• Title/Summary/Keyword: 전반적 발달 장애

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  • Hong, Kang-E;Choi, Jin-Sook;Shin, Min-Sup;Hwang, Yong-Seung;Ahn, Yun-Ok
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.87-96
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    • 1991
  • A double bhad, placebo controlled study was performed to evaluate the therapeutic effects of Carbamazepine in autistic children, 23 boys with the diagnosis of Pervasive Developmental Disorders according to the DSM-IIIR were selected for study subjects, from Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Outpatient Department of Seoul National University Children Hospital during Oct. $1989{\sim}Nov.$ 1991. Subjects with histories of medical disease or psychiatric diseases were excluded and all study subjects had drug free periods more than 2 Months. Study subjects were randomly assigned to Cabamazepine treatment group(N=12) and placebo group(N=11). After the baseline observation periods, the double blind drug treatment and observation were performed for 12 weeks. Several scales (Ritvo-Freedman Real Life atring Scale. Behavior Checklist) were employed to evaluate the effects of drug treatment during baseline observation periods and the drug treatment periods by two raters blind to the study. Interrater reliability of each scales were .4875~.6613, the socrodemographic variables and the rating scores during baseline observation periods were not significantly different between two groups. Reduction of total scores in Autsm Behavior Checklist scale, i.e.. improvement of global autistic symptoms were noted significantly in Carbamazepine treatment group. Improvement in significant social maturations according to Vineland Social Mataration scale were observed in both patient groups after drug treetment periods.

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Sedimentary History and Tectonics in the Southeastern Continental Shelf of Korea based on High Resolution Shallow Seismic Data. (고해상탄성파탐사자료에 의한 한국남동대륙붕의 퇴적사 및 조구조운동)

  • Min Geon Hong;Park Yong Ahn
    • The Korean Journal of Petroleum Geology
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    • v.5 no.1_2 s.6
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 1997
  • Seismic stratigraphic analysis of the high resolution profiles obtained from the southeastern shelf of Korea divided the deposits into 4 sequences; 1) sequence D, 2) sequence C, 3) sequence B and 4) sequence A (Holocene sediments). Sequence D was deposited in shallow-water environment at west of the Yangsan Fault as the basin subsided. On the other hand, the eastern part was formed at the slope front. Landward part of the slope-front fill sediments were eroded and redeposited nearby slope due to the syndepositional tilting of the basin. This tilting probably resulted from the continuous closing of the Ulleung Basin. Sequence C is made of stacked successions of the lowstand fluvial sediments, transgressive sediments and marine highstand sediments derived from the paleo-river in the western part of the Yangsan Fault. Sequence C in the eastern part of the Yanshan Fault was formed at the shelf break. Progradation of the lowstand sediments resulted in broadening of the shelf. Sequence C in the eastern part was also tilted but the tilting was weaker than in Sequence D. During the formation of sequence B the tilting stopped and the point source instead of the line source started in both sides of the Yangsan Fault. Sequence B was composed of the highstand systems tract partially preserved around the Yokji island, lowstand systems tract mainly preserved in the Korea Trough and transgressive systems tract. After the stop of the tilting, the force of compression due to the closing of the Ulleung Basin may be released by the strike-slip faults instead of tilting.

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Analysis of Gliotransmitters in ADHD Mice (ADHD (주의력결핍 과잉행동장애) 생쥐 모델에서의 별아교세포 유래 신경전달물질 분석)

  • Kim, Ga-Yeon;Park, Jaewon;Yoon, Bo-Eun
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.597-604
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    • 2018
  • Although the core mechanisms of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are unknown, several ADHD-associated proteins have been studied. G-protein - coupled receptor kinase interacting protein-1 (GIT1) is a multifunctional adapter protein that affects neuron growth and dendrite formation. GIT1-deficient mice have shown ADHD-like behavior and also recovered through amphetamine treatment. In this study, gliotransmitters were investigated in both intracellular and extracellular space from GIT1-deficient mice. To measure the amount of gliotransmitters, primary astrocyte cultures were taken from the cerebral and cerebellar cortices of wild (WT), hetero (HE), and knock-out (KO) mice. Major gliotransmitters were analyzed using high-performance liquid chromatography. It was observed that the amount of excitatory and inhibitory gliotransmitters were dependent on genotype and showed a change in excitation/inhibition ratios. Interestingly, the major excitatory gliotransmitter, glutamate, existed at the lowest level in WT mice, but the amount of inhibitory gliotransmitters, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glycine, varied depending on brain region. Remarkably, an increased amount of GABA was measured at the intracellular cerebrum in WT mice compared with KO mice. It was presumed that KO mice would secrete more inhibitory gliotransmitters to compensate for GIT1 depletion or else acquire a defect to reuptake-secreted GABA. This may be a possible mechanism for ADHD pathology.

Review of Non-invasive Interventions for Drooling Problems in Children With Cerebral Palsy: Trends and Analysis of Interventions for Drooling (신경발달장애 아동의 침흘림치료를 위한 비침습적 중재방법에 관한 고찰: 경향 및 중재방법 분석)

  • Jeon, Joo young;Park, Hae Yean
    • Therapeutic Science for Rehabilitation
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.37-51
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    • 2021
  • Objective : The purpose of this study was to analyze non-invasive treatments and drooling assessment methods in children with cerebral palsy and developmental disabilities, who drool. Methods : This study searched two hundred papers published in 2005-2019. Forty-four papers were selected based on their abstract and title, and ten papers were finally selected following a secondary search. Results : The PEDro Scale of the selected papers was high with an average of seven points. As a result of analyzing the overall trends, the study participants were primarily patients with cerebral palsy, and recently, the therapeutic intervention of oral sensory exercise was more actively studied than behavioral modification. Studies of behavioral modification and oral sensory exercise intervention methods were found to have differences in participant age and, cognitive level, number of participants, research design, treatment time, and duration. Studies to confirming the frequency and severity of the drooling measurement method were found to be the main factor. Conclusion : This study analyzed typical behavioral modification and oral sensory exercise interventions as examples of non-invasive therapeutic interventions for children with cerebral palsy and developmental disabilities and provided information to help select appropriate therapeutic intervention methods when planning non-invasive therapy using behavioral modification and oral sensory exercise therapy.


  • Hong, Sung-Joon;Choi, Yeong-Chul;Lee, Keung-Ho
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.352-360
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    • 1997
  • It has been reported that There is a relatively high incidence of congenital cleft lip and palate among congenital anomalies. Children with the cleft lip and palate confront various problems ranging from feeding difficulties as infants to frequent ear infections, compromised speech, aberrant dentofacial development, malocclusion and esthetic impairment with its unfavorable effects on the psychosocial adaptation of the individual. Management of these patients is a process that starts in infancy and continues on into adulthood. Through a team approach, professionals from various fields convene to assess the needs of the child and to assist the parents in dealing with the situation. A pediatric dentist, one of the team, must advise the parents the way of feeding or make an obturator for normal feeding and weight gain of infants with cleft lip and/or palate. An obturator can aid nursing, stimulate orofacial development, help develop the palatal shelves, prevent tongue distortions, prevent nasal septum irritation, decrease chance of ear infections, expand collaped maxillary segments, constrict the expanded anterior part of the maxilla, reposition the premaxilla, and help the parents psychologically. Three cases of infants with cleft lip and palate were managed with the obturator at the Dept. of Pediatric Dentistry, Kyung Hee University. In all cases, infants showed normal feeding and weight gaining after the insertion of the obturator.

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A Study on Global Strategies of Tank Terminal Operators and Implications for Korea's Oil Hub Policy in Northeast Asia (탱크터미널 운영기업의 글로벌 전략과 우리나라의 동북아 석유물류허브 정책에 대한 시사점)

  • Lee, Choong-Bae;Park, Sun-Young
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.63-86
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    • 2009
  • With increasing uncertainty of energy market in the world, the policies for the energy resource security have become crucial Several countries with poor energy resource like Netherlands and Singapore have pursued the policy for becoming an oil hub in the region. Singapore has been an oil hub in East Asia for a long time not only because it is well located with a large number of countries exporting and importing oil but it has also pursued strong policies to become an oil hub while establishing favourable institutional, regulatory and business environment for accommodating major refineries and petro-chemical companies. However with growing trading volume of petroleum products in Northeast Asia and a record high price of oil in these days, the necessities of another oil hub in the region are considered in order to reap benefits of the security of economical and stable oil. South Korea is situated astride the main North Pacific shipping route, with deep water ports and proximity to Chinese and Japanese industrial centres that make tank terminal operators Ideal choices for the oil hub in Northeast Asia although it has several disadvantages such as lack of independent storage facilities, underdeveloped oil trading market and unfavourable business friendly climates etc. This study is focused on examining the globalization strategies of tank terminal operators such as Vopak, Oiltanking and Odfjell in order to suggest the policy implications for becoming an oil tub in Northeast Asia.

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Application of Occupational Therapy Intervention Process Model: A Case of Child With Sensory Integration Dysfunction (작업치료중재과정모델의 적용: 감각통합기능장애 아동 사례)

  • Kim, Ji-Hyun
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Sensory Integration
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2011
  • Objective : Purpose of this study is to discuss benefits and implications of the clinical reasoning process and re-evaluation in the OTIPM by introducing a single case that occupational therapy intervention is provided based on the OTIPM. Methods : The case subject is a boy aged 5 years and 10 month who had diagnosed as attachment disorder and anxiety disorder from a pediatric psychiatrist before. The boy is referred to sensory integration therapy clinic and underwent occupational therapy intervention service twice a week for four month. Therapeutic activities for the intervention were consisted of sensory integration activities for restorative model, care-giver education for educational model, and performance skill training for acquisitional model. Measurements used in the initial evaluation are JSI-R, DDST-2, Social Maturity Test, KPPS-R, and observation-based performance task analysis. For the performance task analysis, performance skill items were constructed based on the Occupational Therapy Process Framework (OTPF), and those were assessed by the evaluation system of Assessment of Motor and Process Skill (AMPS) and Evaluation of Social Participation (ESI). Results : The detail process of implementing of the OTIPM in this study is reported by following four phases; 1) establish client-centered performance context; 2) establish baseline and interpret cause (initial evaluation); 3) intervention planning and implementing; and 4) recognize intervention outcome (reevaluation). Conclusion : In this case, occupational therapist could provide the client an occupation-based intervention within comprehensive performance context based on the OTIPM. Therapist could clearly identify the cause of problematic performance skills and behaviors and so provide effective intervention to improve client's occupational performance. Additionally, it was found that client's satisfaction of the intervention can be raised when the concept of 'who is the client' is expanded based on the OTIPM. From this study, it is proposed that OTIPM may be a model educible 'comprehensive' enhancement of 'specific' occupational engagement, as it considers both improvement of occupational performance and satisfaction.

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On writing discourse intervention for developmentally disabled people Survey of perceptions and needs of Speech-Language Pathologists (발달장애 대상 쓰기담화 중재에 대한 언어재활사의 인식 및 요구 조사)

  • So-Ra Son;Wha-Soo Kim
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.201-207
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    • 2024
  • In this study, we investigated the current status of written discourse mediation in a more general and in-depth manner, including the training completion experience and knowledge of written discourse mediation among Speech-Language Pathologists in Korea, and the Speech-Language Pathologists' perceptions of written discourse mediation. We wanted to look into the requirements. Research results were derived through a questionnaire answered by 110 Speech-Language Pathologists. As a result, although most Speech-Language Pathologists learned about written discourse intervention in the curriculum, their application of written discourse intervention in clinical settings is insufficient and they have difficulty with written discourse intervention due to lack of systematic and professional knowledge of this intervention. I could tell that I was feeling it. Looking at the status of written discourse intervention, only 46.4% of the Speech-Language Pathologists who responded in clinical settings showed that they had experience with written discourse intervention. In other words, it was analyzed that 53.6% of respondents had no experience with writing discourse mediation. As a result of Speech-Language Pathologists' perception and demand for written discourse intervention, 76.4% of SpeechLanguage Pathologists responded that they thought written discourse intervention was an important area of speech therapy. In addition, 62.8% of respondents responded that a curriculum for discourse mediation is necessary, more than 90% said that continuous research on written discourse mediation is necessary, and 89.1% thought that the development of textbooks and teaching aids was necessary.This study is significant in that it investigated the experiences and perceptions of Speech-Language Pathologists in written discourse intervention and analyzed the results in that it provided direction on how education and various processes related to written discourse intervention should be conducted.


  • Eon, So-Yong;Song, Won-Woung;Oh, Kyung-Ja;Choi, Eui-Gyum;Shim, Eun-Ji;Shin, Yee-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.61-74
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    • 2004
  • Objectives:This study was performed to introduce a psychoeducational family therapy model for the families of schizophrenic patient and to investigate the effect of this model on the changes in coping style and depressive symptoms of the family members, and in perception of emotional support by families and depressive symptoms of patients. Methods:Nine preschool children, 3-5 years old, experiencing physical injuries caused by attack from a psychotic patient at kindergarten, were evaluated for psychological assessments;Intelligence test, MSSB(MacArthur Story-Stem Battery), H-T-P test(House-Tree-Person test). And their parents completed rating scale, KPI-C(Korean Personality Inventory for Children about children’s psychological conditions). Results:With respects to the contents and emotional reactions of MSSB, 9 preschool children showed generally high levels of anxiety, depression, avoidance, aggression, probably related to the traumatic experiences. Even though children couldn't verbally report directly about their traumatic experiences, in both MSSB, structured play narrative assessment tool, and HPT, free drawing and association test, they demonstrated psychiatric problems through reenactment plays, regardless of clinical diagnoses. Conclusion:Present study allowed us the chance to see beyond the outer pathological behaviors of PTSD in preschool children, through deeper evaluations of their mental representation. These preliminary data suggest deep understanding of internal representation would be of help for thorough evaluations and treatment plan for preschool children, experiencing severe trauma.

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A case of megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts (피질하 낭종을 동반한 거대뇌성 백질뇌병증 1예)

  • Park, Eun Young;Kim, Young Ok;Kim, Ji Youn;Yeo, Chae Young;Baek, Hee Jo;Kim, Chan Jong;Kim, Eun Young;Woo, Young Jong
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.51 no.12
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    • pp.1342-1345
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    • 2008
  • Megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts (MLC) is a rare white matter disorder, first described in the early 1990s. The brain in patients with MLC appears swollen on MRI, with diffuse white matter abnormalities; in addition, there is an invariable presence of subcortical cysts, primarily in the anterior temporal region sparing the deep white matter, basal ganglia, thalami, and cerebellum. Patients with MLC present with macrocephaly and neurological abnormalities such as motor deterioration, ataxia, spasticity, and cognitive deficits. We report a twenty-month-old boy who presented with seizures and macrocephaly, delay in development, and abnormal brain MRI findings compatible with the diagnosis of MLC. The brain MRI revealed bilateral hypersignal intense subcortical white matter regions in the frontal, temporal, and parietal lobes on T2-weighted images, which were not yet associated with cystic changes. During follow-up, the frequency of seizures decreased after anticonvulsant medication was started, but the head circumference remained above the 97th percentile, and the patient continued to have developmental delay.