• Title/Summary/Keyword: 정보문화센터

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The relationship among acculturative stress, self-esteem, and life satisfaction in marriage migrant women participating in Korean traditional dance

  • Kim, Dong-Kun;Cho, Byung-Jun;Lee, Moon-Sook
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.171-179
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, we propose a identity the effect of acculturative stress on life satisfaction with the mediating effect of self-esteem among marriage migrant women participating in Korean traditional dance. Participants of this study were marriage migrant women (experimental group: 28, control group: 30). Surveys that were taken before and after the 3 months of participation in Korean traditional dance were analyzed using SPSS 21.0. Results indicated that acculturative stress had a positive influence on self-esteem and life satisfaction, and self-esteem mediated the effect of acculturative stress on life satisfaction among marriage migrant women who participated in Korean traditional dance. Therefore, this study confirmed that acculturative stress had a direct effect on self-esteem and life satisfaction and had an indirect effect on life satisfaction mediated by self-esteem among marriage migrant women who participated in Korean traditional dance.

A Study on the Effects of Organizational Culture on Sharing Knowledge (조직문화가 지식공유에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Too-Young;NamGoong, Min
    • Journal of Information Management
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.1-23
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    • 2002
  • In knowledge-based society, it is understood that the knowledge is an essential resources for effective management of the organization. Lately, knowledge management has been accepted by many organization as a new theory of management. But the problem is that people, a component of the organization tend not to open their own knowledge to others, but to keep seeking knowledge of others. It can be found in many research papers that there have been very little efforts for sharing knowledge among members of organization. The purpose of the study is to investigate the reasons for not sharing knowledge or ideas with others, to identify some cultural factors effecting their closed-minded attitude towards the sharing knowledge, and to find the solutions from the organizational culture.

The Influence Factors on the Numbers of Visitors and Reference Room Users of Public Libraries: Based on the National Libraries Statistical Data 2018 (공공도서관 방문자수 및 자료실이용자수에 미치는 영향요인 - 2018년 전국도서관통계를 바탕으로 -)

  • Lee, Kyeong-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.105-125
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    • 2020
  • This study attempts to identify the influence factors on the numbers of visitors and reference room users of public libraries through log-log multiple regression models, using the Korean National Libraries Statistical Data 2018. The fact found is summarized as follows; Even though books collection and seating capacities might be the most important factors in attraction of visitors and reference room users to public libraries in the past when the storage and propagation of knowledge and information was the top function of public libraries, very various and compound factors such as cultural or lifetime education programs, library operation, and user activities have an effect on inducing people to visit and use public libraries at present. This means that these days, public libraries are being transformed into some kinds of comprehensive cultural center where software elements such as cultural programs, user education, events, budget, membership, opening days, building style and age, and group activities rather than hardware elements such as books, literature material, and facilities constitute their essential parts in connection with visitor and user induction.

A Study on the Provision of Library Services for Single-Person Households (1인 가구 대상 도서관 서비스 제공 방안 연구)

  • Keum, Jun-Kyu;Cha, Sung-Jong
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.52 no.3
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    • pp.335-368
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    • 2021
  • This study was performed in order to to suggest the library service direction and program provision method for single-person households in the Seoul Public Library. by analyzing the current status of the operation of public services and library services for domestic and foreign single-person households and the results of the survey on perception of library users and experts. As a result, the suggested library service direction for single-person households was proposed to secure and provide information resources closely related to the lives of single-person households, and establish a support center in charge of services to utilize human resources efficiently with local libraries, and create a user-centered facility infrastructure including single-person households away from the material-oriented library, provide regional specifications and customised services based on the characteristics and distribution of single-person households. In addition, the reading culture program for single-person households believes that social activities support for vulnerable single-person households, social ties, care, volunteer work, leisure and cultural activities are more necessary than anything else, and proposed specialized library services and programs for young, middle-aged, and female single-person households.

A Study on the Job Development and Reorganization Strategy of the National Library of Korea, Sejong (국립세종도서관 직무개발 및 조직개편 전략 연구)

  • Hee-Yoon Yoon;Seon-Kyung Oh
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.159-182
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    • 2023
  • The National Library of Korea (Sejong), which was launched in December 2013, has been in the spotlight as a specialized library for Korean policy information and as a Sejong city complex cultural facility. Nevertheless, the essential identity, organizational status, division of affairs and core competencies, policy information collection, and services of the NLK (Sejong) are weak and inadequate. Therefore, this study developed a job model for establishing an essential identity and providing high-quality policy information services nationwide and suggested a strategic organizational reorganization plan. The job model was proposed as a total of 110 by adding 38 to the existing 72. Based on this job model, the short-term reorganization model (2023-2024) changed the grade of the library director from the current grade 4 (administrative officer) to Senior Executive, and the grade of the director by division from grade 5 (secretary) to grade 4. The sub-organization has expanded the current 3 divisions (planning management, policy information, and service use) to 4 divisions (planning administration, library collection and development, policy information service, and public service and culture, with a total of 51 personnel. In the mid-to-long-term model (2025-2032), the sub-organization was expanded to 4 divisions and 1 office (planning administration, library collection and development, policy information service, public service and culture, and policy information research), and presented a total of 61 personnel. To this end, it is necessary to persuade stakeholders with the argument of advocating the Korean policy information center, which is a macro-strategic goal, and focus all capabilities on strategic reorganization and revision of 「Decree on the Organization of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism」.

유연근무제 확대 및 스마트워크센터 이용 활성화 방안

  • Gwak, Im-Geun;Kim, Jong-Bae;Lee, Nam-Yong
    • Korea Information Processing Society Review
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.59-72
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    • 2011
  • 조직의 경쟁력 확보차원에서 공공부문에 도입한 유연근무제가 제도시행 2년차에 접어들었다. 근로자들에게 일하는 시간과 장소에 있어서 유연성을 제공하게 되어 일-가족 양립이라는 현실적인 문제가 해결되었다. 그 결과 근로자의 직무만족과 사기진작으로 이어지면서 생산성 향상에 많은 기여를 하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 유연근무제도 도입 첫 해인 2010년도 중앙 및 지방자치단체 운영현황을 분석한 결과 근무유형별로는 시차 출퇴근제가 90.5%로 가장 높은 비중을 차지하였고, 신청사유별로는 여가 자기계발, 출퇴근 편의, 효율적 업무수행, 임신 육아 순이 20%내외로 고루 분포되었다. 남녀의 비율별로는 남성이 63.3%, 여성이 36.4%로 전체공무원 남녀비율과 유사한 것으로 나타났다. 제도시행 초기인 점을 고려하여 설문을 통하여 운영현황을 점검하고 그 결과를 바탕으로 법령 제도상 문제점과 공직문화 내부 장애요인을 도출한 후 SWOT chart 분석기법을 통해 향후 활성화 방안 및 추진계획을 제시하였다. 특히, IT기술의 발달로 인한 시간과 장소에 얽매이지 않고 언제 어디서나 일할 수 있는 선진화된 근무방식인 스마트워크의 확충 필요성과 활성화 방안에 대한 구체적인 추진계획도 제시하였다.

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포커스 / 인터넷의 은빛물결 '실버넷 운동'

  • Korea Database Promotion Center
    • Digital Contents
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    • no.10 s.101
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    • pp.62-63
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    • 2001
  • 세상이 디지털화 되면서 많은 사람들은 그 수혜자가 되어 과거에 우리가 상상만으로 꿈꾸던 것이 이제는 현실 속에서 일어나고 있다. 바로 꿈의 시대, 디지털 시대가 도래한 것이다. 그러나 이러한 디지털 시대는 과거의 경제적 빈부의 격차에서 정보 접근의 빈부 격차라는 새로운 모순점을 만들어 내기도 했다. 즉 이는 정보에 쉽게 접근할 수 있는 인터넷을 비롯한 첨단 미디어를 이용할 수 있는 이용자가 제한되어 있기 때문에 발생하는 것이다. 소위 말하는 디지털 시대의 소외계층인 이들은 일반 가정생활을 비롯한 여러 사회 문화에서 소외가 되어지고 있는 실정이다. 이중 노년층에 대한 디지털 소외 현상도 커다란 사회문제로 대두되고 있는 것 또한 사실이다. 그러나 최근들어 몇몇 민간단체에서 이들을 소외계층에서 벗어나게 하고자 하는 노력에 의해 그 결과가 나타나고 있어 화제가 되고 있다. 바로 이러한 인터넷에 은빛 물결을 만드는 사람들은 다름 아닌 실버넷 운동본부이다.

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A Study on the Revision of Copyright Limitations for Libraries in Copyright Law of Korea (저작권법상 도서관관련 권리제한의 개정안 연구)

  • Yoon, Hee-Yoon
    • Journal of Information Management
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.1-21
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    • 2011
  • The copyright law is the greatest legal tool for promoting access to knowledge and information by striking a balance between owners rights and users rights. For libraries, copyright limitations and exceptions are critical to meeting our missions to support learning and research, promote the flow of information, provide equitable access to information to the public, preserve intellectual and cultural heritage. Based on these reasons, this study analysed the limitation of copyright law of Korea for library, suggested improvement of reproduction for the library preservation and distribution including rental and lending, printout and transmission of internet information resources, copy of library materials which are rarely available through normal trade channel and government publications, reproduction and electronic transmission for persons with disabilities, and proposed fair use model(limitations on exclusive rights) for libraries.

Analysis of the Regional Disparity and Optimal Location of Living SOC - Focused on Core Living Facilities (생활SOC의 지역 간 격차와 최적입지 분석 - 생활거점시설을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Se Young;Kim, Hyun Joong;Yeo, Kwan Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.159-168
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    • 2022
  • Local governments should try to resolve the inequality of living SOC (Social Overhead Capital) and construct spatial information on the location of living SOCs and optimal locations. This study analyzed the accessibility, equity, and optimal location of the living SOC, considering the research needs related to the living SOC. The target facility is core living facilities(a public library, a park, a culture center, and a public daycare center). The analysis area is Suwon city in Gyeonggi province, and the base year of the analysis is 2020. The study calculated accessibility per population in a microscopic neighborhood living area(200m×200m). The Gini coefficient was used to identify the regional disparity in accessibility among Dong regions. The optimal location was explored with the Maximal Covering Location Problem theory. As a result, spatial accessibility of facilities except for public daycare centers revealed a large gap between regions. Areas with excellent accessibility also showed significant variations in the facilities. The regional disparity in living SOC was the largest in culture centers, followed by parks, public daycare centers, and public libraries. The optimal locations for public libraries, parks, and culture centers are concentrated in the old downtown, while those of public daycare centers are found throughout Suwon city. The results of this study are the crucial contents of spatial planning for SOC supply in local governments. Therefore, follow-up studies will be able to refer to the analysis structure and results of the study.

Designing Digital Twin Concept Model for High-Speed Synchronization (고속 동기화를 위한 디지털트윈 개념 모델 설계)

  • Chae-Young Lim;Chae-Eun Yeo;Ho-jin Sung
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.245-250
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    • 2023
  • Digital twin technology, which copies information from real space into virtual space, is being used in a variety of fields.Interest in digital twins is increasing, especially in advanced manufacturing fields such as Industry 4.0-based smart manufacturing. Operating a digital twin system generates a large amount of data, and the data generated has different characteristics depending on the technology field, so it is necessary to efficiently manage resources and use an optimized digital twin platform technology. Research on digital twin pipelines has continued, mainly in the advanced manufacturing field, but research on high-speed pipelines suitable for data in the plant field is still lacking. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a pipeline design method that is specialized for digital twin data in the plant field that is rapidly poured through Apache Kafka. The proposed model applies plant information on a Revit basis. and collect plant-specific data through Apache Kafka. Equipped with a lightweight CFD engine, it is possible to create a digital twin model that is more suitable for the plant field than existing digital twin technology for the manufacturing field.