• Title/Summary/Keyword: 전통주

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Basic Study on Historical Repair Techniques for Landscape Architectural Facilities - Focusing on Government-managed Spaces in Joseon Dynasty - (전통조경 시설물의 역사적 수리기법에 관한 기초연구 - 조선시대 관영공간을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Min-Seon;Oh, Jun-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.8-20
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    • 2023
  • Although the landscape architectural facilities need to be repaired according to historical and authentic techniques, the repair criteria of the standard specification for repairing cultural heritages still remain at a theoretical level, and there are little research analyzing detailed techniques from specific cases. This study discussed the repair techniques based on historical facts, around terraced flower beds, ponds, waterways and pavement in the government-managed spaces in the Joseon Dynasty. It analyzed the materials and finish of stone wall elements, the structural reinforcement and backfill materials, and topsoil surface protection measures, and drew out stones for foundation reinforcement, plastering material for agglutination, and stone processing techniques for the terraced flower beds. It examined the materials and structures of the rock revetment, foundation reinforcement and waterproofing techniques and drew out the outstanding characteristics of the foundation work, the recycle of used elements and the management of water quality, for the ponds. It primarily investigated the materials, foundation reinforcement and waterproofing techniques and discovered the repair techniques such as cover stone finishing methods, foundation and backfill materials, and flow reduction methods, for the waterways. Finally, it provided actual cases of the foundation composition, auxiliary materials and tools, and the use of cyperaceae and highlighted the existence of professional craftsmen called Bangjeonjang(方磚匠), for the pavement. This study is expected to be a staring point for discovering the repair techniques for landscape architectural facilities and used as basic data for revising specifications in the future.

A Study on the Maintenance Plan of Trees in Gwanghalluwon Garden for Representing Traditional Space (전통공간 재현을 위한 광한루원의 수목정비방안 연구)

  • Lee, Won-Ho;Kim, Dong-Hyun;Kim, Jae-Ung;Ahn, Hye-In;Kim, Dae-Yeol;Cho, Un-Yeon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.82-95
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    • 2014
  • This study aims to draw up measures to planting tree and maintain a landscape in traditional space. Preceding comprehensive theoretical consideration of selected species of trees and tree maintenance. And analysis of present condition of planting in cases of Gwanghalluwon Garden, then draw a maintenance plans of planting through species of trees and landscape of planting recorded in literature. The results were as follows. First, Analysis of selected species of trees and tree maintenance that traditional space. A dispute about the selection species of trees in traditional space has been continued until today. Because unconditional reject of foreign trees are limited. In this context, should be sublated that hasty blind faith of records and dichotomous preparation plans such as removal of foreign trees and implicitly planting of native plants. Secondly, Planted trees in Gwanghalluwon garden was investigated and found to the species of trees used in traditional space such as Pine(Pinus densiflora S. et Z.), Sawleaf Zelkova(Zelkova serrata), Ginkgo(Ginkgo biloba), Crape Myrtle(Lagerstroemia indica L.). But, present planting irrelevant to traditional space, except Gwanghallu pavilion area from the spatiality. Thirdly, A look at the records or literature that maintenance of planting through historical research are limited. Because literature was recorded Salix spp., Crape Myrtle, Bambusoideae(Pseudosasa japonica), lotus only among planted trees in Gwanghalluwon garden. Fourth, Gwanghallu zone have nature of history and sense of place. And It was going to restore the appearance on historical. Consequently maintenance plan of planting of Gwanghallu zone should be maintain the current state. Wanwol pavillion zone can be recognized as the original form because they look similar to the Gwangallu zone's buildings. Therefore, it is necessary to secure the sense of place different from Gwanghallu zone by buffer planting for composition of transition space. Wolmaejip zone and lawn zone was marketplace in outside of castle and large forest. Accordingly, this area should be symbolic restoration of the Yulrim(栗林) and representation of the marketplace in outside of castle through aggregation of facilities and administrative facilities in Gwanghalluwon garden. East lawn of the Wanwol pavilion zone is should be maintained the current state that opened place in terms of using thought linked with the Wanwol pavilion zone. Boundary zone of the Gwanghalluwon garden is difficult to associate in terms of historical research and authenticity. Therefore, application of cultural landscape that appeared in literature is be worth.

A Study on the Construction Process of the Garden in 'Unbo's House' Focused on the Individual Relationship (인물관계로 본 '운보의 집' 정원의 조영과정)

  • Shin, Hyun-Sil
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.149-159
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    • 2018
  • The study is aimed at establishing basic data to identify the original forms of the garden in Unbo's House. Through interviews and related data comparison analysis the ideas and major events of the person involved in establishing a garden in Unbo's House. Also, derived the direct and indirect effects of these people on gardening. The results are as follows: First, Those directly related to garden in Unbo's House are representative figures of cultural heritage and traditional art in Korea. Based on their expertise and abundant experience in traditional spaces, they contributed greatly to the creation of Unbo's House as a traditional space. Unbo Kim, Gi-Chang who directly influenced Unbo's House gardening, which affected the site selection, location, and the installation of major garden plant plants and traditional landscaping facilities. Hyegok Choi, Soon-Woo recommended Wabon Kim, Dong-Hyun at the request of Kim Ki-Chang and was involved in the overall plan. Housing design, space design and design of major facilities such as pond were confirmed Wabon Kim Dong-Hyun. Second, Kim, Gi-Chang's wife Jeong, Rae-Hyun, who motived to construct a garden. Nosan Lee, Eun-Sang and Korean artist Lee, Seok-Ho were created a signboard and board of the Pillar to encourage simple life in paintings. The themes of the article motived image as creative. In addition, Kim, Hyeong-Sik and Kim, Wan who son of Unbo, has been with Unbo for a long time, watching and influencing garden changes in Unbo's House. Third, The main factors that influenced the garden by character are as follows. Unbo Kim, Ki-Chang had a thorough record-setting spirit and his longing for his mother and wife affected the selection of the site and setting the direction of the garden. His art world with the symbolic emphasis of traditional landscapes, including traditional facilities, and especially plant materials. Choi, Sun-Woo reflected his traditional consciousness and experience in the construction of Unbo's House. Kim, Dong-Hyun applied the basic framework of a traditional building based on Yeonkyongdang hall in Changdeokgung palace. He also reflected on the traditional landscaping design the facilities of ponds acquired through excavation of Donggung Palace and Wolji Pond, Gyeongju. Nosan Lee, Eun-Sang and Lee, Seok-Ho completed their unique place in Unbo's House. Kim, Hyung-Sik was involved in the process of changing, while Kim Wan ran the Unbo's House which he inherited from Kim, Ki-Chang.

Good Design 2016 (Awards 1 - 2016 우수디자인(Good Design) 선정품 - 포장부문-)

  • (사)한국포장협회
    • The monthly packaging world
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    • s.285
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    • pp.82-94
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    • 2017
  • 2016년 우수디자인(GD)상품선정 시상식이 지난해 12월 14일코리아디자인센터 컨벤션홀에서 열렸다. '우수디자인(GD)상품선정제도'는 1985년부터 산업디자인진흥법 제6조에 의거하여 상품의 경제성, 사용성, 환경친화성, 심미성 등을 종합적으로 심사하여 디자인이 우수한 상품과 서비스에 GD마크를 부여하는 제도로, 산업통상자원부가 주최하고 한국디자인진흥원이 주관하고 있다. GD마크는 우수한 디자인 상품 개발을 장려하여 국가경쟁력을 확보하고 국민 삶의 질을 향상시키는 것을 목표로 선정하고 있다. 또한 창의 디자인강국 구현을 위해 세계적 인증가치를 구축하고, 유니버설디자인, 서비스디자인, 전통시장 산업단지 디자인을 고도화(우수디자인 선정 장려 등)함으로써 사회적 문제해결과 지속가능한 창조경제 실현에 그 의의가 있다. 올해 선정대상품목은 제품, 커뮤니케이션, 포장, 공간환경, 서비스 등의 부문에서 39개 항목으로 출품됐다. 포장 부문은 소비자제품, 식음료, 뷰티/헬스, 의료, 산업/B2B, 기타 포장 등 6개 항목으로 구성됐다. 올해 포장 부문에서는 플러긴스의 STONE JEJU CANDLE이 국무총리상을, 엘지전자(주)의 LG Sound 360 패키지가 산업통상자원부장관상을, 유씨엘(주)의 아꼬제, (주)퍼스트마켓의 코코스타 핸드모이스쳐 팩, (주)웰코스의 후르디아 크림이 조달청장상을, 일동홀딩스(주)의 그녀는 프로다, 삼성전자(주)의 삼성 모바일 액세서리 패키지 시리즈, 피치앤드의 피치앤드는 KIDP원장상을, (주)유니베라의 남양알로에 맥스피는 중소기업청장상 등을 수상했다. 다음에 우수디자인으로 선정된 포장부문 제품들을 살펴보도록 한다.

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Flavor Compounds in Pine Mushroom Liquor Added with Pine Tree Chips (송절편을 첨가한 송이주의 향기 성분)

  • Yoon, Jeong-Ah;Shin, In-Ung;Park, Eun-Hee;Lee, Ha-Yeon;Kim, Myoung-Dong
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.316-321
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    • 2020
  • Changes in flavor compounds in pine mushroom (Tricholoma matsutake) liquor added with pine tree chips were analyzed using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. While three flavor compounds were detected in the control, fifteen were detected in the pine mushroom liquor added with pine tree chips. After eight-weeks of aging, the relative concentrations of β-fenchyl alcohol, 2-octanol, and methyl cinnamate, which are distinctive flavor characteristics of the pine mushroom, increased by 67.57%, 2.14%, and 0.94%, respectively, when pine tree chips were added (5%). Principal component analysis revealed that although flavor characteristics of the pine mushroom liquor were affected by the increased production of β-fenchyl alcohol due to the addition of pine tree chips, the aging time exerted a greater influence on flavor.

A Study on the Landscape Elements and Construction of Eupseong (county seat) in the Late Joseon Dynasty (조선후기 읍성 취락의 경관 요소와 경관 구성 - 태안읍성, 서산읍성, 해미읍성을 중심으로 -)

  • Jeon, Jong-Han
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.319-341
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    • 2015
  • Eupseong (county seat) represents the Korean historic city which had constructed intentionally by central government during Joseon Dynasty. There were variety of government or county offices which named as Gaeksa, Dongheon, Nea, Jilcheong, and so on. Also, there are houses of the people in many Eupseong but not all of them. This study aims to reconstruct the landscape elements and its overall construction of Eupseong in the Late Joseon dynasty on the original land registration map(1913). For this purpose, the author underlines to set-up target period for reconstruction. This study considers the early 19th century in Joseon as completion period of Eupseong landscape, and then researches distribution of Eupseong and major elements of its landscape in national scale. Based on those results, the author tries to reconstruct location of major landscape elements and layout of Eupseong landscape in the early 19th century on the original land registration map in case of Taean Eupseong, Seosan Eupseong, and Haemi Eupseong in Chungcheongnam-do (province), Korea.

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Tourists' Historical Image and Behavior Characteristics for Heritage Site at Wolseong Palace in Gyeongju (경주 월성의 역사공간 이미지 및 관광객 이용행태 분석)

  • Kang, Tai-Ho;Park, Joung-Koo;Pan, Xiang;Kim, Sang-Gu
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.148-158
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    • 2011
  • This study examines visitors' image and behavior characteristics of Wolseong palace in Gyeongju. This area has been a royal palace during Silla periods. So many scholars dedicate to the protection of this historical-cultural heritage. The research process consists of two main steps, such as on-site field investigation and survey research. The data were collected in summer and autumn. Collected data is classified into three groups to describe visitors' behavior, time, space, and then processed by statistical methods. The results are as follows: First, there is a shortage of programs and facilities. The result shows most visitors consider Wolseong palace as a pathway for walking. Hence better functions should be developed to attract more visitors but with least effect to historical remains. The founding is that increasing programs for history exploration, enhancing lighting installation, facilities, plant arrangement, road condition and so forth would be suggested.

A Historical Study on the Mime in Chinese Theater (중국 마임에 대한 역사적 고찰)

  • An, Sang-Bok
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.18
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    • pp.201-221
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    • 2009
  • This paper is a historical study on mime or pantomime in the chinese theater. What is the origin of chinese mime? This is a very difficult question to answer. But I thought its early model can be found in actions of ancient actors who are believed to precede any genre of theater and actually I could found a very significant proof in historical records which have been ignored generally. It is an episode of Youmeng(優孟) in Chu(楚) dynasty. According to this episode, the history of chinese mime has lasted at least over 2600 years. In my opinion, chinese mime had been organized in ritual genre in early theater and its development had been mostly based on the jiaosehangdang-system(脚色行當制). Most chengshi-movements(程式動作) of zuo(做) and da(打) have been organized in recent several centuries. But a further study on them shows us that the real origin of them is the ancient dance wu(舞). Afterwards the wu(舞) separated into two types of dance the so-called wenwu(文舞) and wuwu(武舞). So we can say that wenwu(文舞) and wuwu(武舞) had a direct influence on most chengshi-movements(程式動作) of zuo(做) and da(打).

Engineering Properties of Liquefied Stabilized Soil by Contents of Humic Acid (휴믹산 함유량에 따른 유동화 처리토의 공학적 특성)

  • Han, Sang-Jae;Ahn, Dong-Wook;Park, Jea-Man;Kim, Soo-Sam
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.29 no.5C
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    • pp.229-237
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    • 2009
  • A conventional way of backfilling has used sand or in-situ soil. It not only requires substantial amount of time and cost but also makes it particularly difficult to fill the bottom part and small cracks of a pipe. To address the problem with the conventional method of compaction, liquefied stabilized soil was proposed as an alternative because it reuses in-situ soil which can ensure sand supply while adjusting flowability and strength of the soil with design of mix proportion. With an aim to identify the mixing properties of liquefied stabilized soil depending on the organic content of in-situ soil, this study conducted indoor tests of material segregation, flowability, strength, and permeability by changing humic acid content of the soil. The results revealed that material segregation and flowability increased proportionally while strength decreased with the increased amount of humic acid. In the mean time, permeability of liquefied stabilized soil wasn't affected by organic content.

Characteristics of Omegisul with Seeweeds (Sargassum fulvellum and Hizikia fusiformis) and Their Qualities (해조류 첨가 오메기술의 품질 특성)

  • Shin, Seung-Shick;Lim, He-Ran;Shin, Dong-Bum;Park, Sung-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.45 no.5
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    • pp.723-730
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    • 2016
  • In this study, we developed traditional liquor, Omegisul, with seaweeds to support the regional culture of Jeju Island in manufacturing traditional liquors. Seaweed extracts from Sargassum fulvellum and Hizikia fusiformis were added for manufacturing Omegisul at a final concentration of either 5 or 10% and fermented for 10 days. During fermentation, samples were collected to measure changes in quality of Omegisul including pH, acidity, alcohol content, chromaticity, total microbes, organic acid content, and antioxidant activity. Both pH and acidity of Omegisul were significantly altered in the early stages of fermentation. Alcohol contents increased over the fermentation period up to 9%. Regarding chromaticity of the product, L, a, and b values were highest in Omegisul with 10% Hizikia fusiformis. Both total plate count and lactic acid bacterial count tended to increase in the early stage of fermentation and decrease later, reaching their highest points in Omegisul with 10% Hizikia fusiformis at 10 days: 1.45×108CFU/mL1.45×108CFU/mL and 2.21×108CFU/mL2.21×108CFU/mL, respectively (P<0.05). Among organic acids, lactic acid contents were significantly higher during fermentation with the highest concentration of 7.474 mg/mL in Omegisul containing 10% Sargassum fulvellum. 1,1-Diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and 2,2'-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS) radical scavenging assays showed that antioxidant activity of Omegisul was increased during fermentation period. Among the samples, Omegisul with 10% Sargassum fulvellum showed the highest antioxidant activities of 69.81% and 81.61% in DPPH and ABTS assays, respectively. Taken together, Omegisul with 10% Sargassum fulvellum showed better characteristics in terms of quality than the other groups and has potential as functional Omegisul.