• Title/Summary/Keyword: 전자선 치료

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Clinical Outcome after Breast Conserving Surgery and Radiation Therapy for Early Breast Cancer (초기 유방암의 유방 보존수술 후 방사선 치료 결과)

  • Cho, Heung-Lae;Kim, Cheol-Jin;Park, Sung-Kwang;Oh, Min-Kyung;Lee, Jin-Yong;Ahn, Ki-Jung
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.204-212
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: This study was performed to evaluate the disease-free survival and risk factors of recurrence in early breast cancer patients who have undergone breast conserving surgery and radiation therapy. Materials and Methods: From March 1997 to December 2002, 77 breast cancer patients who underwent breast conserving surgery and radiation therapy were reviewed retrospectively. The median follow-up time was 58.4 months (range $43.8{\sim}129.4$ months) and the mean subject age was 41 years. The frequency distribution of the different T stages, based on the tumor characteristics was 38 (49.3%) for T1, 28 (36.3%) for T2, 3 for T3, 7 for T is and 1 for an unidentified sized tumor. In addition, 52 patients (67.5%) did not have axillary lymph metastasis, whereas 14 patients (18.1%) had $1{\sim}3$ lymph node metastases and 3 (0.03%) had more than 4 lymph node metastases. The resection margin was negative in 59 patients, close (${\leq}2\;mm$) in 15, and positive in 4. All patients received radiation therapy at the intact breast using tangential fields with a subsequent electron beam boost to the tumor bed at a total dose ranging from 59.4 Gy to 66.4 Gy. Patients with more than four positive axillary lymph nodes received radiation therapy ($41.4{\sim}60.4\;Gy$) at the axillary and supraclavicular area. Chemotherapy was administered in 59 patients and tamoxifen or fareston was administered in 29 patients. Results: The 5 year overall survival and disease-free survival rates were 98.08% and 93.49%, respectively. Of the 77 patients, a total of 4 relapses (5.2%), including 1 isolated supraclavicular relapse, 1 supraclavicular relapse with synchronous multiple distant relapses, and 2 distant relapses were observed. No cases of local breast relapses were observed. Lymph node metastasis or number of metastatic lymph nodes was not found to be statistically related with a relapse (p=0.3289) nor disease-free survival (p=0.1430). Patients with positive margins had a significantly shorter disease-free survival period (p<0.0001) and higher relapse rates (p=0.0507). However, patients with close margins were at equal risk of relapse and disease-free survival as with negative margins (p=1.000). Patients younger than 40 years of age had higher relapse rates (9.3% vs. 0%) and lower disease-free survival periods, but the difference was not statistically significant (p=0.1255). The relapse rates for patients with tumors was 14% for tumor stage T2, compared to 0% for tumor stage T1 tumors (p=0.0284). A univariate analysis found that disease-free survival and relapse rates, T stage, positive resection margin and mutation of p53 were significant factors for clinical outcome. Conclusion: The results of this study have shown that breast conservation surgery and radiation therapy in early breast cancer patients has proven to be a safe treatment modality with a low relapse rate and high disease-free survival rate. The patients with a positive margin, T2 stage, and mutation of p53 are associated with statistically higher relapse rates and lower disease-free survival.

Ultrastrutures of Some Selected Digestive Organs of Two Korean Freshwater Snails (한국산 담수 복족류 2종의 소화기관에 관한 전자현미경적 연구)

  • 정계헌;이훈섭;박종안
    • The Korean Journal of Malacology
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 1993
  • 한국의 담수에 광범위하게 서식하고 있으면서 역학적으로 중요한 역할을 하고 있는 두 종의 복족류 즉 쇠우렁이(Parafossarulus manchouricus)와 물달팽이(Radix auricularia coreana)의 소화기관 중에서 식도, 소화선 및 장에 대한 미세구조 관찰을 시도하였다. 이 부위들은 간흡충(간디스토마)과간질(소간디스토마)의 유생들이 그들의 생활사 중 거쳐가는 곳으로 알려진 소화관들이어서 이후 흡충류의 유충들이 위의 소화관에 주는 영향을 연구하는데 필요한 기초자료를 얻고자 수행된 것이었다. 관찰해 본 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻을 수 있었다. 식도의 상피조직은 두 종류에서 공히 원주세포와 원주섬모세포 및 점액분비 세포로 이루어져 있었다. 식도강상피 내에서도 어느 정도의 흡수와 소화가 이루어 지고 있음은 특이한 현상이라 하겠다. 소화선은 두 종에서 공히 복분지 관상선으로서 그 상피는 micovilli를 선강 또는 도관에 연한 유리표면에 가지고 있어 brush boredr을 이루고 있는 원주세포과 원주섬모세포로 구성되어 있었다. 이들 세포들의 내부 구조로 보아 소화세포와 배석세포로 구분할 수 있었다. 장의 상피는 원주세포와 원주섬모세포로 구성되어 있었으며 이들도 장강에 연한 유리표면에는 brush border를 이루고 있었다. 흡수와 분비기능이 활발한 것으로 사료된다. 전반적으로 보아 본 연구에서 관찰한 두 복족류의 소화관은 모든 부위에서 세포의 유리표면에 microvilli를 가지고 있어 물질의 흡수기능을 가지고 있음을 시사해주고 있었고, 이들 세포 중에는 때로 밀집한 cilia를 가지고 있어 소화관 내의 액체물질이나 이에 내포된 미세입자들의 유동을 도와주고 있음을 추측할 수 있었다.)은 결합조직으로 이루어진 근육질의 두꺼운 벽을 가지고 있었으며 내강은 돌출부위에 의해 4부분으로 갈라져 있었다. 내강에 연한 상피는 원주세포로 되어 있었다. 상음경(epiphallus)의 벽은 근섬유 다발은 벽의 외곽으로 갈수록 밀도가 높아졌다. 상부에 내강과 연결되는 함입구조(groove)를 가지며, 내강에 연한 상피는 섬모가 없는 원주세포로 이루어져 있었다. 음경(penis)은 근섬유가 산재된 두꺼운 벽을 가졌으며 상음경보다 굵은 원통형이었다. 내강은 많은 돌출부에 의해 복잡하게 나뉘어 있으며 상피세포는 원주 세포로 이루어져 있었고 섬모는 관찰되지 않았다. 내강 내의 분비물과 세포의 형태로 보아 내강상피세포는 분비기능을 가진 것으로 사료된다.술적 문제가 적절히 해결되는 경우 비활성 가스 제너레이터는 민수용으로는 대형 빌딩, 산림, 유조선 등의 화재에 매우 적절히 사용되어 질 수 있을 뿐 아니라 군사적으로도 군사작전 중 및 공군 기지의 화재 그리고 지하벙커에 설치되어 있는 고급 첨단 군사 장비 등의 화재 뿐 아니라 대간첩작전 등에 효과적으로 활용될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.가 작으며, 본 연소관에 충전된 RDX/AP계 추진제의 경우 추진제의 습기투과에 의한 추진제 물성 변화는 미미한 것으로 나타났다.의 향상으로, 음성개선에 효과적이라고 사료되었으며, 이 방법이 편측 성대마비 환자의 효과적인 음성개선의 치료방법의 하나로 응용될 수 있으리라 생각된다..7%), 혈액투석, 식도부분절제술 및 위루술·위회장문합술을 시행한 경우가 각 1례(2.9%)씩이었다. 13) 심각한 합병증은 9례(26.5%)에서 보였는데 그중 식도협착증이 6례(17.6%), 급성신부전증 1례(2.9%), 종격동기흉과 폐염이 병발한 경우와 폐염이 각

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Characteristics of the Maximum Glow Intensity According to the Thermoluminescent Phosphors used in the Absorbed Dose Measurement of the Radiation Therapy (방사선치료 선량 측정에 사용되는 열형광체에 따른 최대 형광 강도 특성)

  • Kang, Suman;Im, Inchul;Park, Cheolwoo;Lee, Mihyeon;Lee, Jaeseung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.181-187
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study were to analyze the characteristic of the glow curves in order to the glow temperature of the thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) for the absorbed dose measurement of the radiation therapy. In this study, we was used the TLDs of the LiF:Mg${\cdot}$Ti, LiF:Mg${\cdot}$Cu${\cdot}$P, $CaF_2$:Dy, $CaF_2$:Mn (Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., USA). The source-to-solid dry phantom (RW3 slab, IBA Dosmetry, Germany) surface distance was set at 100 cm, and the exposure dose of 100 MU (monitor unit) was used 6- and 15-MV X-rays, and 6- and 12-MeV electron beams in the reference depth, respectively. After the radiations exposure, we were to analyze the glow curves by using the TL reader (Hashaw 3500, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., USA) at the fixed heating rate of $15^{\circ}C/sec$ from $50^{\circ}C$ to $260^{\circ}C$. The glow peaks, the trapping level in the captured electrons and holes combined with the emitted light, were discovered the two or three peak. When the definite increasing the temperature of the TLDs, the maximum glow peak representing the glow temperature was follow as; $LiF:Mg{\cdot}Ti$: $185.5{\pm}1.3^{\circ}C$, $LiF:Mg{\cdot}Ti$: $135.0{\pm}5.1^{\circ}C$, $CaF_2$:Dy: $144.0{\pm}1.6^{\circ}C$, $CaF_2$:Mn: $294.3{\pm}3.8^{\circ}C$, respectively. Because the glow emission probability of the captured electrons depend on the heating temperature after the exposure radiation, TLDs by applying the fixed heating rate, the accuracy of measurement will be able to improve within the absorbed dose measurement of the radiation therapy.

Radiological Characterization of the High-sensitivity MOSFET Dosimeter (고감도 MOSFET 선량계 방사선학적 특성 연구)

  • Cho Sung Koo;Kim Chan-Hyeong
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.215-219
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    • 2004
  • Due to their excellence for the high-energy therapy range of photon beams, researchers show increasing interest in applying MOSFET dosimeters to low- and medium-energy applications. In this energy range, however, MOSFET dosimeter is complicated by the fact that the interaction probability of photons shows significant dependence on the atomic number, Z, due to photoelectric effect. The objective of this study is to develop a very detailed 3-dimensional Monte Carlo simulation model of a MOSFET dosimeter for radiological characterizations and calibrations. The sensitive volume of the High-Sensitivity MOSFET dosimeter is very thin (1 ${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$) and the standard MCNP tallies do not accurately determine absorbed dose to the sensitive volume. Therefore, we need to score the energy deposition directly from electrons. The developed model was then used to study various radiological characteristics of the MOSFET dosimeter. the energy dependence was quantified for the energy range 15 keV to 6 MeV; finding maximum dependence of 6.6 at about 40 keV. A commercial computer code, Sabrina, was used to read the particle track information from an MCNP simulation and count the tracks of simulated electrons. The MOSFET dosimeter estimated the calibration factor by 1.16 when the dosimeter was at 15 cm depth in tissue phantom for 662 keV incident photons. Our results showed that the MOSFET dosimeter estimated by 1.11 for 1.25 MeV photons for the same condition.

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Morphological Changes of Mouse Ovary by X-Ray Irradiation (방사선 조사선량에 따른 생쥐 난소의 형태학적 변화)

  • Yoon, Chul-Ho;Choi, Jong-Woon;Yoon, Surk-Hwan
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.140-156
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    • 2007
  • This research was performed to investigate the morphological changes of folliculus ovary according to the radiation dose. The whole body radiation of 200 cGy, 400 cGy, and 600 cGy was given to the each groups of 5 months-aged female mouse. Various staining methods used in this research are: Hematosylin-Eosin method, and immunohistochemistrical methods using BrdU, TUNEL, p53, p21, PCNA and inhibin. The minute structural changes of folliculus ovary were observed through an electron microscope with high magnification. The morphological changes of growing folliculus ovary became distinct as the dose of X-rays increased. Especially, the nuclei of granular cells showed manifest condensation and the changes of the transparent zone were distinct. As a result of histochemical reaction according to Masson's trichrome method and reticular fiber method, the changed granular cells, the deformed basilar membrane of folliculus ovary and the abnormal arrangement of the reticular fiber were observed. In the reaction of BrdU, the granular cells of normal folliculus ovary with positive reaction rapidly decreased according to the increase of the dose of X-rays. In TUNEL study, granular cells showing positive reaction in retarded folliculus ovary were expanded to growing folliculus ovary and primordial folliculus ovary according to the increase of the dose of X-rays. In case of 600 cGy of X-rays, oocyte underwent apoptosis. In p53 immunohistochemistry, p53 manifested to be stronger as the dose of X-rays increased. p53 reactivity was manifested distinctively in all cells comprising folliculus ovary following irradiation of 600 cGy. p21 was manifested in granular cells of folliculus ovary and showed very positive reaction around follicular antrum according to the increase of the dose of X-rays. In PCNA, positive reaction was manifested in growing folliculus ovary, mature folliculus ovary and primordial folliculus ovary, but the extent of the reaction decreased as the dose of the X-rays decreased. The finding that the reaction of granular cells around folliculus ovary was stronger than that near follicular membrane indicates that what was damaged first by X-ray was the cells near folliculus ovary and follicular antrum. The reactivity of $inhibin-{\alpha}$ showed difference according to the growing stage of folliculus ovary: $inhibin-{\alpha}$ showed the most strong reaction in mature folliculus ovary with follicular antrum. There was strong reaction in granular cells around follicular membrane but $inhibin-{\alpha}$ did not occur at all in theca cells comprising follicular membrane. $Inhibin-{\alpha}$ in ovary tissue exposed to 400 cGy of X-rays was manifested more strongly than in ovary tissue exposed to 600 cGy of X-rays, which was related to the phenomenon that granular cells of mature folliculus ovary underwent necrosis or apoptosis increasingly due to X-rays. In an electron microscope with high magnification, nuclei and protoplasm of granular cells in growing folliculus ovary abruptly underwent minute structural changes according to the increase of dose of X-rays. Cell residue, by-product of cell decease, neutrophil and macrophage around follicular antrum were observed. The minute structural changes in granular cells showed typical characteristics of apoptosis: the increase of electronic density due to nuclear condensation, fragmentation of nuclei and atrophy of protoplasm. Necrosis of cells was identified but it was not so remarkable. Macrophage with apoptotic bodies was scattered. Proportional to the radiation dose, we found that the generation of heterogeneous substance of normal ovary texture's follicular fluid, the emergence of dyeing characteristic in the basilar membrane of folicle, the generation of apoptosis, and the transformation of macrophages, etc. From this results, we can infer the possible radiation hazard on the ovary of cervix cancer patient with radiation therapy.

Monte Carlo Study Using GEANT4 of Cyberknife Stereotactic Radiosurgery System (GEANT4를 이용한 정위적 사이버나이프 선량분포의 계산과 측정에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Chung-Il;Shin, Jae-Won;Shin, Hun-Joo;Jung, Jae-Yong;Kim, Yon-Lae;Min, Jeong-Hwan;Hong, Seung-Woo;Chung, Su-Mi;Jung, Won-Gyun;Suh, Tae-Suk
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.192-200
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    • 2010
  • Cyberknife with small field size is more difficult and complex for dosimetry compared with conventional radiotherapy due to electronic disequilibrium, steep dose gradients and spectrum change of photons and electrons. The purpose of this study demonstrate the usefulness of Geant4 as verification tool of measurement dose for delivering accurate dose by comparing measurement data using the diode detector with results by Geant4 simulation. The development of Monte Carlo Model for Cyberknife was done through the two-step process. In the first step, the treatment head was simulated and Bremsstrahlung spectrum was calculated. Secondly, percent depth dose (PDD) was calculated for six cones with different size, i.e., 5 mm, 10 mm, 20 mm, 30 mm, 50 mm and 60 mm in the model of water phantom. The relative output factor was calculated about 12 fields from 5 mm to 60 mm and then it compared with measurement data by the diode detector. The beam profiles and depth profiles were calculated about different six cones and about each depth of 1.5 cm, 10 cm and 20 cm, respectively. The results about PDD were shown the error the less than 2% which means acceptable in clinical setting. For comparison of relative output factors, the difference was less than 3% in the cones lager than 7.5 mm. However, there was the difference of 6.91% in the 5 mm cone. Although beam profiles were shown the difference less than 2% in the cones larger than 20 mm, there was the error less than 3.5% in the cones smaller than 20 mm. From results, we could demonstrate the usefulness of Geant4 as dose verification tool.

A Study on Radiation Exposure Dose of Patients and Operator during Percutaneous Vertebroplasty (경피적 추체 성형술 시행 시 환자와 시술자의 방사선 피폭선량에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jae-Heon;Shin, Seong-gyu;Lee, Hyo-Yeong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.139-144
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    • 2017
  • Percutaneous vertebroplasty (PVP) is increasingly used to treat osteoporotic vertebral fractures, myeloma and osteolytic vertebral metastases. The purpose of this study was to measure the absorbed radiation exposure dose and time during PVP and to assess the possibility of deterministic radiation effects to the operator and patient. The radiation dose and time measure by three pain physicians performed consecutive procedures using the twenty case PVP. Patient's dosimeter placed at the anteroposterior(AP) side was treatment of the vertebra body located in the upper level 2-3 and lateral(LAT) side was flank proximal to C-arm tube of back. Operator's dosimeter placed at the apron outside of upper sternum (thyroid), left chest, lower extremity and apron inside of left chest. Results: Radiation exposure times were $3.6{\pm}0.71min$. Measurements on the Patient radiation dose were AP $121.4{\pm}48.1{\mu}Sv$, LAT side $614.7{\pm}177.1{\mu}Sv$. Operator radiation dose were outside of the lead apron upper sternum $33.7{\pm}7.3{\mu}Sv$, outside of the lead apron chest $49.2{\pm}15.0{\mu}Sv$, outside of the lead apron lower extremity $12.8{\pm}3.8{\mu}Sv$ and inside of the lead apron chest $4.2{\pm}1.4{\mu}Sv$. To escape from the danger of radiation first long distance from the c-arm tube second exposure time reduced second lead apron used fluoroscopy during PVP is more safety patient and operation from the radiation exposure.

Estimation of Inhomogeneity Correction Factor in Small Field Dosimetry (소조사면에서의 불균질 물질 보정 계산의 평가)

  • Shin, Hun-Joo;Kang, Young-Nam;Jang, Ji-Sun;Seo, Jae-Hyuk;Jung, Ji-Young;Choi, Byung-Ock;Choi, Ihl-Bohng;Lee, Dong-Joon;Kwon, Soo-Il
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.260-268
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    • 2009
  • In this study, we estimated inhomogeneity correction factor in small field. And, we evaluated accuracy of treatment planning and measurement data which applied inhomogeneity correction factor or not. We developed the Inhomogeneity Correction Phantom (ICP) for insertion of inhomogeneity materials. The inhomogeneity materials were 12 types in each different electron density. This phantom is able to adapt the EBT film and 0.125 cc ion chamber for measurement of dose distribution and point dose. We evaluated comparison of planning and measurement data using ICP. When we applied to inhomogeneity correction factor or not, the average difference was 1.63% and 10.05% in each plan and film measurement data. And, the average difference of dose distribution was 10.09% in each measurement film. And the average difference of point dose was 0.43% and 2.09% in each plan and measurement data. In conclusion, if we did not apply the inhomogeneity correction factor in small field, it shows more great difference in measurement data. The planning system using this study shows good result for correction of inhomogeneity materials. In radiosurgery using small field, we should be correct the inhomogeneity correction factor, more exactly.

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Dosimetric Verifications of the Output Factors in the Small Field Less Than $3cm^2$ Using the Gafchromic EBT2 Films and the Various Detectors (Gafchromic EBT2필름과 다양한 검출기를 이용하여 $3cm^2$ 이하의 소조사면에서 출력비율의 선량검증)

  • Oh, Se An;Yea, Ji Woon;Lee, Rena;Park, Heon Bo;Kim, Sung Kyu
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.218-224
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    • 2014
  • The small field dosimetry is very important in modern radiotherapy because it has been frequently used to treat the tumor with high dose hypo-fractionated radiotherapy or high dose single fraction stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) with small size target. But, the dosimetry of a small field (< $3{\times}3cm^2$) has been great challenges in radiotherapy. Small field dosimetry is difficult because of (a) a lack of lateral electronic equilibrium, (b) steep dose gradients, and (c) partial blocking of the source. The objectives of this study were to measure and verify with the various detectors the output factors in a small field (<3 cm) for the 6 MV photon beams. Output factors were measured using the CC13, CC01, EDGE detector, thermoluminescence dosimeters (TLDs), and Gafchromic EBT2 films at the sizes of field such as $0.5{\times}0.5$, $1{\times}1$, $2{\times}2$, $3{\times}3$, $5{\times}5$, and $10{\times}10cm^2$. The differences in the output factors with the various detectors increased with decreasing field size. Our study demonstrates that the dosimetry for a small photon beam (< $3{\times}3cm^2$) should use CC01 or EDGE detectors with a small active volume. And also, Output factors with the EDGE detectors in a small field (< $3{\times}3cm^2$) coincided well with the Gafchromic EBT2 films.

Dosimetry of the Low Fluence Fast Neutron Beams for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (붕소-중성자 포획치료를 위한 미세 속중성자 선량 특성 연구)

  • Lee, Dong-Han;Ji, Young-Hoon;Lee, Dong-Hoon;Park, Hyun-Joo;Lee, Suk;Lee, Kyung-Hoo;Suh, So-Heigh;Kim, Mi-Sook;Cho, Chul-Koo;Yoo, Seong-Yul;Yu, Hyung-Jun;Gwak, Ho-Shin;Rhee, Chang-Hun
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.66-73
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    • 2001
  • Purpose : For the research of Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT), fast neutrons generated from the MC-50 cyclotron with maximum energy of 34.4 MeV in Korea Cancer Center Hospital were moderated by 70 cm paraffin and then the dose characteristics were investigated. Using these results, we hope to establish the protocol about dose measurement of epi-thermal neutron, to make a basis of dose characteristic of epi-thermal neutron emitted from nuclear reactor, and to find feasibility about accelerator-based BNCT. Method and Materials : For measuring the absorbed dose and dose distribution of fast neutron beams, we used Unidos 10005 (PTW, Germany) electrometer and IC-17 (Far West, USA), IC-18, ElC-1 ion chambers manufactured by A-150 plastic and used IC-l7M ion chamber manufactured by magnesium for gamma dose. There chambers were flushed with tissue equivalent gas and argon gas and then the flow rate was S co per minute. Using Monte Carlo N-Particle (MCNP) code, transport program in mixed field with neutron, photon, electron, two dimensional dose and energy fluence distribution was calculated and there results were compared with measured results. Results : The absorbed dose of fast neutron beams was $6.47\times10^{-3}$ cGy per 1 MU at the 4 cm depth of the water phantom, which is assumed to be effective depth for BNCT. The magnitude of gamma contamination intermingled with fast neutron beams was $65.2{\pm}0.9\%$ at the same depth. In the dose distribution according to the depth of water, the neutron dose decreased linearly and the gamma dose decreased exponentially as the depth was deepened. The factor expressed energy level, $D_{20}/D_{10}$, of the total dose was 0.718. Conclusion : Through the direct measurement using the two ion chambers, which is made different wall materials, and computer calculation of isodose distribution using MCNP simulation method, we have found the dose characteristics of low fluence fast neutron beams. If the power supply and the target material, which generate high voltage and current, will be developed and gamma contamination was reduced by lead or bismuth, we think, it may be possible to accelerator-based BNCT.

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