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The relationship among acculturative stress, self-esteem, and life satisfaction in marriage migrant women participating in Korean traditional dance  

Kim, Dong-Kun (Dept. of Sport Science, Chungnam National University)
Cho, Byung-Jun (Dept. of EMT, Kangwon National University)
Lee, Moon-Sook (Dept. of Sport Science, Chungnam National University)
In this paper, we propose a identity the effect of acculturative stress on life satisfaction with the mediating effect of self-esteem among marriage migrant women participating in Korean traditional dance. Participants of this study were marriage migrant women (experimental group: 28, control group: 30). Surveys that were taken before and after the 3 months of participation in Korean traditional dance were analyzed using SPSS 21.0. Results indicated that acculturative stress had a positive influence on self-esteem and life satisfaction, and self-esteem mediated the effect of acculturative stress on life satisfaction among marriage migrant women who participated in Korean traditional dance. Therefore, this study confirmed that acculturative stress had a direct effect on self-esteem and life satisfaction and had an indirect effect on life satisfaction mediated by self-esteem among marriage migrant women who participated in Korean traditional dance.
Korean traditional dance; marriage migrant women; acculturative stress; self-esteem; life satisfaction;
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