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유기농 이유식 제품 제조 기술 현황과 소비 전망

  • Sin, Hyeon-Ho
    • 한국유가공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2006.06a
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    • pp.29-45
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    • 2006
  • 최근에 들어 웰빙(well-being)과 함께 로하스(LOHAS: Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability)란 개념이 급속도로 확산되고 있으며, 이를 만족하는 식품으로 친환경 농산물과 유기 가공 식품이 대두되고 있다. 여러 마케팅 조사에서도 친환경 농산물과 유기 가공 식품의 소비자 선호도는 상당히 높게 나타난다. 이러한 다양한 소비자의 요구에 맞춰 우리의 2세에게 더욱 안전하고 좋은 품질의 이유식을 제공하고 나아가 한계에 이른 '지구와 환경을 해치지 않는 지속가능 한 소비'를 유도하고자 업체들은 유기농 이유식을 개발하고 있다. 유기농 소비자 10명 가운데 7명은 최근의 웰빙 붐 때문에 유기농에 관심을 가지게 됐으며, 가격이 다소 비싸더라도 가족의 건강을 위해 친환경 농산물을 구입하는 것으로 나타났으며, 국내외를 막론하고 친환경 농산물과 유피 가공 식품의 시장 동향을 살펴보면 지속적으로 증가하고 있으나, 아직까지 일반 제품에 비해 미미한 수준이며, 국내는 인증 제도가 없으나, 유기 가공 식품표시기준에 따라 표시되고 있다. 일반적으로 이유식이라 함은 식품공전에서 영 ${\cdot}$ 유아용 곡류 조제식만을 말하지만 넓게 축산물의 조제유류, 영아용 조제식, 성장기용 조제식, 기타 영 ${\cdot}$ 유아식을 포함할 수 있으며, 유기농 이유식 제조 현황을 살펴보면 동결, 분무, 드럼 등의 건조와 퍼핑이나 Extruder를 통한 알파화로 원료를 가공하여 은 살균, 멸균, 균질, 혼합, 건조, 냉각, 포장 등의 다양한 공정으로 이루어진 분무건조나 유동층이나 연속식 과립기를 사용하여 분말이나 입자형 이유식을 생산하며, 동결 건조를 하여 열수를 가해 죽 상태로 먹을 수 있도록 한 제품, 데워서 떠 먹일 수 있도록 병조림이나 레토르트 유동식 제품, 바로 마실 수 있는 쥬스류, 두유류, 과자 등으로 생산하고 있다. 주된 메이저4사는 일동후디스, 남양유업, 매일유업, 파스퇴르유업으로 다양한 제품들을 생산하고 있으며, 두유를 위주로 한 정식품, 연세우유와 종근당건강, 다양한 다국적 기업들의 제품이 수입되고 있는 실정이다. 이유식 시장도 96년 하반기부터 정체를 보이는 상태다. 2002년도 이유식 시장은 약 1,300억원 규모로 업체들의 고가 신제품과 유기농 이유식 출시로 판매 금액은 소폭 상승하였으나 판매 수량은 큰 변동이 없다. 저출산에 따른 양육비 집중과 유기농 제품에 대한 저변이 크게 확산돼 베이비 웰빙은 어느 정도 예견된 일이거니와 이미 미국 등 선진국에선 유아에 그치지 않고 아동까지 유기농과 고급 원료를 사용한 고가의 웰빙 제품이 봇물을 이루고 있는 상황이어서 유아식 시장은 어느 때보다 경쟁이 치열할 것이며, 국내 식품 업체들이 너도나도 유기농 제품과 매장사업에 뛰어들고 있다. 유기 가공 식품의 지속적인 발전을 위해서 (1) 국내산/수입산 공통으로 인증 제도가 도입되고 원료 농산물뿐만 아니라, 모든 공정이나 공장에 대한 종합적 관리와 동일한 인증 표시가 이루어져야 한다. (2) 정부 부처의 이기를 타파할 수 있는 법정부적 기구나 대책이 필요하다. (3) 유기 가공 식품을 취급하는 업계에서는 기존 3%의 비의도적 혼입치의 고려나 상한선 재설정을 요구하고 진정한 유기 가공 식품으로 공정 경쟁한다. (4) 활발한 인증심사원의 교육과 배출로 인증이나 심사기관의 민간 이양을 적극 장려하고 국가관 상호 신뢰를 구축한다. (5) 각 소비자 단체나 소비자는 환경을 살리고 생명체의 공생이라는 관점에서 최선의 길이 유기농 제품임을 인식하고 소비하여 우리의 다음 세대에게서 빌려온 소중한 환경을 물려준다.

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Natural Convection in a Water Tank with a Heated Horizontal Plate Facing Downward (아래로 향한 수평가열판이 있는 수조에서의 자연대류)

  • Yang, Sun-Kyu;Chung, Moon-Ki;Helmut Hoffmann
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.301-316
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    • 1995
  • experimental and computational studies ore carried out to investigate the natural convection of the single phase flow in a tank with a heated horizontal plate facing downward. This is a simplified model for investigations of the influence of a core melt at the bottom of a reactor vessel on the thermal hydraulic behavior in a oater filled cavity surrounding the vessel. In this case the vessel is simulated by a hexahedron insulated box with a heated plate Horizontally mounted at the bottom of the box. The box with the heated plate is installed in a water filled hexahedron tank. Coolers are immersed in the U-type water volume between the box and the tank. Although the multicomponent flows exist more probably below the heated plate in reality, present study concentrates on the single phase flow in a first step prior to investigating the complicated multicomponent thermal hydraulic phenomena. In the present study, in order to get a better understanding for the natural convection characteristics below the heated plate, the velocity and temperature are measured by LDA(Laser Doppler Anemometry) and thermocouples, respectively. And How fields are visualized by taking pictures of the How region with suspended particles. The results show the occurrence of a very effective circulation of the fluid in the whole How area as the heater and coolers are put into operation. In the remote region below the heated plate the new is nearly stagnant, and a remarkable temperature stratification can be observed with very thin thermal boundary. Analytical predictions using the FLUTAN code show a reasonable matching of the measured velocity fields.

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The Strategic Adoption of Creative Industry and Its Impact on the Reconstruction of Cultural Identity in Andong Province (문화콘텐츠산업의 전략적 수용과 안동 문화정체성의 재구성)

  • Cho, Gwan-Yeon
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.568-581
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    • 2011
  • Having gone through the international financial crisis in 1997, the Korean government has sought a new future economic breakthrough. In this line, the government chose the cultural contents business and has supported this area intensively. With the cultural contents promotion policy initiated to foster the world-class culture business based on the traditional Korean culture, Andong, which has diverse cultural traditions, was rediscovered. The Andong local government and the local power elites decided that this promotion policy can not only be an opportunity to invigorate the sluggish local economy, but also help eliminate the old-fashioned image of Andong, and thus actively promoted the cultural contents business. However, there's a conflict among the local elites over which cultural tradition should be chosen as a genuine local cultural tradition. The different views and efforts regarding the cultural identity of the region by each entity not only contributed significantly to the recovery of the local economy by revitalizing tourism, but also helped the region gain an advantageous position in competition with other regions over limited resources. This progress became the groundwork for attracting major institutions and facilities, which are essential for the revitalization of the local economy.

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A Longitudinal Study of Social Network Trajectory among Widowed Middle and Older Adults (중·노년기 배우자 사별 전후의 사회적 관계망 변화에 대한 종단연구)

  • Chang, Sujie
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.1083-1101
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to describe how the structural and functional features of social network change among widowed middle and older adults and to examine the effect of personal predictors of the social network change. Data was obtained from men and women between 45 to 98 years of age(N=118) who were bereaved by the death of their spouse since the first wave survey and participated in the second wave survey of the Korean Longitudinal Study of Ageing(KLoSA). The main findings are as follows: First, their social network after the bereavement was strengthened centered around children; for example, the number of adult children living in proximity to the parent, frequency of contact with children, and the financial and non-financial support from children generally increased. Second, the social network change pattern was categorized into four types such as "overall increased type," "children-centered increased type," "children/close relationship-centered increased type," and "stagnation type." Finally, the health condition of the widowed middle and older adults was a strong predictor of the social network change.

The Change of Health Service before and after the Unification of two Health Subcenters in a Rural Area (한 농촌지역 2개면 보건지소 통합전후 보건의료사업 변화 연구)

  • Sul, Sue-Jeong;Park, Hyang;Sohn, Seok-Joon;Park, Jong;Kim, Ki-Soon
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.427-440
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    • 2000
  • A comparative study was made about health resources, medical care service statistics and public health service statistics by health subcenters at Jangdong and Jangpyung townships, Jangheung County, Chollanamdo before and after the unification of two health subcenter to improve their function. 1. While two general physicians, one dentist, 4 nurse aids arid one oral hygienist were working at two health subcenters with simple facility with examination room and public health office in 1997 prior to the unification, in 1999 after the unification of two health subcenters 14 staff including a specialist physician, a general physician, a dentist, a herb hygienist, a radiology technician and a physical therapist were working in the new health subcenters equipped with appropriate facilities in two storey building. 2. In 1997 before the unification the yearly total income of two health subcenters was 78,815 thousand won(about 14,000 won per capita) and the amount was 140,376 thousand won(about 25,000 won per capita) in 1999 after the unification. And the income was used for operation of health subcenters excluding personnel expense. 3. While 90.5% of visitors to the health subcenters came for general medical care, and 91.6% came for the revisit before the unification, after the unification 71.2% came for general medical care, 10.8% for dental care, 16.5% for oriental physician's care, 29.7% for the first visit and 70.3% for revisit. Most common problem cared for was musculoskeletal disorder like arthralgia. Average treatment cost per person per month was 9,363 won before the unification and 8,309 won after the unification. 4. Through the comparison of execution rate of public health services before and after the unification. the practice rate of most health service among target population including visiting service for chronic illness, maternal and child health service and immunization service increased after the unification. The practice rate of tuberculosis control service, hypertension control and diabetes management was a little decreased. In conclusion, continuous effort to satisfy all persons in two townships and evaluation are necessary to coincide with the spirit of unification of two health subcenters.

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An Estimation of Concentration of Asian Dust (PM10) Using WRF-SMOKE-CMAQ (MADRID) During Springtime in the Korean Peninsula (WRF-SMOKE-CMAQ(MADRID)을 이용한 한반도 봄철 황사(PM10)의 농도 추정)

  • Moon, Yun-Seob;Lim, Yun-Kyu;Lee, Kang-Yeol
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.276-293
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    • 2011
  • In this study a modeling system consisting of Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF), Sparse Matrix Operator Kernel Emissions (SMOKE), the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model, and the CMAQ-Model of Aerosol Dynamics, Reaction, Ionization, and Dissolution (MADRID) model has been applied to estimate enhancements of $PM_{10}$ during Asian dust events in Korea. In particular, 5 experimental formulas were applied to the WRF-SMOKE-CMAQ (MADRID) model to estimate Asian dust emissions from source locations for major Asian dust events in China and Mongolia: the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) model, the Goddard Global Ozone Chemistry Aerosol Radiation and Transport (GOCART) model, and the Dust Entrainment and Deposition (DEAD) model, as well as formulas by Park and In (2003), and Wang et al. (2000). According to the weather map, backward trajectory and satellite image analyses, Asian dust is generated by a strong downwind associated with the upper trough from a stagnation wave due to development of the upper jet stream, and transport of Asian dust to Korea shows up behind a surface front related to the cut-off low (known as comma type cloud) in satellite images. In the WRF-SMOKE-CMAQ modeling to estimate the PM10 concentration, Wang et al.'s experimental formula was depicted well in the temporal and spatial distribution of Asian dusts, and the GOCART model was low in mean bias errors and root mean square errors. Also, in the vertical profile analysis of Asian dusts using Wang et al's experimental formula, strong Asian dust with a concentration of more than $800\;{\mu}g/m^3$ for the period of March 31 to April 1, 2007 was transported under the boundary layer (about 1 km high), and weak Asian dust with a concentration of less than $400\;{\mu}g/m^3$ for the period of 16-17 March 2009 was transported above the boundary layer (about 1-3 km high). Furthermore, the difference between the CMAQ model and the CMAQ-MADRID model for the period of March 31 to April 1, 2007, in terms of PM10 concentration, was seen to be large in the East Asia area: the CMAQ-MADRID model showed the concentration to be about $25\;{\mu}g/m^3$ higher than the CMAQ model. In addition, the $PM_{10}$ concentration removed by the cloud liquid phase mechanism within the CMAQ-MADRID model was shown in the maximum $15\;{\mu}g/m^3$ in the Eastern Asia area.

A Study of Cultural Migration of Pungmul-gut - Focusing on a Pungmul-pae's Activity in Toronto, Canada - (풍물굿의 해외 문화이주 현상에 관한 연구 - 캐나다 토론토의 풍물패 활동을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Yon-Shik
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.41
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    • pp.353-380
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    • 2020
  • Samul nori/Pungmul-gut is the symbol of ethnic identity for the Koreans abroad. It is the representative diaspora musical genre which is performed many cultural events held by Koreans. It is, at the same time, a global music which is appreciated by not only the Koreans but also the foreigners. Many musical communities in various countries exhibit the cultural migration through the discourse of 'tradition/variation' and 'authenticity/hybridity' in the course of the acculturation and enculturation of samul nori/pungmul-gut. The pungmul-pae 'Bichoe June' active in Toronto, Canada was organized by a foreign performer. For the foreigners pungmul-gut is easy to access as a genre of world music. As a percussion ensemble, it is easy to learn for the foreigners. The pungmul-pae 'Bichoe June' is a 'music community' consist of the Koreans and foreigners. The band tries to preserve the traditionality and authenticity of the Korean music. There is no variation or hybridity in its music since the member still learns the authentic music through various available textbooks and internet sites. Through the participation of the Koreans and foreigners, the band stimulates the globalzation of the pungmul-gut. The enculturation of the pungmul-gut is exhibited in two performances held by the band. One was host by the Canadian progressive group and the other was by the Korean conservative community. The former understood the nature of pungmul-gut as the music of the common people. The latter, however, accepted the music as the representative traditional music but was not easy to enjoy the 'noisy' music. In other words, the positive/negative acceptance of the pungmul-gut depends of the ideological nature of the listeners rather than the ethnical nature.

Ventilation Effect of the Greenhouse with Folding Panel Type Windows (패널굴절방식 환기창 온실의 환기효과)

  • Kim, Jin-Young;Lee, Si-Young;Kim, Hyun-Hwan;Chun, Hee;Yun, In-Hak
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.5-11
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    • 2002
  • In this study, new development of natural ventilation window was accomplished to control environment of greenhouse with no use of farced ventilation during hot season. The ventilation effect of developed ventilation window was investigated in experimental greenhouse which was designed using side wall panel and folding type panel fur natural ventilation. Folding panel type ventilation window was designed to open upper part of the side wall and top of the roof using two hinges which are located bottom of the side wall and the roof panel to grab one side of each panels and guide the other side along with the guidance rail. Developed ventilation window has top ventilation part with maximum moving distance X=ι (1-cos$\theta$)=848.5 mm and side ventilation part with maximum moving distance Y=ι/2 $\times$sin$\theta$=1,184.4 mm at 45$^{\circ}$ of theoretical opening angle. It took 4.5 minutes to open roof vent fully and temperature at 1.2 and 0.8 m height decreased after 1 minute from starting opening and became equilibrium state maintaining 3-4$^{\circ}C$ difference after 2 minutes from complete opening. Air exchange rate was 15.2~39.3 h$^{-1}$ which was more than 10~15 h$^{-1}$ of continuous type and Venlo type greenhouse. The descent effect of temperature by ventilation windows was two times higher than Venlo type greenhouse.

A Study on the Location and Landscaping Characteristics of Yonghogugok of Jiri Mountain Illuminated by Old Literatures and Letters Carved on the Rocks (고문헌과 바위글씨로 조명한 지리산 용호구곡(龍湖九曲)의 입지 및 경관특성)

  • Rho, Jae-Hyun;Kahng, Byung-Seon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.154-167
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    • 2014
  • The results of this study conducted to identify the substance, regional characteristics or landscaping of Namwon Yonghogugok, which is the only valley of Jiri Mountain, based on Kim Samun's 'Yonghokugok-Gyeongseungannae(龍湖九曲景勝案內)', 'Yongseongji(龍城誌)' and position, meaning of letters carved and projection technique by ArcGIS10.0 on the rocks are as below. The feature landscapes of the canyon of Yonghogugok, which is an incised meander and one of the Eight beautiful scenery of Namwon, ponds, cliffs and rocks generated with metamorphic rocks and granites weathered by rapids torrents. As a result of measuring the GPS coordinates of the letters carved on the rocks, excluding the 3 Gok Hakseoam and the distances based on the origin and destination of the letters carved on the rocks using the API(Application Programming Interface) function of Daum map, the total distance of Yonghogugok was 3.5km and the average distance between the each Gok was 436.5m. It is assumed that Yonghogugok was designated by Sarim(士林) of the Kiho School(畿湖學派) related to Wondong Hyangyak(元洞鄕約) which is the main agent of Yonghojeongsa(龍湖精舍), the forerunner of Yonghoseowon(龍湖書院), between the late Joseon Dynasty and the early Japanese colonial era, in 1927. Its grounds are the existence of Yonghoyeongdang mentioned on 'Yonghojeongsilgi'(龍湖亭實記), records of 'Haeunyugo(荷隱遺稿)', 'Yonghopumje(龍湖品題)' of Bulshindang(佛神堂), 'Yonghojeongsadonggu Gapjachun(龍湖精舍洞口 甲子春)' letters carved on the rocks and 'Yonghogugok-Shipyeong(龍湖九曲十詠)' posted on Mokgandang of Yonghoseowon. Comprehensively considering the numerous poetry society lists carved on the stone wall of Punghodae(風乎臺), the Sixth Gok Yuseondae, its stone mortar, 'Bangjangjeildongcheon(方丈第一洞天)' of Bulshindang and Gyoryongdam(交龍潭), the Yonghoseokmun(龍湖石門) letters carved on the rocks, Yeogungseok adjacent to the First Gok and Fengshui facilities, centered on Yonghoseowon and Yonghojeong, Yonghogugok can be understood as a unique valley culture formed with the thoughts of Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism and Fengshui. 'Yonghogugok-Gyeongseungannae' provides very useful information to understand the place name, called by locals and landscaping aspects of Yonghogugok in the late Joseon Dynasty. In addition, the meaning of "Nine dragons" and even though 12 chu(湫: pond) of Yonghogugok Yongchudong including Bulyeongchu, Guryongchu, Isuchu, Goieumchu and Daeyachu are mentioned on Yongseongji, a part of them cannot be confirmed now. Various place names and facilities relevant to Guryong adjacent to Yonghogugok are the core of the place identity. In addition, the accurate location identification and the delivery of the landscaping significance of the 12 ponds is expected to provide landscaping attractiveness of Yonghogugok and become very useful contents for landscaping storytelling and a keyword of storyboard.

The Effects of Winch-curtain Ventilation on the Indoor Environment of a Fattening Swine House (윈치커튼 환기가 비육돈사의 실내 환경에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Hyeon-Tae;Song, Jun-Ik;Choi, Hong-Lim
    • Journal of Animal Environmental Science
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2012
  • The study was conducted to investigate the effects of climate on indoor environment of a swine house with natural. This study was tested in the beef swine stall at Young-in, Kyung-ki do. The test was experimented for the effect of interior environment by the outdoor environment and the interior-pan. The results are as follows. 1. In test 1 ($T_{out}$ : $25.7^{\circ}C$, without fan), an indoor air flow pattern was showed that entered from sidewall winch-curtain to went out of a indoor by the ridge winch-curtain. And the velocity of a section of the center was measured two times as large as the velocity of the floor. It is the acceleration of the velocity by thermal buoyancy. And, the entered air was rapidly dissipated by flow energy. So that in the swain livestock with sidewall winch-curtain is effected by thermal buoyancy. And the air temperature of the indoor was distributed more higher as compared with the outdoor temperature. This result is caused by the sensible heat from swine and the ventilation is restricted. 2. In test 2 (($T_{out}$ : $25.7^{\circ}C$, with fan), the velocity of a section of the center was measured more higher as compared with the test 1. And the variance of air velocity was distributed higher as compared with the test 1. This result is showed dead region of air flow with a fan operation. And, the variance of gas density was distributed lower as compared with the test 1.