• 제목/요약/키워드: 제상성능

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Numerical Analysis for Improvement of Windshield Defrost Performance of Electric Vehicle (전기자동차 전면유리 제상성능 개선을 위한 전산수치 해석)

  • Kim, Hyun-Il;Kim, Jae-Sung;Kim, Myung-Il;Lee, Jae Yeol
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.477-484
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    • 2019
  • As the residence time in the vehicle increases, the passenger desires a pleasant and stable riding environment in addition to the high driving performance of the vehicle. The windshield defrosting performance is one of the performance requirements that is essential for driver's safe driving. In order to improve the defrosting performance of the windshield of a vehicle, relevant elements such as the shape of the defrost nozzle should be appropriately designed. In this paper, CFD based numerical analysis is conducted to improve defrost performance of small electric vehicles. The defrost performance analysis was performed by changing the angle of the defrost nozzle and the guide vane that spray hot air to the windshield of the vehicle. Numerical simulation results show that the defrosting performance is best when the defrost nozzle angle is $70^{\circ}$ and the guide vane installation angle is $60^{\circ}$. Based on the analytical results, the defrosting experiment was performed by fabricating the defrost nozzle and the guide vane. As a result of the experiment, it is confirmed that the frost of windshield is removed by 80% within 20 minutes, and it is judged that the defrost performance satisfying the FVMSS 103 specification is secured.

A Numerical Study of a Vehicle Windshield Defrosting Mechanism (자동차 전면유리 제상 메커니즘의 수치해석 연구)

  • Kang, Seung-Jae;Jun, Yong-Du;Lee, Kum-Bae
    • Journal of Energy Engineering
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.151-155
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    • 2010
  • Adequate visibility through a vehicle windshield and frost melting period are critical aspects of major design parameters. To make progress in this area, a good understanding of the flow behavior and heat transfer characteristics produced by the HVAC module is required. The computational study was used to perform the parametric investigation into the defroster nozzle's performance with a full-scale model. The study highlights the drawbacks of current designs and points the way to improve passive defrosting mechanism. The results show that the current design of the defroster nozzles deliver the maximum airflow in the vicinity of the lower part of the windshield, which yields unsatisfactory visibility. Defrosting performance was excellent when the injection angle of the defrost nozzle was 45 degree. The numerical analysis satisfies the criteria provided by NHTSA.

Performance Evaluation of the Hybrid Defrost Process in the Fin-Tube Evaporators of Refrigerators (하이브리드 제상 방식을 적용한 냉장고용 핀-관 열교환기의 제상 성능 평가)

  • Lee, Su-Won;Park, Yong-Joo;Kweon, Lae-Un;Jeong, Young-Man;Lee, Jae-Keun
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.38-46
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    • 2011
  • The hybrid defrost process combined with hot-gas bypass defrost and electric heater defrost was experimentally evaluated about its defrost performance in the fin-tube evaporators of household refrigerators. Also the hybrid defrost process was compared with only electric heater defrost process. The defrost efficiency of the hybrid defrost process was shown two times higher than electric heater defrost process. The defrost time of the hybrid defrost process was shorten about 10%~50% than electric heater defrost process. Thermal shock after defrost process was decreased about 50% for the case of the hybrid defrost. It was found that energy consumption ratio of defrost process was reduced up to 7.4% compared with 22.4% of electric heater defrost at the condition of $25^{\circ}C$ ambient temperature.

Numerical Study on the Performance Assessment for Defrost and De-Icing Modes (승용차의 제상 및 성에 제거 성능 평가를 위한 수치해석적 연구)

  • Kim, Yoon-Kee;Yang, Jang-Sik;Kim, Kyung-Chun;Ji, Ho-Seong
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.161-168
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    • 2011
  • The heating, ventilating, air conditioning (HVAC) system is a very important part of an automotive vehicle: it controls the microclimate inside the passenger's compartment and removes the frost or mist that is produced in cold/rainy weather. In this study, the numerical analysis of the defrost duct in an HVAC system and the de-icing pattern is carried out using commercial CFX-code. The mass flow distribution and flow structure at the outlet of the defrost duct satisfied the duct design specification. For analyzing the de-icing pattern, additional grid generation of solid domain of ice and glass is pre-defined for conductive heat transfer. The flow structure near the windshield, streakline, and temperature fields clearly indicate that the de-icing capacity of the given defrost duct configuration is excellent and that it can be operated in a stable manner. In this paper, the unsteady changes in temperature, water volume fraction, and static enthalpy at four monitoring points are discussed.

A Frost-less Heat Pump

  • 황윤제;이원희
    • The Magazine of the Society of Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Engineers of Korea
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.53-58
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    • 2002
  • 대부분의 가정용 냉난방겸용 공기조화기(히트펌프)는 실외온도가 $5^{\circ}C$ 이하이고, 습도가 높은 저온고습조건에서 난방운전을 하면 열교환기 표변에 서리가 발생하고, 이로 인해 시스템의 성능이 떨어지게 된다. 이를 방지하기 위하여 어느 일정 조건이나 시간이 되면 히트펌프는 제상운전을 하게 되는데, 보통의 가정용 히트펌프의 경우 난방운전도중에 사이클을 냉방운전으로 전환하여 실외 열교환기의 온도를 높여 줌으로써 제상을 하는 방식 (Cycle reversing method)을 사용하고 있다. 이 방식은 부가적인 제상회로플 구성하 거나 히터를 첨가하는 등의 재료비 증가 없이 제상을 수행한다는 장점이 있으나, 시스템의 에너지 효율 측면에서 불리할 뿐만 아니라, 소비자의 입장에서 보면 제상운전이 진행되는동안에 따뜻한 바람이 공급되지 않아 쾌적한 공조를 제공받지 못한다는 단점이 있다. 본 자료에서는 먼저 제상방석에 관하여 그 종류와 특정을 알아보고, 최근에 진행되고 있는 착상 지연기술 중 어큐물레이터 내에 히터를 설치하는 방식(Viung C. Mei, et al., 2002, ASHRAE TRANSSACTIONS, V 108, Pt. 1)에 대하여 소개하고자 한다.

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A Study on Performance Improvement of Heat Pump Adopting the Hot Gas Bypass Method (고온냉매 우회방법을 적용한 열펌프의 성능 개선 연구)

  • Kang, Shin-Hyung;Byun, Ju-Suk
    • Journal of Energy Engineering
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    • v.15 no.4 s.48
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    • pp.235-242
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    • 2006
  • This study experimentally investigates the performance improvement of the heat pump by adopting the hot gas bypass method and using the internal heat exchanger according to the automatic defrost test conditions of ISO 5151 This study compares the hot gas bypass method with the time step method, and investigates effect on outdoor coil fan speed when the hot gas of compressor outlet enter outdoor coil inlet after the frost formation. The tests were made for the fan speeds of the outdoor coil controlled at 90, 60 and 30% of the normal speed together with the case of the stationary fan. The performance of the heat pump is evaluated by variables such as COP, heat capacity, and the average COP during the 210 minutes heating mode. Results show that average COP of the hot gas bypass mettled is $2.2{\sim}6%$ higher than that of the time step method. When the outdoor coil fan speed is 60% (780 rpm) of the normal speed, it shows the best COP and heating capacity.

Feasibility Study on a Defrost Control Method by Using a Photoelectric Sensors (광센서를 이용한 제상제어 방법에 대한 타당성 검토)

  • Jeon, Chang-Duk;Kim, Dong-Seon;Lee, Seung-Jun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.3389-3395
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    • 2014
  • Conventional methods, such as the clock time control method and temperature difference control method, for defrost control often encounter mal-defrost and a waste of energy. Therefore, a more efficient method is needed to control defrosting precisely. A photoelectric sensor unit consisting of an emitter and a collector was installed in the front of outdoor heat exchanger. Accurate defrost control was performed by monitoring and using the change in output voltage according to the presence of frost. In this study, experiments were performed to determine if the performance and characteristic curves obtained using the clock time control method can be reproduced using a photoelectric sensor under the heating and defrosting capacity test condition described at KS C 9306. The output voltage of the phototransistor (receiver) and heating capacity, power consumption, and surface temperature of the outdoor heat exchanger, were compared. The results showed that photoelectric sensors can be used as a defrost control method. On-off control timing of the clock time defrosting method was in good agreement with those predicted by the output voltage of the photoelectric sensor.

Automobile aerodynamics (자동차의 공기역학)

  • 강신영;정석호;김성훈
    • Journal of the korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.46-54
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    • 1987
  • 자동차의 외형을 설계하는 과정에서 미적인 관점을 떠나 역학적으로 고려할 때에는 공기역학이 매우 중요하게 된다. 이 분야에서 연구하는 전문가에게는 잘 알려진 내용이 될지는 모르겠으나 자동차의 설계 및 개발에 종사하는 일반연구자에게는 공기역학에 관한 문헌 및 전문서적 또한 주 위에서 쉽게 얻을 수는 있으나 부담없이 인식되기에는 그리 쉬운 일은 아니다. 이와 관련하여 Car Stying Volume 50+1/2의 별책으로 간행된 특집호에 여러 가지 흥미있는 내용이 기술 설명 되어 있다. 이는 1985년 발행되었으며 일본자동차연구소에 재직중인 무능진리씨가 해설하였다. 이후 본 내용은 여기서 발췌함을 밝혀둔다. 자동차에 관한 공기역확은 주로 다음과 같은 성능 향상을 위하여 필요하다. (1) 주행연료비 절약 (2) 최고속도의 향상 (3) 고속주행시 조종안정성의 향상 (4) 횡풍에서 주행안전성 향상 (5) 엔진이나 제동장치 등의 냉각성능 향상 (6) 바람에 의한 소음의 감소 (7) 환기성능의 향상 (8) 제상성능의 향상 (9) 공기 조화성능의 향상 (10) 먼지 또는 오물의 부착방지 및 억제 (11) 창문 와이퍼의 작동 등이다.

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Numerical defrost analysis of automobile windshield using enthalpy method (열용량법을 이용한 자동차 전방 유리면의 제상성능 해석)

  • Hwang J. E.;Park M. S.;Park W. G.
    • 한국전산유체공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2001.05a
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    • pp.176-180
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    • 2001
  • For windshield defrosting, flow analysis of inner room(vehicle) and heat conduction on the windshield surface are undertaken. Simulation for defrosting enthalpy method is usedand verification of heat and fluid flow analysis for room is done in cavity flow. The defrosting process is three dimensional phenomena and phase is changing. The result of defrosting analysis are well presenting the phase change and these results offer basic design data for defrosting phenomena.

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Experimental Study on the Performance Characteristics of Hot-gas Bypass and On-off Defrosting Cycle in a Showcase Refrigeration System (쇼케이스에서 고온가스 바이패스 및 단속운전 제상사이클의 성능특성에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • 김용찬;조홍현;노현일;김영득;박윤철
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.493-502
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    • 2002
  • During the defrosting process, the temperature in the cabinet of a showcase becomes high as compared to the setting point, which is not desirable for stored foods or materials. It is necessary to develop a more efficient defrosting method to prevent large temperature fluctuation. In this study, the performance of a showcase refrigeration system with three evaporators is investigated by employing a hot-gas bypass defrosting technology in the system under frosting and defrosting conditions. The operating characteristics are compared with those for the on-off defrosting method that has been widely used in current products. As a result, the hot-gas bypass defrosting method shows higher refrigerating capacity and less temperature fluctuation than the on-off method under frosting/defrosting conditions, while the power input is relatively high for the hot-gas bypass method.