• Title/Summary/Keyword: 전신 마취

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Dental Treatment of a Patient with Hallervorden-Spatz Disease under General Anesthesia -A Case Report- (Hallervorden-Spatz 병 환자의 전신마취 하 치과치료 -증례보고-)

  • Lee, Yong-Ki;Seo, Kwang-Suk;Kim, Hyun-Jeong;Yum, Kwang-Won;Ahn, Byung-Deok
    • Journal of The Korean Dental Society of Anesthesiology
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.135-138
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    • 2007
  • Hallervorden-Spatz disease (HSD) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder associated with excessive iron deposition in the basal ganglia. In general, HSD is characterized by onset in first two decade of life and by the presence of extra-pyramidal dysfunction including dystonia, rigidity, choreoathetosis. Other associated features include gait and posture disturbance, intellectual decline, seizure, tremor, dysarthria. These signs and symptoms are progressive. MRI is often demonstrated hypodensity in the basal ganglia which is probably suggestive of accumulation of iron. There is no specific treatment for HSD and 45% of patients die before reaching the age of 20 years. The managements directed at specific symptoms are often helpful. Especially, some surgical procedures like pallidotomy and gastrostomy are performed under general anesthesia. There is special need for careful management because of numerous anesthetic challenges like difficulty in cooperation, life-threatening airway obstruction and possibility of aspiration. We report a successful anesthetic management in a patient with HSD for dental procedures.

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Ultrasound-Guided Femorosciatic Nerve Block (초음파 유도 대퇴좌골 신경 차단술)

  • Kang, Chan;Kim, Young-Mo;Hwang, Deuk-Soo;Kim, Joung-Hun;Park, Jun-Young;Lee, Woo-Yong
    • The Journal of Korean Orthopaedic Ultrasound Society
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.74-78
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    • 2010
  • Since the extent of use of musculoskeletal ultrasound in orthopaedic surgery is expanding, popliteal block(sciatic nerve block) and femoral nerve block(saphenous nerve block) are easily and safely performed without complications such as nerve injury or incomplete block. Also, due to the expanding use of ultrasound, orthopaedic surgery of not only foot but also ankle and lower leg could be done without general anesthesia or spinal anesthesia. We describe a detailed technique for ultrasound-guided femorosciatic nerve block based on the experience over 120 cases.

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The Status of Comprehensive Dental Treatment and Type of Disabilities of the Patients Treated under Outpatient General Anesthesia at the Clinic for the Disabled in Seoul National University Dental Hospital (서울대학교치과병원 장애인진료실에서 전신마취 하 치과치료를 받은 환자의 장애 질환 및 협진 현황 조사)

  • Jang, Ki-Taeg;Kim, Hyun-Jeong;Yum, Kwang-Won;Seo, Kwang-Suk
    • Journal of The Korean Dental Society of Anesthesiology
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    • v.6 no.2 s.11
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    • pp.82-88
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    • 2006
  • Background: The number of patients with disabilities who require general anesthesia for dental treatment is increasing. Methods: We reviewed the cases of 538 patients with disabilities who underwent outpatient general anesthesia for dental treatment at the clinic for the disabled in Seoul national university dental hospital according to the types of disabilities and comprehensive treatments. Results: The patients mean age was 17.4 years and fifty-eight percent of the patients had epilepsy, autism, mental retardation and cerebral palsy. About twenty-five percent of the patients were medically compromised such as brain disease, heart disease and genetic problem. In 142 cases, more than two dentists from the clinical departments systemically co-worked to provide the patients with comprehensive treatment as accurately and quickly as possible under general anesthesia. Conclusions: The number of medically compromised patients was high and the system of comprehensive dental treatment was well run.

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Anaphylactic Shock Care during General Anesthesia -A Case Report- (전신마취 도중 유발된 아나필락시스 -증례보고-)

  • Choi, Byung-Ho;Sul, Sung-Han;Yoo, Jae-Ha
    • Journal of The Korean Dental Society of Anesthesiology
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    • v.6 no.2 s.11
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    • pp.121-126
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    • 2006
  • Generalized anaphylaxis is a most dramatic and acutely life-threatening allergic reaction. Most fatalities from anaphylaxis occur within the first 30 minutes postantigenic exposure. The mechanism of generalized anaphylaxis is the reaction of IgE antibodies to an allergen that causes the release of histamine, bradykinin, and others. These chemical mediators cause the contraction of smooth muscles of the respiratory and intestinal tracts, as well as increased vascular permeability. Four major clinical symptoms are recognized: skin reactions, smooth muscle spasm (gastrointestinal and genitourinary tracts and respiratory smooth muscle), respiratory distress, and cardiovascular collapse. Epinephrine is the drug of choice for the management. Its syrnpathomimetic effects directly counteract most aspects of the attack. Respiration must be immediately supported by the establishment of a patent airway along with artificial ventilation. The circulation should be supported and the existing hypotension overcome by placing the victim in a position to allow gravity to aid venous return and by administering intravenous fluids, vasopressors, and corticosteroids. When an imperceptible pulse is evident, external cardiac compression must also be instituted. This is a case report of anaphylactic shock care during general anesthesia, possibly due to penicillin, pancuronium and others.

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General Anesthesia for Dental Treatment in the Congenital Hypothyroidism and Psuedohypoparathyroidism (선천성 갑상선기능저하증과 가성부갑상선기능저하증을 동반한 환자의 전신마취 하 치과치료)

  • Seo, Kwang-Suk;Shin, Teo-Jeon;Kim, Hyun-Jeong;Chang, Juhea
    • Journal of The Korean Dental Society of Anesthesiology
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.139-143
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    • 2013
  • The patient who has congenital hypothyroidism and pseudohypoparathyroidism could have mental retardation even though adequate hormone treatment and cannot endure conventional dental treatment. In this case, general anesthesia is selected to administer effective dental treatment. But, there could be symptoms such as anemia, neuropathy, associated pituitary or adrenal hypofunction, cardiac failure even in euthyroid state. And, bradycardia, mental dullness, hypothermia, slow reflexes can appear in case of inadequate thyroid hormone replacement. Especially, macroglosssia, slow drug metabolism, exaggerated responses to anesthetic agents and decreased ventilatory responses could be problem during general anesthesia. The presentation of hypoparathyroidism also varies depending on the chronicity of the result of hypocalcemia. Muscle spasms/tetany, paresthesias, and seizures may occur in an acute onset. Chronic hypocalcaemia causes fatigue, muscle cramps, lethargy, personality changes, and cerebration defects.

A Survey of the Outpatient General Anesthesia and Dental Treatment in Chungnam Dental Clinic for the Disabled (충남장애인구강진료센터에서 시행된 외래전신마취와 치과치료에 대한 조사연구)

  • You, Yon-Sook;Kim, Jong-Su;Kim, Seung-Oh
    • Journal of The Korean Dental Society of Anesthesiology
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.133-140
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    • 2011
  • Background: Dental treatment under outpatient general anesthesia is an option for disabled person, children and dentally disabled person who have the difficulty of cooperating voluntary with dental care. The aim of this study was to access the patients who had dental management under general anesthesia at Chungnam dental clinic for the disabled. Methods: This survey is consisted of 114 severely disabled and dentally disabled person who undergone dental treatment under general anesthesia from January to June 2011. Data were collected by individual dental and anesthesia records. Results: Of the 114 patients studies, the 45 patients was the dentally disabled and the 69 patients was the severely disabled. Rate of dental treatment among male patients was higher than among female patients. The dentally disabled was an similar age distribution. In the severly disabled, above 13-year-old was higher than below 12-year-old. The most popular induction method of general anesthesia was sevoflurane inhalation after induced sedative effect of nitrous oxide inhalation. The severly disabled who had definitely negative behavior was applied inhalation of high concentration sevoflurane. Conclusions: Chungnam Dental clinic for the disabled provide dental management for the disabled and the dentally disabled.

Vasovagal Syncope before General Anesthesia in a Patient with Alveolar Bone Deficiency on Maxilla and Mandible (상하악 치조골 결손 환자에서 전신 마취 전 발생한 혈관미주신경성 실신)

  • Yoon, Sang-Yong;Young, Yoon-Ji;Kim, Cheul-Hong
    • Journal of The Korean Dental Society of Anesthesiology
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.159-163
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    • 2011
  • Vasovagal syncope accounts for the majority of adverse events that occur in dental offices and is normally related to emotional or somatic factors. The factors trigger intense parasympathetic state, leading to bradycardia and hypotension. We experienced a case of vasovagal syncope just before general anesthesia. A 49-year-old woman with alveolar bone deficiency on maxilla and mandible was planned to undergo an alveolar bone graft with mandibular body under general anesthesia. She didn't have any histories of disease, medication or syncope. Though she showed a little anxiety from admission, she had no pre-operative medication. After she was guided to the operating room, she had signs and symptoms of vasovagal syncope without any prodromes. The patient was resuscitated soon only by the conservative treatment and was operated under general anesthesia.

Dental Treatment of Pediatric Patients with Mouth Opening Limitation under General Anesthesia (개구 장애가 심한 소아환자에서 전신마취 하 치과치료를 위한 기도관리)

  • Han, Hyo-Jo;Seo, Kwang-Suk;Kim, Hyun-Jeong;Shin, Teo-Jeon;Kwoen, Young-Sun
    • Journal of The Korean Dental Society of Anesthesiology
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.172-176
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    • 2011
  • For dental treatment of children with severe dental phobia, sedation or general anesthesia is usually selected for enhancement of cooperation. But in the case of mouth opening limitation due to temporomandibular disorders, general anesthesia administration is a challenge for anesthesiologist. Because airway management failure was concerned, awake fibroscopic intubation is selected first. But, skillful fibroscopic intubation is not easy in case of uncooprative children patients. In this report, we present two cases of pediatric patients with mouth opening limitation. In the first case, the patient was 52 months old and the maximum opening distance was 1.2 cm, and in the second case the patient was 38 months old and the maximum opening distance was 1.5 cm. Both patients showed severe dental phobia. After sevoflurane inhalation without any intravenous drug, we successfully performed intubation using a fibroscope.

Bleeding & Infection Control by the Circumferential Suture & Drainage on Active Bleeding Extraction Socket under Sedation And Local Anesthesia in a Multiple Medically Compromised Patient with Anticoagulation Drug (항응고제 투여중인 다발성 전신질환자에서 과도한 발치창 출혈부의 진정요법과 국소마취 시행하에 창상주위 봉합과 배농술 통한 출혈과 감염조절)

  • Yoo, Jae-Ha;Kim, Jong-Bae
    • Journal of The Korean Dental Society of Anesthesiology
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.177-182
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    • 2011
  • There are five principal causes for excessive bleeding in the immediate postextraction phase ; (1) Vascular wall alteration (wound infection, scurvy, chemicals, allergy) (2) Disorders of platelet function (genetic defect, drug-aspirin, autoimmune disease) (3) Thrombocytopenic purpuras (radiation, leukemia), (4) Inherited disorders of coagulation (hemophilia, Christmas disease, vitamin deficiency, anticoagulation drug-heparin, coumarin, aspirin, plavix). If the hemorrhage from postextraction wound is unusually aggressive, and then dehydration and airway problem are occurred, the socket must be packed with gelatine sponge(Gelfoam) that was moistened with thrombin and wound closure & pressure dressing are applied. The thrombin clots fibrinogen to produce rapid hemostasis. Gelatine sponges moistened with thrombin provide effective coagulation of hemorrhage from small veins and capillaries. But, in dental alveoli, gelatine sponges may absorb oral microorganisms and cause alveolar osteitis (infection). This is a case report of bleeding and infection control by the circumferential suture and iodoform gauze drainage on infected active bleeding extraction socket under sedation and local anesthesia in a 71-years-old male patient with anticoagulation drug.

Changes of Blood Sugar Level in Inhalation Anesthesia with Ether or Methoxyflurane in the Rabbit (Ether 및 Methoxyflurane 전신흡입(全身吸入) 마취(麻醉)가 가토(家兎)의 혈당량(血糖量)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Park, Ro-Sam;Choi, Sung-Ku;Kim, Yong-Eon;Kwon, Duck-Kee;Kim, Young-Ki
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.39-43
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    • 1974
  • In the present study, the experiment was made to observe the change of the blood sugar levels in the process of general anesthesia, subjecting the rabbits to the light or deep inhalation anesthesia with ether or methoxyflurane by the non-rebreathing system. The blood sugar level was measured by the method of Somogyi and Nelson. The results are summarized as follows; 1. The blood sugar level of the normal rabbit was $112.\;04{\pm}9.88\;mg%$. 2. The blood sugar level in the initial stage of the light ether anesthesia was significantly increased, and slight decrease was observed in the beginning of the deep anesthesia. 3. In the ether anesthesia group, the sugar level increased gradually when deep anesthesia was induced. 4. Anesthesia with methoxyflurane produced a similar pattern of the blood sugar as in the ether group, with no significant difference between ether and methoxyflurane anesthesia.

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