beach, one of beaches representative of Busan together with the Haeundae Beach, is a tourist attraction, having increased tourists since the completion of Gwangandaero Bridge in 2003 and recording more than 10 million tourists in 2006. Although the competent local government office has conducted artificial beach nourishment/gravel removal projects every year to manage it, systematic monitoring and studies of erosion are insufficient. This study analyzed the changes in the coastline of Gwangalli Beach using aerial photos, tidal data, GPS survey data for the last sixty years, and examined how the Gwangandaero Bridge, which had been constructed on the Gwanganlli sea, has affected the changes. The results show that the area of Gwangalli Beach has increased 40% for the last sixty years, and that the effects of Gwangandaero Bridge on the coastline are insignificant.

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Color Constancy Algorithm using the Maximum Luminance Surface (최대휘도표면을 이용한 색 항상성 알고리즘)

  • 안강식;조석제
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.27 no.3A
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    • pp.276-283
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    • 2002
  • This paper proposes a new color constancy algorithm using the maximum luminance surface. This method uses a linear model which represents the characteristics of human visual system. The most important process of linear model is the estimation of the spectral distributions of illumination from an input image. To estimate of the spectral distributions of illumination from an input image, we first estimate spectral distribution functions of reflected light on the brightest surface. Then, we estimate surface reflectance functions corresponding to the maximum luminance surface using a principal component analysis of the given munsell chips. We finally estimate the spectral distributions of illumination in an image. Using an estimated illumination, we recover an image by scaling it regularly for the lightness calibration. From the experimental results, the proposed method was effective in recovering the color images compared with others.

Formation and Evolution of the Paleo-Seomjin River Incised-Valley System, Southern Coast of Korea: 1. Sequence Stratigraphy of Late Quaternary Sediments in Yosu Strait (한반도 남해안 고섬진강 절개곡 시스템의 형성과 진화: 1. 여수해협의 후기 제 4기층에 대한 순차층서)

  • Chun, Seung-Soo;Chang, Jin-Ho
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.142-151
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    • 2001
  • Detailed interpretation of some high-resolution seismic profiles in Yosu Strait reveals that Late Quaternary deposits consist of three allostratigraphic units (UH, LH, PL) formed by fluvial and tidal controls. The top mud unit, UH, thins onshore, and overlies the backstepping modem Seomjin delta deposits, which is interpreted as a transgressive systems tract (757) related to Holocene relative sea-level rise. The unit LH below the unit UH is composed of delta, valley- and basin-fill facies. The delta facies (Unit $LH_1$) occurs only in Gwangyang Bay and shows two prograding sets retrogradationaly stacked, thus it is also interpreted as a transgressive systems tract(757). On the contrary, the valley- and basin-fill facies (Unit $LH_2$), interpreted as 757, occur between the units UH and PL (Pleistocene deposits) in Yosu Strait. The bounding surface between UH and $LH_2$ can be interpreted as a tidal ravinement surface on the basis of trends thinning toward inner bay and becoming young landward. Furthermore its geomorphological pattern is similar to that of recent tidal channels. This allostratigraphy in'ffsu Strait suggests that two 757 deposits (UH and $LH_2$), divided by tidal ravinement surface, have been formed in Yosu Strait, whereas in Gwangyang Bay backstepping delta deposits ($LH_1$) without tidal ravinement surface have been formed during Holocene sea-level rise. These characteristics indicate that different stacking patterns could be formed in these two areas according to different increasing rate of accommodation space caused by different geomorphology, sediment supply and tidal-current patterns even in the same period of Holocene sea-level rise.

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Environment of Deposition and Characters of Surface Sediments in the Nearshore off Byun-San Peninsula, Korea (변산반도 연근해 표층 퇴적물의 특성과 퇴적환경)

  • Oh, Jae-Kyung;Choi, Kyu-Hong
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.107-116
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    • 1999
  • To study the characters of surface sediment and to describe the seasonal depositional environment as a result of sedimentation process off Byun-San Peninsula, a total 61 samples of surface sediment (32 samples in summer; 29 samples in winter) were collected and analysed. A digitized depth data from sea chart and echosounding profiles along five trans-sections were helpful for understanding the morphological factors. The types classified by the characters of surface sediment are type I (sand, S), type II (silty sand, zS), and type ill (sandy silt, sZ). Mean grain size varies from 2.11 to 7.81 ${\Phi}$. The positive-skewness shows the typical tide-dominated environment. The sediment type of the northwestern stations is medium sand and the sorting value is 0.5~1.4 ${\Phi}$ of well/moderately sorted. Meanwhile, other stations are composed of muddy sands and sandy muds transported from rivers and offshore. These sediment types toward inshore change gradually from silty sand to sandy silt. According to the C/M diagram, there are three major transport modes of sediment: bed load (Mode A), graded suspension (Mode B), and suspension (Mode C), correlating with north-eastern sandy area, middle part of silty-sand area, and southern sandy-silt area, respectively. The result of Principal Component Analysis shows also similar pattern of sediment types. In result, sediment texture of type III tends to be finer and more poorly-sorted than that of type II and sediment facies are correlateed with sedimentation process.

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