• Title/Summary/Keyword: 정합영역

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Intermediate View Image and its Digital Hologram Generation for an Virtual Arbitrary View-Point Hologram Service (임의의 가상시점 홀로그램 서비스를 위한 중간시점 영상 및 디지털 홀로그램 생성)

  • Seo, Young-Ho;Lee, Yoon-Hyuk;Koo, Ja-Myung;Kim, Dong-Wook
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.15-31
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    • 2013
  • This paper proposes an intermediate image generation method for the viewer's view point by tracking the viewer's face, which is converted to a digital hologram. Its purpose is to increase the viewing angle of a digital hologram, which is gathering higher and higher interest these days. The method assumes that the image information for the leftmost and the rightmost view points within the viewing angle to be controlled are given. It uses a stereo-matching method between the leftmost and the rightmost depth images to obtain the pseudo-disparity increment per depth value. With this increment, the positional informations from both the leftmost view point and the rightmost view point are generated, which are blended to get the information at the wanted intermediate viewpoint. The occurrable dis-occlusion region in this case is defined and a inpainting method is proposed. The results from implementing and experimenting this method showed that the average image qualities of the generated depth and RGB image were 33.83[dB] and 29.5[dB], respectively, and the average execution time was 250[ms] per frame. Also, we propose a prototype system to service digital hologram interactively to the viewer by using the proposed intermediate view generation method. It includes the operations of data acquisition for the leftmost and the rightmost viewpoints, camera calibration and image rectification, intermediate view image generation, computer-generated hologram (CGH) generation, and reconstruction of the hologram image. This system is implemented in the LabView(R) environments, in which CGH generation and hologram image reconstruction are implemented with GPGPUs, while others are implemented in software. The implemented system showed the execution speed to process about 5 frames per second.

Surface properties on ion beam irradiated polycarbonate (이온주입에 의한 폴리카보네이트의 표면특성 조사)

  • Lee, Jae-Hyung;Yang, Dae-Jeong;Kil, Jae-Kyun;Kim, Bo-Young
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.31-35
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    • 2003
  • 폴리카보네이트는 내열성과 투명성이 우수한데 비해 내후성이 좋지 않아 황변 및 물성이 저하되고, 내찰상성이 약하여 긁히기 쉬운데다 이물질에 의해 오염되기 쉬워 투명성이 저하되는 문제점이 있다. 이러한 단점을 극복하고, 사용하는 용도에 따라 요구되는 다양한 기능성을 부여하기 위하여 폴리카보네이트 표면에 기능성층을 형성시킴으로써 그 목적을 달성하고자 한다. 본 논문에서는 이온 주입기술을 이용하여, 폴리카보네이트 표면의 전기전도도 특성을 향상시키고, 피부암 및 백내장 등을 유발하는 유해한 자외선 (UV-A, UV-B)을 차단하려 한다. 표면전기전도도의 향상은 이물질로부터 오염되는 정도를 낮추며, 정전기를 방지할 수 있다. PC(Polycarbonate) 표면에 $N^+,\;Ar^+,\;Kr^+,\;Xe^+$ 이온을 에너지 20keV에서 50keV을 사용하여, 주입량 $5{\times}10^{15}\;{\sim}\7{\times}10^{16}\cm^2$ 로 조사하였다. 이온 주입된 PC의 표면을 두 접점 방법의 표면 저항 측정으로 표면전기전도도 특성을 알아보았고, 자외선차단 특성은 UV-Vis 로 분석하였다. 이들 전기적 광학적 특성간의 상관관계를 관찰하고, 이러한 특성을 나타내는 화학적 기능그룹들의 변화를 보기 위해 FTIR 분석법으로 관찰하였다. 이온조사량의 증가에 따라 표면저항은 $10^7{\Omega}/sq$까지 감소하여 표면전기특성을 증가시키며, 자외선 차단 특성은 UV-A를 95%까지 차단하여 인체에 유해한 자외선 차단에 유용함을 확인하였다. 이러한 특성은 PC 표면에 카본 네트워크 형성과 $\pi$전자들의 운동량을 증가시키는 구조로 고분자 사슬들의 결합구조 변형에 의한 것으로 생각된다.블을 가지고 파서를 설계하였다. 파서의 출력으로 AST가 생성되면 번역기는 AST를 탐색하면서 의미적으로 동등한 MSIL 코드를 생성하도록 시스템을 컴파일러 기법을 이용하여 모듈별로 구성하였다.적용하였다.n rate compared with conventional face recognition algorithms. 아니라 실내에서도 발생하고 있었다. 정량한 8개 화합물 각각과 총 휘발성 유기화합물의 스피어만 상관계수는 벤젠을 제외하고는 모두 유의하였다. 이중 톨루엔과 크실렌은 총 휘발성 유기화합물과 좋은 상관성 (톨루엔 0.76, 크실렌, 0.87)을 나타내었다. 이 연구는 톨루엔과 크실렌이 총 휘발성 유기화합물의 좋은 지표를 사용될 있고, 톨루엔, 에틸벤젠, 크실렌 등 많은 휘발성 유기화합물의 발생원은 실외뿐 아니라 실내에도 있음을 나타내고 있다.>10)의 $[^{18}F]F_2$를 얻었다. 결론: $^{18}O(p,n)^{18}F$ 핵반응을 이용하여 친전자성 방사성동위원소 $[^{18}F]F_2$를 생산하였다. 표적 챔버는 알루미늄으로 제작하였으며 본 연구에서 연구된 $[^{18}F]F_2$가스는 친핵성 치환반응으로 방사성동위원소를 도입하기 어려운 다양한 방사성의 약품개발에 유용하게 이용될 수 있을 것이다.었으나 움직임 보정 후 영상을 이용하여 비교한 경우, 결합능 변화가 선조체 영역에서 국한되어 나타나며 그 유의성이 움직임 보정 전에 비하여 낮음을 알 수 있었다. 결론: 뇌활성화 과제 수행시에 동반되는 피험자의 머리 움직임에 의하여 도파민 유리가 과대평가되었으며 이는 이 연구에서 제안한 영상정합을 이용한 움직임 보정기법에 의해서 개선되었다. 답이 없는 문제, 문제 만들기, 일반화가 가능한 문제 등으

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Construction of Mine Geospatial Information by Total Station and 3D Laser Scanner (토털스테이션과 3D 레이저 스캐너에 의한 광산공간정보 구축)

  • Park, Joon-Kyu;Lee, Keun-Wang
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.520-525
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    • 2019
  • Mines are an important infrastructure for securing resources, but safety problems can arise in the course of operation. Recently, the mining process is very complicated due to the large scale and mechanization. Therefore, it is necessary to construct accurate geospatial information on mine for systematic and safe mine operation. The geospatial information construction using the existing total station has a disadvantage that a lot of work time is required because the target must be collimated and measured. In this study, the data of the mines were acquired with the total station and the 3D laser scanner, and the mine spatial information was constructed by using the shape based registration method. By using the static scanner data of some area applying the reference point surveying result of the total station, it was possible to construct the accurate result on the wide area acquired by the mobile scanner effectively. Also, the accuracy of the constructed geospatial information was evaluated and the deviation of mean 0.083m was shown. Point cloud products constructed through the research can contribute to the efficiency improvement of mine management by enabling quantitative analysis such as visualization of mine shape, distance, area and slope, and automation of drawing creation for cross section shape.

Iterative Precision Geometric Correction for High-Resolution Satellite Images (고해상도 위성영상의 반복 정밀 기하보정)

  • Son, Jong-Hwan;Yoon, Wansang;Kim, Taejung;Rhee, Sooahm
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.431-447
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    • 2021
  • Recently, the use of high-resolution satellites is increasing in many areas. In order to supply useful satellite images stably, it is necessary to establish automatic precision geometric correction technic. Geometric correction is the process that corrected geometric errors of satellite imagery based on the GCP (Ground Control Point), which is correspondence point between accurate ground coordinates and image coordinates. Therefore, in the automatic geometric correction process, it is the key to acquire high-quality GCPs automatically. In this paper, we proposed iterative precision geometry correction method. we constructed an image pyramid and repeatedly performed GCP chip matching, outlier detection, and precision sensor modeling in each layer of the image pyramid. Through this method, we were able to acquire high-quality GCPs automatically. we then improved the performance of geometric correction of high-resolution satellite images. To analyze the performance of the proposed method, we used KOMPSAT-3 and 3A Level 1R 8 scenes. As a result of the experiment, the proposed method showed the geometric correction accuracy of 1.5 pixels on average and a maximum of 2 pixels.

A Study on the Characteristics of Planning of Hwa-sung from the Point of Water System (수체계로 본 수원화성 건설의 계획적 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, In-Ae
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.137-147
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    • 2011
  • This study aims to find out the construction process and planning characteristics of Suwon and Hwa-sung in 18th century from the point of water system. This study has an explanatory approach. The planning intents in the water system was driven out by analyzing various planning elements in relation to water system in the process of constructing Hwa-sung in 18th century. Using Entire Map of Hwa-sung, land registration map made in 1911 and topographic map of 1/10,000 scale made in 1917, water system and interpretation of spatial structure in Hwa-sung were analyzed. The results are as follows(Planning characteristics of the water system in Haw-sung in 18th century are as follows). Firstly, in determining the spatial structure and location of Hwa-sung, water system had an important role. Secondly, integrated drainage system was planned by the organization of natural and artificial water stream. Thirdly, the main street system and land use structure were planned in relation with water system. Fourthly, territoriality of main area was planned with water stream. Fifthly, ponds were constructed for flood control and they had important role as landscape elements. Sixthly, water stream was used as intentional BiBo element. As a result of the study, the weater system of Hwa-sung in 18th century was planned by the organization of natural and artificial water stream in relation with the location of new town and wide area's spatial structure, street system, land use structure, territoriality of main area, terriflood control, water quality protection, landscape, 비보 and urban daily life.

Image Matching for Orthophotos by Using HRNet Model (HRNet 모델을 이용한 항공정사영상간 영상 매칭)

  • Seong, Seonkyeong;Choi, Jaewan
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.38 no.5_1
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    • pp.597-608
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    • 2022
  • Remotely sensed data have been used in various fields, such as disasters, agriculture, urban planning, and the military. Recently, the demand for the multitemporal dataset with the high-spatial-resolution has increased. This manuscript proposed an automatic image matching algorithm using a deep learning technique to utilize a multitemporal remotely sensed dataset. The proposed deep learning model was based on High Resolution Net (HRNet), widely used in image segmentation. In this manuscript, denseblock was added to calculate the correlation map between images effectively and to increase learning efficiency. The training of the proposed model was performed using the multitemporal orthophotos of the National Geographic Information Institute (NGII). In order to evaluate the performance of image matching using a deep learning model, a comparative evaluation was performed. As a result of the experiment, the average horizontal error of the proposed algorithm based on 80% of the image matching rate was 3 pixels. At the same time, that of the Zero Normalized Cross-Correlation (ZNCC) was 25 pixels. In particular, it was confirmed that the proposed method is effective even in mountainous and farmland areas where the image changes according to vegetation growth. Therefore, it is expected that the proposed deep learning algorithm can perform relative image registration and image matching of a multitemporal remote sensed dataset.

A Study on Improving the Current Density Distribution of the Cathode by the Bipolar Phenomenon of the Auxiliary Anode through the Hull Cell Experiment (헐셀을 통한 보조 양극의 바이폴라 현상에 의한 음극의 전류밀도 분포 개선 영향성 연구)

  • Young-Seo Kim;Yeon-Soo Jeong;Han-Kyun Shin;Jung Han Kim;Hyo-Jong Lee
    • Journal of the Microelectronics and Packaging Society
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.71-78
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    • 2023
  • The possibility of improving plating thickness distribution was investigated through quantitative consideration of bipolar electrodes without external power applied. By having the cathode tilted with respect to the anode, the potential distribution in the electrolyte solution adjacent to the cathode is different due to the difference in iR drop due to the path difference to the anode in each region of the cathode. The purpose of this study is to observe the bipolar characteristics in the case of an auxiliary anode for the non-uniform potential distribution of such a Hull cell. In particular, in order to evaluate the possibility of improving the non-uniform thickness distribution of the cathode by utilizing these bipolar characteristics, it was verified through experiments and simulations, and the electric potential and current density distribution around the bipolar electrode were analyzed. The electroplating in a Hull cell was performed for 75 min at a current density of 10 mA/cm2, and the average thickness is about 16 ㎛. The standard deviation of the thickness was 10 ㎛ in the normal Hull cell without using the auxiliary anode, whereas it was 3.5 ㎛ in the case of using the auxiliary cathode. Simulation calculations also showed 8.9 ㎛ and 3.3 ㎛ for each condition, and it was found that the consistency between the experimental and simulation results was relatively high, and the thickness distribution could be improved through using the auxiliary anode by the bipolar phenomenon.

Assessment of Topographic Normalization in Jeju Island with Landsat 7 ETM+ and ASTER GDEM Data (Landsat 7 ETM+ 영상과 ASTER GDEM 자료를 이용한 제주도 지역의 지형보정 효과 분석)

  • Hyun, Chang-Uk;Park, Hyeong-Dong
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.393-407
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    • 2012
  • This study focuses on the correction of topographic effects caused by a combination of solar elevation and azimuth, and topographic relief in single optical remote sensing imagery, and by a combination of changes in position of the sun and topographic relief in comparative analysis of multi-temporal imageries. For the Jeju Island, Republic of Korea, where Mt. Halla and various cinder cones are located, a Landsat 7 ETM+ imagery and ASTER GDEM data were used to normalize the topographic effects on the imagery, using two topographic normalization methods: cosine correction assuming a Lambertian condition and assuming a non-Lambertian c-correction, with kernel sizes of $3{\times}3$, $5{\times}5$, $7{\times}7$, and $9{\times}9$ pixels. The effects of each correction method and kernel size were then evaluated. The c-correction with a kernel size of $7{\times}7$ produced the best result in the case of a land area with various land-cover types. For a land-cover type of forest extracted from an unsupervised classification result using the ISODATA method, the c-correction with a kernel size of $9{\times}9$ produced the best result, and this topographic normalization for a single land cover type yielded better compensation for topographic effects than in the case of an area with various land-cover types. In applying the relative radiometric normalization to topographically normalized three multi-temporal imageries, more invariant spectral reflectance was obtained for infrared bands and the spectral reflectance patterns were preserved in visible bands, compared with un-normalized imageries. The results show that c-correction considering the remaining reflectance energy from adjacent topography or imperfect atmospheric correction yielded superior normalization results than cosine correction. The normalization results were also improved by increasing the kernel size to compensate for vertical and horizontal errors, and for displacement between satellite imagery and ASTER GDEM.

3D Facial Animation with Head Motion Estimation and Facial Expression Cloning (얼굴 모션 추정과 표정 복제에 의한 3차원 얼굴 애니메이션)

  • Kwon, Oh-Ryun;Chun, Jun-Chul
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.14B no.4
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    • pp.311-320
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    • 2007
  • This paper presents vision-based 3D facial expression animation technique and system which provide the robust 3D head pose estimation and real-time facial expression control. Many researches of 3D face animation have been done for the facial expression control itself rather than focusing on 3D head motion tracking. However, the head motion tracking is one of critical issues to be solved for developing realistic facial animation. In this research, we developed an integrated animation system that includes 3D head motion tracking and facial expression control at the same time. The proposed system consists of three major phases: face detection, 3D head motion tracking, and facial expression control. For face detection, with the non-parametric HT skin color model and template matching, we can detect the facial region efficiently from video frame. For 3D head motion tracking, we exploit the cylindrical head model that is projected to the initial head motion template. Given an initial reference template of the face image and the corresponding head motion, the cylindrical head model is created and the foil head motion is traced based on the optical flow method. For the facial expression cloning we utilize the feature-based method, The major facial feature points are detected by the geometry of information of the face with template matching and traced by optical flow. Since the locations of varying feature points are composed of head motion and facial expression information, the animation parameters which describe the variation of the facial features are acquired from geometrically transformed frontal head pose image. Finally, the facial expression cloning is done by two fitting process. The control points of the 3D model are varied applying the animation parameters to the face model, and the non-feature points around the control points are changed by use of Radial Basis Function(RBF). From the experiment, we can prove that the developed vision-based animation system can create realistic facial animation with robust head pose estimation and facial variation from input video image.

The Implication and Issues of Landscape Design Education through National Exhibition of Korean Landscape Architecture (대한민국환경조경대전을 통해 본 조경 설계 교육의 쟁점과 시사점)

  • Choi, Jung-Mean;Yun, Su-jin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.108-121
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to explore the issues and implications for landscape design education in Korean landscape architecture by analyzing the National Exhibition of Korean Landscape Architecture(NEKLA). This study analyzed the suggested topics and selected site as well as the commentary that appeared in the NEKLA's award-winning book published from 2004 to 2014. Results of the study are as follows: First, topics of NEKLA are not only competition guidelines but related to exploring new area and role of Korean landscape architecture. Second, most dealing with site is 'industrial heritage and regeneration space' and 'green infrastructure'. In more recent years, a larger variety of sites were addressed. Third, site locations are concentrated in metropolitan areas, and awards and participation of the non-metropolitan universities was very low. Fourth, seven criteria can be applied in a general landscape design competition such as 'newness of the concept(idea)', 'logicality of the design process', 'selection of site fidelity of analysis(interpretation)', 'presentation and completion of the master plan', 'consistency with the theme', 'linkage of concepts and results' and 'feasibility'. The evaluation criteria are increasing the sophistication of the design language to provide useful suggestions on how to find design education methods. Its implications are as follows: First, training is essential to derive innovative ideas, but it should avoid excessive concept-oriented education. Second, design education may include instruction on how to define the problems related with the site. Third, more emphasis on design logic is essential to transform the innovative concept to actual results. Fourth, 'slick images' unrelated to design should be suppressed. Fifth, practice is needed to solve the topics addressed in the design process of education. Sixth, 'feasibility' and 'creative thinking' are necessary to recognize a reciprocal relationship that is helpful to one another. This study uses direct quote commentary to minimize the subjectivity of the researcher and to trace issues of the contemporary landscape architecture more directly and vividly. This study is a record waiting for another review as meta-criticism. In this regard this study, the landscape architect of the next times will have a mean that historical records to review the current thinking of the landscape theory and design.