• Title/Summary/Keyword: 제4기 해안단구

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Neotectonics and late Quaternary Marine Terraces along the Coastal Zone of the Northern Chile. (칠레 북부해안에 발달된 제4기 해안단구(고해수면)와 신구조운동)

  • 한상준
    • The Korean Journal of Quaternary Research
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.61-86
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    • 1995
  • 칠레 북부해안에는 여러개의 해안 단구들이 발견되는데 이는 지구조 운동과 하께 해수면 변동과 밀접한 관련이 있다, 단구의 형성시기는 전부 밝혀지지는 않았으며 여전히 논란이 되고 있다,. 안토파가스타에서 이끼케까지 9개지역에서 발견되는 여러단구에 대한 탄 소 연대측정 전자스핀 공명법, 우라늄측정, 아미노산 연대측정 방법들을 이용하여 그 형성시 기를 측정하였다, 그결과들은 기본적으로 3∼4개의 뚜렷한 단구를 선정하여 지역간에 서로 대비하였다, 대부분의 단구들은 산소 동위연소 연대(Oxygen Isotope State) 3에서 11범주에 들어가는데 이것은 계단식 단구들이 단지 지구조 운동만으로 형성된 것이 아니라 전지구 기 후 변동과 밀접하게 관련된 전세계 해수면 변동에 의해 강한 영향을 받았음을 시사한다. 특 히 플라이스토세에 형성된 일련의 해빈 사구들은 플라이스토세 초기에서 중기사이 반복된 간빙기를 나타낸다.

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The paleo-shoreline and formation age of the 1st marine terrace in Heunghae-eup Pohang City, South Korea : evaluation of the mode and rate of the late Quaternary tectonism (I) (포항시 흥해읍 일대 해안단구 제1면의 구정선 고도와 형성 시기 - 한반도 제4기 후기 지각운동의 양식과 변형률 산출을 위한 연구(I) -)

  • Shin, Jae Ryul;Park, Kyung Geun
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.703-713
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    • 2016
  • This study documents the altitude of paleo-shoreline and formation age of the $1^{st}$ marine terrace emerged around Heunghae-eup Pohang City (South Korea). As a result, the $1^{st}$ terrace representing 10 m of the paleo-shoreline was formed at MIS 5c around 100,000 BP and was influenced repetitive sedimentation of sea-wave till regression of MIS 5a. The result is recognized as a definite truth for the $1^{st}$ terrace in the eastern coast of the Korean peninsula based on synthetic reviews of previous studies and cross-validation of absolute age data. Furthermore, this study deduces a sea stand at MIS 5c from the geomorphological contrast method, but precise determination of paleo-shoreline of the $2^{nd}$ terrace should be required to estimate that of MIS 5c.

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Late Neogene and Quaternary Vertical Motions in the Otway Coast, Southeast Australia (I): Development and Geochronology of Quaternary Marine Terraces (호주 남동부 Otway 해안의 후기 신제3기 및 제4기 융기 운동(I): 제4기 해안단구 발달 및 지층서)

  • Shin, Jaeryul
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.519-533
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    • 2012
  • This study investigates a neotectonic context of the past 5 Ma for the Otway Ranges along the southern Victoria coast, SE Australia by evaluating the distribution and development of marine terraces along the mountainous coastal area. Uplift rate derived from low terrace deposits using OSL dating method is determined to evaluate the extent to which mild intraplate tectonism has the capability to influence the geomorphic evolution of continental interiors. This study also investigates the stratigraphic relationship between Quaternary marine terraces and Pliocene strandlines, which suggests a change of tectonic activity in the Late Neogene. The intensified tectonic response is well addressed in terms of an increase of the Australian intraplate stress level due to the change of relative motion and increased forces in the boundary between the Australian and Pacific plate.

Fluvial Terraces of the Lower Yeongsan River, Southwestern Coastal Region of Korean Peninsula (영산강 하류 지역의 하안단구)

  • Choi, Seong-Gil
    • The Korean Journal of Quaternary Research
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    • v.18 no.1 s.22
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    • pp.41-46
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    • 2004
  • The fluvia(thalassostatic) terraces have been developed among the lower Yeongsan river, near the southwestern coastal region of Korean peninsula. These thalassostatic terraces could be classified into 3 surface, i. e., Yeongsan 32m, 18m, and 10m surface, in desending order, according to the relative heights from the river floor. Yeongsan 32m, 18m and 10m surfaces were corresponded to the mMT3, mLT1 and mLT2 surfaces of Choi(2003), respectively. It was revealed that the mLT1 surface was the marine terraces which had been formed in the Last Interglacial culmination period(oxygen isotope stage 5e) in the southeastern coast of Korean peninsula.

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Marine terrace and its implications to paleoenvironment during the Quaternary at Suje-ri - Suryum-ri of the East coast of Gyeongju, SE Korea (한반도 남동부 경주시 수제리-수렴리의 해안단구와 제4기 환경변화)

  • HWANG, Sangill;SHIN, Jaeryul;YOON, Soon-Ock
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.97-108
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    • 2012
  • During the last few decades, the ever-increasing knowledge of coastal morphogenic processes has made marine terraces the most recognizable, widespread and scientifically reliable records to determine both qualitatively and quantitatively the vertical movements that have affected the tectonically active coastal regions during the Quaternary. This study first aims to address the marine terrace records from Suje-ri to Suryum-ri along the coast of Gyeongju, SE Korea. Eight distinct flights of terraces, including HH YC, elevated up to 160 m above present sea level have been mapped along the coast of the study areas, and are designated $L_{II}$ to HH YC from the youngest to oldest. Based on the elevation of paleo-shoreline and inferred formation age for HH YC uplift rate since the middle Pleistocene has been estimated at 0.23 mm/year. Establishing the nature and timing of the uplift history derived from marine terraces provide a better understanding of neotectonic framework for explain enigmatic, complex landscape evolution in the Korean peninsula.

A Research on Pleistocene Stratigraphy (플라이스토신 층서 연구)

  • 이동영
    • The Korean Journal of Quaternary Research
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.77-88
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    • 1998
  • 한반도의 제4기 지층을 암층서 및 단구층서를 기준으로 전기, 증기 및 후기 플라이 스토신 지층(Ear-ly Middle late Pleistocene Deposits)으로구분할 수 있다. 제 3기와 제4기 의 경계는 고지자기층서 해석에 의하여 한반도에서는 Gauss와 Matuyama chron 경계인 약 2.6Ma를 기준으로 설정할수 있다. 전기 플라이스토신 지층(Early Pleistocene Deposits)은 지형고도상 조구조 운동이 배제된 지역에서는 80m 이하에서의 계곡 사이에서 나타난다. 증 기 플라이스토신 지층(Middle Pleistocene Deposits)은 약0.8Ma부터 약 125ka까지이다. 중기 플라이스토신은 제4기 초깁터 발달하기 시작하였던 주요 계곡들이 현재와 비슷한 형태로 넓 고 깊어지기 시작했던 시기이다. 하천과 해안에는 일련의 단구지형을 잘발달시키지 시작했 고 단구이 형성은 현재보다 해수면이 더 높았던 마지막간빙기까지 계속되었다. 후기 플라이 스토신 지층(late Pleistocene Deposits)은 약 125Ka부터 10Ka까지이며 마지막 간빙기(Last Inter-glacial)와 마지막빙하기(Last Glacial)가 포함된다, 마지막간빙기 동안에는 제 2 하안 및 제 2 해안단구역층이 잘 발달하여 있다 마지막 빙하기 동안에는 해수면의 하강이 극심했 으며 특히 산사면에서 지형경사면을 따라 하부이동된 사면붕적층이 한반도의 전역에 널리 발달했던 시기였다.

Quaternary Geology of the Conjunction Area of the Yeongsan and Sampo rivers (영산강 하류와 삼포강 합류부 일대 제4기 지질 연구)

  • Kim, Ju-Yong;Yang, Dong-Yoon;Hong, Sei-Sun;Nahm, Wook-Hyun;Lee, Heon-Jong;Lee, Jin-Young;Kim, Jin-Kwan;Oh, Keun-Chang
    • The Korean Journal of Quaternary Research
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2005
  • This study aims to study the distribution and formation age of Quaternary deposits in the downstream of Yeongsan Estuarine River, encompassing Muan, Illo and Donggang counties. For this purpose the authors examine several borehole data, and step trench survey for excellent profiles was studied in connection with grain size population and magnetic susceptibility. As a result, it is interpreted that the coastal plain of the Yeongsan River was formed by sea level rise after Last Glacial Maximum(LGM). The fore edge/escarpment of coastal terraces distributed 7-10 m asl is assumed to be formed during the last glacial period, while the coastal terraces distributed above 7-10m asl formed during MIS 5a. In addition, the fore edge/escarpment of coastal terraces distributed above 15 m asl is presumed to be have been formed during the stadial of last interglacial period, while the formation age of coastal terraces distributed above 15m(asl) is assumed to be MIS 5e. This formation age can be estimated by the coastal terrace ages of the southeastern coast of Korean Peninsula. The characteristics of Quaternary deposits linked to paleolithic culture will eventually lead to the reconstruction of ecosystem environment of paleolithic peoples.

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The characteristics of quaternary fault and coastal terrace around Suryumri area. (수렴리 일대에 발달하는 신기단층 및 해안단구의 층서 고찰)

  • 이병주;감주용;양동윤;정혜정
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.133-149
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    • 2000
  • The study area which contains the coastal terrace of the southeastern part of Korean peninsula, well developed the lineaments which are NNE, NE and WNW directions. The area crops out Cretaceous sedimentary rocks and granite porphyry, Tertiary conglomerate, tuffite and basalt and Quarternary deposits. Coastal terraces are subdivided into low, middle and upper terraces(LT, MT, UT) based on the topographic levels. Terrace gravels are deposited on these wave-cut erosional surface during the initial lowering stage of sea level fluctuation. Terrace gravels are typified by granule to pebble layers with slightly inclined beddings. These gravels are interpreted as beach gravels belonging to berm or swash zone based on the present distribution of beach gravels. The Suryum fault is characterized by the thrust which is gradationally changing the strike from ENE to NNE. The extension of the fault is about 200m and Maximum displacement is about 1.5m.

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