• Title/Summary/Keyword: 정원관

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골목정원 조성이 골목환경에 미치는 영향 - 대구광역시 서구 비산 2·3동을 중심으로 -

  • Hwang, Myeong-Ran;Jang, Cheol-Gyu;Sin, Jae-Yun;Lee, Seul-Gi;Park, Yeong-Eun;Jeong, Seong-Gwan
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture Conference
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    • 2017.10a
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    • pp.76-78
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    • 2017
  • 본 연구는 비산 2 3동의 골목정원 조성지역과 비조성지역의 주민들을 대상으로 골목현황 및 주민의식을 분석하고, 이를 통해 골목정원 조성이 골목환경에 미치는 영향을 분석하고자 하였다. 연구결과를 살펴보면, 조성지역은 11개의 골목정원과 22개의 주제정원이 조성되어 있으며, 비조성지역은 서부시장을 중심으로 한 프랜차이즈 특화거리가 조성 중에 있다. 골목환경 구성요소의 중요도는 두 지역 모두 조명시설, CCTV 등 안전과 관련된 항목이 높게 평가되었으며, '공방 등 체험, 전시 및 공연시설', '텃밭', '항아리, 장식품 등 조형물' 등 개인 여가생활과 관련된 항목은 낮게 분석되었다. 만족도의 경우 조성지역은 골목정원 조성으로 개선된 조명시설, 초화류 등과 같은 항목이 높게 나타났다. 비조성지역의 경우 19개 항목의 만족도가 모두 낮게 분석되어 전반적으로 골목환경에 대해 불만족하는 것으로 분석되었다. 이를 바탕으로 개선방안을 제시하면, 조성지역은 CCTV 추가설치 및 빈집정비를 통해 골목의 안전성 확보와 휴게 및 교류공간 조성이 필요할 것으로 판단된다. 비조성지역의 경우 전반적인 골목환경 개선이 필요하며, 조명시설의 추가 설치가 필요할 것으로 사료된다.

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A Study on the Architectural Method of Mus${\bar{o}}$ Soseki (무소오 소세키(夢窓疎石)의 작정기법)

  • Choi, Mi-Young;Hong, Kwang-Pyo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.45-53
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this thesis is to identify the gardening method of Mus${\bar{o}}$ Soseki by looking into his works. Through this research, life and religious values of Soseki were studied, which gave a better understanding of the garden architect as an individual and seeker of religious truth. Among his works, the most widely known-four ponds, Eiho-ji, Erin-ji, Saiho-ji and Tenryu-ji were studied. The research found that based on the Zen of Buddhism, Soseki symbolized various philosophical ideas into space structures. In addition, through two gardening components, stone buildings and tributaries, he specifically materialized related themes. An absolute religious aesthetics of the creator could be found in the stone buildings that expresses the world of Buddhism and the Chinese letter 'Sim'(heart)-shaped tributaries. By experimenting new method away from a Chinese-style Japanese garden which was widely popular during his time, Soseki devised a garden as residential quarters of a high priest that can be set aside entirely for Zen-study, which became to represent Japanese garden style. If Soseki's gardening method had not been adopted, Japanese gardens could not have been developed as a personal garden that contains symbolic concepts. Unfortunately, in this study, to think of another Zen monk and Mus${\bar{o}}$ Soseki did not study is to compare. also the study on how another Zen monk and Mus${\bar{o}}$ Soseki's compare has to be continued.

Seminiferous Epithelium Cycle of Apodemus speciosus peninsulae (흰넓적다리 붉은쥐(Apodemus speciosus peninsulae)의 세정관 상피주기)

  • Kim, Mi-Jin;Lee, Jung-Hun
    • Development and Reproduction
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.25-33
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    • 2009
  • The cycle of the seminiferous epithelium and development of spermatids of Apodemus speciosus peninsulae were observed using a light microscope. On the basis of developing spermatocyte and spermatid, the cycle of the seminiferous epithelium was divided into 9 stages. Type Ad spermatogonia were appeared in all stages ($I{\sim}IX$). The Ap, In, and B types of spermatogonia were appeared from stage I, II and III, and IV, respectively. In prophase of first meiosis, the leptotene spermatocytes appeared from stage V and VI, zygotene spermatocytes from stages I, II, VII, VIII, and IX, pachytene spermatocytes from stage III to VII, diplotene spermatocytes in the stage VIII, and secondary spermatocytes in stage IX. On the basis of morphology of spermatid head, developing of nuclear and acrosome and the morphological change of cytoplasm, the developing of spermatids was divided into 12 steps. Considering all the results, A. s. peninsulae displayed very similar result with A. agrarius coreae that is allied species when compare correct characters developing of spermatids with spermatogonia and appearance time of the spermatocyte. Appearance time of the same cell and number of spermatogonial generation was thought that characters of the species, and information may be useful in identifying the species.

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A Study on the Garden Meaning of Pungryu through Genre Painting in Joseon Dynasty (조선시대 풍속화를 통해 본 정원의 풍류적 의미 연구)

  • Zoh, Kyung-Jin;Seo, Young-Ai
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.94-107
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    • 2008
  • This study examines the diversity of garden culture in the Joseon Dynasty focusing on genre painting. Genre painting gives us insight into the various ways of enjoying the garden. The intimate activities portrayed in the painting show us about the vivid scenes of Korean garden at that time. Among the various meanings of gardens, sensual pleasure is focused on here. The garden has always been a place of pleasure for seeing, smelling, touching, meeting people and erotic flirting. Here, the oriental aesthetic idea of Pungryu is adopted to reformulate pleasure based on the traditional way of thought. Most Korean gardens in the Joseon Dynasty were understood as the place for Pungryu. Sensuality in the Korean garden associated with a high level of spiritual pleasure. In order to look closely into garden activities, genre paintings were selected and analyzed. Several characteristics were elicited. First, the garden was understood as the medium of communication through reconciling man with nature. Mediating man with nature often calls for uplifting the sense of community within groups of people. Second, the garden was featured as the place of cultural creation. Many scholars utilized the garden as a place for poetic imagination. Therefore, the garden was the locus of intellectual discourse. Third, personal retreat was one of important functions in the Korean garden. the humble attitude toward landscape such as solitude and mediation might be understood as one way of enjoying the nature. Fourth, taste, power and social relations were embedded in garden culture. Therefore, the garden was regarded as a space of distinction. Garden making was understood as one of the high class leisure activity. It was quite natural that the garden was used as a place of showing up their taste and culture. Finally, we need to reinvigorate the rich meanings of garden in contemporary practices. In-depth analysis of garden culture through the lens of genre painting gives us quite useful information in Korean garden culture.

Water Landscape Displaying Techinques of Traditional Gardens between China and Korea - With Soswaewon and ZhuozhengYuan - (한.중 전통원림의 수경관 연출기법 비교 연구 - 소쇄원과 졸정원을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Hang Lyoul;Kim, Sun Rye
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2012
  • Landscape Garden tradition of excellent examples of places that are focused on hydroponics management. South Korea and China, this thing was noticeable among them South Korea which emphasizes the natural contours of the natural streams in accordance with the basic idea to use examples that feature will do. Gardens in China by constructing a flat terrain also naturally expect to find examples of conscious ideas depending on the water and the mountains are characterized. These differences and similarities through the Gardens of the tradition of separating the two countries to build their Garden by site Soswaewon and Zolzengwon appear in the target hand is to identify the characteristics between the director. Research methods literature survey, field survey of the natural environment through the plantation, background history, the people who intend to study, to configure the ground water space, Jian, construction and management has been studied in hydroponics. As a result, Damyang-gun, Jeollanam-do, South Korea in the Garden of the Soswaewon(瀟灑園) organization with inner garden and outer garden of a small, but the scale of production to Yang San-Bo's 'eunilgwan' implement security based rock mooring takes the form of a linear channel and the water came down from riding pending to avoid artifacts gathered again took the form of streams flowing into that. Hutton was a rubble pile structure Jian. Building an Gwangpunggak, Jewoldang, as Daebongdae consist, respectively, depending on the purpose of the mooring was deployed by focusing. The other hand, is located at Suzhou, Jiangsu of China Zolzengwon(拙政園) flat terrain is located on. Largely divided eastern gardens, Central Gardens and the Gardens of the West was conducted by five thirds of the total area of Water accounted for. Pavilion the center of the pond, Seokgasan achieve a variety of landscapes and architectural features that are most of the Ming. The two countries, each region's natural environment and human environment, different, unique characteristics to each other in the implementation of a unique hydroponic Garden tube and ideological backgrounds, but especially the 'eunilgwan' and the terrain that is divided according to the conditions of this study, so fulfilling Garden was conducted.

유전자 알고리즘을 이용한 고속 확관기의 확관속도 최적화

  • 정원지;김재량;한철문;김수태
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2004.05a
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    • pp.216-216
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    • 2004
  • 본 논문은 우리가 일상 생활에서 접하는 에어컨의 핵심 부품인 열 교환기의 제작과정 중에서 확관 공정에서의 확관속도 최적화에 관한 것이다 여기서 열 교환기는 구멍 뚫린 박판형태의 방열핀과 이 구멍을 통과하는 구리재질의 관인 헤어핀의 2가지 주요 부품으로 구성되어있다 그리고 확관기(Fig. 1)에 있어서의 확관공정은 Fig. 2에서 보는 바와 같이 소성변형을 통한 관의 반지름 방향의 팽창으로 방열핀과 헤어핀을 결합시켜주는 높은 정밀도를 요구하는 작업이다.(중략)

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A Study on Gilles Clement's Garden View and the 'Garden in motion' - Centering on Conceptual Comparison with William Robinson's Wild Garden - (질 클레망의 정원관(庭園觀)과 '움직이는 정원'에 대한 연구 - William Robinson의 Wild Garden과의 개념비교를 중심으로 -)

  • Kwon, Jin-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.46-53
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    • 2018
  • The background of this study was to consider regenerative environmental characteristics and develop foundations for conceptual grounds and applications in embodying sustainable garden designs demanded in our age. In doing so, this study aimed to have a conceptual understanding of Clement's garden theory influenced by Robinson's naturalistic distinction and compared it with Robinson's wild garden, and the results are as follows: First, for Clement, garden design included an ecological process to settle in the target site as aesthetics of space being formed by the movement of plants. In this sense, making a 'garden in motion' implies to design possibilities to adapt to nature based on trust in it and allow plant seeds not to be planned but to naturally go and find appropriate habitats. Second, the views to wildness can be separated into microscopic and macroscopic views and each has its own expressive characteristics. Robinson's gardens are small and subordinate and play mollification functions for existing spaces. On the contrary, Clement's gardens are the subject of the space, represent macroscopic strategies, and have top-down approaches embodied as infrastructure to play central roles in the ecology. Third, Robinson's and Clement's views to the operation of garden spaces acknowledge the inseparable relationship between nature's autonomy and gardens' wildness and deliver a value that the preservation of nature is a prerequisite to coexistence with the life we desire. Their gardens are analogized by interventions of environmental possibilism and ecological standpoints mediated by plants based on the perspective of environmental determinism.

An Outstanding Universal Value and the Management of Historic Gardens in Suzhou, China (쑤저우 정원의 세계유산 OUV와 보호관리의 운영방식)

  • Park, Hee-Soung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.76-84
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    • 2019
  • This study was conducted for the purpose of examining the Outstanding Universal Value, World Heritage Values, in Suzhou classical gardens and the operational method of the protection management of historic gardens, and the results of the study are as follows; The first, as a world heritage, Suzhou gardens proved OUV by showing the taste and lifestyle of the literati, the unique class of Chinese history, to the natural environment of the East Yangtze Delta region. In addition, it showed the exchange of international culture with unique Chinese garden techniques. Second, a authentic reconstruction of garden have original value because it exist records of the near past. The 20th-century archives described by the contemporary language and describing the heritage through images using such media as photography and drawing played a decisive role in restoring gardens. Third, the protection management of Suzhou gardens, which began in the 1950s, was carried out in detail, including the reconstruction of components such as buildings, the restoration of plant materials and horticulture technique, the creation of a list through the records of trees, the maintenance of props such as plaque, furniture, and the project to improve water quality and restore waterscape. The last, after the World Heritage inscribing, Garden's protection management was proceeded in two directions. One is that through the reorganization of the administrative management system and the enactment of laws related to Suzhou classical Gardens, the listing heritage is strictly protected and managed, and the other is that the historical gardens are used to establish urban masterplan and urban identity in Suzhou. The range of garden properties greatly expanded by distinguishing the principle of conservation from protection to rational use and the grade of protection, such as whole protection, maintenance protection and protection of historical sites.