• 제목/요약/키워드: 정원관

검색결과 193건 처리시간 0.027초

Runoff Reduction Effect Analysis of Porous Asphalt Using Rainfall Simulator of Movable-Assemble Type (이동형 강우모의장치를 이용한 투수성 아스팔트 유출저감 효과 분석)

  • Jang, Youngsu;Park, Jaerock;Chun, Jonghyun;Park, Jaehyun;Shin, Hyunsuk
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 한국수자원학회 2018년도 학술발표회
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    • pp.382-382
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    • 2018
  • 최근 기후변화 및 도시화로 인해 집중호우와 도시 내의 불투수층이 증가하고 있으며, 현재 도심의 강우관리시스템이 한계에 달하여 수재해 피해가 급증하고 있다. 이와 같은 문제를 해결하기 위한 방안으로 저영향개발 기법이 대두되고 있으며, 본 기법은 해당 지역의 강우를 분산식 빗물처리 하여 도시 내의 수문학적 특성을 개발이전 상태로 회복 및 유지하는 기술이다. 저영향개발 기법의 종류는 투수성 포장, 옥상녹화, 빗물정원, 식생저류지, 식생화분 등이 있다. 본 연구에서는 저영향개발 기법 중 하나인 투수성 아스팔트에 대한 우수저감 효과를 분석하기 위해 경상남도 양산시 부산대학교 양산캠퍼스 그린인프라 저영향개발 센터에서 주차장형 LID 시설의 투수성 아스팔트 포장과 대조군인 불투수 콘크리트 포장을 실험대상으로 선정하였다. 포장체는 $10.85m(L){\times}2.3m(B){\times}0.9 m(H)$의 크기로 원지반 침투가 없는 박스형 실험시설로써 이동형 강우모의장치를 이용하여 인공강우실험을 실시하였다. 강우모의 시에 발생하는 지표유출 및 침투유출은 각 유공관을 통해 모니터링 박스에 차집되어 실시간으로 웹사이트 상에 저장된다. 저장된 자료를 이용하여 투수성아스팔트의 첨두유출량 저감, 지체시간지연효과를 분석하였다. 분석된 결과를 통해 첨두유출량은 11%저감되었고 투수성 아스팔트와 불투수 콘크리트는 각각 3시간, 1시간 동안 유출되어 2시간의 차이를 보여준다.

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Neuron Tracing- and Deep Learning-guided Interactive Proofreading for Neuron Structure Segmentation (뉴런 추적 및 딥러닝 기반의 대화형 뉴런 구조 교정 기법)

  • Choi, JunYoung;Jeong, Won-Ki
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • 제27권4호
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2021
  • Segmenting the compartments of neurons, such as axons, dendrites, and cell bodies, is helpful in the analysis of neurological phenomena. Recently, there have been several studies to segment the compartments through deep learning. However, this approach has the potential to include errors in the results due to noise in data and differences between training data and actual data. Therefore, in order to use these for actual analysis, it is essential to proofread the results. The proofreading process requires a lot of effort and time because an expert must perform it manually. We propose an interactive neuron structure proofreading method that can more easily correct errors in the segmentation results of a deep learning. This method proofread the neuron structure based on the characteristics of the neuron with structural consistency, so that a high-accuracy proofreading result can be obtained with less interaction.

Evaluation of the contamination Level of Inland Pollution Sources Flowing into Taeanhaean National Park in Summer and Fall (2017-2018) (태안해안국립공원 연안으로 유입되는 하계-추계 육상오염원의 오염도 평가(2017~2018))

  • Hwang, Da Hye;Kim, Jin Hyun;Jang, Seong Geon;Jeong, Won ok;Jeong, Byungkwan
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • 제31권6호
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    • pp.491-501
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    • 2022
  • This study evaluated the contamination levels of inland pollution sources flowing into Taeanhaean National Park. The nutritional status of influents was assessed by analyzing water quality and trophic status index (TRIX) at 52 stations, and the contamination levels of sediments were evaluated by analyzing eutrophication cleanup index (CIET) and heavy metals at 36 stations. The results of the TRIX analysis showed that 26 of the 52 stations had influents with a TRIX value of 6-10 (poor water quality/very high trophic level), indicating atrocious water quality and high eutrophication levels. The results of the CIET analysis showed that 4 out of the 36 stations were highly contaminated with organic matter. Analysis of heavy metals showed that the copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) levels exceeded the threshold effects level (TEL) and probable effects levels (PEL) at several stations. In addition, the arsenic (As) level exceeded the threshold effects level at one station, and the levels of the other heavy metals (Cd, Cr6+, Ni, Pb, and Hg) were lower. Most inland pollution sources have been identified as small-scale, but long-term and continuous exposure can negatively affect the marine ecosystem; therefore, it necessary to prepare inland pollution source management standards and measures suitable for the characteristics of the coastal area.

Study on the Effect of Water Management to Root Development of Rice Plants (Oryza saliva L.) at the Saline Paddy Field (간탁지에서 생육된 수도의 근군발달에 미치는 물 관리의 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, B.K.;Chung, W.I.
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    • 제27권3호
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    • pp.223-228
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    • 1982
  • Experiments were conducted to study the interrelationships between root development of rice plant and water managements at saline paddy field where has been grown rice plant for 3 years, and to compare the root development between two fields, saline and matured. Under the conditions of non interval and two day interval flooding at saline paddy fields, root systems developed well at surface soil, however, root systems developed well and distributed evenly through surface and sub-soil at saline field where underground drainage was performed, and at matured field. Root developments at field flooded with no interval and with two-day interval were poor as compared with those of saline paddy field of underground drainage and matured field. Regardless of water managements and fields, the ratio of stunted crown roots developed after panicle fromation stage was higher than that developed at early or middle growth stage.

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Overlooked and Challenging Encounters-Inflammatory Pseudotumors in the Abdomen and Pelvis: A Pictorial Essay (놓치기 쉽고 진단이 어려운 복부골반강의 염증성 가성 종양: 임상화보)

  • Min Ha Kwag;Jin Young Park;Hae Woong Jeong;Ji Yeon Han;Jong Heon Lim;Young Seon Kim;Jung Won Park
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • 제81권5호
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    • pp.1121-1133
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    • 2020
  • Inflammatory pseudotumors (IPTs) are uncommon, mass-forming lesions, predominantly involving the lung and orbit. Although the incidence of IPTs is rare in the abdomen and pelvis, they can be encountered as enhancing, soft-tissue lesions, mimicking malignancy or fibrosclerosing disease. Generally, they exhibit a wide range of nonspecific imaging features in various organs. Preoperative imaging diagnosis of IPTs in appropriate clinical settings may help determine proper patient management. In this article, we review radiologic findings of IPTs in the abdominopelvic cavity, including the liver, spleen, kidney, gastrointestinal tract, mesentery, pelvis, and retroperitoneum.

Growth of Minuartia laricina, Arenaria juncea, and Corydalis speciose in Field with Various Soil Water Contents (토양 수분 함량에 따른 너도개미자리, 벼룩이울타리, 산괴불주머니의 노지 생육)

  • Gil, Min;Kwon, Hyuck Hwan;Kwon, Young Hyun;Jung, Mi Jin;Kim, Sang Yong;Rhie, Yong Ha
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • 제29권4호
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    • pp.344-353
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    • 2020
  • Plants native in Korea have not only ornamental values but also have excellent environmental adaptability, so they can be used as garden plants. Studies on proper volumetric water content (VWC) of substrates have been reported, but many have been conducted in glasshouse conditions where environmental factors were controlled. When considering garden planting, it is necessary to perform the automated irrigation system in outdoor conditions where rainfall occurs at frequent intervals. This research aimed to investigate the VWC suitable for the growth of Minuartia laricina, Arenaria juncea, and Corydalis speciosa in open filed. Sandy soil which consisted of particles of weathered rock was used, and the VWC of 0.15, 0.20, 0.25, and 0.30 ㎥·m-3 was maintained using an automated irrigation system with capacitance soil moisture sensors and a data logger. No significant differences in growth and antioxidant enzymes activity of A. juncea were observed among VWC treatments. However, the survival rate was low at VWC 0.30 ㎥·m-3 treatment, which was the highest soil moisture content. Even considering the efficiency of water use, we recommended that VWC 0.15-0.20 ㎥·m-3 is suitable for the cultivation of A. juncea. Minuartia laricina showed better growth with lower VWC. Because of frequent rainfall in open field, plant volume and survival rate was high even in VWC 0.15 ㎥·m-3 treatment. In C. speciosa, the plant height, number of shoots and lateral shoots, and fresh and dry weight were higher in plants grown in VWC 0.25 ㎥·m-3 as compared with that in the plants grown at 0.15, 0.20, and 0.30 ㎥·m-3. Based on these results, M. laricina needed less water in open filed, and A. juncea and C. speciosa required higher VWC, but excessive water should be avoided.

A Study on the Place Identity on the Vicinity of Sangsosan and Government Office of Buan-hyun by Letters Carved on the Rocks (바위글씨로 본 부안 관아와 상소산 일대의 장소정체성)

  • Rho, Jae-Hyun;Kim, Jeong-Moon;Lee, Hyun-Woo;Lee, Jung-Han;Kim, Dae-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • 제30권2호
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    • pp.142-154
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    • 2012
  • This study aimed at learning the characteristics of place identity of the Buan county hall garden and Sangsosan(上蘇山) by looking over the pattern and content of letter-engraved rocks and nearby facilities and history. Especially, we focused on the meaning and contents of the letters in Sangsosan and a Government Office of Buan engraved on rocks in order to learn what the place means. The results of our study are as follows. Buan-hyun(扶安縣) in the Joseon dynasty period blossomed literary culture of enjoying poetry and melody, and this was faithful realization of the concept of "Rakto(樂土)" of 'Saengubuan(生居扶安).' The grand scale letters written by Si-SooPark(朴蓍壽: 1767~1876), head of the office in the early 19th century, in the cursive style on the basis stone of the garden of Buan county building, which was the site of the office of Buan-hyun in the Joseon dynasty period, such as 'Bongraedongcheon(蓬萊洞天)', 'Jurim(珠林)', and 'Okcheon(玉泉)' mean that "'Bongrae', the another name of Buan', is a place where Taoist hermits would live because the spring water of Seorim flows down to be Okcheon.", showing his pride of living Buan. The regions like Seorimjeong, Geumdae(琴臺), and Hyecheon(惠泉) where letters engraved on rocks are located intensively are closely related with those who communicated with Mae-ChangLee(李梅窓: 1573~1610), the slave of the government, and are local attractions and garden traces where the literary culture and scholar's spirit of Buan are well-harmonized. Most of the letters were written from the 19th century to the early 20th century, showing that 4 for landscapes, 8 for Kyungseck(景色: imaginary scenry), 5 for figures, 15 for poems and 2 for others. The ratio of poems is much higher than that of poems in other regions' letters on rocks, and the keyword of the letters is Haecheon. A piece of the place identity heavily influenced by the Taois thermit ideology is revealed by the expressions of 'Bongraedongcheon', 'Sosansaho(蘇山四皓)' or 'the spring water of Haecheon' that was considered as an elixir of Taoist hermits. Seorim the forest, which had been managed after Yeon-Myeong Cho(趙然明: 1797~?), head of the office, planted trees in the 11th year of the reign of King Heonjong(1845), Seorimjeong in the forest, and rocks with engraved letters on them are proof of literary culture and the garden traces showing the characteristics and aspect of Imcheon(林泉) Garden of the office heavily influenced by the Taoist hermit ideology. Along with Naebyeon-san national park and Kyeokpo region, the center of Buan tourism, we hope that cultural heritages including rocks with engraved letters over Seorim park would become a representative cultural heritage and attraction of Buan.

A Study on the Utilization Status of the Interior Landscape Plants in Large Buildings in Seoul (우리나라 실내조경식물의 활용실태에 관한 연구 -서울지역 대형건물의 Lobby를 중심으로-)

  • 박상헌;심경구
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.43-54
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    • 1989
  • In recent years plants have increasingly become in inferior part of the interior designing of large buildings. In 28 large buildings selected at random in Seoul City have been subjected to studies on utilization status of fille interior landscape plants. The results obtained were as follows. 1. Plant class found in Interior of large buildings were 59 class, especially Dracaena were the most predominent plants among them, and then comes Monstera, Phiodendron, Schefflera, and Washingtonia in that order. 2. The most abundant ornamental plant cultivars were Monstera adansoii(Monstera perutusa cv.), and then comes Schefflera arboricora(Schefflera Hong Kong cv.), Washingionia rubusta (Washingtonia palm). Rhapis excelsa, and Diffenbachia(Hawaii Snow cv.) in that order. 3. Foliage plants among the interior landscape plants showed 99.5 percent and Woody plants and Bonsai plants showed each 0.4, 0.1 percent. 4. Climbing foliage plants found in 28 large building observed For the present study were 9 cultivar, and the most abundant plants were Hedera (pittsburgh cv.) and Epipremnum (Marble Queen cv.) pl anted to clustered planting. 5. A majority of plants used to plastic pot, and most of 71an1s place on the floor. 6. Height of plants ranging less then 50cm were more frequently found, but ranging from 50cm to 2.0m were 4.3 percent and the most predominent height of plants were Canariensis showed 4m in the large buildings. 7. Interior light intensity in large building were shortage, therefore artificial lamp for formal growing needed to be equipped. 8. Purpose growth of interior plants were to in order visitors. 9. 7he superintendents prefered to used pot-stand. 10. The most important environment factor for plant growing were light, humidity, and water.

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Indication of Immanent Picture in Rural Settlement According to the Corelation between Man and his Environment (자연과 인간의식과의 관계로 본 “취락경관에서의 내적의미”에 관한여)

  • 정기호
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • 제14권2호
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    • pp.17-26
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    • 1986
  • Landscape around a settlement is not only a natural object, but also a matters of the man in the co-relation with his environment. Man perceives the landscape rational or sensible. Then it changes into the substance for him and influences him: as we see often in the folklore, that is of importance in the mind. Man reacts against his surroundings deceidedly, selfassurd or commonly, and uses sometimes the landscape to the elements for realization, physical or symbolical. Out of one character of korean villages, adaption to the circumstances, we can notice also its inner image, the reflection of the mind. Seeing and perceiving the environment emotional or reasonable and, reflecting and descreibing the inner self on the space. Here, the landscape and the nature are matter of the man, a scale for his ethical estimation or a mailer of the realization his mind. It is difficult, but important, such a immanent picture in(or of) the landscape to find. This is a preliminary study in such a way.

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A Resurrection of Gongampungbyeog Cliff and Geoyeonjeong Byeolseowonlim in Cheongdo (청도 공암풍벽과 거연정(Geoyeonjeong) 별서원림의 재조명)

  • Kim, Jeong-Moon;Jeong, Poo-Rum;Rho, Jae-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • 제38권3호
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    • pp.11-24
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to re-examine the neglected and forgotten Cheongdo Geoyeonjeong, to correct the wrong contents, examine the changes and conditions of the garden, and to establish basic data on the components of the forest in the future. In addition, it was extended to the Gongampungbyeog Cliff, the influence area of the Geoyeonjeongwonlim, and the results of the study were as follows; First, Based on the recitation of "Seonyu pungryu(仙遊風流)" in the "Cheongsuheon-yugo(聽水軒遺稿),", Dongchangcheon Stream and Gongampungbyeog(孔巖楓壁) were influenced by the outer gardens of the Georyeonjeongwonrim. Second, Small pavilion was built and arranged under the rock of Byeongam(Byeongpungbawi) in the management history of Geoyeonjeong Pavilion. The records show that Cheongsuheon used the Geoyeonjeong Pavilion as the original forest and even recognized Oewon, which is a scenic influence, as the Gongampungbyeog Cliff. Third, Many of the poems related to Gongam were recognized as Seunggyeong, which represents the Unmun area, and the eight scenery of Cheongdo and Unmungugok were established here as proof that Gongampungbyeog Cliff was very faithful to the traditional Seunggyeong aspect of Gongampungbyeog Cliff, and the crystalline structure of the location was implied as an external source of Geoyeonjeongwonlim. Fourth, The lower part of Dongchangcheon Stream, which stretches from Geoyeonjeongwonrim to Gongam, is filled with attractions consisting of cancerous areas such as Punghodae, Moseongam, Buangdae, Gokcheondae, Saganjeong, Hakgadae, and Hyeongjeam, which provide a clearer picture of the space and landscape of the Geyeonjeongwonrim Outer Garden. Fifth, The expression "dragging water, spilling it into the courtyard, and sending it back to the downtown of the field" of the Cheongsuheon-yugo suggests that the site of Geoyeonjeong Pavilion was originally a prevention. It is also inferred that Cheng Shu-heon also wanted to respect runners and pursue natural views like runners. Sixth, The record of planting a description of spring water and willow trees in "Geoyeonjeong Manyeong(居然亭晩影)」" and "Sanggukseol(霜菊說)」" suggests that the chrysanthemum was planted and planted, and that the chrysanthemum was used to describe the Osanggojeol(傲霜孤節), which means that he would not yield and keep his incision alone despite severe frost. Seventh, It is believed that the writing was written by Cheongsuheon in 1844 during the period of the creation of the Wonrim. The rock letters on the floor of Geoyeonjeong suggest the names of the receiving and the winning prizes. Most of the passages are based on nuclear power plants, including Muidogyo of the Zhuzi, and most of them incorporate the virtues of the Gunja and the natural views of the Eunja. In addition, the rock writing 'Gyeong(敬)' or 'Uidang(義堂)' is a substitute for special worship objects or introspection, adding to the significance and scenic properties of the Georyeon Garden Forest.