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Connectedness of the dry bulk carrier market before and after COVID-19 (COVID-19 전후의 건화물선 시장의 연계성)

  • Jung, Dae-Sung;Choi, Ki-Hong
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.157-173
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    • 2024
  • This study analyzed the connectivity of the dry bulk carrier market before and after COVID-19 to examine the impact of COVID-19 on the global shipping market. Using the Quantile Time Frequency Connectedness methodology, we analyzed the dynamic connectedness of major dry bulk indices: the Capesize Index (BCI), Supramax Index (BSI), Panamax Index (BPI), and Handysize Index (BHSI). The results are as follows. First, the total spillover connectedness of the dry bulk carrier market increased during the entire period and in the short term after the outbreak of COVID-19, while it slightly decreased in the long term. Second, the roles among the indices changed according to market conditions, with COVID-19 causing the BPI to change from a net receiver to a net transmitter in the short term and the BSI in the long term, affecting net spillover connectedness. Third, it was observed that long-term connectivity tended to increase more than short-term connectedness under extreme conditions. Fourth, the phenomenon of strengthened connectedness under extreme market conditions was confirmed. These results provide important insights into understanding short-term market shocks and long-term stability trends, demonstrating that the connectedness among dry bulk carrier markets strengthens in global crisis situations such as COVID-19. This provides a basis for assessing the resilience and vulnerability of the shipping market and offers useful information for investors and policymakers in crisis management and investment strategy formulation.

Innovative Strategies for Korean Military Personnel Management in the Fourth Industrial Revolution Era: Focusing on AI Technology Adoption and Demographic Changes (4차 산업혁명 시대의 한국군 인력 운영 혁신 방안: AI 기술 도입과 인구구조 변화를 중심으로)

  • Ho-Shin Lee;Kyoung-Haing Lee;Sang-Hyuk Park
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.443-449
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to analyze the complex impact of technological changes in the Fourth Industrial Revolution era and demographic shifts in Korea on military personnel management, and to explore innovative strategies for the Korean military's workforce operations. The research findings indicate that changes in future battlefield environments and the introduction of advanced technologies necessitate a fundamental restructuring of military personnel, emphasizing a shift towards a highly specialized and elite workforce. Key research findings are as follows: First, the military application of cutting-edge technologies, such as unmanned systems, autonomous weapon systems, and AI-based decision support systems, is expanding. Second, this technological advancement requires a restructuring of personnel to foster a technology-intensive elite force, including optimizing troop size, reorganizing unit structures, and increasing the utilization of civilian expertise. Third, strategies for securing high-tech talent include strengthening internal technology talent development programs, establishing systems to attract civilian experts, and building a talent development system through industry-academia-research cooperation. The significance of this study lies in providing a theoretical and practical foundation for building a future-oriented and efficient Korean military organization by presenting innovative measures for military human resource management systems suitable for the Fourth Industrial Revolution era. For these changes to be successfully implemented, cooperation among relevant stakeholders, including the military, government, academia, and industry, is essential, supported by comprehensive national-level planning and support.

A Study on Customer Experience with Food Truck Services: Focusing on Topic Modeling Techniques (푸드트럭 서비스 이용객 경험에 관한 연구: 토픽모델링 기법 중심으로)

  • Jooa Baek;Yeongbae Choe
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.188-205
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    • 2024
  • The food truck business, which involves selling various types of food from mobile vehicles, has gained significant popularity in urban centers and at events. These food trucks have rapidly expanded due to their relatively low initial investment and high flexibility, attracting customers with unique menus and personalized services. However, as competition increases, the need to manage service quality to boost customer satisfaction and encourage repeat visits has become more critical. Despite this growing importance, there has been limited empirical research on the topic. This study aims to analyze customer experiences with food truck services to gain strategic insights for improving service quality. By applying structural topic modeling to customer review data, the study identified 50 key topics. The process included a comprehensive evaluation of model diagnostics and interpretability to determine the optimal number of topics, ultimately selecting the most relevant ones related to service experiences. The impact of these identified topics on overall customer satisfaction was empirically tested using regression analysis. The results showed that aspects such as "Food Taste," "Friendly Staff," and "Positive Emotion" had a positive influence on customer satisfaction, whereas "Delayed Service," "Negative Emotion," and "Beverage Service" had a negative impact. Based on this analysis, the study proposes concrete methods for food truck operators to systematically analyze customer feedback and use it to drive service improvements and innovation. This research highlights the importance of data-driven decision-making in small business environments like food trucks and contributes to expanding the application of topic modeling in the service industry.

The Impact of Hotel Firms' Marketing Agility on Employee Job Crafting and Service Innovative Behavior (호텔기업의 마케팅 민첩성이 직원의 잡크래프팅 및서비스 혁신행동에 미치는 영향)

  • Bae, Moon-Gyu;Jeong, Gap-Yeon
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.79-101
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to investigate the impact of hotel marketing agility on employee job crafting and service innovative behavior in the context of the uncertainties faced by the Korean hotel industry amidst a rapidly changing business environment. In the post-COVID era, hotel companies need to quickly detect market trends and respond flexibly to secure a competitive advantage and promote sustainable growth. Given the high proportion of face-to-face services in the hotel industry, marketing agility is emerging as a core competency to effectively cope with changing customer demands and market dynamics. However, an organization's agile marketing capabilities only take on true meaning when frontline employees voluntarily redesign their jobs and lead service process innovations. In this regard, job crafting, which refers to employees' active redefinition and modification of their job boundaries, can serve as a link between organizational agility and individual innovative behavior. By empirically analyzing the structural relationship between marketing agility, job crafting, and service innovative behavior in the hotel context, this study applies the concept of agility to the field of human resource management and provides new insights into the antecedents and outcomes of job crafting. The results show that hotel responsiveness has a significant positive impact on all three dimensions of job crafting. In the case of speed and flexibility, they had a significant positive effect on task and relational crafting, but the effect of speed on cognitive crafting was not significant. The implications of the study suggest that hotels' rapid decision-making and execution may actually constrain employees' cognitive crafting activities, such as reflecting on and reinterpreting the meaning and identity of their work. Furthermore, it is expected to provide meaningful insights for hotel managers facing environmental upheavals to seek practical measures to enhance agility and innovativeness.

A Study of GitHub Documentation Repositories: What Makes GitHub Documentation Repository Popular? (깃허브 문서 저장소들에 대한 연구: 무엇이 깃허브 문서 저장소를 유명하게 하는가?)

  • Jung Il Kim
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.13 no.8
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    • pp.374-381
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    • 2024
  • Documentation repositories on GitHub are used to share information that is helpful in performing various tasks. Popular documentation repositories have an advantage in attracting contributors who can help manage and extend documentation repository. Therefore, it is important to understand the characteristic of documentation repositories helpful to obtain popularity for developing strategies attracting attention of users. This paper presents a study on GitHub documentation repositories. To conduct the study, we collected 566 documentation repositories from GitHub and manually categorized their topic into 30 topics. Based on the stargazer score of the collected documentation repositories, we divided the collected documentation repositories into popular and unpopular documentation repository groups and investigated the topics in the popular documentation group. Then we statistically examined the differences in README characteristics of the popular and unpopular documentation repository groups. As a result, we found that the studied documentation repositories have 23 popular topics. We also found that the popular and unpopular documentation repository groups have differences in 5 README characteristics. The result of our study indicates that what documentation repository become popular in GitHub.

A Study of Regular Donors' Giving Duration : Identification effect vs. Authority delegation effect (정기기부자의 기부 지속기간에 대한 영향요인 연구: 기부대상에 대한 인식(identification) vs. 권한 위임(authority delegation))

  • 강철희;김기석;편창훈
    • Journal of Korean social welfare administration
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.105-130
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    • 2019
  • This study focuses on the duration of regular donors who are one of the key resources for stable operation of nonprofit charity organizations. Regular donors can have a choice between selecting preferred target subjects on different target subjects and delegating authority to charity organizations for execution of the contribution. This study examine the comparative validity of the hypothesis of identification effect and the hypothesis of authority delegation effect. It fully uses the regular donors' data from one charitable organization called S charity organization. In analysis, it employes Weibull model among parametric survival analysis methods based on the fitness of distribution. The result showed that regular donors who delegate authority have significantly longer duration of donation than regular donors who designate and donate international target subjects. In other words, regular donors who select domestic target subjects as beneficiaries have significantly longer duration than regular donors who select international target subjects. This result suggests that in the two hypothetical explanations, domestic identification and authority delegation are equally valid. Finally, among control variables, age, committed amount each donation, status difference (regular donation vs. temporary donation) at the starting point, and the payment method were statistically significant predictors on the duration of regular donors. This study meaningfully deepen and broaden our understandings of regular donors' donation behavior and also provides strategic knowledge regarding managing and retaining regular donors for non-profit charity organizations.

Implant-assisted removable partial denture with residual teeth and implants: a case report (잔존 치아와 기존 임플란트를 활용하여 임플란트 보조 국소의치로 전환한 증례)

  • Kisoo Park;Seoung-Jin Hong;Janghyun Paek;Kwantae Noh;Ahran Pae;Hyeong-Seob Kim;Kung-Rock Kwon
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.62 no.4
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    • pp.317-327
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    • 2024
  • Implant-fixed prostheses and removable partial dentures are standard treatments for partially edentulous patients. Recently, implant-assisted removable partial dentures have become popular as a cost-effective and practical solution, especially for patients who cannot receive full-arch fixed prostheses. This method enhances retention, support, and stability, particularly in cases with few remaining teeth that are biomechanically disadvantaged. This case report presents a partially edentulous patient who had lost multiple teeth and implants in the maxilla and had an uneven occlusal plane. Considering the patient's general health and oral hygiene capability, the treatment plan was adjusted to avoid additional surgeries. Instead, the remaining teeth and Locator (Locator attachments, Zest Anchors LLC, Escondido, CA, USA) attachments were used to create an implant-supported removable partial denture. The Functionally Generated Path (FGP) technique was used to customize the occlusal surfaces of the artificial teeth. The outcomes were satisfactory for both the clinician and the patient, suggesting the effectiveness and practicality of this approach. This case highlights the potential benefits of these methods.

Trends and Issues of Garden City Municipal Projects in Korea (국내 정원도시 프로젝트 추진 동향과 쟁점)

  • Lee, Myeong-Jun;Oh, Ji-Young;Choy, Yeon-Bin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.52 no.5
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    • pp.96-112
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    • 2024
  • Recently, local governments in Korea have increasingly adopted the 'Garden City' slogan and implemented green space policies. This trend combines the expansion of urban green spaces with strategies for community engagement and urban branding, such as hosting garden expos. This study critically examines the theoretical and practical issues in the promotion of these garden city municipal projects. It first reviews existing literature to provide a historical account and redefines the concept of a garden city, identifying key theoretical perspectives: 'formation of a civic community,' 'establishment of eco-friendly urban systems,' and 'construction of urban identity.' The subsequent section briefly reviews legal framework and policies related to garden cities, analyzing the reorganization of major local government units into three types: 'establishment of dedicated units,' 'renaming of existing units,' and 'consolidation of existing units.' It then identifies significant issues in the promotion of garden city projects through the lens of theoretical perspectives, including 'ensuring project distinctiveness reflecting local identity,' 'expanding the garden concept,' 'integrating green and urban infrastructures through garden urbanism,' 'promoting resident participation and community revitalization,' and 'establishing sustainable management through inter-local governments and administrative units cooperation.' Finally, it suggests that the professional identity of landscape architects should evolve into urbanists who manage various types of green spaces.

A Comprehensive Study on Flood Mitigation Strategies of Low-Impact Development in Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul (서울 영등포구의 저영향개발에 대한 홍수 완화 전략에 관한 포괄적인 연구)

  • Maharani, Zaki;Kim, Jaekyoung;Lim, Justin Heejoon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.52 no.5
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    • pp.83-95
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    • 2024
  • This study evaluates the effectiveness of different Low-Impact Development (LID) scenarios in mitigating urban flooding in Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, using the Storm Water Management Model (SWMM). Two key areas, an industrial zone, and a mixed residential-commercial zone, were chosen to explore how different LID implementations impact runoff. The study considers six types of LIDs, including green roofs and rain barrels for building-based scenarios; and permeable pavements, infiltration trenches, vegetative swales, and rain gardens for open space-based scenarios. The drainage network map and historical rainfall data from previous flooding events were applied in SWMM for simulation modeling using different LID scenarios: building-based, open space-based, and combined LID methods. Results show that the combined LID approach is the most effective method, reducing runoff by 26.8% and 21.1% and lowering peak runoff volumes by 7.5% and 12.6% for Block I and Block II, respectively. These scenarios demonstrate that Scenario II has a more significant impact compared to Scenario I, despite the amount of coverage area. In general, building-based LID measures alone show the least reduction in both surface runoff and peak runoff volumes. The proposed approach offers a robust solution that can shape a resilient and livable urban future.

Evaluation of the Contribution of Inflow by Water Sources into Hydropower Dam in the Han River basin through Water Balance Analysis (물수지 분석을 통한 한강유역 발전용댐 유입량의 수원별 기여도 평가)

  • Choi, Sijung;Kang, Seongkyu;Noh, Huiseong;Ahn, Jeonghwan
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.44 no.5
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    • pp.649-661
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    • 2024
  • Recently, the need for water supply from hydropower dams has been increasing due to drought. In order to supply water through hydropower dam, the inflow into hydropower dam should be evaluated first. Some of the hydropower dams in the Han River basin are located downstream of multipurpose dam, so it is important to analyze its own inflow of the hydropower dam. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the contribution of inflow by water source to the hydropower dam located in the Han River basin. Water use-related data provided by various domestic institutions were investigated and collected, and a location-based water supply and demand network was constructed. Unlike the existing domestic water balance analysis method, the simulation was conducted in consideration of the amount of transmission loss. The applicability of the analysis method was confirmed through the results of the fitness evaluation (NSE 0.95~0.99 and correlation coefficient 0.98~0.99) comparing the simulated flow with the observed flow at the representative point. Based on the water intake method of the facility and the release method of the remaining multipurpose dam water, a water balance analysis was performed assuming four cases, and the contribution of inflow by water sources into each hydropower dam was evaluated and presented. The research results are expected to provide various information for evaluating the water supply capacity of hydropower dams in the future.