• Title/Summary/Keyword: 전환이론

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Imaginative Implication of John Burningham Picturebooks 『Come Away from The Water, Shirley』 and 『Time to Get Out of The Bath, Shirley』 : An Interpretation using Bakhtin's Conception of Carnival (존 버닝햄 그림책 『셜리야, 물가에 가지 마!』, 『셜리야, 목욕은 이제 그만!』 의 상상적 함의: Bakhtin의 카니발 개념을 이용한 해석)

  • Yoo Jung Jung
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.551-556
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    • 2023
  • In this study, John Burningham's picturebooks(『Come Away from The Water, Shirley』, 『Time to Get Out of The Bath, Shirley』) was analyzed using the concept of carnival among Bakhtin's conversationalism theory. In John Burningham's picturebooks, the unconscious desire for the deviation of the main character, Shirley, is transformed into an adventure in an extraordinary imaginary world, and is depicted as a festival with laughter. Through picturebooks, children are satisfied by indirectly experiencing the forbidden behavior in reality by converting it into an event in the imaginary world. This indirect experience is very important for children to naturally resolve their dissatisfaction in reality and to develop their own original inner development. This study also suggests that providing an environment where children can easily access various picturebooks at home or early childhood education institutions plays a very important role in their growth.

Analysis of the Design Model of Competency-Based Curriculum in German Universities -Focusing on TU Darmstadt in Germany- (독일 대학의 역량기반 교육과정 설계모형 분석 -독일 TU Darmstadt를 중심으로-)

  • Dae-young Kim;Jae-sook Lee
    • Journal of Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.16 no.5_spc
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    • pp.619-633
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    • 2024
  • This study analyzes the competency model of the Learning Factory at TU Darmstadt, Germany, aiming to derive implications for developing competency-based curricula in South Korean universities. It proposes an integrated model that combines theoretical knowledge with practical experience, allowing for the transformation of existing knowledge into necessary competencies for task execution. Additionally, it advocates for a learner-centered approach that enhances active engagement in the learning process, empowering students to take charge of their education. By implementing this integrated and learner-centered model, students can develop the transformative competencies required for future societal demands. This approach is expected to act as a catalyst for advancing competency-based education within South Korea's higher education system, ultimately fostering a more effective and responsive educational environment.

Determinants of artificial intelligence adoption in firms: Evidence from Korean firm-level data (기업의 인공지능 기술 도입에 영향을 미치는 요인 분석: 국내 기업 데이터를 이용한 실증연구)

  • Bong, Kang Ho
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.34-47
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    • 2024
  • Artificial intelligence(AI) is regarded as a key tool that can significantly contribute to innovation and improve productivity as digital transformation continues to spread rapidly. Currently, however, there is lack of understanding and empirical research on the factors that influence the adoption of AI by companies. In particular, most studies have been conducted by foreign researchers analyzing data from foreign companies, and domestic studies have limitations in terms of objectivity and timeliness. This study employs econometric methods to identify the determinants of AI adoption at the firm level. To this end, we derive the technological, organizational, and environmental context factors from the perspective of the Technology-Organization-Environment(TOE) framework as a representative theory of technology adoption factors. We then conduct a logistic regression analysis using data from 11,601 Korean firms. This study not only expands the research literature by supplementing the limitations of previous studies in Korea but also provides timely evidence and implications through empirical analysis.

Development of Traffic Conflict Technique with Fuzzy Reasoning Theory (퍼지추론을 적용한 교통상충기법(TCT) 개발)

  • ;;;今田寬典
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.55-63
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    • 2002
  • It has been known well that Traffic Conflict Technique(TCT) used to evaluate the safety of intersections in the case of shortage of traffic accidents data and surveying time. Because data for using in traffic conflict technique that is collected by trained surveyors, it is rely on the knowledge, experience and the characteristics of them. The data of surveying generate varying result. So, its variance must minimize and then it is considered of calculating in traffic conflict technique however obviously technique to minimize has not developed until now. So, this paper has a focus on the technical method to minimize the variance. For this, it applied the fuzzy reasoning theory to the existed traffic conflict technique that is the most comprehensive method in the country and then developed the new traffic conflict technique model. Fuzzy reasoning theory is a very appropriate method for minimizing the variance among surveyors because it can systematically calculate the uncertainty of surveyors by approximation reasoning structure. The result of analysis from pilot study, the new Procedure in this Paper minimized the variance by 53 Percentiles and it increased the value of conversion factor two times than the exited traffic conflict technique. The method proposed in this paper, it can be used for evaluating the safety of intersection, and before and after analysis of improving Project of black spots.

Re-conceptualization and the Paradigm Shift of Nation Branding in the Korean Context (미디어 변화에 따른 국가브랜딩의 재 개념화 및 새로운 패러다임 전환에 관한 연구)

  • Chung, Ka Young
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.165-179
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    • 2020
  • This study critically examines and conceptually discuss the new theoretical trend of nation branding strategies and explores implications for Korean nation branding policy. Korea is known to be one of the countries who has competitively invested governmental efforts on nation branding. However, over the past two decades, while interactive academic discussions on nation brand were taking place and expanding in various fields and areas, related Korean literature did not pay much attention to increasing its conceptual understanding and development. Instead, studies on nation branding in the Korean context remained its focus on instrumental and economic aspects, leaving the theoretical discussion stagnant. In the Korean context, there was a tendency to regard nation branding as one of the political tools for national public and means for a short-term image marketing towards the foreign audience. To solve the undervaluation of Korea's nation brand and enhance its public image, there must be a revisit to its conceptual discussion. This study reviews various theoretical perspectives and paradigms on recent trends of nation branding, and re-conceptualize nation branding as the continuous interactive relations among 'national identity'-'nation brand'-'nation image'. In particular, by discussing the 'relationship building' approach, which is the latest suggested theoretical idea that well suits the networked era, this study suggests policy implications for Korea's future-oriented nation branding.

A Basic Study on Separation of U and Nd From LiCl-KCl-UCl3-NdCl3 System (LiCl-KCl-UCl3-NdCl3 system에서 U 및 Nd 분리에 관한 기초연구)

  • Kim, Tack-Jin;Ahn, Do-Hee;Eun, Hee-Chul;Lee, Sung-Jai
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.59-64
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    • 2018
  • In case of high contents of rare earths in the LiCl-KCl salt, it is not easy to recover U and TRU metals as a usable resource form from LiCl-KCl eutectic salts generated from the pyroprocessing of spent nuclear fuel. In this study, a conversion of $UCl_3$ into an oxide form using $K_2CO_3$ and an electrodeposition of $NdCl_3$ into a metal form in $LiCl-KCl-UCl_3-NdCl_3$ system were conducted to resolve the problem. Before conducting the conversion, experimental conditions for the conversion were determined by performing a thermodynamic equilibrium calculation. In this study, almost all of $UCl_3$ disappeared in the LiCl-KCl salt when the injection of $K_2CO_3$ reached theoretical equivalent for the conversion, and then $NdCl_3$ was effectively electrodeposited as a metal form using liquid zinc cathode. After that, the LiCl-KCl salt became transparent, and uranium oxides were precipitated to the bottom of the LiCl-KCl salt. These results will be utilized in designing a process to separate U and rare earths in LiCl-KCl salt.

A Comparative Study on the Yulgok's Human mind and Moral mind between early and latterly Thesis (율곡의 인심·도심 초년설과 만년설 비교 연구)

  • 김가람
    • 유학연구
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    • v.46
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    • pp.25-51
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this paper is to analyze the theoretical changes and to explore practical methods by comparing the early and latterly theories of Yulgok Ii (1536-1584). The theory of the Yulgok can be grasped twice. The first is the "Letter to Seonghowan" (1572, 37 years old), and the second is "Painting and theory of the Human mind and Moral mind" (1582, 47 years old). The "mind can be turned each other" idea, as mentioned in the early theory, contains the way of Yulgok's thinking that mind's foundation is only one. For Yulgok, Human mind and Moral mind were in a state of mutual change. In this point of view, they are both value neutral as according to the process. At the Latterly thesis, Human mind and Moral mind can be exchanged for what people are aiming for. This has led to an absolute good value in the moral mind and a good neutral value in the human minds. In this theory, 'the controlled human mind' have a good values like the moral mind, but that does not mean exactly same as "Moral mind." In the Yulgok's Latterly theoty, definition of "human desire" became clear due to the concreteization of its contents. and the structure of mind was changed to three groups called 'Moral mind', 'controlled Human mind', and 'uncontrolled Human mind'. This suggests that there was definitely an advanced discussion on the Latterly theory.

More-than-human Geographies of Nature: Toward a Careful Political Ecology (새로운 정치생태학을 위한 비인간지리학의 인간-자연 연구)

  • Choi, Myung-Ae
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.51 no.5
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    • pp.613-632
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    • 2016
  • The recent diagnosis of the Anthropocene challenges public understanding of nature as a pure and singular entity removed from society, as the diagnosis confirms the earth-changing force of humans. In geography, the nature-society divide has been critically interrogated long before the diagnosis of the Anthropocene, developing several ways of theorizing nature-society relations. This paper introduces a new frontier for such theoretical endeavors: more-than-human geography. Inspired by the material and performative turn in geography and the social sciences around the 2000s, more-than-human geographers have sought to re-engage with the livingness of the world in the study of nature-society relations. Drawing on actor-network theory, non-representational theory (NRT) and vitalism, they have developed innovative ways of thinking about and relating to nature through the key concepts of 'nonhuman agency' and 'affect'. While more-than-human geography has been extensively debated and developed in recent Euro-American scholarship on cultural and economic geography, it has so far received limited attention in Korean geographical studies on nature. This paper aims to address this gap by discussing the key concepts and seminal work of more-than-human geography. I first outline four theoretical strands through which nature-society relations are perceived in geography. I then offer an overview of more-than-human geography, discussing its theoretical foundations and considering ontologies, epistemologies, politics and ethics associated with nature-society relations. Then, I compare more-than-human geography with political ecology, which is the mainstream critical approach in contemporary environmental social sciences. I would argue that more-than-human geography further challenges and develops political ecology through its heightened attention to the affective capacity of nonhumans and the methodological ethos of doing a careful political ecology. I conclude by reflecting on the implications of more-than-human geography for Korean studies on nature-society relations.

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A Transaction Cost Approach to Analysis on Determinants of Korean SMEs' Transformation into Direct Export (거래비용이론을 이용한 중소기업의 직접수출 전환 결정요인 분석)

  • HA, Sungheun;Jeong, Yoon-Say;Park, Hyun-Hee
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.181-201
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    • 2016
  • In this study, transaction cost approach was applied to analysis on direct export determinants of SMEs by using key attributes of transactions, asset specificity, environmental uncertainty, frequency and marketing capability, with a parameter of opportunism. Typical Transaction Cost Analysis theory explains that when transaction cost with business channels(whether it is for buy or sell) increase, the firms integrate the channels. So it is a choice made by firms regarding direct versus indirect channels. The theory was extended to a model of choice of institutional form of direct or indirect export by a norm of opportunism in this empirical study. The survey result showed that lower level of asset specificity and marketing capability or higher level of environmental uncertainty were likely to expose indirect exporters to higher level of opportunism of direct exporter. And we also saw that indirect exporters were likely to choose direct export chanel when opportunism of exporters was higher. From the standpoint of theory, we can say that the basic propositions of the Transaction Cost Analysis, except the attribute of frequency, are supported. This study result could provide a profiling of target business areas and firms for government's policy on direct export promotion of SMEs.

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Exploratory study of Cultural Education in Home Economics Education (가정과교육에서의 문화교육에 대한 탐색적 연구)

  • Kim Eun-Jeung
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.18 no.2 s.40
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2006
  • The main purpose of this thesis is to research various theories in Cultural Education. It is to rebuild the value of home economics, and to demonstrate its potential to bring out a true human being. Until now, home economics education had been focused on developing ability to solve problems, only to fail us in training students to have ability to cope with different conditions in daily life by themselves. With the society rapidly changing, such a temporizing education system would lose its value immediately, and the identity of home economics education is at stake today. The present situation is resulted from the failure in approaching the culture education properly. With the fact that the elements of home economics are culture themselves. the failures in organizing and teaching the subject would urge us to rearrange curriculum of home economics. We need to bear in mind that the curriculum of home economics cannot contain every cultural value. A careful consideration is necessary in order to include the essence of the culture at the minimum quantity. Through analyzing different types of theories and methods of education in Cultural Education, this research is aimed at reviewing home economics education with its concept. Further study in the future should be proceeded with more comprehensive researches on instruction and learning methods with Cultural Education perspective, based on the analysis.

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